The Herald, 1908-10-30, Page 8E
an .he days awake all night. because his
mattress is lumpy and his spring sags in
the centre. That's why he is not fit for
work the next day.
No man can toss about on an uncom-
fortable bed at night and keep up his
end in the day time.
Buy him one of
liartleib's Felt I'lattresses
and a Comfort Spring
• i
then you overcome this difficulty.
.I..#'.+v1•*}v,pTa..1 t' N.G. anti..;tn ,:,1(, .... ;;t 1;;
sil .k t
will be held
nd following days, when
we we will show you the
the finest stock of Millinery
our Show Room yet con=
tained. Conte and inspect.
For Fall and Winter, in all
the leading shades of Navy,
Green, Brown, and Black.
's Clot
This Store has for years
been the leader in this line
and we expect a bigger
business than ever.
Fz rs, ntles,
You will make no mistake
if you buy your Furs at
this Store. The prices and
qualities are RIGHT.
IA 6 ma pro,letemearassanurxemastreatemsnerossnairearenrooseratnenetwasonearmearensumenianclnumftmer...rsoagauram
General Merchant,
4�A'N'6 1 x<11 !' Q2.1, ""YV**71 W"‹.7.›<MY• 5.•••<
The Zurich Herald.
See our lines of stoves, before
you buy, We have the best lines
ever shown in Zurich, at prides the
lowest, at Hartleib's.
$36.00 per week or 400% profit.
All samples. stationery, and art
catalogue free, We want one per-
manent agent in this locality for
the largest picture' and: frame house
in America. Experience unnces-
sary. We instruct you how to sell
our goods and furnish the capital.
If you want a permanent, honor-
able and profitable position, write
us today for particulars catalogues
and samples. Frantz W. William,
Company, 1214 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, Ill.
Western grain continues to be
rapidly pushed forward to lake
ports. The railways are using
every available oar and it is likely
that by the time navigation closes
a much larger quantity will have.
been moved than ever before up to
the same time. Between four and
five hundred cars of wheat are
daily being inspected at Winnipeg
and the quality is generally of sur-
prising excellence. Most of the
wheat Doming forward is of the
higher grades and indications are
the quality will keep up until the
entire crop is moved. No doubt the
railways will be kept busy all win-
ter, but after the worst of the rush
is over there should be little or no
interference with the movement of
general freight.
Tickling, tight Coughs, can be
surely and quickly loosened with a
prescription Druggists are dispens-
ing everywhere as Dr Shoop's
Cough Remedy.: And it is so very,
very different than common cough
medicines. No Opium, no Chloro-
form, absolutely nothing harsh or
unsafe. The tender leaves of a
harmless, lung healing mountain-
ous shrub, gives the curative pro-
perties to Dr Shoop's Cough Reme-
dy. Those leaves have the power
to calm the most distressing cough
and to soothe and heal the most
sensitive bronchial membrane.
Mothers should,, for satety's sake
alone always demand Dr Shoop's.
It can with perfect freedom be giv-
en to even the youngest babes.
Test it yourself and. see. Sold by
J J Merner.
The result of the recent election
in this Riding can hardly be called
a surprise, except in the large
majority rolled (115 for• the liberal
candidate. The Township of Hay
gave Mr. McLean a big vote, while
at the local poli his lead was in-
creased from 3 in January, to 23
on Monday. Another surprise came
from the Bronson Line poll, where
the liberal majority was increased
from 21 to 45. At St. Joseph how-
ever Mr, McLean suffered a reverse,
bis majority of 60 in January being
pulled down to 43. The following
are the majorities for each candi-
date so far as can be ascertained,
and the official count at Brucefield
on Saturday may alter the figures
McLean Sherritt
Seaforth 79
Exeter 125
Bayfield 57
Stanley 38
Usborne 123
Hensall 10
Stephen 110
Tuckersmith 240
McKillop 141.
Hay 164
McLean's majority 152
Clubbing rates.
ler'We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tum, HVBALD :
Daily Globe:; . $ 4.25
,, Mail. & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe 1.75
„ Mail & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2.50
Family Herald & Star 1.60
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser .. 1.50
Weekly Sun 7.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
is becomi:.g, more and
more, an important factor
in modern business meth=
ods. If we knew of a
better medium than the
local paper, we would tell.
you. Does your advertise=
rent appear in this issue?
lowing is the report of Zurich,
markets corrected up to Thursday
Barley 50 to 50
Peas 80
... .20.00
Shorts 22.00
Oats•37 37
Wheat 87 88
Hay 7.00
Dried apples . , , ..: , 5 5
Clover seed, ...... 10.00 11,00
Potatoes 40 40
Butter ..,. 20 20
Eggs 20 20.
Hogs liveweight 5.70 5 .70
Wheat.,.,...,,,89 89
Oats 37 37
Barley:..,: 52 52
Boas 84 85
Hogs livoweight 5 70 5.70
l OW IS THE TIME to buy your Spring and
Summer shoes. It would be hard to find a bigger
or better assortment of Boots and Shoes, than we are
showing this season.
We have a nice lot of Spring goods. in all sizes
and colors, and still more coming.
Come and examine our goods before you buy
elsewhere. We rive big discounts. It means money
to you.
ER, Zurich
to new subscribers in Canada, to
the end of the year for 15 cents.
Haven't you a son daughter. —
uncle, aurkt or cousin—or some
friend at a distance, that would
like to read the home paper'?
The benefit will be mutual if you
will act once.
T111 IIERAL M , Zurich