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The Herald, 1908-12-11, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township.. VoIA IX. FRIDAY MORNINQ. ;DEC: II 1903. WINTER TERM OPENS JANUARY 4TH MORE YOUNG PEOPLE trained by our management than any other in Ontario. treat demand ,, for our graduates as Business College Teachers, Private Secretaries. Office Assistants. etc. The embodiment of the most Expert, Modern Systems gi known in Businass Science. We invite comparison. Three Depart- ments. Manned. by skilled instruct- i/ ors. A COMMERCIAL, STENOGRAPHY, TELEGRAPHY. Mail Courses in all Business Cal- lege and High School subjeo'ts. CLINTON '•' usiness College �Gt'aw�r,�ae�•a�^ar��-.",tem 'v,��Ga LOCAL NEWS. GEO. SPoTTOY' Principal. 9 a Xmas presents of all kinds, at D. S. Faust. All accounts owing to 0. Sclirag, are to be paid to E. Zeller. No reserved seats, but tickets for one and all at the Town Hall, Friday evening. Bohr local flax mills are running at present and large quantities of finished flax is turned out daily. A new line of men's shirts just in. Assorted designs and at close prices. J. Preeter. Mr. and Mrs. 0, Schrag `returned from a six weeks' trip to Tavistock, anti other places down East. Don't miss the :school concert given by the Z. P. S. on Friday evening, at S o'clock.. See our immense stock of skat es, hockey sticks and sleigh bells, prices the lowest. at Hartleib's. The evening service in St. Peter's Lutheran church, will be conducted in English.. All are cordially in- . -vitod to attend. • - Messrs. Harvey, and 'Hurley Weber left on llondayfor Seaforth. where they expect to find steady employment. .The regular mooting of the W 0 T U will be held on Wednesday afternoon, Deo. 10th, commencing at 2. J0, at the home of Mrs. E. Zeller Notice—A11 stores and shops will be open every evening, beginning Monday next, until Christmas. On Christmas day all places of business will be closed as usual. Mr. Janes Ducharme, one of the old residents of the Bauble Line died on Monday, after a short ill- ness. The remains were interred in St. Peters cemetery, on Wednes- day morning. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell desire to express their appreciation of the kindness and sympathy, extended to them by the people of Zurich, Hensall and vicinity, during their recent bereavement. They also desire to thank the Quartette for their well rendered selections. The christmas program cominit- toe of the Evangeliosl Sunday school, is kept busy these -days in training scholars for an up to date Xmas entertainment. A choice cantata entitled, "Tho Star of Blessing" will be rendered on Xmas night Dec 25th. This is one of the latest cantatas published, •and pro- mises a treat for the public. Tho angel of death entered the hone of Dr. and Mrs, Campbell early Saturday morning and took away their infant son, Byron IYlur• dock. aged nearly eight months. The little fellow hacl a hard strug- gle during his short earthy exist- ence, although every care and at- tention was bestowed on him that could bo suggested, he gradually • weakened and the frail thread of life was easily broken. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon to Hensall Union Cemetery, and was conducted by Rev. A. D.. Gischler, pastor of the Evangelical church, who took for the basis of his ser- mon at the house the words "The Lorca (fame down into His garden to Pluck lilies." The sincere and heartfelt sympathy is extended to the parents, in their hour of affiic- tionv Four boys, Alfred Bender, Marshall Zeller, Clayton Hoffman and Milton Heyrook, anted as pall bearers, while Mr. A. B. Faust had charge of the ftineraiarrangements. No. 19. Dont forget to call and get a fine doll, for :your children, D S Faust. The clown conundrums in the hall on Friday evening, should be interesting. We have a few fur coats left, that we offer at a bargain, at Hart- leib. Sleighing has become general throughout this vicinity, and fairly large loads are being hauled along the main roads. We have ;mere opened up a new lot of silverware, Fruit dishes, pickle and butter dishes, sugars, oto., J, Preeter. A sitting of the tenth Division Court Was held hero on Tuesday. The cases on the list were adjourn- ed to the February Court. Miss Ethel Durst of Colborne, the guest of Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Gischlor for the past three weeks, left on Saturday for her home. The• revival meetings conducted by Rev. A. D. Gisohler in the 14th Evangelical church, closed on Sun - clay evening. These meetings prov- ed successful, as a goodly number decided for Christ and the church.. If you want to make your wife or daughter a Christmas present, of an up•to•date piano or organ, or Singer Sewing machine, See or writer". Well, still in Hartleib's new block. Prices right. The local merchants are opening ont big lots of Christmas goods, and buyers are coming from long distances to do their trading in town. Zurich is becoming noted far and wide for its up-to-date stor- es•and shops. Mr. Moses Kestle, who was well and favorably known in this sec- tion, died at the fancily home at the Babylon Line, on Friday, from as cold which. he contracted while out West, last spring. Ile bore his last illness with great christaan fortitude, and his genial good nature never deserted hint, Mose was of a quiet, refined disposition, and to know hint was to love hint and his many friends mourn his early death, he being onlF about 45 years of age The deceas:ecl's wife died hero, about nine years ago and left an only son, wl:o has since made hie home with a relat- ive at Crediton, and who is now left an orphan. Mr. Kestie's re- mains were interred in the Exeter Cemetery, and were laid beside that of his wife, on Sunday after - florin, the presence of a large number of sorrowing relatives and friends. D S. Faust, has a good range of Xmas post carols. New ads—J, J, Merner, Clinton Business College, 3, Preeter, Good drills will be given at the school concert. • A quanty of good dry wood for sale, Apply to 0. Haar tieib Zurich. Reduced prices in ladies' furs, at D. S. Faust. Mr. 0, Fritz is in they market for all kinds of raw furs, •for which he will pay the highest cash prices. Come to see ! "The school at Blueberry corner" given .,by the pupils of Z. P. S. on the 18th. ' A full line of skates, Hockey sticks. open and string bells, robes and blankets,. etc. 3, Preeter. Mr. Louis Kahn, formerly a far- mer on the Babylon Line, died at his home m Dashwood. en Sunday, at an advanced age. Mr. Geary of London Township, is the promoter of an electric rail- way, from London to Geeerioh and Owen Sound. G doz piens' woollen mitts re- gular -10 cts at 25e ts. boys size 25ets for 15 While they laele at .Hart leib's . Mr. 0. ,cchrag has purchased 34r. Jolie, Ceingerich's faarial, on the• I3ronson Line Stanley, and has moved there this week. Tho farm contains 75 .acres and the price I paid •.",'3700.00. Horses Sold—Hagan• Bros ., of Hillsgreen, sold another fine black team of drivers rising three and four years old, to a Irma neer St. Mary's for a handsome figure, This team are full brother and sister of the black team they ::old last spring. They are all sira'.ad 'by that celebrated sire, Wilder :Leo. The semi anneal election of! officers in the Y, P. A. of the Evari gelic #1 church, took p1au.' on day evening. The following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs, Carrie Heyrock ; vice -Pres., Miss Anna Hess; cor-see., Miss-Bi'ana Rick- beil ; Rec-sec.. Alf Galli ,n ; mis- sionary sec , Miss Lanni Geiger ; Treas., Wm , Riihv ;; Chorister, Milne Rennie; Li4:i1_ L;ne, 'Etuby and Briscoe ` Humphreys. The Young People's •Alliance, has for its object to promote intel- ligent and vital piety in the young members and friends of the church, to aid them in the attainment of purity of heart and constant grow- th in grace, and to train them in works of mercy and help Come thou with us and we will do thea good.—Com . mmakivalimimsomwadmvahwwwial %RYSA ,��'�� , ��.{,�a1' 2hiu { '�✓ FS `has -74visited this Store n COME AND SEE WHAT HE HAS BROUGHT FOR YOU I have one of the Finest and plays ever shovvn in• Zurich-. Come and see the large range of rte; Largest Xmas rlis- OLLS I have some of the prices ranging frons 5,0 to $2.25 See. look Finest China Ware ever shown in Zurich. Call and if you want to bn y a Xmas; preer'nt, come and through my display, it will please and pay you. All farm produce taken in exchange ;or goods. n a F- AU ST ZURICH. 71',7V -W ,FS;-.. ac .•.. . • • •moi•� c ., n::, .� . °J.(1 10,-,' 0 t, U Pt (5541 7.-:". 4,41--c., L -'41.1.eadquarters far the beet titet is niaale itt :'''.--:',:oit:: and Siiocs. qc+) Iv ;J Opal TH E U P: TO: D AT Complete lilacs in rill and Winter o0cls at prices • V1li'C i1 will save you li one—y. We are sole agents for the faineus Wil- liams staple shoos,Imade specially for farm wear Complete range Williams patent leggings, the best on earth. King's Stub proof alid Kant Kmek .Rublw e r . Repairs while s-ou wait. We take butter and eggs in. exchange. 1 THE 31-10EIVIAN H//�/;?;� L /-•.C?•s �•�! •.r!••f.?e /^•y�i'.F:7.s�i�%/..�.,GwJ.I" v.ri.r•� �/J', f.,C :..�-"Y.,..� `.• �•�i `; \`s C'y �.> � �^C� 'vU��:i•�:a•Ca '©• Com• .'a•C.i• �a •�•\.• `d o tr tta.;.? .. 1.,.<hr .,..-..�^ l `-<"':DL?"?r. �r'+c:-rig ..b<,z s.�=.�.s •. a�.r w�*+.. iU.*.,.,;•.-^w. �'�,�.�•.dx,-;ira���i.: 2'r.�"�,w���""�:'rw.�w4xtrS.<+...aiY'' F..1?„u�7"�'.<+,5+.�-.,�.:�:i naw.i+ �7. tii•3`�e:+✓Lew..e.4r+Crw.+u%:S•�n..«.�'�..�°.`.�'.`.'��:r..,�:�..+.:'w.`Krix,.-.:«...®st�.a'��CX �,v 1 5 ti 9 L3..liz,v •••r, SPLE We have decided to dear out the balance of our Ladies' Coats and Mantles at greatly re uced prices, and have marked them down to the very lowest notch. These are all high class goods and this season's styles, and if you 1,Vant a bargain In a Coat or Mantle, take advantage of this sale. Here are a few of the prices $15. ladies' coats, now for $n. $12. ladies' coats, now for 8.50 $8. ladies' coats, now for 7.50 ladies' coats, now $6,50 ladies' coats, now for 4.50 5.00 ladies' boats, now for 3.50 .5o 4.50 ladies' coats, DOW for 3400 for 5.50 Besides other 1.3!:4 Bargains You are invited to look through our stock whether you buy or not. J Li I Our store is bri Mil of Goods suitable for Gifts for young and old. ha toys, games, dolls, etc. we have an endless variety. We desire to call especial attention to our Fancy China and Glassware. Our .stock in this line is well -assorted and the de- signs are very artistic. We would advise you to do your shopping early. , . As usual., we leave a complete stock of Candies, n � t1, " Nuts, etc. You will be wise if you do y ^illi' Christ- mas shopping at our Store. Produce of all kinds wanted s. ICV w.uw. 7,1