HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-12-04, Page 8weillies-Oriet-elea-selfteeillice•4031+0411111110411111011111110411111104111111041111104111W niertiiiiiiateciatiimearivatimminivr-assees. now that we have doubled our floor space, will become increasingly popular with the Buying Pub/k. Llir is at its best just now, and we are in a positio to give customers the very best of service, and close prices. L For Fall and Winter, in alil the leading shades of Navy, Green, Brown, and Black. IIS This Store has for years been the leader hi this line and we expect a Jigger business than ever. 5 nt CS, 11 • You will make no mistake if you buy your. Furs at this Store. The prices and qualities are RIGHT. Ett tr rent temeesessittittr aingreleas.netaraiallec seeitimair..amtntzeitkiremit.. sts.r.54...nexicriM.c.irair".intitrainiumnumenanaatasealinciiterr.rxiMinviimiziiteittlaxat ich's St .-Q10-4:131.01S>.Z.7>erap-teme-aw-cimew. Highest cash and trade prices paid for turkeys, geese, ducks, chiokens anti bens, at D. S. Fa.ust. ONTARIO PROVINCIAL WINTER FAIR December 7th to I ith, 1908 Lectures are arranged for tbe patrons of the Winter Fair of 1908, to, make a. speoial feature of the cause, prevention and treatment of common ailments of horses, oattle and sbeep. It leas been con- sidered by the execntive of the Winter Fair, that a series of lec- tures on this subjeot woula be of great interest to live stock raisers. For anuniber of years there have been addresses delivered at the win. ter Fair dealing.vvith the breeding of live stook, proper type, feeding for profit, markets and how to supply them, etc. This year it was decided .that considerable time could'profitahly be spent in a dis- cussion of the ailments which are most frequently the cause of loss to owners of live'stoek, taking up not only their treatment, but also preventive measures and, so as to assist in a better understanding of the disease, the causes. most Ty to produce the 'disease will be explaine'd The speakers will be veterinarians of prominence and other well known men who have had practical experience in raising the different kinds of live stook. Another subject in which there is great interest at the present time is the pasteurization of whey. The discussion of its effect on the quality of the cheese will interest allgcheese factory patrons. Associ- ated with this subject and immedi- ately following it will be given an address on the feeding value of pastuerized whey. The lectures in the poultry de- partment include an address illus- trated with stereopticon views, and a demonstration showing proper trussing. In the Seed Department, special attention is being given to Alfalfa growing in Ontario which will be discussed from the stand- point of both. the ,grower and the seedsman. Afterwards an address on the Identification of Weeds, will be given with stereopticon views illustrating the; weed plants and seeds in their natural colors. In connection with the sheep sub- jects a very interesting and practi- °al address is anticipated from Mr. T. D. Wardlow of Toronto, an ex- pert on Wools. Lectures will commence at 9.30 on Wednesday and will con- tinue until Thnrsday night. Judg- ing onlive stock will commence at 2 n. al,. on Tuesday and will con- tinue F-4.,i-4.i3ished. Round trip tickets will be sold to Guelph from: Deo. 5th to Dec. 10th good to return up to December 15. Complete programmes may be pro- cured by application to the Secre- tary, A. P. Westervelt, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stornack, or stimulating the heart or kidneys is nil wrong. Dr Shoop first pointed out this error. This is why his prescription—Dr Shoop's Restorative—is directed entirely to the cause of these ail. ments—the weak inside or control- ling nerves. It isn't so difficult, says Dr Shoop. to strengthen a weak stomach, .heart, or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Eaao inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then those organs must surely falter. These vital truths are lead- ing druggists everywhere to dis- pense and recommend Dr Shoop's Restorative. Test it a few days, and see !Improvement will prompt- ly and .surely follow. Sold by J J Merner. Clubbing rates. plar'We have made arran.gements to offer the following low clubbing rates with 'Inn HvaltALD: Daily Globe . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 7 7 4.25 Woelzly Globe . . 1.75 „ ' Mail & Empire 1.00 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star . 1.00 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sim 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday .... 50 to 50 Peas Bran....... Shorts Oats 37 Wheat 80 . • • Hay Dried apples. • 4,4 ••• Clover seed.. .........1000 11,00 Potatoes 40 40 Butter................‘g 2211 Eggs Hogs liveweight 6.00 6.0 HENSALL MARKETS 80 20.00 22.00 37 00 7.00 5 ()oak's Best Flour.... Wheat.. Oats.. . I • Barley • Peas.. - ........... . Hogs liveweight 90 38 52 84 6,00 2.75 91 38 • 52 85 6,00 Ti When you want a Piano or Oxgan call at The Dashwood Furniture Store and you will see the best Piano made in Canada— We also handle The New Williams nd the New Raymond Sewing flachi es If you want a good machine just drop a card. We have no agents to pay a big commission, so we give our customers that commission. That's a saving to you, isn't it? Any order by mail will have our best attEntion. Our prices are the Lowest. PETER ,/,'ODIS, Furniture and Undertaking DASHWOODI Wegeite:4414ckleinftVr. YAW .01,TAItiiei.01.1rentVeitci UHL RE ‘,.MMEIMIMEEMEZEMNOWNEVffii HE ET1 ke, ... $2.00 per year. The best metropolitan paper in Western Ontario. Contains latest market quotations and all general and local. news worth printing. Special *fifer Send $1.50 for the London. Advertiser for 11 months. Remittances must be received be- fore 1st Jan. 1909. 13 flraiaZMZEEKEEEMMZZr3Er:=artNNIEMEIWE""riaaEt2 st a ilinute of Your Time Christmas Gifts in F rniture We have made big preparatiam for the holiday trade, and you will find no other house in town so well provided with dainty things that every woman would love to see in her home. Nor have the men been forgotten. We have lots of things suitable for them at all sorts of prices, and you can be quite sure that onr prices are always the lowest. ,-rov All kinds of farm produce taken. Co it %I i e in ! HUROVVS L ti1t ,rr‘k ZURCUIKATIO STO E a Now is the time to buy your Winter Shoes We have the best Winter Footwear that can be bought. Youcan always rely on get- ting the best when you buy here. Men's a i d t oys' Socks elt Uoods Women's Leggings Etc.. Prices will be SatisfactOry