HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-18, Page 44 rt D ©i3 aD ICE IDGESISettitsI> dD I T`.a nLSOINS NK QDGIODCID Incorporated 185 5 Cit;on'b` hL, - e o $3,500,000 © REST FUND w ' r $3,500,000 v Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in ala. the Principal. Cities in the World. • © A GENRAL BANKINGBUSINESS TRANSACTED. 1SAVGS BANK DEPARTMENT 9•x,'••^•79.4 Nu • 4f:'.: in1-Elf••r.6:EISM2--"G:2:=^r'ft4=...•••Sidi?• w at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. +v Zurich Branch - - 1g. ARNOLD, Manager CS QD(00(lD DCDCS CIi3L'li Q D)C3S9E 3QD "3QDti` CIM. Tr -1E73 rk.yliMAS.4%."Y HONESTY There are lots of honest people in the world. If you have lost some- thing` perhaps an_honorable person found it. This as an honest paper and honest people read it. Tell them about' your loss in,our Classified Want Ads. Corefthsalal try CT; 111.0trilp WANTED AND FOR SALE. • Adv'ts under this heading 1 cent a word, cash with order. to insertions for the,priee of 4. LEGAL. CARDS. lI. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- Iiciter, Notary Public, Hensali, Ontario. 0.t Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, BAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderich, Canada, W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Haws. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales edndueted in all parte. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. H. C' DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUB - chased back my business from E. W. Stoslcopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gratin- - ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto Uaxzversity. Pala tt 5 extraction of teeth Plate work a pe iitlity At I)otr_inion :louse, •Znrte.h, avers Non. day ' t, E. ZELLEP„. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public, i)e srl . :tirtttr.agcs, Wills :inrl other Legal Pu,• ttuent- care fully and promptly prearuol. Oiiie',-•-- Zeilcu block. Zu.c11, Ont':. '17T -TE HERA s.a PUBLISHED 13Y E. ZELLl•112. FRIDAY DEC, 18th, 1908 W. C. T. U. Fi'TEEN YEARS AGO I- wandered into the grogshop, Tom ; I stood beside the bar, I drank a bow/ of lemonade, and smoked a bad cigar ; The same old kegs and jugs were there, the ones we used to know When we were on the round -up, Tom, some fifteen years ago. I asked about our old-time friends, those cherished sporty men, And some were in the poorhpuse, Tom and some were in the pen ; And one, the one we liked the best, the hangman held him low; The world is much the same, dear Tom, as fifteen years ago. Ne'w crowds line up against the bar, and call for crimson ink ; New hands are trembling as they pour the stuff they shouldn't drink ; But 'still the same old watchword rings, "This round's on me, you know !" The same old cry of doom we heard some fifteen years ago. I wandered to the churchyard, Tom, and there I saw the graves Of those who used to drown them- selves in red fermented waves, And there were women sleeping there ers g miss and daisies grow, Who wept and died of broken heart some fifteeii years ago. And there were graves where child- ren slept, have slept for many a year, Forgetful of the woes that mark- ed their fitful sojourn here. And 'neath a tall white monument in death there lieth low The man who used to sell the drink some fifteen years ago. To step am pain in 20minutes, interest i5 arrested by Frank take one of Dr Shoop's Pink Fain Yeigh's picturesque pen•portrai- Tablets. See formula on the box. taro of picrwegi:agriculture. Ask Tour Doctor or Druggist about '"The Horse in History and Rom - this formula. It can't bo bettered. i; omanly pains, heat. pains, nisi The `,Zurich Herald.. 0,6,9,DIAN NEWS Miss Doiatlly Colton was fatally injured ou a toboggan slide at Winnipeg,: St. Thames ratepayers will vote an the question of Sunday ?street oars in rranuary• The Etonian Catholic church at St, Ambroise, Indian Loretto, Que., was burned, Loss, $1O0.00O, A oolonyof NO Germans is to be located in the Peace River country next spring. An epidemic of catarrhal jellied - lee is reported among children at London, Opt. Four then were badly hurt by the explosion of a charge of• dyna- mite in e quarry near Hull„ Tho Hindus have rejected Gen. Swayne s offer to go to British Honduras, and will remain in Brit- ish Columbia. Mr. W. L. M. King has left Ot• taws for China to take part in the International Congress on the opium tra c. Samuel Stevenson, guard at Rockwood Asylum, who was hit with a hammer by a patient, died from the effects of the blow. William Hackle was sentenced to seven years in Kingston Peniten. tiary at Hamilton for blackmailing, The Prince of Wales was instal- led by proxy as head Honorary War Chief of the Six Nations at Brantford. The four young children of Mr. J. Scharf were burned to death in a fire that destroyed the family dwelling near Hawthorne, in Rus- sel county.. Fire in the Canada Cycle & Motor Company's garage at Ottawa de- stroyed five automobiles. including a fine vehicle owned by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. For Eczema. Tetter and Salt Rheum, The intense itching char- acteristic of these ailments is al- most instantly allayed ley Cham- berlain's Salve. Many severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by J Merner. NATIONAL AND COMPREFFSN- SIVE IN SCOPE. The 11108 Christmas Number of "The . Fur:per's . Advocate and Home Magi'zine," while maintain- ing a broad catholicity of outlook, strikes a duninant national note, Articles of general interest from the pens of leading Canadian au- thorities treat a pleasing variety of topics in a comprehensive manner. Dr B. E. Fernow, of the University of Toronto, in a sweeping survey of the timber situation in. Canada, impresses the farmer's interest in forestry. By way of index to this prominent feature, the front cover represents a beautiful woodland scene, executed in the tri•oolor process. Turning the pages, one's :ince," is entertainingly discussed by the e iz;)i+.rt contributor, Whip" ,: ti .''ink Ptiin Tablets, ))(:•t5. Sohl by du stry in Canada" is considered in . .1 .i Merner. the light of wide personal know- ledge now- 1 dee by J. H. Grisdale, of Ottawa Freda, t.r,au delegate who 'tV:15 The ih{' rliords of sentiment are touch• - 1 pain gets instant relief. Box ofiul tl,c �)tlthook for the Beof In - accustomed to being sent tto dello. ed in "Christmas Inas on the Farm" and +„,A mina tional c )nv nttons to extend " 1ii Old Boy's Recollections," &J7U'el fraternal greetings g t �'4 aas delegated while the celebrated achievements __ to the General '1 Cc,nferencn of the t c tt 1 w �', MA.rR tir+, Prepares+;r'ili,}3i.,+,. ,,, v;)pal Church. lt. ora noted t'anadian plant -breeder in 11;, bridizinc; the ' gladiolus are Pupils for tlia Tnrnnto en- l axing to ::,)ear:, he said it N;ns told ill a most interestin , illnstra- ser atnry of Sti-la and other , •ateways en interesting stu'ly to lung ted tlrtiele. President G. 0. Creel - Centres. Address.: La 1',ir:Itax to nate the di fix* ent receptions ac• man, of the Ontario Agricultural r.mrelctl stmt iau ,ht' {',)37entionte of Oollogo, records his personal ob. ti "e'E, ut2rirl ! the various CL,"."t10I.7ntlstUn9' yerV tiOnS of ilririCttlttlre in France ,° 1i believer I alt gel it crag ; e'.1#.1on and Italy. eA Quarter of a Con- ._ s Ecpit.e'opal Church, for (. tun* in I'Ctiiti'>dOlzl," "The Trend imp( .11 % i e., .1 inti I C1tn (lel n. >> ,' . , t� l m, �,_ of Maritime Agriculture. Quo- T IF Ed i t ,,. a tri : I ]line except preat{rll 7n bec';e Dairy Industry," and a (11 • t i. pnipit 'When 1 go before the .. a lrereh I dual aeeorde(l eription of thee largest est fruit farm b• among 1 l his raepsiedy cats always be depended upon and is pleasant to taste. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as confi» deafly to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. I ead Tzars Ff aiteLn. •pcget immediate relief from 1� Dr.$140.0c C pluton s " kfir. , ^" lGRNS ; ,18404:4:i'i(t' ;,"�r.7t'K":' .. `Xlik ss U AE L& Mit " e d' rs dere Cay1-.torn. L nxe fes Stan Like Steell iiauages "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges have the Drop Oven and Low Closet which have heretofore been exclusive features of the most expensive steel ranges. They are also the only ranges made with. rite -Boz on right or left side, as may better fit the kit^hen in which the range is to be placed. "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges are splendid i` cookers, are very ecoeonlieai in regard to fuel, are strongly built, and will give a lifetime of service. Let us show you their many features of superiority. 71. PRS ET 1.12,rich ,_-., iii. f except that ofttl•i.ileiil'.a. other noteworthy at ti{.1+ t f 1 "Y .bm dill 1" 11c/ �. 1 �r ' t -. , yr Yicic` stockmen will he inter. [[jj,{rte �1 ,� ill . n_. . , "` ii .t ' ixl' i 0:4(41 7ft t very - reildablo account of 1 t .,.. ••" r t1,? '.tli?t.lil`llJ .' n+)i i'. the International Live -stock stock lEx- { t •.l} ie� otl (Ivory i ? i vile ge ere;, int :position in Chicago. Position of L : the -tit a L, i; ' ' t' l C f , prominence i the I. o,m, Z'ipaLt- (..lent is accorded to a ngre)svi^r:7 it] r?''itt'ah lltiiti 1a, aL' I am ready to contract all kinds of good logs for winter delivery, and will pay top prices. Going to. Build ? If you intend building next year, call and talk the matter over with us. F. C. KALBFLE ISCI-I, Zurich 4 * * International Harvester 0 Bio . 7s"•c ..implements.. We keep in stock a. full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Crealn. Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Taonghs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e i ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. vVhen in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. 0 FRED. 11E5S N9 * Rick veil's Old Stand .. AZURICH. ' j. ayh T, ,a oy..,v .**v, . � . . * 47-'1 article on, he "Ethical X31 " 1if1C 71CC $7 4s r,g" o.�:.+, of " " Mrs, Alice Blythe o?e + ,, C{ f. ,{i I.)1{ tnTCe, i?�'. Lr :i.r ,Nly .itt it. airy, 3:fgot t n i'•i (10,1 0411; ua �hnuid 110,1 on 0 1.Pr brit t ,1 bion. I in, la i 1 jili kippr,•:.::it with a Ft r 11.F,:, n r .rn r utrr thvt^i 7.1 For ,t 1 1 Ih Si7001) 1 .0 . t t ' u p o 't if't. f,t ,akrr Cauih ic•nrta r ,tint„ rnn;.linlnrt Ur,ima, 111' ,.•l nrtr ort e poisons: And now—a little i , ` • t%a > Ir a;nt ways "kit it on tllti lain 1, it r,i. , e. t: in your Cough 'Mixture." Gooch( Very good "Boron iterfortidsveryreasonxlxothers, and others, should insist on having Dr. Shoop'8 t'r,igh Clue. No Poison marks on Dr. Shool)'a labors—add .lour lathe medicine, else it mustb9 lair bre on the label. And it's not only safe, but it is said to be by those that lnlowit best, a truly re- markable cough remedy. Take nochanco then, particularly with your children. insist on having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare carefully the 1)r. Shoop package with others and not° the difference. No poison marks there! You can n always be an the safe side by demo ding r - hoop's Tucker 'ri"ileo::, B. A. Mrs. i>(110i0 writes e',,, Berro..uda, 'iyhile'ho curl. "x'(.. rcaisivo topic, "Girls" .1r dealt 1.vith by one who has had much ex perioneo with thein. Readers of fiction will not miss the initial chapter of a fascinating now•sorial "Tho Golden Dog" by Walter Kir- by, an historical tale of Old Quebec in the times of Louis XV. The pages are replete with particularly pleasing illustrations, a liberal pro- portion of which have bean printed in double -tone ink, producing a rich, soft sepia effect. Subscribers t0 "The Farmer's Advocate" are presented with this number in lieu of a regular issue. To nonsubscrib- ers, the price is 00 cents ;Per copy, New subscribers will receive Was a p h1 the supply lasts. Address the William. Co,Limited, London, Onto The Zwi 1cC1 FarANy Herald and Weekly Sar) FOR THE he Zurich Herald will supply you each week with a complete bin get of local news, reliable .market reports, and everything:of interest ii this territory, The Fancily Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is• the acknow- ledged best Family and Farm paper on the continent. No [home eau afford to be without it. '.Co farmers it is simply invaluable. It interests one and all and is beyond question the best dollar's worth to be had, The combination of the Zurich Herald and the Family Herald and Weekly Star provides you with the greatest amount of wholesome family reading and valuable information, and at the above pricelevery home in his territory should take advantage of the offer. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. Cough. Cure l premium ieW'lli W&d C , J. J. MERNER. Address your orders to THE IEIERALJD Zurich