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The Herald, 1908-12-24, Page 1
2. Eat The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol. lX. WINTER TERM opnNs JANUARY 4TH MORE 'YOUNG PEOPLE trained by our management than any other in Ontario. Great demand for our graduates as Business College Teachers, Privite'Seeretaries. Office Assistants. etc, The einbcdiment of the most Expert, Modern. Systems known in Bush -lass Science. We invite comparison. Three l)epart- ments. Manned by skilled instruct - ors. COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPEY, TELEGRAPHY.,.,;; Mail Courses in all Buenos s +, lege and High Schoolsubject5 CLINTON usiness College fol Goo. SrolroN. Principal. torzocztazzeomwcBsem8ezetegx. LOCAL NEWS. We wish all our readers a Merry Christmas. Miss Pearl Wurtz of Alma Ladies College, St. Thomas, is spending the holidays at her home here. Mr. Hamor Well of Seaf orth, is spending the holidays at his home. here. Master Arthur Burgess of Toron- to is visiting with his cousins, at the Dominion House. Found on Wednesday by Mrs. Joel Hechler, a post office ke r Owner call for same. Beginning with the New Year THE HERALD would like to get a number of regular correspondents in the neighboring Villages for the year 1909. Tuesday morning was the coldest of the winter so far. The thermo. meter registeretn';a 12 below. The morning was very calm and the air decidedly. bracing. Tom Longboat the champion long distance runner of the world, has another match on with Doran - do the Italian. whom he recently defeated in Madison square Garden, New York, Dr Ovens surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensen, on Friday Dec 18th. Hours 5 to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye sight treated. Dr. Gunn of Clinton, assisted by Drs. Campbell and Wilson perform- ed an operation for gall stones on Mrs. Whiteside, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Williams, on Satur- day evening. The operation was successful. although the patient is very weak, and her many friends will hope for a speedy and complete recovery. A pretty girl in a hammock clung in an apple orchard, awoke sudden- ly and frowned at the young man who stood before her. "You stole a kiss while I was asleep !" she exclaimed. "Well," Stammered the young, "you were sleeping so soundly— you looked so pretty, so tempting, I—yes, I admit I did take one little one." The girl smiled scornfully. 'One said she. "Humph ! I counted seven before I woke up." Z. P. S. Following is the report of the senior room of Z P S. in order of merit. V class Roy Faust. Lee Hoffman, Elgin Hess, Elenora Hartleib, Nor- man Truemner. Sr IV Ethel Weido, Geo. Hess, Rhineman Kalbfeisch, Ada Wurm, Luella Wurm, Flossie Hartleib, Gedion Koehler, Esther Lei bold, Elton Howald Jr IV Marshall Zeller, George Deichert, Earl Weido, Will David- son, Olive O'Brien, Ella Walper, Muriel Preeter, Selma Weseloh, Esther Sohilbe, Garfield Brown, David Fuss, Leonard Heist, Peter Randall, Lorne Weber. , Sr III Flora Hess, Freda Kalb. fleisoh, Leonard Schnell, Arnold Leibold, Gertrude Weseloh, Frecl Thiel, Edward Fisher, Orland Johnstoxa,'Violet Fuss, Idella Bren ger, Fred. Howald, Herbert Wurm, Fred Sohroeder, Milka, Thiel, Clay- ton Hoffman, Clarence Hoffman, Edna Disjardino. Alex McLeod, Toacher, THURSDAY MORNING, DEC.24 1908. N ©. 2 Mr. P. Lamont took a business trip to Goderich, on Tnesday. Mrs. Ernst Gies has her daughter Mrs. Armenian. from North Dako- ta, as a visitor. Mr. Milfred Faust of Napierville, Ill., College, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Faust. Over 1500 from Winnipeg and the Western Provinces will visit the East over the holidays. Mr. S. Rannie sold his heavy road team to a party from Blyth, and Mr. Briscoe Humphrey deliver- ed them on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. David Ruby and children, of Michigan, arrived in town on Tuesday evening. for a visit with relatives in this section. Noah Brusso, the Canadian fight. .er, known as Tommy Burns, is going to trim the big negro, Jack Johnston in Australia, on Satur- day. The. Township council was ser- ved with a writ on Saturday, the plaintiffs being the trustees of the separate school at St. 'Joseph. The trouble is due to the fact that a lot of taxes remain unpaid on the city property, and the council have for years been advancing the money to run the school. Whether the coun- acted within their rights remains to be decided by law. Figures showing the traffic through the Soo canal during the past season have just been issued and they are interesting in that they show a large increase in the amount of grain coming from the West and a decrease in the quanti- ty of iron ore shipped. The total wheat traffic amounted to about 106,121,873 bushels, against 98,135,- 775 for last year. a gain of 7,850,- 098. The traffic in iron ore for the season totaled about 24,627,598 tons, against 39,549,944 for last season, a'loss of .15,922,354 tons. That typhoid isa greater cause for alarm thalk,suaallpox vias the ezpreseion.''oi TJ, a•$odgetes, provitt. cial health officer in handing out a tabulation of the deaths in Ontario for the month. "It is evident that people are prepared to drink water flavored with sewage rather than take adequate precautions for the pretection of their water supply," he said. "The public go wild over a scare of smallpox, yot 1 was an average of four cleat day from typhoid and tic' Ingle death from smallpox, fifty cases were reported." Mr. Allan Esler, of, .the Goshen Line Stanley, is spending the holi- days in 'Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyer of the Town Line, returned'„rjn Tuesday evening' from a ten , days' visit with friends in Michigan,, Messrs Michael Yan.tsi of Baden and Moses Brennerman of Topping, and Miss Yantzi of Baden and Miss Steinman of Nevi B;umhurg, are visiting friends in this: -section. Now is a good time to renew your subscription for 1909. Put in a good word for your local paper, with your neighbor, who is pro- bably not yet on aur lists, Do it now, There seems to be no scramble for the municipal offices this year. Nomination will be held ou Mon- day and the indications are that the old Township counoil will be re•electecl by acclarn,ation. Lutheran Church --On Sunday the 27th inst., the evening service in St. Peter's Lutheran church, will be conducted in English. This being the last service in the old year the text of the sermon will be, Psalm 90:12. All arcs- cordially- invited ordiallyinvited to attend. Annual slaughter sale,—Our an- nual stock taking sales in the past havesbeen a grand. snueess. Our policy is to carry over no goods from one season to another. We will commence our sale on Thurs- day Dec. 24th, ending Saturday Jan. 18th 1909. It will pay you to drive 25 miles to visit our great 88000 sale. T. W. Ortwein, Hen - sail. 31-1. .A GOOD SCHOOL Ranked among the best Com- mercial School., of the Province, is the Clinton Business; College. The success of its graduates • lies not been excelled. The new•advertise• ment of this excellent school is to be, fornpd oat page 1.tuader- atand' that any young Sv�a lle silo""' aro laboring under false ,impres- sions that they can do better in a city school, will be given free transportation to the great, Electric City of Peterboro, which stands sixth among the cities of the Do- minion as to manufacturing out- put. Whale attending the Peter- boro Business College, which was founded a quarter-century ago, they will be given free tickets to the city Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C A,, or T. A. A. t.khalkilAiAMINVMAMAYMMSzYMINJAMAMMi W shi ;g one and all a risk .1,103 cr-- ZURICH LRAWANINMYAMWARNWRAMMWERTESA Gr%off G'•O.O'•O•U•l!•O•lJ•C/•O'�O•✓•O•tJ G/•rj O^�'•G •O�✓ •0��. o. o. ofO 6 4.6 000 THE UP:TO:DATE Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots and Shoes, Complete lines in Fall and Winter Goods at prices which will save you money. We are sole agent; for the famous Wil- liams staple shoes,`made specially for farm wear Complete. range Williams patent leggings, the best 'on earth:- -%r:' Stu' -proof and Kant I<rack Rubbers. Repairs while y;on wait. We take butter and eggs in exchange. u°o N F / IT " 3.; s F demo sg,• w3'” catzanc s'sdi:: a3 Sa&5t : 'gtmmz'c3 Es :.=i 're,Js�a" t3sE:'a :r' 8 :,,%:s'v 9 lit We have decided to clear out the balance of our Lades' Coats and Mantles at greatly re aced prices, and have marked them down to the very lowest nitch. These are all high cl,.Iss goods and this season's styles, ' nd if you w nt a bargain in a Coat or Mantle, take advantage of this sale. Dere are a few of the prices o $15. ladies' coats, now for $11. $12. ladies' coats, now for 8.50 $8. ladies' coats, now for 5.5o 7.50 ladies' coats, now for 5.50 $6,50 ladies' coats, now for 4.50 5.00 ladies' coats, now for 3.50 4.50 ladies' coats, now for 3.00 Besides other Big Bargains You are invited to look through our stock whether you buy or not. air store is brimful of Goods suitable for Gifts for young In toys, games, dolls, etc. we have an endless variety. We desire to call especial to our Fancy China and Glassware. Our stock in this line is well -assorted and signs are very artistic. We would advise you to do your shopping early. 6' it ,i .; As usual, we have a complete stock q,y�� n$u: Nuts, etc. You will be wise if you do CCOSIIIMAIIII773111,122=====76=0=112110 Inas shopping at our More. Produce of all kinds wanted Lr }e 1 . ,• ? yt o m e" er JF7/' misssxva o, ;arxaasai� ad 11 1. 3 coma ,mm E � ot'Y i3 Sax " e t�1.3 t:'.;; ` # . 1 k Z'3 43 39a '32,0,11" e 3 a3 i 1M31tF„ and old. attention the de - of Candies, your Christ - lis