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The Herald, 1908-11-13, Page 1
The Official Organ of Zurich and Ray Township. V o 1 . 1X. FRIDAY MORNING. NOV. 13 1908. No. 15. 1 CLINTON Business College Most modern and popular Busi- ness School in West ern Ontario Widely experienc ed broadly educated, sympathe tic attentive staff. The synonym of success. Graduates eminently success. full. The very esse nee of mod- ern, living business systems. Stenography, Telegr aphy and Oomrermai Courses. Preparatory course for th ose whose education has been neg• - 15 lected, Mail courses, in any subjects, for those who wish to study at roi home. Individual instruction. Enter any clay. Write for handsome catalogue. GEO. SroTxoN. Principal. Yt 3 £ Ma£3lE318e2 1* ,uf 6 LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. William Klopp, left ou Wednesday for her home in Surat. ford.. Mr. R. W. Williams of the Mol - sons bank staff of London, was a visitor in town, over Thanksgiving, Do not miss Preeter's big Slau- ghter Sale in Dress Goods. Prices cut nearly in half. Go early. The regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held Wednesday afternoon, Nov .leth, at the home of Mrs. J. A. Williams. Rev. E. H. Bean of Crediton, assisted. Rev. A. D. Gischler in his Evangelistic services on Wednes• day evening, in the 14 Con. church. Call and look through our stock of. Underwear if you want some• thing good. Our lines are com- plete and quality the best. J. Pree- ter. Mr. C. Silber left on Thursday morning for Tilbury, to examine the horse Texas Bonnie, for Mr. C. k'r1tz, whoei k• pegotiating • Ior t,nis well bred pacer: Rev. S. L. Toll of Hensall, ad- dressed two gatherings here on Sunday, in the interests of Local Option. Both afternoon and even- ing meetings were largely attend- ed. One of our exchanges is still running an ad asking for harvesters in the West. Brother, the harvest is over and some of the new West- ern wheat has already been made into flour, baked into bread and eaten in China. Are you aware of the fact that you can have your grain put throu- gh two choppers, for 5c per bag, and also have your oats rolled for horses at 5c per bag, at the Hensel] Flour Mills. Read the pain formula on a box Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestioo—blood pres sure somewhere. Dr Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see 1 20 for 25 cents. Sold by J J Merner. The supper and entertainment, given by the Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran church, on Thursday evening was a big success, and should net the society nearly 8100. The dining hall was crowded from 6 o'clock to 8.30 and the Town Hall was literally jammed to hear the program. Tho star attraction was the Jubilee Silver Band. and their selections were well received. Sev- eral duetts on the piano by Mr. Victor Appel and Miss Icla Sipple, greatly pleased the audience Then there was the string band with several good selections. The drills and songs by the little girls and boys were heartily encored, while the selections given by Mr. Geoege 1'. Hess on his concert phonograph, were loudly cheered. Rev. C. 0, J. Maass gave a short address, which. was listened to with the closest attention. The chairman of the evening, Mr. F. Hess Sr., by his good tact, managed to keep the large crowd in good order and in better humor, The event, which was the first one under the auspic- es of this organization, was very encouraging and will likely he fol. lowed by others of a similar nature Some comment should be made of the supper provided by the ladies, but the writer is too full of the. subject, for utterance. Suffice it to sa,y tho "'vittals" dished up were fit for a Sultan and the abundance, of everything was simply amazing, Mr, Harold Appel, of Seaforth visited his parents, over the holi- days. Misses Ortwein and Miss Florence Pope of Hensel], visited . 7.... �w,th friends here, on Sunday. It is rumored that a party here is about ready to erect a skating rink. The project might be safely en- couraged by our citizens. ,1 For next week only—We are {king a clean sweep sale of cop. et nickel plated tea kettles, re - i iilar price 81.75, for 81.25, at a•rtleib's•. 1 } LUTHERAN CHURo —The evening 'service for next Sunday, will be conducted in English. The subject of the sermon will be, "Our Coun- try." All are cordially invited to attend. The officers and teachers of the Evangelical Sunday School, met on Tuesday evening to arrange for a Xmas entertainment, to bo render- ed in the -Evangelical church on Xmas night Dec. 25. Dr 0 ven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Nov 20th. Hours 5 to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and fai]eg eye sight treated. Messrs. W, O'Brien and W. G. Hess, acting for the Hay council, recently removed the fence which barred the way to the new road to the lake at St. Joseph, which the council expropriated a short time ago. The fence was no more than laid aside when a gang of men were hired and soon had it in place again. A lively lawsuit will likely be the result. The Exeter Advocate publishes the following, which applies with equal force to Zurich. only in a lesser degree. "Among other signs of the advancing season is the re- gular Sunday evening line-up of half youths at the church doors. This custom is an intolerable nuis- ance to church goers and some way ought to be found of abating it. We all enjoy seeing church goers linger to give friendly greetings. after the service. but nobody wants to be compelled to run the gauntlet betweem two lines of tobacco munching, cigarette -smoking, nob- ble-dehoys, such as those who compose the rank and file of the curbstone guard of a Sunday even- ing. No young man who is a gent- leman would be guilty of th practice and young men who at not gentlemen shouldn't be allow ed to." Mr. Abe Bender of London spent the holidays, under the pa tai roof. Miss M. Colvin of Blyth, visited over Thanksgiving Day, with her sister, Miss L. Colvin; Misses Ida Klein and Nettie Mel- rose, of Baden, visited at their uncle's, Mr. Thos. Johnson, this week. Mr. Clayton Smith and Miss Susan Wilhelm, of the: Bauble Line, visited friends in and & around New Hamburg, the past week. Mr. Elmore Kruger, one or Mr. Merner's clerks, accidently put a few grains of shot into his leg, while out shooting, on Thanksgiv- ing Day. Mrs. A. Herman and daughter, of Tavistock, and Mrs. G. Studer of Sebringville, spent. Thanksgiv- ing, at the home of Dr, E. W. Stoskopf. We have put another' Range in stook called the Ladies Aid 'Range, it is the dilly of theta, all, only 845.00. Call and see itbefore you buy, at Hartleib's. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moritz of Guelph, and Mrs. J. K. Wing of Berlin, were here over Sunday visiting their sister, Mrs. Haist, who has been very poorly for some time. Rev. T. C. Meckel of Reading, Pa., Missionary See., of the Evan- gelical Association, will preach in the interest of Missions in the Evangelical church on Tuesday evening, at 7.30 o'clock. Rheumatism promptly driven from the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy. Dont waste time with common remedies, A test will surely tell. In tablet or liquid. form. Sold by J J Merner. The Ladies' Aid in connection with St. Peter's Evangelical Luth- eran church, desires to. thank all who have assisted in making last week's evening entertainment, a success. It will pay yon to watch the ad of the Hensall Flouring Mills next week, as they are ,goi .' to. 'make some special •-ra ncet. - . i i' the way of introducing heiz^ now Drift Bread Flour, whi+ h is mane b thei WWS1[i WWWWWO W to SAMAAMAIMN We are after you this Fall For Your. Winter 'Wear DRESS GOODS of the very latest, in all the leading Colors. Plain and striped Goods. Woollen and Flannelette Blankets. Flannelettes Flannelette Shirting. Flannels. Wrapperettes. White Bear Cloth. T ADIES' Coats. Girls' Coats. Ladies' Furs. Ladies' i Wool and Silk Scarfs. Children's Wool Scarfs. Children's Toques, Hosiery and Ladies' Underwear, a full line. Ladies' Mufflers and Gloves. EN'S Overcoats. Suitings. Hats and Caps. Men's men's Mufflers. Men's and Boys' Sweaters. Men's Socks. Men's Ties and Gloves. A full Line of Men's and Boys' Underwear. Men's Dress Shirts and Working Shirts. Men's Overalls, Smocks a n d Tweed Pants. ABEAUTIFUL Assortment in Fa.nev Dishes and Dinner Sets. Potatoes and all Farm Produce taken in exchange for Goods. D.,S.AUST +:illi ZURICH sn. MRVyVL1 1UAMfiANWW iMA vJYUY1�� �� 11�T o •4•C�•4.4•q.•�•O.O.O O.O.9.0•�•O•�.O.O.4 4.•0.O.q• Q'�oc.00 ooc>o-c3o�oc•oom©coo .�•dU•d•G°G•d•O•d•dO•d•d•d•O•d•040•d•d•O.O©.‹ti a.QoM1 THE UP:TO:DATE DD OOV >.„ i,? � 5'��'�' ..tea �. �,.c ` �.•.�g � w � k,.r�yy ,+-,.,+a �.: g. V Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots and Shoes. Complete lines in Fall and Winter Goods at prices which will save you money. We are sole agents for the famous Wil- liams staple il-liams,staple shoes,Emade specially for farm wear Complete range Williams patent leggings, the best on earth. King's Stub—proof and Kant Krack Rubbers. Repairs while you wait. We take butter and eggs in exchange. O. FRITZ •D �QO • 40D 4�D THE SHOE -MAN ® ZURICH 40G' •3:Fii3 ormammata 3i3 3 ? i 32oE3 3 C3 E 3 kont £3almuct3te:33 1 ¢�..,. � • a .���•' E Ef G49r . ,-n...rw•rw<.�yJ MCAG.NoC[i.Ges+S/• .C)Vs.M84:2'G.?f"mil4:leal K:304 •1=0 11:0PL ....io ; 7Vv.3h? .5.J'. 8.•=wuJ1 1,-, Nrl`Y^: i ix`vC Y^ .111.11113MMICIONSMOWEITIMI. 11111001.1 On looking over our stock of Dress Goods we find several lines which we are going to clear out re= gardless of cost. They consist of Plain Ladies' Cloths Meltons Fancy Tweeds All A/ Goods Regular hoc line for . Regular 5oc line for Regular 4.0c line Regular 30c line for . F for A few Dress Ends hi Plain and F .. ncy Tweeds, ranging in price from .75 to $1.25, at half price. Call and make your selections early, as they will go quick at above prices. • LA'r We have liad a very successful season in this line so far, and our Stock is still fairly well assor— ted. We are also offering some special values in this line. If you want a nice Fur -lined Mantle, you should see our Stock before making your purchase. Men's Overcoats We have a good selection of Men's Overcoats in Beavers and Tweeds, be pleased to show you our Lines. and We Stoves, Ranges eaters, Boys' Axes, Saws, Etc., Etc. All Produce taken for Goode. will