HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-11-27, Page 8The Zurich Herald. leiteeteantellieeelreseesabelible 1 now that we have doubled our floor space, will become increasingly popular with the Buying Public. is at its best just now, a.; d we are in a position to give customers the very best of service, and close prices. For Fall and Wnter, in Kfl the leading shades of Navy, Green, Brown, and Black. This Store has for years been the leader in this lube and we expect a bigger b 'sines than ever. 39 You will make no mistake if you hey your Furs at this Store. The prices and qualities are RIOHT. del 17 70 0.1,1.1.1...51.044.2100.1000:-............ ae..,11.,...Tyvegrancat0nentiuntr010.00yeametbrmansencrstotopo Zurkh s Store A CHICKEN IMPORTER. Ur. Win., Carterof Constance, who is known as the "Chicken King" of .FI'uron from the fact that he is the largest and most success fu1 breeder, placed in bis pens on Tatesccay four Ilaatnburgs which he imported from glue, . Lancashire, England, Ere had to pay a fanny price for them but was after the best quality obtainable and the price was a secondary consideration Importing chickens; from England may semi rather strange to some but among the best breedaz's it is conceded that they do raise some superior strains over the water. Mr. Carter was quite pleased with his importation and believes they will enable him to make an even better record at the Provincial Fairs •than heretofore—Clinton News -Record, IOW BLUE PRINTS ARE MADE. To make solution for blue•prin t, make a eolution of Potassium ferri- cyanide, 3. ounce to 5 ounces of watoi, ; also a second solution. of ounce of citrate of iron and am- monia to fi ounces of water. These two solutions will keep indefinitely in separate bottles. To prepare the paper, take equal parts of the solu- tions and mix them. The mixture is sensitive to light, and the rest of the work must be done in to feeble light. With a swab dipped, in the solution cover the paper by passing across in parallel lines, and after- ward crosswise of these, so as to have au even layer of liquid all over the paper and yet not enough to flow or drip. The paper is bung by a pin in the Clark to dry. It is then ready for printing. After printing in bright sunlight. the picture is developed by putting it under water. Wash thoroughly till the white parts of the picture are clear. Tickling, tight Coughs, can be surely and quickly Ioosened with a prescription Druggists are dispens- ing everywhere as Dr Shoop's cou- gh remedy. And it is so very, very different than common cough medi- cines. Ng Opium, no Chloroform, absolutely- nothing harsh or unsafe The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Dr Shoop's cough remedy. Tnose leaves have the power to calm the most distressing cough and to soothe atd'heal the most sensitive bronchial nietnbrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone al- ways demand Dr Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it yourself -4 r sd see. Sold by J J Alernor .. RURAL MAIL DELIVERY Tho Postoftace department has by no tneans siackeued its efforts to lay out rural mail delivery routes. ,Ur. George Ross, general superin- tendent, who has charge of the work, is now in Nova Scotia, laying out several routes, and. on his re- turn Will consult with the depart. nu:nt as to. further work. While it is expected that there wilt not bo the saute rush by farmers to get free delivery in the winter as in the summer, the po.stoffice depart- ment is ready to receive applica- tions from any group of farmers Along any established trail route, and when received an inspector will be sent over the route to re- port as to the outlook. If this re - pert Is favorable the free delivery will be started as soon as climate conditions permit. Clubbing rates,. We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with Tun 1clteRALn Daily Globe 8 4.25 Mail. & Empire 4.25 Weoldy Globe . , 1.75 Mail & Empire 1.00 Berliner ,Tournal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.00 Daily Advertiser 2,25 Weekly Advertiser .1.50. Weekly Sign 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 MARKET . REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurioh, markets corrected up to Thursday Barley,,,, aid, to 50 Peas ... , .. 80 13run 20.0o Shorts . .... .22.00 Oats.......................'' 37 ss 90 Wheat. Dried apples • , . . (;cover seecl 10.00 Potatoes . 40 Butter.. ,, 21 Eggs .., .. 21 los liveweight...... O.,0o HENSALL MARKETS Cook's Best Flour.... Wheat...... Oats Peas... .., 00 88 52 84 Hogs liveweight 0.00 7.00 5 11,00 21 21 0.00 2.75 01 38 52 85 6.00 get immediate rend Prom 40.4 Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment, M IL READ THE Daily, $2.a® per year. The best metropolitan paper in Western Ontario, Contains latest market quotations and al general and local news worth printing. Special Offer o Send $1.50 for the Lfor 11 months. Remittanc sondon must edvertiser received be- fore 1st Jan. 1909. and he a;tays awake all night because his mattress is lumpy and 'his spring sags in the centre. That's why he is not fit for work the next day. No man can toss about on an uncom- fortable bed at night ai.Utt keep up his end in the day time. Buy .aim one of H rtjeib's Felt flattresses and Comfort Spring then you overcome this difficulty. wry RTfi E Pa-NON13 ZURICH 9 HURON'S LARGEST C MBI ATNON STORE PT[i is becoming-, more and more, an important factor in modern business •neth- oils. if we knew of a better Mediu mm than the Deal paper, we would tell you® Does your advertise= ment appear in this issue u m tet. ..i .aG6ipk�a's'!Rt1ST'71ANStalitaXgrafaraMMINtang ow is the time to buy your Winter Shoes We have the best Winter Footwear that can be bought. You can always rely on get, ting the best when you buy here. Men's and oys' Socks Felt Uoods Women's Leggi n s Etc. Prices will be Satisfactory P. BEADIER Zurich