HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-11-20, Page 88 1,7,-,==.1S...."71,i,==1"....-_.3.*StR*347**44,,A. ..*M1.171*AVIVI.M.,..01=2/rars.C.,-.1I1==f-rfrIr.,or•MMILIWaliga,cx*.V.Waxara, fr-Z.44P '771 Er 7.11•77, s now that we have doubled our floor space, will becorne bacreasingly popular with the B113,7ing Public. p tts we aire h a inasition to vive customers the very j‘et of '7.-ervice, and close prices0 Tr ° 0 rilOW aryl • 4, Modombasug*mova*****.norr......s....*****...m.r (77) TI7*7 111 1,4 • e uriC e r miewafferisemote 8L.AK • Mr. Samuel Swavze is is quite ill, at the present time. Mr. R. IL Douglas is in the mar - het for a -ilk -bads of dressed poultry. Dlr. John Leslie is able to be up again after his recent illness. Mr, John Thirsk has about com- pleted a big season's threshing. Mr. and Mrs. Menno Steekle leave this week, to visit friends in Waterloo County MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL ..---- The council of the corporation of the County of Iluron will meet in the mimed chamber in the Town of Goderich, on TrieSday, Decem- ber the 1st, at 3 o'clock p. in. All accounts against the county must be placed with the Clerk. before date otmeeting. IV, Lane. Clerk. Dated at Goderich, ..Noy 16, 11.10t. 1 DASHWOOD Tho street lights aro again. being lit, which is 'much appreciated by the people, especially on these dark nights. Jos. 'Wambold made a business I trip to 1.4.aalon, during the week. The Pito:: Co.. have got their 1 seasons crop all nicely stored away, ' lin their barns. I Wil Henry lert shipped 1 a. carload. of..lambs to Toronto, on Thursday • of last yycek. Henry Calais, having about coin- i pleted hi•A season's threshing, has • again conanenced -working in the i factory. Rev. 14, K. Mit and -family, were at Zurich, an Friday. ; John Eehrtell had a very succesti• 1 Pal sale, on Tuesday. John 1,',rtl, will hold an auction li sale of st,:ck, horses and cattle. on Saturday :next at 1 o'clock. The 1 sale will be conducted at the Met- ropolitan hotel Eizoter. ..6r CIA tl! 011 aay the 1.1Vangelical S. S. will 'I.e held at ten o'clock, and at balf•pt:A two. Rev. A. Y. Heist. i I will coildnet quarterly me...tin:L. i tso..r vice. t 473: i Rev. ro, 0. Meekel, cend'neled ier1,•••••,7 sarvicos in the Evan- f2•Cli.0141 l'''.ureli. h(ro, on 1.1nr..lav 1 1 - CiETZLIZZYMENINESZEZZLIE Itgr." 4,30:11•14. 4.„4, H. COOK SONS de. COUP° HIS COUPON is good for 25 cents in pur- chasing one sack of Cook's -Snow, Drift Best Family ..11.)ur, made by their new process of rnilhng, if it is presented either of the following days only : Saturday Nov. 21.st, or Monday Nov. 23rd, The selling price of our Flonr is $2.75 por .bag, This is to sti.yon the above dates only -we 'will give yon one suck - of our Best Family Flour at 442.50 and this coupon. We have recently equipped tini. entire Mill with the latest maebinery, and our Snow Drift Flottr ii i.)w• not sceond to .any bread Flour. Flour and feed delivered in our town. Presented by II. COOK SOtNS 8.5 CO., -Hensall -711:k7:07.7.4121.12717,77rL,...-Z.,..-77\1127,i.L.MIt132,,atLIZIL7VM=1172,,M,MX,PIL.MD 19"51,...,47....**".121070.01AITiTalAnt31*11)1M*-20,00.0•Mtl,711.411.1g* aria he sta-ys .01 night because his mattress is lumpy and. his ;.Tring, sags in the centre. . That's why he is not fit or work the next day. No man can toss about on an uneom- • Zorttfi.qe itl. at Digit ai. kep up 1115 end in the .day time. l3uy 11.1113, 0110 , A i last. 1.! is a very IttiOnt; oner.iitor, ' 1 '=.1tar d'N-Vit 1: It.IA long experii.n.00 in tilik'.1 It.74, .:1;', work t.1,•un to know th;,1 - - - - „ - „ 1 1 needg i4 :' le Church in this respact, eiSofno weak/10...s of many in .rentleii#nt; assistanen to this cause.. t • Yi(2''-'1.111;44, Mer-tlar w.e.: taken k 0 0 r(r1 kat ncill a Comfort t1 -it \1J1t lattresses Spring. this .diffieulty. PV0.7.17. 13 7 7,1-7 13. .> C;t• 1j , tilthr.-.;,-...estiral on Friday last, with 1,t1,,,:,4,..,„. 1•11 filiair P; Siln)e relief for 1 '..,,,i,:•r a11-*,...; . Vc a' "I' r".i. t I IV IS; f.-1.1'.:' !: ;717.:=7.'F..:771.1....„.....,..,,,.....,:-...-:-......._ . ......__, .. - .,„ , • . '•'• t ..,;z".."‘ r.,.. ----1..:.:, •-•,,`',". s.... ,.. ., , . . 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Irtios:', lt.-T,V,•:•.11:1%il tll'• ''., 1* t‘: (•aint the 1 imo: -..t, tii.Strt=;4:4141 r ( otlp.'14 alla to I 1 Fw Ithe 111111 Leal the 11'1 $t Selisltiv%, LA', T1•11thi nieltIlwat.4=. ?..lothvrs! \ 141o1 -1,c1, for va fet ys !,..z,li.0 alon, al T)r Shoop's, it can -pe with perfeet. freedom ho. givon to Yourself laud scS• o. ,1,1 liy .; :1 i "c7-.1.— "...1.1.....‘,...,.2.,T.L;,..4`..ii' -;.:::.- If-V4..,tal";-;L...:Z......' -'1'..5V.dsj..,,;_;;€1...:•.:...:.t. r."....aj...,..:=2'411,',',...71.17:.rrn!.7Z Merrier. 4. • er.V,72=7".... • , FA, t!::,, ,•:::,-,r.,,,, ,,,, 11, . ••:: 1,..r. `'4•4', L'.22::•-'''•' ,,••a t 1 kl \ :,•--..L..,.. • , • i - - • , •:•,t E.,,...--. '1. "...3 bil <"•,;..--,-...;;1--? ,.1., ,....", '*,..i '-',..t...:,...-2,1 'V .q 11-',.›.,•,,, r' ;`.--.,.,?"!',;'. ,', ,`,' "' • r. , '' ' • '"''' e.- "; 11.- .,.:.1 . gel.; 1.4)1"...,;.... .",...; :a X] -ol, ;1.4 Z1 iib 1,-, t.., i.k. J. 11 ..-,. li ...., G. 1 i• Ai ‘1,11 k..., ' °, . 1 ''''' '''...' .14 . .:: ,...., 1. ,"; .....a 1111, CI' 7''''''' : "11 '''' '''' .'"1 ti-: ':::' ':-..:i ' ‘'.;:,.. '4 "-• ' ',., .1 "1,.‘l; t'..;; I: is ... ... kJ, a vi.,9 t.....„...A .........t...i,.., — - . L - - liV• 1Er.. 1A ...,, .• "141..1' f 7',.114. '-7','.., ;,';• '`',1•'_''''%:e.;•,S117-•.. in ;1(7.; i;;..t., :I= _.,.:„. • _ ._ ...Ale ie. sa O.. •I•ala ••••** .. • I. .2 r ,1 17•71 oil ft,, -1 t....:..,...l..'•' 0 ri, li. ''‘,7•ii.C., b'...,,!1•.;•:•, -,,,.'' 4,:i, r'‘,..,,,r1,-1-"Ir, If. •e•-t,r,1 c:11.,-1111! I11 Aa 14. .1",, .4;4 ..o. C.;;,:; 1.. . r, •••• n. . . ^ , q , 0..,. , ‘ v,,-...:...,..:. ,..-..,. ,47.. • 4 4...V • "t;41 a kfr ii,..4. i i i " , , , ii. 9 ''/ ,:lo, ii q '4.:- t ' -•; ii .1.1 L''..1.; 1. 6 37-cycol. Does your advextise- melilt -.T.F...,ar fin tliti6 tissue? Olubbinv r ates ;•:'•:17 -We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbinr rates 'With Tim: Daily - G'lobo , 4.2;3 Mail & Empire 4.215 1 7" (.11olte „ 6:51-1111( 'Jiro Pner Journal. (t.terman) 1.00 Family Horalil & :Star Uatly Adverti.zer Weekly Advertiser Weekly Stra I'Vriner's Advocate . ••*-- • MAiK1T PEPORT —Tim 1'01_ lowing is the report of Vntrieh, in:tricots corrected up to Thursday to :AI Barley , . 01 'Vette . Bran... .. 1:tAhorts Oats .... • . ..... . Wheat .. • - • - .. - • • Hay .....• ...... •. . , \-.Ve have the • bc.:.-..',t Winte ' Footwear Clover seed „... 10.o0 11,0o, ean be bought. 4 A . 0 It etril tilWayS rely 011 Dried apples .... r, .4 • „..... Potatoes .. .1 4 9 7•7•4ii. the fime to buy your 71-,tn • , 1 11uttc r .... 21 Ni1'1 tang the:IA2.st :when you.buy 'here. E.7,5-gst, ..... • • • • a * • • • I 21 21 AT 4.7 Ilovs livewei,ght (110 000 ' TILIN BALL 10.1A11,1•";'•3 Cook's 130$t :me ..„ 2175 Wheat., .. • • 00 011 that get- - v ,E-.1eftlang 114 ,,,e-,WIt 9 el 1 ()Os...". • • " • • " " Prices be Satisfactory Vo,4-e-9 Wait)