HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-18, Page 1Vol. IX.
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township-
ownship.? IDAY IVIORNING4 DEC. 18 i9O8.
i+rr 3 , k F3 EOc a See our team harness, at $25:00
sa •
WINTER TERM at Hartleib's,
trained by ou • management than
any other in Ontario. Great demand
for our graduates es Business College
Teachers, Private Secretaries. Office XK
Assistants. etc. The embodiment of
the most Expert, Modern Systems
known in Businass Science. We
invite comparison. Three Depart-
§ menta. Manuel by skilled instruct- yi
J A;�
<7yT,ai1 Cpnrsesin all Business Col-
ei legi �l `High School subjects,
Business College
GEO. SroTTON. Principal.
eMr a a ra!70A%941,411moo*
Watch for the W. C. T. U. serial
story next week.
Miss Laura Preeter .of Dashwood
is visiting relatives in town.
If you want to huy a nice Xmas
present, call at D. S. Faust.
The sleighing has about disap-
peared and the wheels have to be
resorted to again.
Gold, handled umbrellas for lad-
ies' Christmas gifts, at J. J. Mer-
ner's, Popular store.
Mr E. P. Paulin of Goderich. is
installing a hot-water heating
system in Mr. Preeter's new dwel-
D. S. Faust has a full supply of
fancy candies, and bon bons in
Mr, Chris Bechler of Blake, -wish-
es to announce that Ms chopping
mill will be closed on Christmas
and New Year's day.
We have the finest Steel range
in Canada, Call and see it before
you buy. Prices always right at
Miss L, Colvin, who had charge
of J. Preeter's millinery depart-
ment the past season, left for her
home at Brussels on Wednesday.
Bargains -Women's Leggins $1..25
now for $1.00, girls leggins $1.00
now for 75. Our assortment in
winter wear is complete in all that
is newest and best. Give us a call,
P. Bender.
The public is most heartily in-
vited to attend the Christmas en-
tertainment, in the- Evangelical
church, on Xmas night Dec. 25th.
An excellent program, including a
cantata entitled, "The Star of
Blessing" will be rendered on said
evening. Admission 10 and 15 cts.
Program begins at 7.80p. m. Come
and bring your friends.
Is it not about time that our re-
sidents on the side streets were
bettor accommodated in the way
of sidewalks? Also, would not our
Village be improved by one hund-
red. percent by having all walks
laid down in orle year as is done in
the neighboring 'Villages? Would
not a levy of 5 -mills on the dollar
on our assessment provide interest
and principal for a period of ten
years to lay down all walks needed?
These are live questions at the pre-
sent time, and we think from past
experience, that the Board of 1909
should lose no time in adopting a
scheme that will, not only add
beauty to our village, and satisfy
all its residents, but will actually
save money for the ratepayers.
A full supply of fancy cakes, at
D 5 Faust.
Mr. Edgar Edighoffer is spending
a few days at his home in Blake.
Mr. Adam Edighoffer of Blake
took seriously ill on Sunday, but
is reported some better.
Dr. D, T. Crawford of Innisfaii,
Alberta.. formerly of Thedford,
visited Dr. Campbell this week.
Christmas handkerchiefs from 1
cent to 50 cents at Merner's Popu-
lar store.
Mr. Geschc of Michigan is visit-
ing his grand parents, Mr. and
Mrs M. Kaercher and other friends.
pig bargains in all fresh grocer-
ies and -Xmas goods, on Saturday
Dec. 19, and Thursday Dee. 25, at
x Cilristma' Line&—Table limp's,
napkins, tray cloths, sideboard
drapes and washstand sets, at the
Popular store. J. J. Merner.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Ewalt of Elkton
Mich., visited relatives in this sec-
tion for the past two weeks. Mrs.
'Ewalt is a daughter of Mr. Joseph
P. Mcisaac, the furniture man of
Dashwood. is offering a 10 percent
discount off sewing machines from
regular prices, for the balance of
the year. Give him a call.
Mr. H Talbot of Blake has clone.
a big season's tar eating, and he
still has three weeks' clover thresh-
ing in Stanley, and about two
weeks in Goderieh Township. "
Some are laying up treasures in
heaven at the rate of a penny a
week. One thing is true, we either
give according to our means or ac -
carding to our meanness. It is as
hard for God. to bless a stingyman
as it is for rain to fall on a desert.
The regular meeting of the W C
T 1.1 was held. Wednesday after-
noon, Dee. 16th, at the home of
Mrs, E. Zeller. The devotional ex-
ercises were most ably conducted
by Mrs, S. Merner. The business
was then taken up. It was decided
to send five dollars to the county
Treasurer to assist the county
-work, and two dollars to the sick
Children's Hospital, Toronto.
i'he subject for the educational
half hour was "Temperance Re-
formers " Neal Dorr. who forced
through the Legislature of Maine
the most drastic temperance legis-
lation ever attempted at that time,
was read by Miss Ella Rannie.
John B. Gough, who travelled . all
over the English speaking world,
delivering nearly ten •thousand of
his most powerful lebtures, was
read by Miss Ethel Williams. Miss
Lizzie Rannie read the life of Lady
Henry Somerset of England, who
has accomplished so much "for the
cause of temperance. Miss Agnes
Slack, who has occupied the high
position of World's W 0 T U sec.,
also has been a member of the exe•
cutive of a suffrage society, of the
British Women's Temperance As-
sociation, was given by Mrs. Dan
Koehler. Mrs. 0. Heyroek delivered
an account of the great work of
Dr D2arywood Allan, who has been
superintendent of the Purity De-
partment of the National W 0 T U
in the United. States, and who is
widely and favorably known in
every English speaking country
A sketch of Frances E. Williard
work was road and the meeting
closed with singing thc'l'emperanbe
No. 20.
Buy your Christmas ,supplies at
the Popular store. J. J: Merner:.
A good supply of wallnuts,
mends, filberts, peanuts and niger-
toes, at D S Faust.
Rug found—On the . street in
town, by Mr. Julius Bloch. Owner
call for same at this office,
guile a number from town at-
tended the dedication of the r nth-
eran ohureh at Dashwood, on Sun-
Mr.. Addison surerus and Miss
Barbara Gasaho,rboth of the 14th
Con., were quietly married at.
Exeter, last week.
Our stock of Christmas goods is
now complete and we have spine•
thing to'snit any sized pm -se. Make
your purchases early. J. Preeter.
Another shipment of ladies'
coats just arrived. You can always
be sure of getting the latest and
best at the Popular store. J. J.
Dr Oven's burgeon, Oe oust,
Specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday Deo 18th. Hours
5 to 9 p. m. (Glasses properly fitted
Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye
sight treated.
The much talked of school con-
cert, which was to have taken
place this (Friday) evening• has
been called off, to the keen disap•
pointment of the scholars general
ly. Lack of vim and energy is said
to be the cause of abandoning the
entertainment, and THE HERALD
does not for one moment think
that the failure was caused throu-
gh lack of interest on the part of
the scholars.
Ranked among the best Com-
mercial Schools of the Province, is
the Clinton Business College. The
success of its graduates has not
been excelled. The new advertise-
dvertisement of this excellent schoolis to
be found on page 1. We under -
that any young people who
are laboring under false impres-
sions that they can do better in a
city school, -will be given free
transportation to the great Electric
City of Peterboro, which stands
sixth among the cities of the Do-
minion as to manufacturing out-
put. While attending the Peter-
boro Business College, which, was
founded a quarter-century ago,
they will be given free tickets to
the city Y. M. C. A., Y, W. 0 A.,
or T. A. A.
44 v...) t , F. y. Clau
� ia•4.
®i thls
USI " Qyt
I have one of the
Finest and Largest Xmas dis-
plays ever shown in Zurich...
Come and see the large range of
DOLLS pricesm ranging 3.,c to $2.25 fro
I have some of the
- Finest China Ware
ever shown in Zurich. Call and See.
If you want to buy a Xmas present, come and look
through my display. It will please and pay you.
All farm produce taken in exchange for goods.
v •Q•�:: J.•Q•Q O•Q 4•Q O 4•Q O h•Q•Q Q•Q: � O O Ca
�OQOQ•444•l�fU•O.00.O 4a�• d44d'��
Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots
and Shoes. 4 i7
er Goods� 0.teVP
Complete lines in Fall and Wint
at prices which will save you money.
We are sole agents for the famous Wil-
liams staple shoes,,made specially for farm wear
Com fete range, William patent leggings,
the''h' " 'ori earth It ing'b.;Stub-pa'oof and Kant
Krack Rubbers.
Repairs while you wait.
We take butter and eggs in exchange.
`, � IT
O. F
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3' F Cpx,: i 3 .Vii?+3$; ££3 #3stli3 3CW3 301:3 €`,tx ? '�f ::Zfs ? `'.5:3` a :S
We have decided to clear out the balance of our Ladies' Coats
and Mantles at gre, tly reduced prices, and have marked them down
to the very lowest notch. These are all high class goods and this
season's styles, and if you want a bargain in a Coat or M. ntle, take
advantage of this sale. Here are a few of the prices :
$15. ladies' coats now for $11. : 6,50 ladies' coats, now for 4.50
' 5.00 ladies' coats, now for .J0
$12. ladies'coats, now fol. 8.50 .1•,i0 ladies' coats,now for 3.00
$8. ladies' coats, now for 5.50
7.50 ladies' coats, now for 5.50 Besides other Big Bargains
You are invited to look through our stock whether you buy or not.
Our store is brimful of Goods suitable for Gifts for young
In toys, games, dolls, ete. we have an endless variety. We desire to call especial
to our Fancy China and Glassware. Our stock in this line is well -assorted and
signs are very artistic. We would advise you to do your shopping early.
® As usual, we have a complete stock
Nuts, etc. You will be wise if you do
Ozarammimartgams .� nasa) Haas shopping at our Store.
Produce of all kinds wanted
,• Ltd E i.,,. E
: k S ,ti=a3 ' v 3 3 3C3£ 3 3ICS£3O2f Its
d old.
the de -
of Candies,
your Christ-
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