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The Herald, 1908-11-27, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich an Ray Township. Vol. IX. FRIDAY MORNING; NOV. 27 1908 . CLINTON Business College Most modern and pope lar Busi- ness Sebool in Western Ontario Widely e*periencod broadly educated, sympathetic attentive staff. The synonym of success. Graduates 'eminentlysuccess. full. The very essence of mod- ern, living business systems. Stenography, Telegraphy and Commercial Courses. Preparatory coursefor th ose whose educationbas been neg- lected. Mail courses. in any s ubjects, for those who wish to s tudy at home. Individual instruction. Enter any day. Write for handsome catalogue. (ai;o. Srorroc. Principal. [!� s' ' K3.' 3 3t-3 Fs si3,gC eel -et-aere-eCee-enealeeriea e LOC.gte ws. FarmersWee' fhe lake road are very bad dl for water, and have to haul slat i, ee their stock. Miss Maiggit• _ „Campbell intends leaving for .Berlin this week, to visit her sister'.` For next week, 1 Doz big` ,Tear. pots. (6 pint) regular 40c for 20 cts each. 0. HEirtleib's. Mrs. T. K. Wing of Berlin and Mr. Alfred Moritz of «ueiph, were Here to attend the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Hoist. Mrs. Peine of London, attendee. the funeral of the late Mrs. Kraft at Dashwood, and spent Sun. day at the hone of Mr. John Deichert, Sr. All new subscribers to Turf HEii- AL» will receivahhe balance of this year free. ; Canadian subscribers .$1.00 to 1st''r'Tagee 1910, ro United 'States $,1,50, to sumo date. See our bargain 'window—night lamps, complete, only 15cts. Grant- te kettles, lects. Roasting pans with colors, only 50cts, Granite sauce pans at 20cts and 25cts each. All good goods, at Preeter's, Lost, on the main st in Crediton, near the flay mill, on or about the 20th Oct. a hand bag, containing spectacles and case; 2 trunk keys• and a purse with some small chan- ge. Finder please write Tem Ills.. ALD, Zurich. Mr. John A. Truernner won the: carving set, presented to the Zurich __=re -e _. Gun Club, by Mr. Fleisehauer of London. He broke 73 out of 100 or 9 over his former average, while Charles Fritz was a close second with 87 out of 100 or 7 over his fernier average. Read the pain formula on a box , Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestioo—blood pros sure somewhere. Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets cheek head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see ! 20 for 2! cenls. Sold by J J Merner. Arnprior Chronicle :-The Chroni- cle has been asked to give a correct answer to the question : Why will women form suffragist societies and plead and argue and go marl in as silly effort to be allowed to vote when it is a well known fact that females who now have votes in municipal elections can scarcely be indaced to go to the polls? It re• quires a lot of nerve to suggest an answer, but it may just bo men- tioned that women have leeen from the first in most cases determined to have the very thing that is denied them, a very bad example set by Eve in the garden of Eden, when she really had to have one little taste of a forbidden apple. Miss Emma, Hall of Exeter, visit- ed friends here, on Sunday. Hicks' thunder storm arrived an Taesday afternoon, right on time. Something new—reaclyrnade pil- low slips to sell at 15cts each, at Preeter's. The revival meetings are still in progress in Evangelical church, 14th. Con. Rev. A. D. Gischier will occupy the pulpit in the Evangelical church Dashwood, next Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mclsaao of Crediton spent. Sunday with the latter' s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ort. Dr Oven's surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Nov 20th. Hours 5 to 9 p. rn, (Masses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye sight treated. Sick Headache This distressing disease results from adisorderecl condition of the stomach, and can be cured by tak ing Chamberlain's Stomach and LiverTablets. Sold. by J ,f Merner. The sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per, will be dispensed in the Evan- gelical church, next Sunday morn- ing, service beginning at 10 o'clock Preparatory service will be con- ducted by Rev. A. Y. Hoist, P. E., on Friday afternoon, at 2.3u. Mr. C. Bechler aged 81 years, fell out of an apple tree on Saturday, fracturing his hip. The old gentle- man was unconcions and had to be carried to house, where his injuries were attended to by the local necli- cal men. Owing to his great age his complete recovery is somewhat doubtful. LT TnEiuN CI-mum—The anniversary of St. Peter's Lutheran church, will be celebrated on Sun- day, the 29th of Nov. The morning service will be conducted in Ger- man, and the evening in English. The offering will be for the benefit of the congregation. All are cordial- ly invited. Montreal Board of Trade returns state that total cheese receipts for the season to October 17th were 1,077,281 boxes, while shipments from that port were 1,480,828 boxes leaving in store at Montreal a stock of 198,453 boxes. This is very much lese than the stocks of the some time a year ego. Shipments u Miss d:ennie Hardy of Exeter visited with. the Misses Riokbeil, on Sunday. Miss Edith Durst of Colborne, is visiting at the home: of Rev. and Mrs. A. D. Gischler. Rev. S. M. Hauoli of Stratford. occupied the pulpit in the Evange- lical churole, on Sunday` evening, the pastor preaching in, ,: the 14th Evangelical churola. • A few specials at I'retater's— About 200 yards toweling, regular loots per yard at Sots per yd. Two gross glass tum biers to clear at 25e per doz. Call early. Rb cum atisn " promptly driven from the blood with. Dr, Sheep's Rheumatic Remedy. Dont waste time with common remedies, A test will surely tell, In ' 'tablet or liquid form. Sold by J J Merner. The relatives of the late Mrs. Matilda Heist desire, through the columns of Tnei HERALD 60 sincere- ly thank their neighbors and friends, for thir help 'end `sympathy during the illness and death of a loved one. Five new inmates were added1 to the House of Refuge last week, they were :—Miss Huhn, Dashwood Alfred Sheer, Exeter ; Mrs. Shields and John Dowson, of Colborne ; T. Lethorne, Seaforth. This makes the number of, irinates 94, the largest number ever in the build- ing at one time. • The total salmon pack of British Columbia has this eeaason been much heavier than that of last year. The total pack amounted to 358,000 cases, against 314.000 cases last season. The increase was largely confined to the canneries of the Fraser and Skeena rivers. It is reported that the number of sal- mon reaching the spawning grounds this year is at least triple the number that have dome for several years past. POULTRY SHOW—The 13th an- nual sliow of the. Huron poultry and Pet Stook Associatzo ,,, will be held -Linder the ii;e 'Wt.' the Clinton branch, Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday, Jan. 19, 20 and 21, 1900. 1t is eight sear% since the show was last held in Clinton, and during this time has hold forth at Seafortir. The directors will spare no efforts to make this one a re• cord breaker, and, as Clinton is a great poultry town, its success is lready assured. The town being have been somewhat larger, but during the latter part of the sea-' e son the make fell off considerably. conveniently sitnatod for outside xhibitors, doubtless will draw a huge entry. Married. f mmeie5-Dieeromev_At St. Peter's church, Drysdale on the 24th inst., by Rev. A. M. Stroeder, of Zurich, Mr. Leo Gelinas, of Stanley, to Miss Sarah Denorney, of Hay. Jemmaie MAssie—At St. Peter's church Drysdale, on `'the 25th • inst, by Kiev, A. M,"Stroetler., Mr. Remi Joflrey, to Sarah Masse, both of St. Joseph. 'SVxLsorr—MAssu-�- At St. Peter's church, Drysdale, on the 26th inst., by Rev. A. M, Stroedor, Mr. Robert Wilson of Chatham, Co Miss Josephine 'X:1'asso, of St. •Joseph, rM 7 Vis,, � R U� A ll 1f lPr�'i �$ IJ73 Ulf. ATIM v ;j a` , -YlMW Io 17° MAMMIWWWWWWWMUMMWAIWYWAMMii We are after you the FaUU For Votir Winter Wear DRESS GOODS of the very latest, in all the leading Colors. Plain and striped Goods. Woollen and Flannelette Blankets. Flannelettes e!; Flannelette Shirting. Flannels. Wrapperettes. White Bear Cloth. LADIES' Coats. Girls' Coats. Ladies' Furs, Ladies' Wool and Silk Scarfs. Children's Wool Scarfs. Children's Toques. Hosiery and Ladies' Underwear, a full line. Ladies' Mufflers and Gloves. EN'S Overcoat,. Suitins. Hats and Caps. Men's Men's. Meffiers" Men's La:el Boys' Sweaters. Men's Socks. Men's Ties and Gloves. A full Line of Men's and Boys' 'Underwear. Men's Dress Shirts and Working Shirts. Men's Overalls, Smocks a n d Tweed Pants. BEAUTIFUL Assortment in Fancy Dishes and Dinner Sets. Potatoes and all Farre Produce taken iii exchange for Goods. nese •sz' -c oc e ' e rd:�`=- ca+. a•e•.-q `meq. GOee THE U PATWim':DC"'l1TE headquarters for the best that is inacle if, Boots and Slices, Complete line: in Pall and \'y illtelr Goods at prices which will shyly yon money. We are sole y gents for the famous'VV'il hams staple shoes,' lade special. for farm ,-(,ar Complete range Williams patent leggings, the best on earth. King's Stub—proof and Kant knack Rubbers. Repairs v.lila you wait. We t� AL �4 d' take l)Ilttcr and t i l ozel V.2 i 11 OTSil `{i> 9P T H E SHO EMA re ZUICH l) 3m6.: 3 i3 3 sigra-83 3c 3c3s=8ezr: 1'rin:rxg F3 a-..m� ,t e; 7 ' .'s e w-,-5 ' ° ozr eeeDee .. .�.m„,,.szae,, _ ........._... .... ��.��� - -- a �n looki g over our stock ©f cin cess Goods several lines which we are oing to clear gardless of cost. They consist of sale Ladles' C o s MMeItor s Fancy Tweeds lar ooc for n • Regular 40C line for 4 we f1n out re= An Al l{ G cod Regular 5 c line for . a Regular 30C line . f for A few Dress Fees i 'Main and Fancy Tweeds, from .75 to $1.25, at half price. Call aid. snake yom' sAections early, as they will go quick at above prices. DIES1 rw' We have had a very successful season i11 this line so far, as.., our Stock i:; still fairly w€?;11 assor— ted. We aro also offering some special value,s ill this lino T ° '`t ua 1 Mantle, you should see our Stock before making your 1, xAc3 a e. Men's Overcoats We have a good selection of Men's and Boys' Overcoats in Beavers and Tweeds. We will be pleased to show you our Lines. r Stov q, !web (An A/,i‘C9 9. BYra{�'"_i +�t*e , 9 d 4-c6 All PCS 'Ace taken akn fod Go ,,�,r��,F,1 11c ,.,Y 1'' ego