HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-11-20, Page 6Chewilag
ita. eatei'.:a,>Fen
A new
A real
The big
plu g.
A Travelled Fish That Was Exhibited
at the St. Louis Exposition.
1?' Among the fishes at the Aquarium
likely to catch the eye of one strolling
along the banks is an alert and vigorous
channel bass about three feet long and
weighing probably about thirty pounds.
This big fish conies up, head to the
front, and balances itself. in .the water,
facing the spectator, and then it swings
its tail like throwing over a rudder and
sheers off and goes sailing around the
tank, an embodiment of strength and
This particular channel bass, caught
in the Atlantic Ocean, came to the Aqua-
rium from the St. Louis Exposition of
1904, where it was one of the live exhi-
bits of the United States Bureau of Fish-
eries. At the close of the exposition,
with a considerable number of other
fishes, it was sent to the New York
Aquarium, the big bass being now one
of the few survivors of the lot.
The channel bass gets its name because
of the fact that it does not frequent
shallow waters, but keeps in deeper wa-
ters in. the channels. It is also known
by the name of spotted bass because of
a black spot on either side of the tail at
the base of the upper lobe of the tail fin.
It does not often come up into the wa-
ters of New York Bay, but is caught
all along the coast from Sandy Hook
south of Florida, and around into the
Gulf. Southern visitors to the Aquar-
ium look upon the channel bass here
with a friendly eye.
Around Cape May channel bass fishing
is a sport; Philadelphia anglers go there
to fish for them with a rod. There are
sportsmen who think it as good sport to
catch a big channel bass as it is to catch
a tarpon.
In the three years and a half and more
that it has been here this channel bas at
the Aquarium has increased in depth of
body about two inches and it has in-
creased about ten inches in length. It
eats about half a pound of fresh herring
or fresh codfish daily, or eight or ten
good sized hard clams, removed from
the shell. It is in good condition and
still growing.
G Only those who suffer from
tiles can know the agony, the
burning, throbbing, shooting,
stabbing painswhiohthis aahneut causes
and the way it wreaks the sufferer's life !
Elam-Buk is blessed by thousands
who used to suffer from pilus, but whom
it has cured. Ono such grateful person
is Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor of Greenwood
.Avenue, Toronto. She says ; "For
four long years I suffered acutely from
bleeding piles. During that time Ispent
an immense amount of money on
'remedies' and doctor's prescriptions
but I got no ease. Zara-Buk was differ-
ent to everything else I had tried and
it cured me. I ani grateful for the cure,
and as I have never had piles once since,
I know tho curo is permanent." e
0:Another thankful woman is Mrs. A.
E. Gardiner, of Catelina, Trinity Bay.
She says : "In any case Zam-Buk effec-
ted a wonderful vitro. For 12 `cars I
had been troubled with blind, bleeding
and protruding piles. T Iiad been using
various kinds of ointments, etc., but.
never came across anything to do me
good vntil I tried Zam-Buk which cured
me! That this may bo the means of
helping some sufferers from pilus to try
Zara-Buk is the wish of one who has
found great relief."
Zam-Buk le a purely herbal helmand
should bo in every home! Cures cuts,
burns, bruises, eczema, ulcers, blood•
poisoningR% itch, cold -sores. chapped hands
and all diseases and irjuriee of the skin,
etc. All druggists and stores at 50c box,
or from Zam•13uk Co., Toronto, for price.
The Bain] 1114 beneftIs
Story of Dying Trees.
Attention has recently been directed
to the number of trees in Glasgow which
are in a dying state, their sickly condi-
tion being attributed to smoke. A cor-
respondent mentions a singular coinci-
dence in regard to five trees whirl). a
John Pattison planted in the centre of
his garden in Kelvingrove on the birth
of his five sons. Two of his sons cued
early in the nineteenth century, but
three lived till after 1850, when there
were only three of the trees standing.
On the night that his son Matthew died
one of the trees fell, and on the night
of Frederick and John's death (some
years between)one of the trees fell, cer-
tainly, as the writer remarks, a singular
eoincidence.—Glasgow Herald.
Lame Back
Watch' Your Kidneys
When the back: drags and aches,
feels lame oyer the spine when
there is indigestion, headache and
constant call to make water, be-
ware of sick kidneys. If neglect-
ed, this condition develops weak-
ness and soon you'll be unable to
The Cure is
Dr3Hamilton's Pills
The one remedy you can rely on
is Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Every
symptom of ' disordered kidneys
they cure by removing the cause.
You improve immediately, and
day by clay you will experience
.benefit from Dr. Hamilton's Pills.
Best for the kidneys, liver and
stomach. Sold by all dealers.
Historical Anydate.
Alexander ,was before Tyre.
"To succeed," counselled the generals,
"we must invest the city."
.Aleck frowned.
"To make our revenge keener, why
not compel the citizens to do the invest-
ing let us', be . the protomers," he an-
swered. .
Whereupon the court jester withdrew
to draw up the prospectus.—Pucic.
Airy Persiflage.
Mrs. Cuppotee—How could a woman
ever bring herself to marry an aero-
naut? He's so flighty.
Mrs. Waypher--Yes, and too often he
lacks ballast.
Mrs. Marmalyde--Then, too, he looks
down on ordinary people. again,
Chillieon-Kearney-And, ag. ,
he moves in the higher circles, and you
don't.—Boston Transcript.
To All Women: I will send free with full
instructions, my home treatment which
postively cures Leucorrhoea, UIceration,
Displacements, Falling of the Womb, Pain-
ful or Irregular periods, Uterine and Ovar-
ian Tumors or Growths, also Hot Flushes,
Nervousness. Melancholy, Pains In the Head,
Back or Bowels, IiicLney and Bladder troubles,
where caused by weakness peculiar to our
sex. You can continue treatment at home at
a cost of only 12 cents a. week. My book,
"Woman's Own Medical Adviser," also sent
free on request, Write to -day. Address,
Mrs. M. Summers, Box H. 8, Windsor, Ont.
"You should sleep on your right side,
"I really can't do it, doctor. My hus-
band talks in his sleep, and I can't hear
a thing with :my left ear"
The delicious flavor and aroma of
"Salads," Tea is preserved by the use of
sealed lead packets. It is never exposed
to the sun, dust, dirt, air, the surround-
ing odors and contaminating influences
of other goods as bulk or loose tea are.
A teapot test will show the difference,
ISSUE No. 47, 1908
Imitations of the Underwood may
claim superiority, but the Underwood
Typewriter has been granted the high-
est award of honor by thirteen inter-
national juries. It is the original and
perfected visible writer.
Adelaide St. East - TORONTO
One Way of Evading the Prohibition
Law in Maine.
Eben W. Sears, of Lynn, has returned
from his vacation at Lewiston, Me., with
a remarkable tale of the way liquor is
served in the prohibition !tate. ,Sears
says that a friend took him into a place
where several men were drinking and
ordered some beer. The room was with-
out furniture or fixtures, save for one
table, a few chairs and the gas jets.
While Sears was wondering where the
beer was to come from the proprietor
stepped to a gas jet and turned it on,
whereat the amber fluid flowed forth as
from the spigot of a keg. Tho proprietor
filled the glasses of Sears and his friend,
and then two other for customers drew
forth two mugs of ale from another gas
jet. After that he produced a glass of
tvhiskoy from a gas jet.
Seeing that there was several more
gas jets in the room Sears, as a test of
the proprietor's reeources, was about to
call for a Martini cocktail when sudden-
ly there were alarms and asicurryings
without, followed by a noise like a squad
of liquor deputies,
Instantly the proprietor sprang to a
corner and pressed an invisible button.
Wondering what the effect of this might
be, Sears turned on the beer gas jet,
but nothing came forth.
"The gas is shut off," said the pro-
prietor, with a wink. Sears was unable
to learn where the liquor came from. He
says he thinks the proprietor had tanks
in the walls.—Boston Herald.
Saving Time.
Mr. Seabury and his wife were on
the point olt moving to another flat.
Both of them were anxious that the
transfer she', d be made at the least
possible expose, and the nearness of
the new e promised materially
to further fro$ i atra•
"I oat, ,. loadss.. of little things
over in mf, irown bag," anounced
Mrs. Seabury. "And you can take
books aiad so on in your big satchel."
In discussing further the matter of
transportation, Mrs. Seabury remark-
ed that, notwithstanding the heat,
she could wear her winter coat over,
leave it. and return for her spring
coat. The idea charmed her imprac•
tical husband.
"Why, I can do the same thing!"
he said. "I'll wear over one suit and
then come back for another !"—
Youths' Companion."
Where Meerschaum is Used as Soap.
":Meerschaum, before its hardening,
makes good soap. I have often washed
my hands with it."
The speaker, a missionary of unim-
peachable veracity, frowned at the in-
credulous smiles of his guests, and then
went on:
"It was in Morocco. There, on the
coast, down toward the Atlas Mountains,
meerschautn is plentiful, far more plen-
tiful than soap. It wouldn't pay to ship
it to the Dutch meerschaum careers —
hence it is either used as soap or let
"In the crude state, you know, it is
as soft as 'butter. It rubs up into a first
rate lather. It removes the dirt fairly
well."—Frohn the Minneapolis Journal.
Solving Wedding Present Problem.
What people ought to do when they
send out invitations to a. wedding it
to add after the R. S. V. P. t'.e let-
ters P. S. L., which stand for "Please
send. list."
The would be donor would then
s^nd a selection of, say, four articles
from one shilling to a thousand
pounds in value and the bride would
pick out what she wished.—From the
London World.
....�...•.�-ties--- •
Followed the Rule.
Pupil (reading)—And his body was in-
terred in St. Paul's Cathedral with er—
er—Pompey the Great.
Teacher --With. what? . Are you mad?
Pupil—Well,. it says here "with great
pomp" but you told. rte last week that 1
wasn't to breviate when I was readin';
so 1 read it out full. --London Opinion,
The bleaoxiecl blonde may hn.ve e,
end And at the sjme time a
it: —"Shiloh's Cure will always
cure my coughs and colds,"
Both Guesses Wrong.
Algy—But I weary you, Miss Capsi-
cum. I'm a great talker.
Miss Capsicum—On the contrary, Mr.
Feathertop, you don't weary me at all,
and I find your small talk very divert-
Jap Nobleman a Colorado Farmer.
Alfred Takeda Satow, a Japanese no-
bleman, who bought a farm near La
Salle three years ago and mastered the
art of farming, now does his work by
proxy by renting out his farm in email
tracts to his countrymen. Last spring
he rented 320 acres near Berthoud, re -
renting to Japanese, and yesterday se-
cured a farm of 100,aeres from his neigh-
bor, C. H. Welch, and will sublet this
Satow was educated in American col-
leges and wishes to forget that he is a
Japanese. Two years ago he married an
accomplished American girl of Alabama
and about that time changed his sur-
name to Satow.—Denver Republican.
A druggist can obtain an imitation of
MINARD'S LINIMENT from a Toronto
house at a very low price, and have it
labeled his own product.
This greasy imitation is the poorest
one we have yet seen of the many that
every Tom, Dick and Harry bas tried to
introduce. will get
Ask for MIYand ARD'S you
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
"What would you do if a Trust should
offer you money?" "Well," answered
Senator Sorghum, "if I accepted it. I'd
expect the voters to retire me, and if
I indignantly refused it, I'd expect the
'i'rust to put me out of business:'—
W ashington Star.
remove any corn, e
by applying Putn±t
vat' Uurns, leaves no ao
harmless Immense compo
and balms, Fifty Year
Sold by all druggists
You can painlessly r ither
pard, soft or bleeding, m's
Cont Extractor. IC atear
contains no acids ; is hay sec{
only of healing gums a in
use. Cure guaranteed.sts
ins. bottles. Refuse
Spain is Prosperous.
In spite of the worldwide depression,
says the Scientific American, Spain is
experiencing a period of decidid pros-
perity. The spirit of rejuvenation, has
extended to the navy, plans for the re-
building of which are being actively
prosecuted. Tenders have been sub-
mitted for three battleships, which will
be about 425 feet in length and of 15,000
tons displacement, with a speed of 19%
knots. Also three destroyers of 360 tons
and 28 knots. and 24 180 -ton 2G -knot tor-
pedo boats are to be built, together with
four gunboats of about 1,000 tons dis-
placement. The battleships will be built I
at Ferrol, and the rest of the fleet at
Loss of appetite means a slug-
gish system.
Poisonous wastes are insuffi_
ciently expelled—kidneys, bowels
and liver get clogged, and disease
grips right hold of you.
You can in 24 hours restore
your appetite with Ferrozone.
How it does sharpen zest for food!
What digestion it bring—you
feel like a new person—rich blood
is formed, you gain strength, you.
sleep well, and feel hearty.
Win develop your bust from two w three
inches in a very short time.
Price 81.00, express prepaid.
The Edward's Medicine Company,
511 Bathurst Street,
Toronto, Ont.
Sycophant --It's a great thing to have
the pen of a ready writer. You find it
so, do you not?
Financial Magnate—Yes, unless the
things you write fall into the hands of
somebody who has the voice of a ready
reader. --Chicago a Tribune.e
Repeat it;—" Shil.oh's Cure will al-
ways cure ray coughs and colds."
w.m _
Cause and Effect.
"So they caught the fleeing robber,
did they?"
"Yes, after a hot chase."
"And he broke down and confessed?"
"No; it was the automobile that broke
down. tie merely confessed."
• Isn't FERROZONE just what you
need? Won't it do you the enormous
good it has done for others? It can't
tail to, because it contains the strength-
ening power to put you beyond_ the
reach of tired, run-down and nervous
feelings. Sold by all dealers, 50 cents
per box, or six boxes for $2.50.
"Mr. Dooley" on Happiness.
"Well, sir, 'tis a tur-rble problem this
here wan. iv human onhappiness. If
Tiddy Rosenfelt finds out th' causes iv
it he'll be the gr-reatest man since Moses.
Some folks say tit' on'y way to be happy
is to wurruk. Maybe that accounts t'r
th' onhappiness among eh' farmers. Per-
haps they wud be merryer if some im-
ployment end be found f'r tltim, prefer-
ably in th' open air. Some say 'tis
money; they're rich. Mogan saws 'tis hu-
man society; which accounts Pr th' hap-
piness that prevails in all large cities.
Some say selfishness will make ye happy.
I't;e thried it. It didn't cure me, Other
people say onselfishness; but that's no
more thin to say that ye can on'y be
happy be givin' up something that wud
make ye happy. Th' nearest ye git to
happiness is in wantin' something badly
an' thinkin' ye have a chance to git it
an' not gittin' it. If ye git it yell be
onhappy. Whin we have iveything in th'
wurruld that ye want, th' fam'ly will do
well to watch ye whin ye pick up a
razor." --American Magazine.
The Owl's Wisdom.
"In a hollow tree, during my vacation,
I found two young owls," said a stud-
ent. "I also found in the same nest two
eggs. Puzzled that the mother owl
should have abandoned her setting ere
its completion, I laid the matter before
my farmer host.
"The farmer told me that country
people know well that the owl, after
hatching half her brood, leaves the other
eggs to be hatched by the new born
lards. These young are warm blooded,
they are helpless to leave the nest, and
in nine cases out of ten they complete the
hatch as well as the mother would have
done. I'd consider this a superstition if
I hadn't seen a proof of it."—From the
Philadelphia Bulletin.
Minard's Linttment Cures Colds, etc.
irrigation by Pumping in Mexico.
A Matamoros newspaper calls atten-
tion. to tt test of the pumping .of water
in the Rio Grande region for irrigation
compered ti the older method of con-
strueting dams. A 36-ineh pump with
36,000 galons capacity on a 24-foet
lift, was operated at a fuel cost of 621-2
cents per hour. Whatever irrigation is
being attempted on the Mexican side
is being done through the pumping eye
tem, and there is every prospect that
y Tether move owners f o gill land be atmalong pted
Really Criminal.
Little Boy--Maneena, I wish you'd find
out wbo it was hypnotized nee and pun-
ish 'eat severely.
Little Boy ---While you wits out I was
pulled right into the pantry an' forted
to eat a hull lot'ef those cakes you said
l mustn't toroth -Tit -Bats, •
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
Vessels That Vary.
Ostend—Pa, what kind of ships
Pa—Soft ships, my son.
Ostend—And what kind of ships
the sea of matrimony?
Pa—Ilardships, my son.--Ohica,go
Repeat it:—"Shiloh's Cure will
always cure my coughs and colds."
4 -
From a Private Colonel.
There was once an old army colonel,
Whose wit was a well -spring etoi1onal;
But tor those who would shirk
From their authorized work,
fits language was something infolonel!
—Army and Navy .Life.
it [mist give
satisfac tion
or yoti don't
pay for it.
The "CHAMPION" Gas and Gasoline Engine
is the only Gasoline Engine that you can try
before you buy. 1 know what the , Oham-
pion" will do, and I want you to be fulls
satisfied with it Rtefore you pay for it. The
pr,loo is low. Full particulars tree.
Wrn. Gillespie, 98 Front St. l ..TOR0NT0
Pointed Paragraphs.
A fatted calf has no love for a prodi-
gal son.
The hand of fate is always ready to
grasp an opportunity.
When looking for a policeman look in
the safe places first.
A woman never attempts to hide her
jealousy under a bushel.
Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in cows.
Heroic Treatment.
"Ever get pessimistic over crops?"
"Nope. Whenever I get downhearted I
put a grain of wheat on the table, fokis
my magnerfyin' glass, an' watch it stid-
ily while one of 'the boys reads the Re-
publican campaign literature gently in
my ear."
''ie-,'Ai1,. +7 'Rt,' ns7..itiai ,lrei,7FZ1VtitirMY,1 .$'enr:73V.a..t Azulf,AM .R.
"S L
`0 '
69 Silent an tho Sphinx!"
Always, 'veryvehere in Canada, ask for Eddy's Matches