HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-11-13, Page 8now that we have doubled our floor space, will become increasingly popular with the Buying Public. is at its best just now, and we are in a position to give customers the very best of service, and close prices. For Fall and Winter, in all the leading shades of Navy, Green, Brown, and Black. 's Clothill This Store has for ye., rs been the leader in this line and we expect a bigger business than ever. IS, ntles,: m: You will make no mistake if you buy your Furs at this Store. The prices and qu,.:lities are RIGHT. ,ruralse.ocomsm.ttrome Puma" ak Ieadache Thi,4 distressing. disease results from, adisoder ed condition of the sto.n aoh, ;nd oan,d tali' ina Chan�,haerla ube s Stomacourobyh anal LiverTablets, Sold, by J J Merner. AP, IA THE BEST GOING. We have nude clubbing arrange- ments with "The Farmer's Advo- cate and Home Magazine," of Lon- don Ont., and are able to make a price of $2.25 for Tan Hei &LD and "The Farmer's Advocate," the best agricultural and home paper on this continent, II. Cook Sons & Co., have stalled a new chopping outfit con• sistmg of 'a plate chopper and a four stand roller mill for rolling oats for horses. When a farrier wishes to have his grain chopped fine, they run the grain through the two choppers, it is a decided improvement to the old way of c hoping. .11111. SALES AGENTS WANTED $36.00 per week or 400% profit. All samples. stationery, and art catalogue free. We want one per- manent agent in this locality for the largest picture and frame house in America, Experience unnees- sary, We instruct you how to sell our goods and furnish the capital. If you want a permanent, honor- able and profitable position, write us today for particulars catalogues and samples. Frank W. William, Company, 1214 W. Taylor St. Chicago, Ill. Tickling, tight Coughs, can be surely and quickly loosened with a prescription Druggists are dispens- ing everywhere as Dr Shoop's cou- gh remedy. And it is so very, very different than common cough medi- cines, No Opium, no Chloroform, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe The tender leaves of a harmless, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the curative properties to Dr Shoop's cough remedy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing cough and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bronchial membrane. Mothers should, for safety's sake alone al- ways demand Dr Shoop's, It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest babes. Test it yourself !add. see. Sold by J J Merner. In the death of Hon. Thomas Greenway there has passed over to the majority a man who, in the prime of his manhood, assisted in giving form and direction to the Confederation'.whioh others had brou gbt;3 nto°:existence. During the ": tiine Mr. Greenway was Premier of Manitoba two great forces were working .in opposite directions. ; The one, 'represented bp Sir John Macdonald, desired the centralization of power at Ottawa; the other, led by Mowat in Ontario and Greenway in Manitoba, stood for fhe full legislative independen- ce of the Provinceswithin their proper sphere. Had weaker men been at the head of the 'Manitoba and Ontario Governments when this issue was being fought out, there would be few rights left to the Provinces today. For what he dict at that time Mr. Greenway will be held in grateful rememb- rance even by those who toand it necessary to condemn hisappoint- ment to an arduous office after his capacity for usefulness was at an end.—Weekly Sun. Clubbing rates. We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HreRa.r,D : Daily Globe . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly (Tobe . . 1.75 Mail & Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.60 Daily Advertiser 2.25 Weekly Advertiser 1.50 Weekly Sun 1.75 Farmer's Advocate 2.25 EVE YBODY SLEEPS/1 � l l .1�}t h . S.HER ee and he ,stays awake all night because his mattress is lumpy and his spring sags in - the centre. That's why he is not fit for work the next day. No man can toss about on an uncom- fortable bed at night and keep up his end in the' day time. Buy him one of Hartleib's Felt flattresses :: and a Comfort Spring o . . . `then you overcome this difficulty. HURON'S LARGEST COMB! PHONE 13 ZURICH STORE WRISMIEMOVIMIESMIS MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected tip to Thursday Barley.. .............. . 50 to 50 Peas. 80 Bran 20.00 Shorts 22,00 Oats 37 37 Wheat 87 88 Hay 7.00 Dried apples 5 5 Clover seed.. ...10.00 11,00 Potatoes -. 40 40 Butter ... , . , ...... , .. 20 20 Eggs. 20 20 Hogs liveweight... .. 55.70 5.70 DENS ALL MARKETS Cook's Best .flour , .. . Barley................. Peas. ldogs lireweil ht, . 2.75 90 90 87 37 52 , 52 84 85 5 70 5,70 f.rn.L •M. I:N..lZ'Nt; fa144M i°. ru,.l:. (.NM fla .11 ..t. is becoming, more and more, an important factor in modern business meth= ods. If we knew of a better medium than the local paper, we would tell. you. Does your advertise= rent appear in this issue? LEA Z I� MOW IS THE TIME to buy your Spring and Summer shoes. It would be hard to find a bigger or better assortment of Boots and Shoes, than we are. showing this season. We have a nice lot of Spring goods, in all sizes and colors, and still more coming. Come and examine our goods before you buy elsewhere. We give big discounts. It means money to you. P. Big Zurich to new subscribers in Canada, to the end of the year for 15 cents. Haven't you a son .)r :daughter -- uncle, ,,, aunt or cousin—or some friend at a distance, that would. like to read the home paper? The benefit will be mutual if you will act quickly....at• once. ADDRESS T j a E aiERALD4 ... Zurich