HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-11-13, Page 5„swasamiessisersinaliESSESSEREllassisst 1 The Zurich Rests. Excellflt Ring Va1ue I. for the balance of this month. Every Ring Solid Gold. Watch and Clock Repairing My Specialty R W. HESS, JEWELLER YOU CAN T By bnying your PRINTS, MUSLiNS, DRESSGOODS, GROCERIES, }I A R D - WARE, WALL PAPERS and SHOES from us. A Large an d Up-to-date Stook to select from. IJIGHEST PRICES Paid For Farm. Produce R. N. Douglas, BLAKE That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection.. H. ' moo1JIO oma MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts, are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a ea11. Y MOUT & LHICM" SRT. DRYSDALE The weather during the past week has been very cold and dis- agreeable, and things in general have put on a real winter like as- pect. Winds of an extraordinary feroc- ious nature and resembling the simoon of the desert, have been tossing about the waters of Lake Huron for the past few days, and creating waves which roll on shore with. terrific force. As a consequ• ence thereby, wood of all descrip- tions is strewn along the beach and serves as a timely aid to the lake shore inhabitants, in forming a part of their winter supply of fuel. Thanksgiving passed by very quietly in this, vicinity. A number of our youths spent the day in roaming the woods, with dog and gun in search of the fury quadru- peds, while others spent the even- ing reclining in the cosy corners of parlors in the home of the fair sex. After much deliberate considera- tion, the trustees of the Drysdale public school, have re-engaged Miss E. A. Horton of Tuckersmith, as teacher for their school, for the the coming year at a salary of $350. In speaking of the benefits of artesian wells, Mr. Albert Horner says that the water supply derived therefrom, is almost unlimited. In addition to these unexcelled quali- ties, Mr. Horner, who has a well drilled on his property says that the water is entirely free from all impurities, both during the sum- mer and winter seasons. School boards of rural schools in order to still receive the grant heretofore given them by the Edu- cation Department, are compelled to purchase libraries, and have them installed in their schools. This is a law, which in the opinion of intelligent ratepayers, is not considered preferable. School trustees will soon require a lawyer to legally advise, and thereby en- able them to monopolize the few benefits. which arise directly from the numerous changes which are and will hereafter be made in the clause or clauses, contained in the regulations of the Education De- partment of Ontario. Miss McCallum of Trenton has been engaged as teacher, in the school situated in the suburbs of St. Joseph, adjoining St. Joseph city, which subjoins the lak e shore at a point some three miles south, of our burg. The farmers in this vicinity, are all engaged in ploughing. The hard condition of the ground prevents a good day's work from being done, and only a great deal of patience combined with invincible dete'mi- nation, will complete the work be- fore the snow falls. Many of the young ladies in this section of country, have adopted the custom of wearing no hats. This will no doubt abolish millin- ery shops. As the young ladies have adopted an economical way of living, we woult advise the bachelors to act in the living pre- sent. .CaI H on A. Edighoffer TONSORIAL lARTIST Successor to Fred. Manns Fora Quick and Easy 'Shave, or an 13j -to-date Hair -cut. Opposite Commercial Hotel ZURICH - -arty* H'ENSALd - TMPROVEL machinery I will not, of itself, pro- duce good flour. You may be an excellent cook, but . you cannot pro- duce light, wholesome baking unless the flour you use be the kind that permits such results. So in the milling; machin- ery alone cannot produce yi llllsehsIdseliiid Fl I ur out of the wrong kind of wheat am more than you can make the right kind of bread or pastry out of the wrong kind of flour. Ogilvie's Royal Household. Flour is made from hard spring wheat --a wheat that is rich in nutriment, that grinds fine and white, and produces bread and pastry that are wholesome and nourishing as well as light and crisp—it's a flour that begins to be good in the wheat fields, not in the mills. Your grocer prefers to sell you Ogilvie's Royal Household Flour because he knows the value of a pleased customer. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid. montreaL • EXETER. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stanlake, returned on Friday last from a two months' visit, in the West. From temperance bead -quarters it is repori Nd that a local option campaign, will be started here this year. The local creamery =made about 50 tons of butter this seasan, about one ton more than last season. The 13th anniversary of the Main St. Methodist church will be held on Sunday next, 22nd inst. Rev. McCamus of St. Marys, will take charge of the services. There was a good�it.nn lance of those interested in" N.. C. A, work. at Seniors Ht 11 ltst Wed- nesday evening, whet Ale work of organization was completed. Seven directors were appointed and the constitution adopted. On Friday night the directors met and elected the following officers: Pres., F. J. Wickwire; vice-pres., J. G. Stan - bury ; see. J M Southcott ; Treas., E Christie. These with Dr. A. F. Malloy, Shirley Bobier and W 5 Howey constitute the full board of directors. It was decided to charge a membership fee of $2.00 per year and any one wishing to join can secure an application form by ap- plying to any of the directors. The first meeting will be held in Sen- ior's Hall, Monday Nov. 16th G F. Yu'lugblut, who has been conducting a shoe business here for some years, has sold out to R. 3. Drysdale, who takes possession in December. Geo. Scott, grocer, is moving his business to the Bell Block, this week. George McEwen ex -M, P. spent the week at Ottawa. David rollick is visiting relativ- es in Hamilton. Dr. Ferguson has sold his pro- perty and practice to Dr. Aiken - head, late house surgeon of St. Joseph's hospital, London. Dr. Aikenhead's home is near Bruce - field . J. Elgin Tom I. P. S. visited the local knowledge factory on Tues- day of last week.. The first dance of the season was held in the opera house on Monday last. Tony Vita's orchestra of London furnished the music. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell of Zurich spent Thanksgiving Das, with friends in town. eak x, Idnevs Set Weak Kidnoss, surely point to weak lridneY Nerves. The Kidneys, like the `Heart and the Stomach And their vreaknoss, not in the organ itself, but it' the nerves that control and guide clad strengthen them Dr. Shoop's Restorative is medicine specifically prepared to reach these controlling nerves. 7'o doctor the Itidneys atone, is futile. It is a waste of time, and of money as tict1. If your back aches or is weak, if the urine scal•:14, or is darknnd strong, if you have symptoms of .dr114hts or other dh treaeing or dangorous kid- ney disease, try Ile Shop's Restorative a month— Tablets or Liquid and sena what it can and will do for you. I)rtigsiatrecommend and sell DASh1 WAD JD JOS. SMITH'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Soros, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned. Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len i nees,inflamed and all diseased, in.. jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias Wurrn of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. I doctored for some time till I tried a sample of •Toseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salvo eased the pain for the first time. I ` am cured. I am thankful indeed for my cure and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says: -- "For six months I suffered acutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured me. I am grateful for the euro, as I have never been troubled with it since." Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.50 Obtained from W. H. BENDER Zurich, Ont Mr. Ed. Nadiger left Saturday morning, to visit his sister, at Chatham. Mr. E. M. Brokenshire spent Sunday with friends, at Crediton. John Snell will hold an auction sale of his farm stock and imple- ments, on Tuesday, the 17th inst. The Evangelical people here, have decided to hold a Christmas entertainment again, and a pro- gram ogmmittee has been appoint- ed to that effect, which committee have already made some calcula- tions, regarding the program to be rendered.. No doubt this will sur- pass anything of the kind ever held here. Miss Lily Ehlers continues poor- ly, and is not making the progress her friends would desire. The many friends of little Thilda Mclsaao, will hope soon to see her around again as 'usual. Rev. T. 0, Meckel Cor. Mission- ary Secretary, will preach here next Sunday evening. He will solicit aid for the Mission cause. The following is the report of S. S. No. 8, Hay, for the month of October. Names in order of merit. V Milton Oestreither. Sr IV Cora Truemner. Jr IV Susie Kleinfeldt, Tusneicla Truemner. Sr III Luella Kuntz; Lillie Mess- ner. Chien Truemner, Bell Over- holt; Pearl Broderick. Jr SII Rheinhold. Miller, Ferdin- and Miller, Emily Schroeder, Ed- win Hartman. Sr II Gertie Wiegand, Flora Kieinfeldt, Tillie Kuntz, Theodore Miller, Ida Messner, Amelia Miller, Ottis Truemner, Charlie Hartman. Pt II Emma Messner, Norman Klienfeldt. Sr I Clara Wiegand, Rudolf Mil- ler, Henry Becker, Ethel Klienfeldt Herbert Messner, Jr. I Mary Miller, Nora Miller, Beuhla Wiegand, Lillie Broderick, Clara Kuntz, Tillie Messner, How- ard Truemner, Christina Becker, Agnes Harttnt,n, Number on roll 37, average 33,2. A. 0. Milligan, • Teacher. Tho visitors in town during the holidays which we noticed were : Mr. Geo. Wambold Blyth, Mr. A Mrs. Toronto, Mr. and Kellerman.Coronto, Sinnot nnot Londan, 1VZrq, Thomas, Lon- don, Miss Wagner Lisbon. Mr, R. T. Dunlop visited his par- ents, at Springfield, on Saturday. Mrs. Gra,ybiel and son Wilbur, spent the holidays with friends, at Bad. Axe. Mr, G. W. Shore was in Varna, on Monday. The young people of this: place, gathered at the home of the Misses Tiernan on Monday evening of last week, and gave thein a bit ofa sur. prise party. They were heartily welcomed and a goodevening was spent by all, 4-IMr Married. D CCII AR:1ih.—Ll;NOwAY—At St. Pe- ter's church, Drysdale,. on the 12th. inst., Mr. McPhail, of Sagi- naw, Mich., to Miss Sarah Leno- way, daughter of Mrs. Christop- her Ducharme, of Drysdale. 6O YEARS0 EXPERIENCE e HAP{A MARKS DESIGNS COrraIGHTS ate. Anyone sending a sketch and deterlition may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Commufioa. tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patentd sent free. Oldostagency So securing patents. Patents taken throwh Munn & C. receive °pecidinotttippgcee, with o u t charge, inthe cA. ir- culation any ]scientific journal. Largestermfor Canada, 83.51 a year, postage prepaid, Sold by all newsdenlers. - MUNN Coate inroad ,b'iNely VOIR Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly clone. Now is the time to leave your home brightened and fixed up for the Spring and Sum- mer month.. 0"C1-Fv r ughs9�l PO This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. it contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given asconfi- dentiy to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. Read Tins Husann, Charges Moderate N. BOCK,: Zurich " IE—AT-HOME RHEUMATIC TREATMENT, Some Simple Precautions Which. Will Prevent a Recurrence of Attacks. A prominent citizen, who had for, years suffered from rheumatism and• rheumatic gout, has been giving his friends the benefit of his experience, and incidentally a copy of the pre-. scription which was of material as- sistance in effecting a cure. In the first place, he found that, every time he partook freely of acid* fruits his old trouble returned ; and,. secondly, he learned that it was abso- lutely essential to keep the kidneys active. To do this it was necessary to drink plenty of water. Occa- sionally he would dissolve a lithia tablet in the water to assist its action on the kidneys. The treatment is as follows : Pro-, cure from your druggist:— Fluid Extract Cascara.___._. "X, oz. Syrup Rhubarb oz.' Carriana Compound . i oz., Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla 5 oz. Take one teaspoonful after each meal and at bedtime. This is valuable information. This can be mixed at home. Save the prescription. BREEDERS' HORSE SHOW The next Horse allow, under the auspices of the Ontario Horse Breeders' Association, will bo held at the Union Stock Yards, West Toronto (Toronto Junction, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Jan, 13thi, 14th and 15th, 1909. Dur- ing the time of the show a good street car service will be given from the city of Toronto to the Union Stock Yards. The building in which the show will be held will be specially fitted with a show ring and will be well lighted and heated. All the horses on exhibition will 'be stabled at the Stock Yards and every opportuni- ty will be given visitors to view the exhibits. Both the 0 P R and the 0 T R have sidings in the Yards and there is every conveni encs for the easy loading and un- loading of the horses.. The different classes of the show with the prize money offered for each are as follows : Clydesdales, $820 ; Canadian Bred Clydesdales and Shires. $440 ; Shires, $305 ; Hackneys, $420 ; Standard Breds, $275 ; Thoroughbreds, $275 ; Ponies, $130 ; Heavy Draught Horses, $305 ; Championships, w Tota ' 245 prize rize 4 money, $3255. The judges of heavy horses will be, Hon. Robert Berth, Bownian- vilie ; James Torrance, Markham ; 3 White, Ashburn ; with A McLar- en Chicago as reserve judge. The judges tor Hackneys will be, Dr Campbell, Berlin ; W H Gibson, Beaconsfield, Que. ; B Rothwell, Ottawa ; with L Meredith, London as reserve judge. The list of prizes offered is prac- tically the same as at ,the last show ; copies may be procured on application to the Secretary, On- tario Horse Breeders' Exhibition* Parliament Buildings, Toronto,