HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-24, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. IDGID®DaD OLS Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL - REST FUNS r $3,500.000 $3,500,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, sail Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World. a A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ee V NGS BANK DEPART ENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch -7 -• H. ARNOLD, Manager al»12DQDK.CiD ttllnCE3ED(3 ieD c (3DC OZD(119 QDQ c? • Q Tho physician has a s1En on his doer. That tsar udvort? cement:a the fru uor-F:y. Comparatively few %' .,r rto•: car -St S: •: r si.r.:r in•t an Rho hocnta an torn i ca can ea 4o :i:7 a G::asstiled Wan: tt anal usNr...+:wt lura of profo:,sicalal • WANTED AND FOR vALE- Aclo'ts under this heading 1 cent a word, cash with order. 6 insertions for the price o1 4. LEGAL CARDS. t t. J. 1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- liciter, Notary Public, Reusall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zellor's office) every Mon- day. PROLTTFOOT, RAYS ,e BLAIdt, EAR. risters, Solicitors. Notaries Public!, et e. God nrittlr, Uauada. W. I'roudeelt. R. C. s'f':vr. G. E. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. a. at `P 'LLP y AUCTtONEELR, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. itis- faction gonraaltc c d or no pay. 'limns i rensonabla. ()rd-a:a left at th.r, miler will bo promptly attended to. H. 0' DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE I'UR- chased back my business from E. NV. Stoskopf, I am in a position to ettentl to all bueiue;si as formerly. Calls at Ran's Hotel. DR. P. a.. SEGI.'; I.Y, DENTIST, GRA - tirade of the Royal College of Dental 3t:r„emr . Toronto, also honor graa:u- ;rte of Department of Dentistry, To - route L,nivers:4y. : 'ail.less extraction .o f tc,r„il. Plate n . l; :r special,,t. J;v Dominion }Rinse, Zurich, every'lon- d^v. ,-eti E. ZELLER, GO1 VEY AN Eir, AND Notary Public. IYe e ri s , Mortgages" wills and other Legal I)ocuments', rare filly and promptly prepared. Otic e-- ZeIler block, Zurich, Ont. illa'U3IC V..:HAAS; , Prepares Pupils for the Toronto f'rrn- servai.tory of Music and other Oentees. Address Lt)TrientAN PAnyoNMn', ZMinh . atmarrESZE ti na:.m.+sic=01.4: sx+..x,t.se=+ra.q,,\ eve fi �Vaait...tic t.ttotaxclala r7d:'.•isr:tmrat. r.t3; 'et it c m tJ. :iiis ,,J,C01, p p tuou 9'S1s remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to taut', ft contains so opium of other harmful drug and may are given as confi- dently to a baby 05 to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. Read Thu H1iat&tr,. get Immediate relief foa chews' odic !Natalia* P11 -14la 17 ,1 111 XI PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. THURSDAY DEC, 24th, 1908 W. C. T. U. THE ORY OP THE TWO-THIRDS Chapter I, 'What a quiet little mousie it is !' Such a merry voice, such pride filled eyes had the speaker. And quiet indeed wiiS the beautiful face nestled against the soft velvet of the easychatr just opposite the doorway where the handsome gentleman stood. .Quiet? Nay, it WAS more than that; it was grave with a slightly anxious tinge, as if some knotty problem so stupend- ous, yet fascinating, that while not quite daring to wrestle with its actualities she still found. -herself unable wholly to resist the consid- eration of its possibilities. Her large gray -blue eyes seemed fixed upon the wall, where hung a charm- ing sunset scene. But the painting beautiful it was, bad not brought that tender yearning to the girlish face. Youth, wealth. loveliness ! She represented them all, and much more also. Indeed, it was a rare picture, with its setting of Clark green velvet, which met the young man's vision,' and it was little won- der his proud heart throbbed rap- leirottsly as he gazed. The smile that dimpled • the Ii dra arners cheeks at the sound of f his vo,fece the fi;itslg of joy whiel spread clear to the soft, flnffr gold - brown waves'of hair un her fare head, were fief tering in the extreme and rni z1;t have gratified a more egotistical man than 3Itiurice Ds -wetly. "Oh, I ant so glad Ton come !” elelmcried! as she sprang forward to meant him. "Are you dairlinr„? It has been a lying, clay to you I fear, I've been so *iorr_v to have it so, bat I could no gut off a moment earlier, hocs'ever znc[ it is so pleasant to he weleoe.' • As if you could be anything else,' she laughed Oh, wait as while and we shall see," he answered play - ward oft all disagreeableness, I ex- ist for the sole purpose of making your life as lovely as yourself, and it shall be so." She dict not reply to this. Instead she nestled ()loser to his, bosom and looked, up at him, great eyes full of trust, the childlike conflclingness of the move. anent touched him; he put both arms parteotingl;y around her.' "Tbese`are to be between you and every' evil," when anything troubles you run to them; my whole life wili be ono effort to make yours happy," They were silent for a few mom- ents. But there .iras .something about the clinging embrace of his bride that disturbed the .young husband. It was not so very long since his darling had lost her fath- er ; se to dissipate any feeling of sadness his words alight have sug- gested, he drew back to the sub- ject so recently under discussion. (To be continued) Ethel M. Williams, Press., Sup. I have used Chamberlain's Ston- i ach and Livor Tablets fo..3oute time, and Lan testify that they have done me more ge1c, nag any labiets I have ever used. My troub- le was a heavy dull feeling after eating —David Freeman, Kempf, Nova Scotia. These tablets s;ereng• then the stomach and improve the digestion. They also regulate her liver and bowels. They are fax 'sitperior to pills but wet no more Get a free :=ample rpt J Morn i s store and see what a splene,'d nn„tt.• cine it is. CANADIAN NEWS Mr. Robert Munro, -'dito:- of The Port Elgin Tinges, is dead. • The Montreal Terminal Ra2.way is asking permission to build an elevated railway in Montreal. Two Chinese laundrymen were murdered at Winnipeg, and the crime is attributed to highbinders. Constable Wilkins of Simcoe, who charges L'liief Malone with shooting him, may be sufficiently recovered to testify in the case this week. Col. Gourdean, Deputy Minister of Marine. in giving his evidence at the inquiry in Ottawa, said that the fyles of the department has been tit/111)01-0dtit/111)01-0dwith. .Taxis Carr, who murdered the child in a • baby carriage taken roam near :;aton's'store, has been c:' used. f ttaw penitentiary, and veil go. into a nueniery in Alberta. TLE JANUA;:t v OD AND GUN. The New Year manlier of Red anti Gun appears as bright :and in- teresting as ever. The lone; and varied list of cr:ntents of the Janu- ary issue of this Magazine, which is published bye W. J'. Taylor, Woodstock, Ont., is in keeping t] with the position taken and so thoroughly well maintained by this leading Oainadinn publication of outdoor life. Exploring and pioneering stories are intermingled with hunting and fishing yarns of the best, all redolent of the woods and of the actual, and far above, from the sportsman's view point, the average of such contribution. The game laws for the past year, the efforts at improvements and the oh axle es made form the subjects of an interesting article, while an illustrated acoonnt of the Survey of the S',elkirks should bring vivid- ly home to Canadians some of the wonders of these ntottntaili regions The Voyages of the Vikings is a dive into the early history c,f Oana- dian exploratioy, while a story of the experiences of pioneers'in the Ontario bash may be usefully read at the sante time, both doing some- thing to pieture those days which i are 8o far off when measured by actual progress, brit near in the history of a new country. What• ever inclination-iudxvidnal sportt- men may follow, they cannot fail to find matter of interest to them- selve, in this number. fere.. kissing the lovely mouth with u iimnd exultation that denied his iv: n augury." It seemed cruel to be gone from you so long " draw- ing his young wife to his knee ; but you know deem, 1 have been mit of the office for three months, and every' sort of thing has acr'ttntulat- ed for examination, tiny first glance at my desk assured zno how it would he, so I ran over to Wes- wir?!r's and asked his wife to kindly e'el' on you and help yon through the day." Two eyeslooked grate. fully into hie, that was very' thou- ghtful Maurice, "I am so sorry to have missed her visit, I was ant. bet found her card on my return" -You were out !" ir_ astonishment. What a, darling little woman sbe is Did yon ride? and whither I wonder in a strange city? "she laughed with him but net gayly" No 1 walked. You know I ata used to walking," Through quiet streets and country lanes? Yes, but big huyt'1ing "N* -is different 1: fear you clic. not enjoy your ioilely tramp." It was very interesting, I have not been in the city much you know, and therefore like it. This great metropolis has so much that is new any: attractive, the gentleman list. ()need with half amused, Ila1f•aclmir- iner attention ono gives to the rn• cited of a child. •'So you spent your day in rambling and examining the city?" ho said encouragingly, "On. ly a part of it" she answered. "T did not walk the streets all day." Ile laughed. But you must tell me what you did de, you are not only mine, but 2110, now, little wife and I want share in all you enjoy" But it is not all enjoyable, I sup. pose life is not meant for just. pleasure." "You need not suppose any suoh thing, yours was meant for nothing else," he said stopping her mouth with kisses. "There are many sad sights in the City" she wont on when he released her. "And you have seen them so soon P' I am sorry, but, darling, re- member you sought theta, they did not come to you. They never will, keep close tome, dearest, and I,will Born MILTIIR--A t the 14th. Con., JIay, on the 1Ota inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller, a son. .lacvii Stomach trouble is bat a symptom of, and not to it.•:olf a tsar, disease. We 'think of Dyspepsia, Heartburn a:+d Indigestion es real diseases, yet they aro symptoms only of a certain spoelflc Nerve loess -nothing else It was this fact that first correctly lee's Dr. Shoop in the creation of that now very popular Stomach I1enredv-Dr, Shoop's Restorative. (ping direct to the stomach nerves, alone breught that success and favor to Dr Shoot, and his Restorative. With- out that original alio highly vital principle, no such lasting accomplishments were ever to be had. Icor stomach distress,' bloating, biliousness, bad breath and sallow cornplexleu, try Dr. 8hoop's iiestora}tive-Tablets orliiiuid--and see for your., self what it can and will do. We'sall and cheer - fulls, recommend r op's Rest�ratvep■�+d J. J. MERNER.... i"e "Reese hUnierr<1t.%yeese.aP e t Q,f:esus , is.4,9; Makes {' Easy It is much more convenient to do your broiling by lifting this Ivey Plate, than to lift the cover or use the broiler door. You have more room and get the Meat directly over the coals., Notice the Low Warning Closet, a special feature of this year's "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. Daylight Oven, Adjustable Damper, Removable Grate Bars, Thermometer in ovens -- are only a few ' of the con- veniences you should ask. about. Step in at any ttnie and go over the "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. Clad to explain their improvements to you. • 72 IIN R1611 ,T Zurich I am ready to contract all kinds of good logs for whiter delivery, and will ;i ay top prices. If you intend bufldllrg next year, call , : ' a d talk the matter over with us. R C. ALBFLE ISCt-i, Zurich International Harvester :,Jipplements.. We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm IJ.n- plenients. They aro used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal SatisfaLctlon. Buy no other. 0 0 eAe ecae- Yee handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best o11 the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last muds longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e rery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., ,etc., and repairs of all kinds, Winn. iu nests of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. ;o ,yr Rickbe il'a ®td �ii4 L;ld ZURICH. ~s •• yrs y� y,� e * °**3'*��Ch�c%r**** '****,°'***o" "�;** 13 ---z'\ T bbi The- Zurich ' Herald —AND— Famtty Herald and Weekly Star FOR THE3 2 The Zurich herald will supply you each week with a complete budget of local news, reliable market reports, and . everything :of interest n'this territory. The Family Herald and `Weekly Star of Montreal is the aeknow- ledged best Family and Parnx paper on the continent, No 'theme can afford to be without it. To farmers it is simply invaluable. It interests ono and all and is beyond question the best dollar's worth to be had. The combination of the Zurich Herald and the Family Herald and. Weekly Star provides you with the greatest amount of wholesome family reading and 'valuable information, and at the above prielevery home in his territoiry should take advantage of the offer. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY.' Address your orders to THE HEN,`.A.i,D, .Zurich