HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-24, Page 6Ys E TIC DOES YOU NO GOOD Half the time you're afraid to eat; Your tongue is coated, Mouth tastes bad, stomach le bloated. If you want to get well, etup using dyspepsia tablets, and go to tire' -source of the trouble before it is' too late. Strengthen your stoma.:it, cast a„t the bne, regulate the bowels.— do tier and dyspepsia will be no more. Por ;vena condition the best prescrip- tion Dr. Hamilton', fills, which are Made ,epeeially for the stomach, kidneys and liver, no better remedy will be de- vised, for Dr. Hamilton's Pills are per - feet, Dr. Hamilt01.19S Pills A SURE CURE "No one could realize my sufferings from stomach. trouble and indigestion. For five years I have not been well. My food slid -.rue no good, because I couldn't digest or assimilate. My doctor said constipation was at the root of my trouble, so I got Dr. Hamilton's fills. My appetite improved, pain after eating eeaeed. and My food digested quickly. I am delighted with the thorough cure 1 derived from Dr. Hamilton's Pills. - (signed) MARTIN E. WA,T2i.ER. • "Bridgewater.” rtt;i k results attend the use of Dr. Harniltun's Pills; this medicine cures all trouble in the stomach and digestive or- gana by removing the cause. A Look Ahead. In clue process of time the battleship had reached the utmost limit of its de- veloprnen7. Likewise the manufacturers of deadly expli;eivee had perfected machines cap- able of blowing a whole fleet out of wat- er at ant• imaginable distance. In great haste the powers summoned a oonferenee• "What's the use of carrying the thing any farther?" said they. "War has be- come so appalling and expensive that we can't afford to indulge iu it any more." Seeing that the jig was up they reluc- tantly inaugurated the era of universal peace. Chicago Tribune. THE S AND GASOLINE ENGINES L.® O N 'S'IF30�►1.. Is the only Gasoline Engine that you can try before you buy. I know what the "Chasm- pion" Champion" will do, and I want you to be 'fully satisfied with it before you pay for it. The )rico is low. Full particulars tree. Wm. Gillespie, 98 Front St. E.,TORONTO Concerning the Ammunition. The melancholy visitor peered about the grocery store. "You keep the only commercial em- porium in the place, do you not?" he asked of the proprietor. "I do. What eau I do for yeh?" "Sell me all the stale eggs you have." ".Haw, haw! Must be going to the show to -night." "I am billed to play Hamlet in this benighted village this evening," replied the caller with dignity.—Philadelphia Public Ledger. 4 0 TOBACCO HABIT Dr. McTa„!;art's tobacco remedy removes all desire for •tbe weed in a few days. A veg- etable medicine., and only requires touching the tongue with is occasionally. Price, pace LIQUOR HABIT Marvellous results from taking hie remedy for the liquor habit. Safe and inexpensive bonne treatment; no hypodermic injections, no publicity. no loss of time from business, and a cure certain. Address or ooasutt Dr. McTagagrt, 76 Y onge street, Toronto, Canada. Easy Victim. "You've got whiskers to burn,” was the suggestive remark of the barber, as be inspected the long, straggling beard of the man in the chair. "All right," said the customer, with a sigh of resignation. "You can goahead and singe 'em." For he didn't know but the barber's next suggestion might be that he make burnsides of them.—Chicago Tribune. 9 `e The plaintiff suggested that in sum- mer eggs became stale "about a week after they came to market," but the judge declared that the real test of an egg's staleness was the moment it be- came fit for use at a contented election. --London Evening Standard. His Deaf Friend's Mistake. "1 always hate to tei•1 a story," said a well -]mown actor at a banquet, "beoauee ni.y listeners nl'ay have heard it before. What boredom that is for them, that agony for nee! it is .like the ease or a arien of mine. He is deaf, but tries to .once=al his deal -nese. One night at a dinner the host told a story at which everybody roared, and. my dear friend joined in and autroared the whole ta- ble, though in truth he hadn't heard a word. "At. the end of the laughter lie held up his hand as a sign that he wanted to ,speak. "'That story,' he began, `reiriinds me of another—=' "And then the poor fellow went on and told the very same yawn the hoot had repeated only a minute before," -- Tit -Bits. b r e A Deelining Japanese Industry. The forging of cimeter blades in Japan was once a flourishing industry and the workers formed a close aul powerful cor- poration, But the industry has declined for years, and only two makers are left, Messrs,.Sonkyama and Myamoto. No young Japanese has come forward to of- fer himself no an apprentice, and the question was referred to the Mikado with a view of perpetuating the indus- try. The Mikado has come to the rescue and leas founded two sehorarships of £100 to induce two lade to offer them- selves for initiation into the art and mystery of making eimeter blades.— Loudon Globe. We are opening our own office in Win- nipeg. The Underwood is now at home In Halifax, St. John, N. B., Montreal, Toronto. Hamilton, London, Winnipeg and Edmonton., with agencies in all the other cities. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. LIMITED 9 Adelaide St. East - TORONTO Fisherman's Luck. There was once a comedian who went out with a fishing party, and began to suffer from thirst. One of the crowd took pity on the sufferer and fastened a bottle of beer to his fishing line while he was on a. voyage of exploration. When the actor returned be found his line heavy, and started to haul in what he thought was 'the biggest fish of the day. Gleeful over his changed luck, he shouted tothe captain: captain,' Ibis is the place. An- eIler right here. "'We're sailing over a brewery "-Tit-]3i•ts. A Great Writer. "What did he do?" "Why, don't you know? Ile's the au- thor of that immense sensational suc- cess, 'Mollycoddles'" "Yee, but what else did he ever write?" "Lots. 'Plow I Came to Write "Molly- coddles.,"' 'Publishers Who Rejected " Mollycoddles,"' 'How I Came Near Not Writing "Mollycoddled,"' and—oh, a lot of things like that. He's a great writer," ---Cleveland Leader. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Perils of Slang. "You've got your nerve with you!" said Flossie. "flet me for the first time about two hours ago and you ask me for a kiss. What do you size me up for? 'Think I'm a Robert W. Chambers heroine?" 'I don't know about that," said the young man, "but if I don't get the kiss, Flossie, it will be the first. time I've failed." "Never got the averted cheek before?" "Never," "Well, you're up against it this time, Percy. Take it from me." There was a hurried scramble, and a muffled scream: but he took it, all righ t, Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Russian Eggs. France hes always beena great pro- ducer of poultry and eggs, but lately millions of eggs have been imported from other countries, especially for con- sumption in Paris. Of these importa- tions by far the largest proportion corns from Russia. In 1007 about 0,000,000 pounds of Russian eggs were eaten in Paris. Austria-Hungary in the same year furnished only about 1,200,000 pounds, and other countries less. Among these Egypt contributed 250,000 pomade. ;r THE FAVORITES U alb the Sphinx ! " _ THR MOST PERFECT MATCI,LS YOU EVER STRUCK Always, everywhere in Canada, ask for Eddy's.Matcl><ar MR. SMITH WAS NOT OUT, What a Friend Discovered Upon Calling Ua Hux1. Bronzed by foreign seas, he entered the ollicc of'his colleague, but the cash - let's chair \Val Faoant, «re Mr. Smith out?" he asked, anx- iously. "1 ani an old friend of his.' "No, sir," returned the clerk. "Mr. Smith is not out. He won't be out for tan years.' ' here the clerk smiled grimly.. "Th,e firm 15 onit, though," he went on; "$]3000 e`taetly." PIS':S CURED AT HO aiE BY NEW ABSORPTION METHOD If you suffer from bleeding, itching, blind or protruding Piles, send 1ne your address, and 'I will tell you how to cure yourself at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of this home treatment free for triad, with references' from your own locality if requested. Immediate relief and per- manent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Write to- day to Mrs. 111. Summers, Box P. 8,. Windsor, Ont. ... A Possible Reason. Magistrate (to clergyman, summoned for exceeding speed limit)—Well, you say you were only going at eighteen miles an hour, and the constable still declares you were travelling at thirty. Now, I don't like to doubt either of you. Can you think why he declares you were going at that rate? Is there any grudge he owes you? Clergyman—No, I can't think of any- thing—unless, perhaps, it is that I married hien three years ago.—London Opinion. The Joke Utterly Ruined. "I bei your pardon," said the man at the. ball, "but would you mind telling the who that distressingly ugly woman is? She's the awfullest fright I ever saw; she dances like a cow, and site appears to have 110 brains. Who is she? "I'nt sorry," answered the other man, "but I've got to spoil a stook joke. She isn't niv wife—I never saw her before." —Cleveland Leader. 3'linard's Liniment Co., Limited: Gentlemen,—Last winter I received great benefit from the use of MINARD'S LINIMENT .in a severe attack of La Grippe, and 1 have frequently proved it to be very effective in. oases of Inflam- mation r"'s. Yours, W. A. HITICHINSON. A New Wonder, A certain Irish police inspector was reviewing an R. I. C. station, the ser- geant of which was a very bad speller. Looking through the books he same up- on an entry "Found a pig wondering on the public= road:" "Sergeant," said. he, "what ems the pig wondering at?" I don't know, sir," said the bewilder- ed man.. "Well," saia the inspector, grimly, "I do. He must have been wondering why 1 promoted you," Exchange. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in cows, Hanged Him First. Joseph M. Patterson, Chicago's mil- lionaire novelist, was discussing a judge whom he believed to bo corrupt. "The way he conducted that trial," said Mr. Patterson, bitterly, "reminds me of the trial of Red -Face Leary, the Tombstone horse thief. "There was tremendous excitement in Tombstone when Red -Face was captured. A dozen men were hustled into the poker roost of the Lone Dog and com- manded to consider themselves a jury, and to pass a verdict on the notorious thief. "The men went iuto the accusations pretty thoroughly. Thera was no evi- dence against Red -Face in this case. He was a villainbut in strict justice they must pronounce him innocent at this time. "After banging a long time on the poker room door—the town was full of noise and excitement—the jurymen were let out. They found themselves in the bar; amid a crowdof boisterous citizens. • "'What's yer verdict, gents?" Judge Townsend asked. " 'Not guilty,' said the foreman. "An ominous, growling sound arose. Frowning glances were exchanged. Bronzed hands fingered pistol butts ner- vously, "'Not guilty, eh?' said the judge. He bit his laps and hesitated in a puzzled way. Then he smiled and said `Gents, you'll have to go back to the poker roont and reconsider that utero verdict o' yourn..' `That's right! Back with 'em; the. fools!' roared :the crowd. "And the jury was thrust unceremoni- ously back into the poker roorri, again. "They knew now what was expected of guiltysut, .and they soon came. forth and de - glared that they found Red -Paco Leary Me "At this a murmur of relief passed around the bar, and the judge said con- tentedly. "'Guilty, cit? 'Well, that's more like it. Gentlemen, of the jury, you can now disperse, We hanged the arisoner two beers.at?o.' „ Cinci1l11 to i�ticluii'er. S CURED IN24HOURS You can painlessly remove RAY oorn, elt.'er bard, soft or bleeding, by applying Futunary's Oorn .Extractor. it never )urns, leaven 110 scar, contains no tides ; is harmless because composed only of howling bums and balms, Flfty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists 25o. bottles. Refuse substitutes, PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR New Orleans Cities of tits Dead. • "New Orleans has several miniature cities within its boundaries, and they are the cities of the dead," said Louis W. Le Blanc, of the Crescent City. "I main," he explained, "that every cemetery in New Orleans is a miniature :ity. They are built above the ground and laid out in streets, just as in the larger city. Every house is of marble and some of the tombs are miniature cathedrals, temples and classic strum tures. In them are buried many men who won fame under the dominion of ,Spain and France. In then, too, are to be fotmd inscriptions that tell of sweet Creole romances, such as that of Jeanne Laclede, the popular singer of nearly a century ago, who died of a broken heart. "Certain flays are set apart according to the old French Catholic custom for visiting these miniature cities, and on these days they are crowded' all day long. As they were built so long ago they are now in the centre of the city, and at night look weird indeed. Long ago it was found necessary to build the cemeteries above the ground, because of the fact that the city itself is below the level of the Mississippi Riven—Washing,- ton Post. Pale, weak and nervous people need a tonic that will build them up and make them well and strong. Celery Ring le the tonic that will do these things. Largo re ou 9 Thin package 25 cents, at deal- 318 ers or by mail. S. C. Wells & Co., Toronto. Forced Draught Realism. "How 'is it that Scribbler's novels thrill with such vital, gripping, realistic portrayal of human passions?": asked Danks. "Well," said Hanks, "when he gets ready to write a novel, he orders a. gen- eral housecleaning, sends, for the plumb- er to fix the gas jets,.and for the tinner to fix the stove pipes, bids itis little daughter to stay at . home to practice five finger exercises,' hires: a street piano to play German, Irish and Italian na- tional airs in front of the lxotise, and tells his wife that her family is not as good as his own. Then he sits and takes notes of what happens."—Brook- lyn Life, 1* Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, etc. HOLING OUT IN ONE, Golfers' Ambition—Club That Offers Reward for the Feat. The legitimate amibtion of every golf- er --short of winning the open champion- ship—is to hole out in one, that is to drive the ball from the tee into the hole nil tae putting green la at single stroke. Mr. Stuart Anderson, a prominent member of the Portrusb Club, has achiev- ed this disti etion 011 AAO less than seven separate occasions—twice at North Ber- wick and !wage at Aberdeen. A good many professionals, however, have holed out in one on two occasions, and an amateur,.T. Ireland has actually manag- ed to do so twice in the same round. By the way, it may not be generally known that under certain eircusnstanew something more than mere honor and glory attaches to the accomplishment of this feat. Thus if it is achieved at what is known as the island hole of 'the Royal Ashdown Forest Club during the progress of a quarterly competition the'. secretary is empowered to present the.. fortunate player with a zti note. The: funds for the purpose of meeting this demand upon the club's resouree3 are obtained from an• endowment presented by a wealthy member. So tier, however, and despite the - keen struggle it entails, nobody has yet qualified for the award. Luck, as will readily be understood, is a factor that enters very largely into golf. Perhaps the most notable case on record is that of Jamie Anderson, when competing for the ohampion.shitp at Prestwick in 1878. Be had just teed his ball for the seventeenth drive when a little girl stend ng among the specta- tors remarked that he had unconsciously placed it just :in front of the proper litre. Although nobody else had noticed the fact,•this proved on examination by the referee to he cornet. 4/Thereupon Anderson teed his ball again in a fresh position well lkhiiid the line and Made a drive which landed hire in the hole and eventually enabled hint to win the match. If, however, l;.s lead played it from the oil) ileal arot he would have been pen thrr d a stroke a.nd have lost the ehttmpion.ilua. Clearly then Luck on the links is something to be tak- en into consideration whatever non -be- lievers may say to the•erintrary.—.l3ai- ley's Magazine. •_ f.5 Mine Workers in India. 'l`he chief inspeetor of mines in That steles that the average number of mi- ners working inidereermed during the pest year was )2RM 7 This average was made up 01' males,. oi.1151; fetnales, 20,. 583; and ehi:dren, LSSUg No. 52, 1905 HELP WANTED, iilU'I'IO S:12EN AND 'WOM1SN, WORK weenie, ware tLme oopying and checking our adi,oridslwg material. Good pay, open weekly; reliable, send. stamp. Dept. C., Simi, let 1411g, C., London, Ont. f I l VA5$12itS wANTIon TO SIGLL TDA, etc.• to the best females. Allred Tyler,' London, Ont. FON SALE. MODERN HOTEL FOR. SALE. rg s 1I39 MOST REASONABLE PROPOSITION S ever offered—a golden opportunity to 0trrt5taso a modern hotel in the most prosper- ous town in Sasieatchewsux, an the Soo line; makes an annual profit of twenty thousand. It will reuuire twenty-five •thousand gash to handle it. iteamone for seleing purely domes- tic, will consider smaltier hotel in exchange as part payment, W. T. McKenzie, Royal ho- tel, Weyburn, Sash, ATE= FOR SALE. CTAS BURNER saves gas, Intense I>'eat burners for stoves, ireetere and furnaces. F. G. Crone, 49 Ectad! TJtdea street, Buffalo. FOR SALE—D xTnOsT DRUG STOCK. ANI) flxtunee; new, modern.budlddng; eetab llsihed; 125 daily sales; exceptional opportun- 1ty disaareeu.eat of partner% Address quiok- lY, Druggist, ;23626th street, Detroit, Mloh. 150 OLD TiM SQNCS Words and li1tns;ic Complete 110 COMIC rtatCITXTIONS, TITS PRACTIC- AL P ULT.1 Y REEFER. 10 cents each or 3 for 2C, ;tints bald our Catalogue of 400 Book Bargaziits Pleat, The R. O. SMITE CO., Dept. A., Orillia, Ont. FARMS FOE SALE. 1 S ACRES—NEAR ST. CATHARINlSS•— suitable for mixed harming and fruit; elG:bt acres grapes, in full bearing. Appb' Chas. Welstoad, Homer, Ont. illuminated Projectiles. The French navy has recently begun experiments with luminous shells em- ployed for a year past in America. These shells have a hollow in the rear end, coutainfng fireworks powder, which is inflamed as the shell quits the gun, and leaves a luminous trail in the air, enabling the gunner at night to follow the course of his projectile and deter - min reaches its ob- ject. whether or not it ject. Without some device of this kind it is very difficult in firing over the sea in the darkness to ascertain wheth- er the range is too long or too short. In the daytime a jet of water where the shell falls, tells the story. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any CASA 02 Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 60e. m -• Contradictory. London, Nov. 14.—A despatoh received here this evening from the correspondent a1 Pekin, of the Reuter Telegram Co., says: "The Emperor of China died. the night of Nov- 10th." Pekin, Nov. 14.—(5 p. m.) The report of esterday that the Dowager Empress of "China was mortally i11 was to -day ,confirmed by the Foreign Board of the government. It is reported that at 3 o'clock this afternoon bhe Emperor was so low that his death was regarded as imminent. ee One of the Victims. Mrs. Flitterby I can't see, for the life of me, that bridge whist is such a terri- ble dissipation. Did you ever know it to drive anybody crazy? Mrs. Homer—Why, yes. It's driving Mrs. Kardleigh's husband crazy. • n'5 'Chis woman says she was saved from an operation by Lydia E. I'iiilikharrA's'Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Frank Emsie Lindsay, Ontario, writes to Mrs. Pird- " When. 1 wrote to you some time ago, I comas a, very sick woman suffering from female troubles, I had inflamma- tion of the feininine organs and could not stand or walk any distance. At last I was cotif]ned to my bed and the doctor said I would have to go through an operation, but this I refused to do. - Afriend advised Lydia E. Pinlrham's Vegetable Compounl. After using three bottles of it,'I feel like a noir woman. " I most heartily recommend Lydia E. Pinlcham's Vegetable Compound to all women who suffer with female troubles." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN. For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, xnade from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills and has positively cured thousands of women -who have been troubled with displacements inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic. pains, backache, thatt bear- ing -down feeling, fiatuleney,indiges- tion, d::ziness ornervous prostration. Why don't yon try it? 1 s. Ph kham invited an side women!!, to write her for advice. She has �Jed thousands la health, Addres, Lynn, NAM.