HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-11-13, Page 4The Zurich Herald. +> fl J43DC> <iDti(3D( c3ODDc c Dft ►tiD®CDC gD ie te es The NO. SONS ;NK 1 Ca p C2 Incorporated '1855 ez REST FUND - - $3,374,000 a ei Has 65 Branches in Canada, slid Agents and Correspondents in ali 1 the Principal Cities in the World. P GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, a SAVINGS BANK DE ARTMENS" 0 es T at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate 1 Zurich Branch - - H. ARNOLD, Manager ea p r a3EPGEl Se355 EitMelDeleateeealND tilCREW iile GEM ©n f ... S fit:. Marriaye;, e Prohibited Withouta.proper license, if you' issue Marriage Lic- enses: tell;-theyoung folks about it in ourClasstfted Ads:, Theyalt'know a license is necessary, btrt they don't all knowawhere•to get one' This paper is popular witel tine ouatg. taeax4esea,ft WANTED AND FOR SALE. Adv'ts under this heading 1 rent a 'mord, rash with order. 0 insertions for the price of 4. Spring Colt, over four months old, f �r sale, sired by Pisgah Knight. Apply W. Leibold, Zurich P. 0. Farre: for Sale, composed of a part of Lot 24, Con. 12 Hay, containing 60 acres. For particulars apply to JaeobMeyer Sr., or E. Zeller, Zurich. For Sale -House and one acre of land. Good Fruit trees. Known as Wagner's Corner. Apply to Jacob Meyer, 3 Jr., Blake P. 0. p LEGAL CARDS. I=t. J.1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- licitc'r, Notary Public, Hensall. Ontario. At Zurieh (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLATR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Pul:lie, etc., Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. &C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS DARDS• Iglu/ u a PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY NOV. 13th, 1008 W. C. T. U. AN APPEAL TO LOGIC CANADIAN NEW$ Hon, J': I3. Agnew, Provincial Treasurer of Manitoba, died on Monday, as the result of an opera- tion for appendicitis, A crowd stood closely„ packed around a. dark, ragged -looking ob- jeot in the Burlington Railway yards in a Mi.souri town one morning in May. The 'thing' was hacked and jagged and bloody be- yond language to describe. 'Drunk and laid down on the track last night.' Those nine words told the whole pitiful and too common tragedy. Even the newspaper reporters spent scant time over the matter, because it would not yield over five lines at the most. The coroner came and smelled of the empty whiskey flask, which by some curious chance was unbroken Four or five deaths of the sort had occurred in the railway yards there the past twelve months, and in every instance the whiskey bottle had boon unharmed, while the man who carried it was ground to piec- es. It might have been the mute lesson of providence. When a man gets drunk he will hunt the railway track. This man was only thirty-five. He had a wife and several small children in the mining town of New Cardiff, and they were left penniless. They had done no wrong, but they were the differs. 'The man was drunk; there's no liability,' said the railroad attor- ney, as he turned away. The pro- secuting attorney advised the coro- ner not to pot the county to the expense of an inquest. 'It's too clear a case,' he said.; 'the man was drinking. There's nobody but him- self to blame, and the county board woniri object to a bill for taking evidence.' The crowd turned away. The show was over. .An undertaker picked up the hunch of clothes and bones and blood and put them into a cheap box. The railroad furnished free transportation to the destina- tion. Next day the little tragedy was completed. and the widow and leer children walked sorrowfully away from the hillside cemetery where the bread -winner lay. In the morning the woman consulted a lawyer. He listened sympatheti- cally but not hopefully. (To be continued.) Bre Wye ILLIPS9 AUCTIONEER, Exeter. Sales conducted in all parts. Satis- faction guaranteed or no pay. Terms reasonable. Orders left at this office will be promptly attended to. H. C DO AN. V. S., AS I HAVE PIM - chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Ran's Hotel. DR. F. A. S:L1,ERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of .oepartaauent of Dentistry, To- ronto i7,irversity. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion house, Zurich, every '11.on- day. 7-'26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De o d s , Mortgages, es, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Otlice- Zellar block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC I S S V. MAASS, Prepares Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address LUTrnERAN PARSONAGE, Zurich, George Felker of Fergus, .shot himself while bunting on Thanks- giving Day, and died almost in- stantly. The safe of Mr. A. Brittain, jeweller, of Wyoming, was cracked and robbed of a large amount of jewellery, on Sunday morning. Officials of the Marine Depart- ment at Quebec deny the charges of graft, and in some cases threat- en action against Mr. Drolet's firm. Rev. Dr. Barclay of 1?Iontrea 1, who has completed his 25th year as pastor of St, Pauls Presbyterian Churoh, was presented with a cheque for $5,000 by the oongrega- tion, and another for $73,300 by Lord. Mount Stephen. The Newfoundland election re- turns showeighteen members elec- ted on each side, with every riding heard from, • Both the Dominion and Provin- oial Governments have instituted an inquiry into the quality of coal oil being sold in Manitoba, in view of recent accidents. It is reported that eight thou- sand employees of the Intercolonial Railway have seceded from, the In- ternational Union and formed an independent organ ization at Hali- fax. The explosion of the boiler on the steamer Temiskaming near Temiskaming Landing, resulted in the death of three men, the pro- bably fatal injury of two others, and the badly burning of six. The criminal libel suit instituted by Sir Frederick Borden against L. M. Carruthers for circulating cop. ies of The Calgary Eye Opener be- gan in Canning, N. S., and the de- fendant was committed for trial. SALE REGISTER Auction sale of farm, farm stock, im- plements etc., on Lot 24 Con. 12, 1Tay. on Thursday Nov. 12th, the property of the late Menno Soliwartzentruber. B. Bos- senberry auctioneer, Auexion sale of farm stook. and im- plements. on Lot 27, Con. 1, Usborne, on 40 Friday, Nov. l.i3th, P. MoTaggart, prop. B. S. Phillips, auctioneer. Auction sale of farm stock, implements and household effects on Lot 22, S. B. Hay, on Tuesday Nov. 17th. Jehx, Snell, proprietor, B. S. Philiips auctioneer. What Would. You Do? In ease of a turn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such injuries are liable to occur in any family and everyone should be Prepared for them, Chamberlain's Salve -applied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, and unless the injury is a very severe one, will cause the parts to heal 'without leaving a scar. For sale by J J Merner. • A clergeman writes : "Preventies these little Candy Cold Cure Tab- lets are working wonders in nay parish." Preventies surely will check a cold, or the Grippe, in a very few hours, And Preventies are so safe and harmless. No Ruin. ine. nothing harsh, nor sickening. Fine for feverish restless children, Box of 48 at 25e. Sold by J J Mer- ner aw L . gs \VANTE I am ready to contract all kinds of good logs for winter delivery, and will pay top prices. ,t 11. If you i 1; tend buildil i g next. year, call and t = lk the matter over with us. F. C. KAL°IFLE SCH, .Z.lrich .E.************************ 0 * Inter ationa.l Harvester * The following is the report of S. S. No. 4, tfay, for the month of October. Total number of marks 160. Myrtle Ortwein 158, Eveline Du- charme 156, Flossie Surerus 156, Gordon Surerus 154, Verne Geiger 154, Alberta Geiger 162. Catharine Volland 152,Gertie Kaercher 148, Ferne Wnitner 148, Pearl Kaercher 148., Dennis Ducharme 140, Lila Melick; 140 Violet Eckstein 136, Hexbfeet11'el ova 116,. Clayton Ort even Piste, tate y- ossean 122, Mary Gingertuh i 8, Edmund Gingerioh 114, Anton i ingerich` 112, Joe Du- charme 102, Tuffield Ducharme 98. Ada Deitz 96, Lydia Deitz 96, Emma Ducharme 74, Harry Bassow 64, Edith Bassow 62. Gertrude M. Thompson, Teacher. The wastefullness of labor dis- putes is strikingly shown forth in a recent government report issued at Ottawa, which states that dur- ing September last the loss of time to Canadian employees due to this cause amounted approximately to 179,085 working days. This is com- pared with 192,600 days so wasted in August and 61,057 for Septem- ber a year ago. Tho recent strike of the C. P. R. machinists was largely responsible as, during the month referred to there were but three other strikes and these affect- ed a comparatively small number of men. Now that this important affair has been settled it is likely that Canadian labor conditions, as far as strikesare concerned, com- pare very favorably with those of last year. HENSALL FLOUR MILLS We have been closed down for the past three months during which time we have put in an en- tirely new system of milling, con• sisting of the best and most up to date milling machinery, and are now in a position to furnish our customers with our Snow Drift brandfamily flour which is giving universal satisfaction. Our aim is to plan good baking from the selecting of the wheat to the packing of the flour, and the result is thatseverai hundred fami- lies are being pleasa,d every week with the results they obtain by using our family flour. It is the best flour at the lowest cost, dont be contented with ordinary flour, but insist on getting our Snow Drift flour at our mill or from your feed store, he sells it. We have increased our capacity of tho`mill to two hundred barrels per day and require a large amount of wbeat every day. Consequently we will at all times pay the very highest price for wheat, bring us your wheat and be convinced. Bring us a load of Oats and have them crushed for horse feed with our new roll crusher, which is es- pecially adapted for this purpose, when ,you once feed your horses crushed oats you will always want them; don't forget to bring lots of empty bags, IT, COOK SONS & CO., I3ensall. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the estate of Men - no Sohwartzentruber, late of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 1997, chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims against the es- tate of the late Menno Sehwartzentruber, who died on or about the 9th day of October, 1908, are required on or before the 30th day of Nov., 1908, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Magdlena Soh- wartzentruber and Barbara Schwartzen- truber, the executrices, at Zurieh P. 0. of the said deceased, their Christian and surnames, addresses, and descriptions, the fall particulars of their claims, the state- ment of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, held by them. .And further take notice that after such last, mentioned date the said Executrices will proceed to distribute the assets of the de- ceased among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to tho claims, of which they shall then have notice, and that th e said executrices will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shah not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. H. J. D. COOKE Solicitor for the said executrices. Dated at Zurich, this 5th cla,r of Novem- l:er, 1908, e • •Implerefts• • •. We keep in stook a fall line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e rely - thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and. repairs of all kinds. When i11 Heed of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. 'f lESSI N9 0 Rickbell'e Old Stand - - ZURICH. **********33.********* 0 0 The Zurich Herald AND - Family Herald and Weekly Star iJ FOR THE The Zurich Herald will supply you each week with a complete . budget of local news, reliable market reports, and everything of interest n this territory. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal is the acknow. ledged best Family and Farm. paper on the continent. No home can afford. to be without it. To farmers it is simply invaluable. It interests one and d all and is beyond question the best dollar's worth to be had. The combination of the Zurich Herald and the Family Herald and Weekly Star provides yon with the greatest amount of wholesome family reading and valuable information, and at the above price every home in this territory should take advantage of the offer. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATISFACTORY. Address your orders to 'THE HERALD, Zurich LOCAL OPTION WINS AGAIN On Wednesday morning Mr. J. G. Stanbury, solicitor for the Hen - sail local opt -on people, received a message froth Osgoode Hall, Toron- to, that the Court of Appeal had dismissed Mr. Coxworth's appeal from the decision of Chief Justice Mulock, who upheld the bylaw, It will be remembered that shortly after the bylaw was carried by a vote of the people of Plimsoll Mr. Coxworth and those opposed to local option commenced an action against the Village to havo it up- set. The Council took tip the de- fence of local option, but it was discovered. before long that they were playing into the hands of the liquor interests to defeat the. by- laW, The temperance people then decided to engage a lawyer them- selves. Mr. Stansbury was retained and has succeeded in winning at every stage of the case, He first snoceeded in having the dofenoebf the bylaw taken from the Village Council, Then when the motion to quash was made before Chief Justice Mulock local option was upheld and now Chief Justice Fal- con -bridge and Justices Britton and Riddell have heard the appeal and have again confirmed the by- law with costs against Coxworth. W. Proudfoot,:X. C„ of eoderich, and J. B. McKenzie, E. C., of To- ronto, actocl for Coxworth. It isn't so difficult to strengthen a weak stomach if one goes at it correctly. And this is true of the heart and kidneys. The old fash- ioned. way of dosing the stomach or stimulating the heart or kidneys is surely wrong 1 Dr Shoop first pointed out this error. "Go to the weak or ailing nerves of these or- gans" said he. Each inside organ has its controlling or "inside ner- ve." When these nerves fail then those organs mrst surely falter. This vital truth is leading druggists everywhere to dispense' and recon - mond Dr Shoop's Restorative, A few clays test will sorely tell 1 Sold by d J 1Vlerner, -_