HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-10-09, Page 44 Zurich Herald. DelatiDeD a G1 feCiiii= CD MEMKkalleGETPADelD 1 Zurich Branch a riDGIEZDGDMEDragE112DED cDostweb y AN Incorporated .1.851.75 CA 'iTU.. m ., • - $3,374,000 REST FUN iR; - $3,374,000 Has 65 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Correspondents in all, the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, S 4,\VINGS BANK DEPARTMENT aa.9-Vv ms: sura ea at all Branches. Interest allowed n,t highest current rate ' d H. ARNOLD, Manager Qt,13 D e GDdW 4:3DMEDCIDa a311 LEGAL CARDS. t . 3.11. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- licitor, Notary Public, H'ensall, Ontario. tit Zlstich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROlTDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Gocierioh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. G. F. Blair. PUBLISHED B3' E. ZELLEIR. FRIDAY OUT, 9th, 1908 AN ADDRESS To The Electors of South Huron. BUSINESS CARDS. (3entlez:ion.—On the, 22nd of Jan. last you did nue the honor of elect - H. C1 DOAN, V. S., AS I IAVE 1'I.TR.- chased back zny busisaess from E. 'W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Ran's Hotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - •.luate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto Uiii'versity. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At .Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De ed s, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. 011ice— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC rl I S S V. MAASS, Prepares 1 Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address: LUTkIERAN PARSONAGE, Zrtrir.h. SALE REG! sTri;R On.Saturday Oet.:10th, Frame scboel house, No. 2 at two o'clock. 13. S. Phillips, auctioneer: Auction Sale of farm and personal effects, Lot 14, Con. 10, Hay, Iia miles South of Zurich, on 'Thursday, Oet. 15th 1908, commencing at 1 o'clock, E. Bus- senberry, auctioneer, Geo. Schoellig, Proprietor. W. C. T. U. hip,' me as your representative to the Dominion Parliament, for which I return you uiy sincere and heart -felt thanks. As Parliament has been dissolved and another election will be held on Monday, Oct. 26th, I am again a candidate for your su arages As I have only been permitted to have part of one sessinn I think in justice to the constituency us well as to myself, it is only fair to ask a renewal of your confidence for at least a full terns. This 1 now ask at your hands, and should you see fit to thus favor. nae, I promise you that no effort will be spared on my part to advance the best interests of my constituents and the welfare of onr• growing and prosperous country. • Before the close of the campaign I hope to have the privilege of meeting with many of you person. ally and of disoussing with you the great public issues Which are now so earnestly engaging the attention of the people of this country, Again solieitin g your suffrages and support, I am, Your Obedient Servant, M. Y. McT,Tr'.AN, • Liberal Candidate for Soazt'i Hat. ron. SCHOOL REPORT of 5. S.•8. No. 1, Hay, for Septem- ber IV class. I1axirne Denomy, Eddie Brisson, Hector Laporte, Ld\v rd Uor.riveaas, Johnny Denomy, Valer- ie Laporte, Alice Ilenolny. Wilfrid Luporto, Maximilian Denomy, Salomon Denomy. Jr ILL Eugene Denomy, Loretta THE FLOUR SA(.'R AND BEER- Laporte, Annie Uorriveau, Bertine KEG. Denomy, Lillio Denomy. Sr II. Edward Laporte. Bvange One day a sack of flour belonging line Laporte, Richard' Laporte, Ar - to a.grocer found itselfsitting on mar Denomy, Fabian Corrivcau, former home, ,on the Goshen Line. the front pavement, side by side Simon Bedard. They were married an Friday last with a beer -keg which was the Jr II. Rachel Bedard, Filbert De- at Chicago, property of a neighboring saloon_ noxny. Len Denomy, Adolphe Sop- Peter Schroeder had a successful l;eaelter. his. Teddy Denomysale on Tuesday of this week. B. They eyed each other curiously, Pt 11Lawrence Denomy, Charles S. Phillips wielded the hammer and then the following eonvcrsa- Sedans. and'niices in general -were good. tion began : 1't I, Marcel Laporte, Adelia This week we must record the "You need not shrink away front De'nml:y, Beatrice Denomy Larina deutl: of Oliver Herlaert Wein, the infantson of Mr. and Mrs. .1. Wein of the Goshen Line, which sad event ecourred on Friday morning. The little fellow had been ill of pneutuonia for about three weeks, and died as stated above at the age of 8 -months and 1 week, The fun- eral on Sunday afternoon was very largely attended, interment being made in the Goshen Line cemetery, Rev, li itit officiating. We extend to the bercaved parents and friends our kindest sympathy and com- mend them to the care of Him who said "Suffer the little children to conte unto nee and forbid them not for `cif sttolx is the kingdom of Hea- ven." B1. aI& The following report shows the relative standing U. at.. vsp, 9, Staofnleythe, tarpupils iliaof mouth of October based on punot- uality, regularity and general de- portment, V class F. Capling, M. Douglas, T. Sb hitt. TV, L. 7apfe, A. Keys, I, Manson, Sr T1I �, Esser, A. Gascho, M. J . Me sets. Jr Ili. E. Boehler, 0. TTioholson, P. Mol3rido. Sr II, J. Moyer, 5. Oesch, E Moy- er: Jr I1.1�. Manson, R. Gascho, R. Mo? x{do. A t:II. Cl. Zapfe, A. Finlay, W. Mattson, Pt I a E. Finlay, L. Meyers, G. Douglas. Pt I b, A. Meyers, S. Erb, J. Moyar. Mr. and Mrs. fennel are spend- ing a couple of weeks, visiting friends around Baden. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess of Zurioli, spent Sunday* at the home of Mr. Allan. Farmers in the neighborhood are taking up their roots. Mr. T. Sherritt captured three red tiokets, at. Bayfield Fair. This speaks well for his stock. • More Than Enough is Too Much. To maintain health, a mature man or woman needs just enough fooii to repair the waste and sup- pid energy and body heat. The habitual consninption of more food than is necessary for these purpos- es is the prime cause of stomach troubles, rheumatism and disorders of the kidneys. If troubled with indigestion, revise your diet, let reason and not appetite control and take ,r few doees of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and you will soon be all right again. For sale by J J Merner. CAS!-JW000 H. Ilse is nursing a sore hand these days, the result of falling one day list week in the pomp shop, his hand coining in contact with a, running gearing. Luckily it was driven by horse -power, and that the horse stopped, otherwise nlora�.eerious injury would have been.tho result. As it is his band is 'bLdles used up and it will be seine<tinio before he will be able to �s-rk. again, la:Kellerrnan of Elkton Mich., 1'eurp,ebere on Saturday, from Lon. doti,*here 'he had been 'visiting his lar.ather. who is in the hospital at that place and who is 'reported to 'be doing' as well as can be ex- pected. Mrs. J. Winkenwecler of this village, will hold an auction sale of her household effects on Saturday next, in the afternoon. It is Mrs. Winkeneveder's intention to make Napierville, 'her future home. Mr. and Mrs. Stylrer of Chicago, nee Dliee Emma Clark, aro spending their honeymoon at Mrs. Styker's pie." said the beer -keg impudently Denomy and Clement Denomy (eq - "for I am made of a great cleats nal), A.lb.nat Denomy, Thoeuore more veluable and respoetahie Laporte, Napoleon Denomy and material than you, The heart of Leopold Deenotny (equal), Lucy the oak fnrnished my Staves, while Denomy, Delia Denomy, Wilfred the iron hoops which bind me to. Corrive,.au, Nettie Denomy, Leo getheer carie from the amines :anti CorriV^aau. Loretta Young, furnaces. You are nothing but brown paper glade of lnilp, into which filthy oict rags, straw and the pickings of the refuse pile were ground." ' Aha1" replied the flone.sack. " Han dyoxne is that handsome does" my grandmother often said to sale. held as follows : Drysclule—Tues- Suppose waste paper ttend old rags day Oct. 1:3 in :.school house near were ground in the hopper of the paper mill, I assure you they were the church. Grand Bend--wed- thoroughly cleansed tinct bleached riesday (Det. 14, inBrenner's Hall. before coining out,and they are Sllililca—Thursday Oct. 15, in Han - none the worse at this moment for pan Hall. Exeter—Friday Oct. contact with what 1 hold. That's a 1a1, in Opera, House. Ilexasall— good deal mare than can be said of Monday 19, Nomination: Farclu- and clean iron of har—Tuesday Oct, 20, in Public the good oak which yon were made." Hall, Znrioh—Friday Oct. 23, in 'illy contents," retorted the,Town Hall. (:rediton—Saturday beer -keg, "are just to the liking of Oct. 24, in Town Han. a great many people, whatever youBach of the above meetings will may say about them." commence at eight o'clock. The Candidate "Let us compare notes," said the ConservativeConserCandidate or his Top-. soak of flour. "How many head- resentetive les respeotfully invited. aches do you hold? How many STANBURY, • hours of drunken stupor? How See'y Central Ass'n many quarrels and blowy? How many murders? £low much pov er - . r Ly? Andwhist do yo give glen in r i e�fl on Teacher. SOUTH HURON PrOille meetings, in the interest of M. Y. McLean the Liberal Can- didate for South Huron; will be exchange, for all these things?" "You exaggerate," said the beer. keg. "I give men eheer and solace from the weariness and the cares and sorrow of life. I make them forget their disappointments, and fill their hearts with mirth and gladness in spite of themselves. As to the other things you speak about, of course they cannot be helped, and I ani no more respen- sible for them than you are l" (To be (soil tinned. ) TOWNSHIP OF HAY Notice is hereby given that e. Court will be hold, pursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act, by His Honor, the Judgeiof the County Court of; the County of Huron, in'the Township Hall, Zurich, on Wednesday the 14th dray of October 1908, at lO o'clock a. in,, to hear and cie. termitic, complaints of errors and omissions in the Motors' List for 1908. FRED HESS, SR., Clerk, Dated the 28th day of September, 1908, The following is the report of S. S. No.' 8, :flay, for August and Sept. Navies in order of merit. IV class. Cora Trueinner, Susie Nlienfeldt, 9'usnelda Trnennaer. 51,111. Luella Kuntz, Lillie Mes- sner, Oben. Truemner, Nell Over - hob, Pearl Broderick. Jr III..Rheinholc;t 14laller, Ferdin.- and Miller, Edwin Hartman, Emily Schroeder. St II. Flora "Kleinfelt, Tillie Kuntz, (4ertie Weigand, Amelia 1Ttllel,, Theodore Miller, Oitis Truelnner, . Charlie Hartman, Ida Messner.. Pt ItEinina Messner, Norman Kleinfelclt. Sr pt I. . Rudolf Miller, Clara Weigand, 1lenry Recker, Ethel Kleinfeldt,Herbert Messner. Jr pt L Nora Miller, Clara Kuntz, Mary Miller, Beulah Weigand Christina Becker, Lillie Broderick, iIoward Treeintier, Tillie Messner, Agnes Ilartman. A. 0 Milligan, Teacher. •act eta s if eater, 1 Veratealaa: Let ins slta®w yolas how easy it Rs to shake the JJ 1 - 99 The "IIecla" has four grate bars. Each one can be shaken separ- ately. This means that you, can shake down just the part of the fire where the ashes are, without disturbing the rest of the coals. With "TIecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you can get rid cf all the ashes—save coal—keep the fire bright and clean—and do away with sifting ashes, because no fresh coal or half -burnt clinkers come down in the ashpan. We would be pleased to tall: over the furnace question with you and show you, part by part, just why the I-Iecla" Furnace is the best for you to bny. Conte in any time. Untie by the razz'' -sere el "Peerless Peninsular" Ranges. jOtit FRET 29 63 urich • For the next 30 days win be sold at a reduced price. We will be ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing/on Short Notice. Wnt . 0. K AL F L ISC , ZURICH **-*'** ° ***** * *-�' ** * International a e 0 • • arvest er • 9 .Jnip1erne; its. . . 'We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Tarin Im- plements. 'They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy 110 other.. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer; than wooden odes, in fact we handle e reg - thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. \Vh3 1. til. 11eo:1 of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. F E10 HESS x 9 Rickbeil' s OId Stand - - ZU * �� y.�� y!-� yep �?��y� �y�� .oT..':o C%`i5' 'TiC*7o'"h"��r"��ic*' •7ic**'**'`a"''o *°" 'o * GO YARDS°" EXPERIENCS Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly done. Now is the time to have your home brightened and. fixed up for the bpring and Sum- mer months, Charges Moderate N. BOCK, Zurich TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a Sketch and desorl,1tion map quickly ascertain our oldelen tree 'w ether an Invention is probably patentable Oomtnunka timid strictly eordidentlal. HANQBtOH ohPatentb sent tree. Oldest a�eneyto securing patents.. • Patents taken through mann At Co. receive epiefalilotice, withoutenar,lo, lathe . Scientific Jtmericaa. A handeomolr innetrated Weekly. Largest o8t,. ealation. of any solentldo journal. Terms. ter Canada, 113.75 a 'eAr, postage prepaid. Sold by all 1ieWedeale mum& a aeleroadwky, New York Duch Mico. ha F Bt. vi',Mhlnaton, D. O.