HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-11, Page 614 Frank Statement )'e-rca-na is tie Basi Medicine in the I1 'vr•.'c: I RECOMMEND ISE -RU -ISA.. M. EPa385_E MI ROIS.. EMIILE MARO1S, 1,879 Ontario street, Montreal, Canada, writes: "After taking nine bottles of Peruna, E find that I am cured. "I still take it occasionally. For me it is the bent medicine in the world. "I have recommended it to a number of persons." Mr. J. C. Hervus Pelletier, Dept. de rAgriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, writes: "The Peruna is particularly effica- eious in the cure of catarrhal affections of the lungs and bronchial tubes. "Six bottles cured me this winter of :bronchitis. I am completely restored, z.rm I owe thanks to the Peruna. 'I have recommended this remedy =.o e. large number of my friends afflicted with the same trouble, and they have verified my good opinion of this ca'uable remedy." GOOD FURNITURE CHEAP. New Movement in Europe for Improve-. ment of Dwellings of Poor. The movement for improving the dwellings of the poor has reached a sec- ondary stage in Europe in taking up the question of tasteful furnishing, Of what use is it to give a family a sanitary House, the leaders ask, if you do not help to make it attractive to live in? To further this object several exhibi- tions of cheap but durable and attrac- tive furniture have been held. 'The pur- pose is a double one, says the New York Sun. First, the interest of the manufac- ture -re is to be stimulated by the offer of prizes and diplomas for the best out- fits offered at certain standard prices to suit ,the needs of various classes, from small shopkeepers down to laborers. The second aim is to get the people themselves interested. It is hoped that by visiting the exhibitions their am- bitions will be excited and they will be brought to realize that their homes can be made attractive within the limit of their means, The first exhibition was heldat Dus- seldorf. The second was at Liege. Both were successful considering the size of the places. Then Paris took up the idea, and the Departmental Committee on Cheap Hab- itations was placed in charge. The cir- culars to manufacturers invited them to send in complete outfits for small a.part- merit, combining comfort, solidity, beau- ty and economy. Above all, it was en- joined that all vulgar pretence and false luxury should be eliminated from the designs. A Modest Request. Mr. J. M. Barrie, the author, tells of a playgoer who received no response to his repeated requests to a lady in front of him to remove her huge hat. At length, he said, exasperated: ''If you won't take off your hat, my dear madam, will yon be so kind as to fold beak your ears?" ---Woman's Life. His Crude Method. Man With the Bulbous Dose—But don't you believe in guaranteeing bank deposits". Man With the Bulging Brow—Don't I? By George, I was one of a committee that served notice on a bask president 'tl'at if his bank bueeed we'd tar and feather hint! ...;aor-eousertl There are typewriters whish sell for legs than the Underwood, but the dif- ference in cost does not compensate for the lack of all-round efficiency. They cost more in the end. UNITED TYPEWRITER CO. LIMITED 7 Adelaide St. East - TORONTO Bein' Sick. Wuc you ever sick—a little, Just enough to scare your ma Lest, perhaps you might get sicker— Just enough to make your pa Come home early in the evenJn' Bringing things for you to eat— Apples and bananas, maybe, Ur anything that's sweet? I have.. Gees when I been skattn' Alt day long, an' catch a oold, And come home at night a-ooaghd¢' Then they all forget to scold. Grandma, she runs after blankets, If she's quicker'n Sister Nell, An' they say: "011, dears Now Bobby's Going to have another spell." Ever hove a spell? It's jolly; Just lie still while someone reads To you about kings an 'giants, Minotaurs an' chargin' steeds, Or, if you get cross an' ugly, Yon eau yell, an' fight au' kick, An' they don't say nothin' to you— Gee; It's jolly being sick. —Cincinnati Conunerofal-Tribune. German Proverbs. Abroad, one has a hundred eyes; at home not one. (lold lies deep in the mountains, dirt on the highways. Love your neighbor, but don't pull down the fence. If you are an anvil, be patient; if you are a hammer, strike hard. The best is what one nes in his hand. The key that is used grows bright. 'The wise man has long ears and a ehort tongtte. The eat loves fish, but doesn't like to wet her feat. I was cured of painful Goitre by MINARD'S LINIMENT. 13AYARD McMULLIN. Catham, Ont. fr IO Cre The latest success. The big black plug chewing tobacco. 2285 +t,ri!L"s nee " .L` , tee li IN 4 HOURS You can painlebleeasly remove anY corn, a tier hard, soft, or dt1I , by npplying Putnam's Corn Ji xtreetor. it never barns, leaves no scar, oontainsne acids; Is harmless becanee eomposod only of healing ems and balms. Fifty years in use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by ali druggists 2Ge. bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAiAc'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR_ The Oink of the Ice. Oink of Music, 1 dote on a sweeter ton e Than thro that hasuttered or ever the e When 1 wake at 5 in the morning with a feeling tit my head auggestivo of mild excesses before I retired to bed; Wheu a amo,it but fierce volcano vexes me sero inside And my rbroat and mouth are furred with 0 fur that seometh a buffalo hide -- How gracious those dews of solace that over My senses fail, At the clink of the ice in the pitcber the boy brings up the hall! May blessings be showered upon the man Wim first devised Ole drink, That heppens aloog at 5 a, m. with its rap- turous cliukeiy-ohlnkt I never have felt the cooling flood go siz- zling down my throat But I vowed to hymn a hymn to that clink- ety-clink 'devote; so now in the primo of my manhood, I Push this lyric gem manhood, For the uses of all good follows who are thirsty at 5 a. m. But specially for those fellows who have nown the pleasing thrall Of the clink of the ice lu the pitcher the boy brings up the hall. --Eugene Field. Explained. Hobo—No, madam, I am neither a so- cialist nor an anarchist. I am a passive altruist. Housekeeper—And what in the name of common sense is that? Hobo—I believed in being helped all 1 can.—Boston Transcript. Congratulations. "Mother," he said, putting his arms around and kissing her on the brow, "I am going to marry the sweetest, the loveliest, the noblest girl in the world." Looking up into his eyes, the good" lady by a great effort managed to keep back her tears ae she answered in broken tones: " My—poor—boy ! "--Chicago Herald. What John D. Rockefeller Eats. Breakfast—Ocreal, poached eggs, cof- fee and rolls of toast. On Golf Links --Oatmeal water. Midday Luncheon at Tarrytown — Soup, pot roasts or rib roasts of beef, vegetables in season, milk. L uneh Down Town—Roast beef, pota- toes and milk, Dinner at Tarrytown—Soup, beef stew or rib roasts, potatoes, fruit and milk. 1 was cured of Inflammation by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. W. A. JOHNSON, Walsh, Ont. I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by MINARD'S LINIMENT. Parkdale, Ont. J. H. BAILEY, Record - Liquor and Tobacco Habits A. 211oTAGGART.11I. D., C. M. 75 Yonge St., Toronto, Canada References made to Dr Taggart's prefes- sional standing and personal integrity permit- ted by: FOR FARMERS. Distribution of Seed Grain and Potatoes. By instruction of the Hon. Minister of Agriculture a distribution is being made this season, of samples of superior sorts of grain and potatoes for Canadian fann- ers for the improvement of seed. The stock for distribution has been secured mainly from the Experimental .b'arms at Iridian Head, Sash,, and Brandon, Man. The samples consist of oats, spring wheat, barley, peas, Indian cern [for ensilage only), and potatoes, The quan- tity of oats sent is 4 lbs., and of wheat or barley 5 lbs., sufficient in each case to sow one -twentieth of an acre. The samples of Indian corn, peas and pota- toes weigh 3 lbs. each. A. quantity of each of the following varieties has been secured for this distribution: Oats—Banner, Danish Island, Wide - Awake, White Giant, Thousand Dollar, Improved Ligowo, all white varieties. Wheat—Red varieties, Red Fife (beard- less), Chelsea, Marquis, Stanley and Percy (early beardless), Preston, Huron and Pringle's Champlain (early bearded). White varieties, White Fife (beardless), Bobs (early beardless). Barley—Six-roved—il2ensury, Odessa, and Mansfield. Two -rowed Invincible and Canadian Thorpe. Field Peas—Arthur and Golden Vine. Indian Corn (for ensilage)—Early sorts, Angel of Midnight, Compton's Early and Longfellow; later varieties, Selected Learing, Early Mastodon and White Cap Yellow Dent. Potatoes—Early varieties, iioehestcr Rase, and Irish Cobbler. Medium to late varieties, Carman No. 1, Money Maker, Gold. Coin and Dooley. The later vari- eties are as a rule more productive than the earlier kinds. Only one sample can be sent to each applicant. The samples vill be sent free of charge through the hail. Applications should be addressed to the Director of Experimental Farms, Ot- tawa, and may be sent in any time from the lst of December to the 15th of Feb- ruary. Applicants should mention. the variety they prefer, with a second sort as an alternative. Applications will be filled in the order in which they are re- ceived. Farriers are advised to apply early. Those applying for iuthnn Corn or potatoes should bear in mind that the corn is not usually distributed until April, and that potatoes cannot be inanl- ed until danger from fruit in tr':tusit is over. No postage is require.). on mail matter addressed to the Central Experi- mental Farm, Ottawa.---`,i'ni. Saunders, Director of Experimental Farms. Sir. W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice, Hou. G. W. Ross, ex -Premier of Ontario. Rev. N. Burwash, D. D., President Vic- toria Colloeo. Rev. Father Teefy, President of St. Mic- hael's College, Toronto. Right Rev, A. Sweatman, Bishop of Tor- onto. Rev. Wm. McLaren, D. D., ex -Principal Knox College, Toronto. Dr, McTnggart's vegetable remedies for the liquor and tobacco habits are healthful. safe, inexpensive home treatments. No hypodermic injections, no publicity, no loss of time from business, and a certainty of cure. Consultation or correspondence invited. A True Sport, Jim Jeffries praised in San Francisco the other day the grizzly that with one punch he slew in the mountains above Los Angeles. "That bear was a true sport," said. he. "He never flinched. He was game to the death. So game, in fact, that Ire re- minded me of a Philadelphia spot t named Hoskin I used to know." "Hoskin lay dying in Ids flat on Cher- ry street. Ile sent for a frien dand said: "`Here's $10. Take it, and the day of my funeral use it to treat my pall -bear- ers with.' "The friend, much affected, said as lie put the bill in his wallet: "'Shall I treat, old man, going out to the cemetery or coming back?' 'Going out,' said Hoskin. 'I won't be with you corning back.' "Washington Star. The tea you buy may be good, but you may be Quito sure it is if it is "Salado." It is infinitely more de- licious and decidedly more economical than other teas because it goes far- ther, aao Bad Year for Scottish Farmers. It is difficult to estimate the total loss on the Scottish grain crop of this season, but if we put the deterioration at the quite moderate figure of £2 an acre for 90 per cent. of the lands under crop the total is a sure considerably over £2.000,000. The winter loss from using hall rotten fodder and from pro- tracted sales of di:oolored and musty grain is not so easily calculated, --Glas- gow Herald. -- 5 9 09 Prizes for Aviation. Ty a coincidence, on the clay that 1Far- rna.n accomplished Isis voyage from Chal- ons to Rheims., the Ligue Nationale Aeri. erne received an offer of two new prizes, each of 10,000 francs. The donor of one of the prizes is the scientific journal, "La Nature," and among oilier conditions the aeroplane must proceed a distance of l00 kilometres under two hours. The seeond prize is given by M. Alphonse Falco, for- merly President of the Seine Commercial Court. He requires the aeroplanist to make a journey of about 130 kilometres in his machine. Just Provocation, Judge—W'lty did you strike this man? :Prisoner ---What would you do, Judge, if you kept a grocery store and a man came in and asked if he could take, a moving picture of your cheese?--llarp- e:r's 'Weekly. 6a1 Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in corm!. Vlimii our n:ei1tlhbor ,brdilele a sprite lanae it's an insult that vim eftiet over ® LD Co "I IR Pi L it must give satisfac t I oil or you don't pay for it. The "CHAMPION" Gas and Gasoline Engine is the only Gasoline Engine that you can try before e will doyand Inow want you too be fut the "Cham- pion"ky setisfied with it before you pay for it, The Price is low. Full particulars free. Wm. Gillespie, Bis Front St. E.,TORONTO •. nil, air. ISSUE NO. 50, 1908 AGENTS WANTED. A GENTS—DROP DYERYTI1ING AND C14 write for special terms on our latest office specialty; sells ltseif; greatest money- maker In years Canadian Lock -Crank Co., Woodhridgo, Oat. A GENTS WANTP1D--TIauRE IS NOTHING .C3. pays better than a tea route. Alfred 'l'ylor, London, Ont. An Alibi. The milkman stood before her nerv- ously twirling his hat in his bands. "So," she said, sternly, "you lfave come at last" "Yee, madam. You sent for me, I be- lieve," he replied. "I wish to tell you that I found a minnow in the milk yesterday morning," "I ani sorry, madam; but if the cows will drink from the brook instead of from the trough, I cannot help it "— Harper's Weekly. 4.0 Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. Taking it Half -Strength. A gentleman to whom art was a strange thing asked a friend to whom the ways of its votaries were more famil- iar: "Why does Conneray stand off and half shut his eyes when he looks at the pictures he is painting? I was in his studio the other day, and he made me do it. toe." "That's simply explained," replied the other. "Did you ever try to look at them near to, with your eyes wide open? Well, don't; you can't stand it."Youth's Companion. As Modified. The usual crowd of loafers were seat- ed around the stove in the village gro- cery, "I never lied to my wife in my life began one of the bunch, when he was interrupted by a unanimous laugh that was loud and long, "That I didn't get caught at it," ended the speaker after the laugh bad. subsided. g -- (7(iiWca.goelQ 6W S. reigned ailpreme. Don't believe rheuma- tism can be cured by rub- bing liniment or oil on the sore spot. The dis- ease cannot be reachedin that way. It must bo drivon out of the system. Only Celery King will do this quickly. 25 cents, at 817 dealers or bymaiL S. C. Wells & Co., Toronto Th ly FOR SALE. ..ti OR SALE-UP=TO-DAT.EI MERCHANT tailoring business. Well advertised; long established: Olean stool[. Address Box 04. Bracebridgo, Ont. I{,CONOMIC ACETYLENE BURNIORS, i non-carbonlzng, perfect incandescence, 52,50 per dozen; samples 25 cents. Economic Acetylene Burner Co., Dept. 0., 00 Front street west, Toronto. 650 OL® TOME SONCS Words and t9lueio Complete 110 COMIC RECITATIONS, THIO PRACTIC- AL POULTRY KEEPER. 20 cents each or 2 for 25 cents and cur Catalogue of 400 Book Bargains FREE. The R. 0. SMITH 00., Dept, A., Orillia, Ont. FARMS FOR SALI!. FART S IN ONTARIO Choice well Improved farms in every dis- trict in Western Ontario for sale or excbauge for city, town or village property. Address, The Western Beal Estate Exchange, LONDON, O1 T. LIMITED LAND WANTED., • Wanted Scrip Ten South African Veteran Scrip. Will Pay Cash. Write to C. A. SHEPARD & CO., lox 1951 Calgary, Alberta QOUTH AFRICAN VETERANS' LAND 1J grants purchased; highest spot cads prioex, paid. Will purchase any number; bundle your papers also. R. J. Ha41ey, Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Good Advice for An. A man advertised recently in a London paper to forward; on receipt of postage stamps, "sound, practical advice, that would be applicable at any time and to all persons and conditions of life," On receipt of the stamps be sent his nuinerous victims the following: "Never give a boy a penny to hold your shadow while you climb a true to look into tate middle of next week."— Philadelphia Inquirer. A Cul -de -Sac. Curate (inquiring his way)—Can you tell me if this road goes past the "Dun Cow?" Loafer—Can't say for certain, gttv'nor. It goes to it all right, but (confidential- ly) I've never got leo further! London Opinion. _ The Value of a Good Laugh. Dr. Patrick Scougal, a Scottish bishop in the seventeenth century, was earnest- ly asked to see an old lady whose cow was sick. Tho prelate again and again refused, but to satisfy the old body, reluctantly agreed to go. Having been the old lady, she wanted him to see her cow, and, walking around the beast, he said, gravely: "If she lives she lives, if she dies she dies. I can dam nae more for her." In a short time afterwards the bishop was afflicted with quinsy in the throat. The good, honest woman, hearing of it, and feeling that he had cured her cow, got permission to see hire in his chamber. She walked around the bed repeating the words of the bishop when he walked around the cow. At this ludicrous sight the bishop was seized with is fit of laughing, which broke the quinsy and saved him much suffering. Florida and The South Via New York and Philadelphia are reached by through trains from Suspen- sion Bridge via the Lehigh Valley Rail- road. For full particulars address R. S. Lewis, 54 King street east, Toronto, Ont. 4e to Too Easy for Belief. Dr. Walter C. Smith, the popular Scotch poet -preacher, on one occasion tried to explain to an old lady the mean- ing of the Scriptural expression, "Take up thy bed and walk," by saying that the bed Was simply a mat or rua, easily taken up and carried away. "No, no," replied the lady. "i canna believe that. The bed was a regular four-poster. There would be no miracle in walking away wi' a bit o' mat or rug on your back."—Ar- gonaut, 4 e Cr-- -- A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL. To All Women: I will send free with full inatruotionu, my home treatment which postively cures Leucorrhoea, Ulceration, Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain- ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar- ian Tumors or Growths, also 2 -lot Flushes, Nervousness, Melanaboly, Patna in the Head, Back or Bowels, Kidney and Bladder troubles, where caused by weakness peculiar to .our sex. You can continue treatment at home at a cost of only 12 cents a week. My book, "Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent free on request. Write to -day. Address. Mrs. M. Summers. Box H, 8, Windsor, Ont. Baby's Sleep. Let slim sleep. First he needs food. And then he needs sleep. Gentle bathing is a delight. But after food he needs lots of sleep. During the first month he should sleep 18 hours a day at least. He is a lot better off without being rocked; his nerves will be upset soon enough. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Will Green Shoos be Worn? Tatnnei•s of green calfskin report that manufoeturers of miens' and women's fine shoes are making samples of that stock to be hurried 'to their salesmen. New York city buyers are said to look very favorably upon green shoes, owing to the prediction that green will be widely worn next spring and summer.—From the Shoe and Leather Reporter. ii;.550 aiss •)es THE F,,VORITE8 ,R i tr��wn.!7.irr5 " Silent as the Sphinx t" THE MOST PERFECT MATCHES YOU EVER STRUCK Always, everywhere to Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches