The Herald, 1908-10-30, Page 1HER
The Official Organ of 'Zurich and Hay Township.
Vol. IX.
with leading business home 1961
await our graduates. It
and all modern office methods
which ensure rapid advance-
taught by the only teacher in
Ontario who attended the
Authors School.
el THREE COURSES—Stenography,
Commercial, Telegraphy.
Enter any day. Write for particulars
C1111to11 Bl1S1ll8SS College.
Gro. SroTzoN. Principal.
U3C:t9CK3tt3g3re'sF i3E 13fn
If you want a fine hat and cap,
call at D. S. Faust.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Kalbfeisah
of Detroit are visiting their par-
ents, in town.
Mr. Wm. Gabel of Bervie. was
visiting his sister Mrs. J. Koch,
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ortwein visited
the latter's daughter at Bayfield, on
Mr. John Leslie of Blake is on
the sick list, this week.
D. S. Faust. has a fine line of
Ladies Coats. Come and look at
Mr. D. S. Faust, is attending the
"Forward Movement" convention
at Berlin, this week.
Mr. A. Brisson has rented Mr. S.
Rannie's farm, near St. Joseph, for
a term of years.
Miss Olive Weselohn left for
London on Wednesday last, where
she has procured a good position.
Rev. A. D. Gischler. will give a
report of the "Forward Movement'
convention, next Sunday evening.
Wanted -30 cts per hundred-
weight, for good, sound peeling
apples, at the Hensall Evaporator.
Geo. Joynt, 8tf.
The next meeting of the Ladies
Aid of the Evangelical church, will
be held on Thursday Nov. 5th.
This is thanksgiving meeting, and
everyone should try and attend.
Dashwood correspondent owing
to the solar plexus he received on
Monday, was unable to use his
right arm this week. We will ex-
pect his usual budget, next week.
Rev. A. D. Gischler left on Wed-
nesday, to attend the "Forward
Movement" convention for Sunday
school, Young People's Alliance
and Church Workers, which con-
venes in Zion Evangelical church,
Vermilion Alberta, is three
years old. It has a school which
cost $12,000, a creamery making
butter from four hundred cows,
and this year one hundred and
fifty thousand bushels of grain will
be marketed there.
Miss Lydia Koehler returned
from Clinton Hospital, on Tues-
day evening.
We stand at the back of our
home made harness if anything
goes wrong, at Eartieib's.
A quarrel merely proves that
one of the parties to it hasn't any
more sense than the other.
Mr. Nicholas Foster Sr., was the
oldest voter to turn out on Mon-
day. He is counting his years away
up in the eighties.
Mrs. Peter Bender took seriously
ill, on Thursday forenoon last, but
her many friends will be pleased to
hear that she is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Schwartzentrub-
er of the Bronson Line, left on
Wednesday for a short visit with
friends, at New Hamburg.
The hand bag advertised lost, in
our last issue. has been found by
Mr. Fleiscliauer and left at our
office. Everybody reads THE HER
No. 13'
D. S. Faust, is open to buy
dutch setts. Bring these along.
Miss Lizzie Rennie goes to Lon-
don every Saturday, to continue her
piano studies.
See the Range we sell at $35.00,
regular price $45,00, only one left,
at Hartleib's,
I have a place for $2000.00 on
mortgage. Good security, at 5 per
cent interest. Apply to E. Zelle r,
A travelling photographer was
in town this week taking views of
the various 'business and public
The Sunday school of the Evan-
gelical church, will <hereafter be
conducted in the afternoon, begin-
ning at 2 o'clock.
Dr Oven's Surgeon, Oculist ,
Speuialist will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensall, on Friday Oct 23rd. Hours
5 to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted
Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye
sight treated.
Subscribers in arrears are again
reminded that it is necessary to
square up at -brace. We have quite
a number that are Several years
overdue, and will have to place
these into other hand: for collec-
tion, if not Paid now,
The annual electionof officers of
the W. 0. T. U. was held on Wed-
nesday afternoon, Oct.' 28th, at the
home of Mrs. D. Koehler, which
resulted as follows Pres., Miss
Ethel Williams ; . Vice -Pres., Mrs.
C. Heyrock ; Cor -Seo., Mrs. Merner ;
Ree -Sec., Mrs. Gisehler ; Assistant,
Mrs. Koehler ; Treas., Miss Ella
Rennie ; Organist, Miss Lizzie Ran-
nie. Departments of work. Evan-
gelistic, Mrs. P. Bender; Press,
Miss Ethel Williams ; Purity and
Mother meetings, Mrs. Hoyrock ;
Lumbermen, Mrs. Williams; Par-
lor meetings, Mrs. Fritz,
Rev. C. Staebler, editor of the
German S. S. and Y, P. A. Litera-
ture and. Rev. F. C Berger,, Field.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kaereher cf
the Bronson Line. have forwarded
their household effects to New
Dundee and will take up their re-
sidence there, with their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Toman. They
will leave for their new home neat Secretary, both of CCievtikctil, Ohio,
week. will be the principal speakers at
LUTHERAN CnuucH—The Ladies' the convention. This new "For -
Aid in connection with St. Peter's ward Movement" was inarigurated
Lutheran church, is m eking pre- at the recent General conference of
paration for an evening entertain- the Evangelical Association and
meat, to be held on Thursday the thus bears the sanction and ap•
5th of November. Supper will be proval of the highest body of the
served from 5.30 to 7.30 P. m , at church. Its object is to enlist and
the store forznerly occupied by C. train practical workers for every
Hartleib. An entertainment will be department of church work ; to
given at the Town Hall, comment- foster the spirit of Evangelism, and
ing at S p. m. Admission 25 cents to emphasize the supreme need of
for adults and loots for children. a concentration of ohristian forces
All are welcome. upon the attainment of this object
For Chapped Skin.
Chapped skin whether on the
hands or face may be cured in one
night by :replying Chamberlain's
Salve. It is also unequaled for
sore nipples. burns and scalds. For
sale by J J Merner.
Peter's Evangelical church, will
celebrate the anniversary of Re-
formation. The morning service
will be conducted in German, and
the evening service in English. All
are cordially invited to attend.
Mr. Samuel Erratt, a respected
young farmer of Stanley Township,
died on Tuesday, following an
operation for appendicitis. The
funeral took place on Thursday.
The deceased was, a son of the late
Isaac Erratt, and, owing to his
quiet and kindly manner, was
highly esteemed as a neighbor and
friend. He had reached the age of
about 38 years, and his early death
will cast a deep gloom over his re-
latives and friends His widow,
who is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Robinson will feel keenly the
loss she has sustained and she has
the sincere sympathy of the com-
munity, in her sad. bereavement.
The election returns were receiv-
ed on Monday evening, over the G.
N. W. wire. Some of the local re-
sults were received by telephone.
The Liberals met in the Town Hall,
and the Conservatives in Ran's
Hall. The evening passed off very
quietly, considering the excitement
of the day. The only feature of
the evening was a procession,
headed by a number of young men,
both grit and tory, supplied with
lighted brooms, and drawing a
buggy containing a straw man,
plentifully soaked with coal oil,
and after being lighted presented a
rather gruesome aspect. The effigy
was promptly knocked off the bug-
gy by the broom handlers, after it
refused to sit still any longer, and,
as the electric lights were turned
off for the night, the crowd quietly
dispersed and quietness resigned
u remo,
2' We are after you this Fall
For Your Winter Wear
DRESS GOODS of the very latest, in all the leading
�.J Colors. Plain and striped. Goods.
Woollen and Flannelette Blankets. Flannelettes
Flannelette Shirting. Flannels. Wrapperettes. White
Bear Cloth.
LADIES' Coats. Girls' Coats. Ladies' Furs. Ladies'
Wool and Silk Scarfs. Children's Wool Scarfs.
Children's Toques. Hosiery and Ladies' Underwear,
a full line. Ladies' Mufflers and Gloves.
MEN'S Overcoats. Suitings. Hats and Caps. Men's
1 Men's Mufflers. Men's and Boys' Sweaters.
Men's Socks. Men's Ties and Gloves. A full
Line of Men's and Boys' Underwear. Men's Dress Shirts
and Working Shirts. Men's Overalls, Smocks a n d
Tweed Pants.
ABEAUTIFUL Assortment in Fancy Dishes and
` Dinner Sets. Potatoes and all Farm Produce
taken in exchange for Goods.
-00�oo�c0-0�°�° o4aaacoa• as°�.
d •lJ • •••O 4..,,, •lam •O.O O' O lJ•O.O..,O.4 0 O,,,, O D
Doot ry . rr 1 , ... C ,.. IH �, .:r „i.N rt� Fly �� k� T yy x rw.rm ,,.^^ryh5„5 N . ,�x'�r d .,s �Cx,,. c + Opp40
D• 4 Complete lines in Fall and Winter E.roods ,1 Q • '
D j i at prices which will save you rnoney 1p
halo .
1 We are sole agents for .the fa/nous 'MT- T-
s staple shoes,?made specially for farm wear
QpDComplete range Williams patent leggings,
2the best on earth. King's Stub—proof and Kant
(lb Krack Rubbers. 0Deo 4 0
aRepairs while you wait. X10
D, D We take butter and eggs in exchange. 4 D
Dpi VP'
gpm / Z a
U• � � 4 ,,,•0.O.4 b•4.4 4• d•4: 4• d• G• O• .,....4.... .„:„., o
Headquarters for the best that is made in Boots and Shoes.
'"os T. F
13 A z ATT
and to do it wisely and well, you can do no better than to make our
Store your headquarters for your fall a.iid winter wants.
We are sure we can suit you in prices and quality.
Our stock of Coats for Fall and Winter wear is complete,
with the best and latest that money can buy. We especially in -
a, vite your attention to our display of Men's and Boys' . Overcoats,
and are sure we can suit you. In Fur Coats, Fur -lined Coats,
Ladies Jackets and Mantles. Our stock is the largest we have
ever carried, and our prices are as low as any. Call and look
through our stock whether you buy or not.
Our stock of underwear for cold weather wear is .now c om-
plete, and ranges in price from $1.00 to $5.00 per snit. Our
leaders are SOVEREIGN for men and ALEXANDRA for wo-
men, pure wool, and uusbrinkable.
When looking for something good in gloves or mitts, look
through our stock. Prices range from. 10 cents to $3.00 per pair.
In fact our store is filled to the doors with the
best and brighest stock of Fall. Goods, and
tka` r,.
iti 1
if you do your buying here. Pro
Full lime of ;..:.seburners, Heaters, Ranges
uce of all kinds taken.
nd seaso
ble Hardware
engem, `�-w.a.rl.w.a.{ �..^,v� - Bh ':' -xJ :F�c ��r.;�S:a•,�dS #x� .�„ro::ir�C.wu
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