HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-10-09, Page 1Vol. IX. The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township, FRIDAY MORNING, 4 1 Sill VOHS with leading business hous.e await our graduates. LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern: office methods which ensure rapid advance - menta GREGG-4SHORTHAND taught by the only teacher in Ontario who attended the Authoi s School.. THREE (Y HItEE COURSES—Stenography, Commercial, Telegraphy. T Enter'auy day. Write for particulars FALL TER\T FROM SEPT. 1s to t• Q Ciiiitoll Ei�Sliit,SS CCOOT. Ciro. SroTTox. Principal. • T f' CLL NEN/VS 9 !c Potatoes wanted at D. S. Faust. Carpenters are 1)uey at S. 1iaunie's new dwelling hone. P Bender has erected a neat *table on bis let. Mr. E. Rannie, merchant, of Hensel'', was a, visitor hero on Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Wilson are spend- ing the week with relatives at Pal- merston. Mr. Louis Kalbilois ell has purchae- ed his father's farm, at the :loth Concession. 151r. A. Lehman and Miss. Ida Ortwein leave to -clay (Friday) for Bad Axe, Mich., on a visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Zeller of Langdon N. Dakota, are visiting relatives and friends in town. 'Wonted -30 cts per hundred- weight, for good, sound peeling apples, it.t the Hensel]. Evaporator. (neo. Joynt, Stf. Mr. David Sehoellig of North Dakota, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. (4eore Sehoellig. This is Mr. Schoellig's first visit in 12 years. ,Tames N. Sopha has purchased forty-fenr acres of land at the Bauble Line, adjoining his own, from iris father -in -las, Mr. Oliver Corrivean. A meeting of the Bowling Clnb will be held at the Town Hall, this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock. A full attendance is requested, as important businese will be dismis- sed. Mr Andrew Thiel, will bo at the Dominion Roues on Wednesday evening 14th Inst, to receive poll tax. All persons not assessed on prop: rty are requested to meet him there and pay np. GUN CLUB SHOOT The following is the score of the weekly shoot of the Zurich Gun Club, ' W O'Brien... .0 1 0 1 1 1 i l 0 0 J Truenrner .. ,1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 H Weber 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 P Sipple • ..1 0 0 1 1. 1 1 1 0 1 l� Ynngblut ... • 0 '0 0 1 1. 1 1 1 1 0 J P Rau.. ,• ., . 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 S Faust • ,1.100111001 C —.1 0 1 1. 1 1 11 1 0 J Srbuettler„ .1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 W Hess ..1 0 1 1 1 0 11 0 1 7 E Zelier , .0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 6 FWHess 1111111001 8 J Preeter 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 E 6 9 77 6 6 6 TIIE SCAFFOLD BROKE Messrs. H. • -Randall. and John Zettel met with a; sericite. accident on Monday, while painting on Mr. J. Preeter's new house. They were both at work on the south gable, about thirty feet frotn the ground, when, without a moment's warming, ono of the supports gave way, and they both landed on. the hard ground. Randall was uncon• scions for about half an hour and received a nasty scalp wound, a fracture of. the utter covering of the skull and some internal injur- ies and is in a critical condition. Zettel was more fortunate, althou- gh. his injuries consist of a fraotur- eel right arm, a sprained leg and braised face. That 'both esoapecl with their lives is nothing short of a miracle. Dr. Campbell is attend- ing the injured mem and at latest reports they were doing as well as could be expected•. Mrs. Sandere of Barrie is 'visiting her rather, Fred Demuth. Elmore Krueger of Merner's store is taking his holidays this week. D. S. Faust, has a fine lot of heavy horse blankets. Come and examine them. Miss Elia Rannie is attending the W. O. T. U. Convention at Brus- sels, this week. Rev. Mr, Green of. Clinton, cen- ducted the service in the Evange- lical church at the 14 Con., last Sunday. Dr Oven's Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will 'be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Oct 23rd. Hours 5 to 9 p. in, Glasses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. BAY' COUNCIL. Connell met here ou Wednesday, with all members present. A let - to/ from the Catena Co. re clean- ing out the North part of the East branch H. S D., and the council decided to take • action. A number of accounts were paid, details of which will appear next week. The next meeting will be hold on the 4th of November, at 2 o'clock. FRED HESS, Clerk. Next Sunday evening, service in the Evangelical • church, will be conducted by two prominent gent- lemen, •Mr. A. Cullens of Londoxf, Provincial Sec., of Young Men's Christian Association, and Mr. L. Fleming of Clinton, Huron Co., sec., Y. M. C. A. This service will be in the interest of the young men of Zurich and vicinity Special :music will be rendered by the choir and male chorus. Young men ! you are most cordially invited to at- tendl this service. On Sept. 24th in Exeter North the death occurred of Lucinda White, beloved wife of Daviel Rumohr, ag- ed 78 years, 1 month and .9 days. Deceased hacl been ill fcr about two weeks, owing largely to- infir- mities of old ago.. lir. and Airs. Rninohr have resided in Exeter about 14 years, coiling here from near Seaforth. Besides • the hus- band, one eon, Henry of Exeter, and four daughters, Mrs. Phipeen of Winnipeg, Mrs. Stevenson of Sea - forth and Mee. Tyler of near Sea - forth survive, all Of whom togeth- er with Mrs. Henry Kelierrna n (niece) and eon of Elkton. Mich., attended the funeral which eves held to the Exeter cemetery on Sunday. Our sympathy is extend- ed to the bereaved .—Advocate. C. Schrag visited Londonon busi- ! news on Wednesday. Alf Gillman has taken as• 'position as clerk. in J. Preeter's Store., • The 2nd annual tournunrent Of i the local gun plub is onto day;. Mr. Freddie Hess of • Berlin is home and is laid off, owing, to 1 an attack of illness.' The Lutheran church and person- age are being repainted. Mr, P. Sipple has the contract; Mr. and Mrs. Josiah :Geiger have moved into their dwelling, zreently, vacated by Mr. C. Schrag D. S. Faust has some fine, ready - to wear felt hats for girls, at a big reduced price. See them. In the show window, , Notice—Mr. J. J. Mernet wishes to notify the public that, hit; eider mill and jam factory will rug: er••ery Wednesday and Saturday, until further notice. The Rev. A. D. Gisi:rhler.. is at- tending the Sunday School conven- tion of the Sunday School'; : pc: Hay and Stephen in the -Evangelical church at Orediton today (Friday). George Sehoellig intends selling his farm, at the Goshen Line and will, with his wvift), make liar rtin:1ie home in Detroit, where .tl gee of his children resiciee. The far -in will be of era'cl by unction on T1 eirs ay, 15th inst. Por Chapped Skin. Chapped skin. whether on the hands or face rimy be cared in ore night by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It is also unequoled,for sore nipples. b;iri:s and scu.ld.O. Tor sale by J 3 Merner, HE,NSALL, Mrs. Hall of Pittsburg visiteil her parer:ts, Alla and digs Y uaatb'ut, last week. ' t • W7. Me Cala n of Vei:;rrillia'x eh -lore has tak6n a position at uitiirl^af Fred IEoweld .is err plp teel ie h Crediton mill, Rory Geiger i learning the drug business, and has taken a position in lllacDairrni,l's drag store. Leo Charlesworth of Petrelia hes nusvedhis furniture to to ;Au'1 will reside here. :Sir. Perkin, of the Conunoretal has his pool room about pomlrlete''.i. M 'McPherson has returned to his home at Salmon City, Mahe. Toe bad he couldn't stay forlheelection. Via) a eta We are after you this Fall. For Your Whiter Wear --....2 10. $�BESS GOODS of the very latest, in all the leading eV �—" Colors. Plain and striped Goods. Woollen and Flannelette Blankets. Flannelettes Flannelette Sbirting, Flannels. Wrapperottes. White ,[sear Cloth, T ADl Gig' Coiats. Girls' Coats. Ladies' Furs. Ladies' nen Wool and Silk Scarfs. Children's Wool Soarfs. Children's Toques.. Hosiery and Ladies' Underwear, a full line. Ladies' Mufflers and Gloves. MEN'S Overcoats, Suitings. Hcits and Caps. Men's Men's Mufflers. Men and Boys' Sweaters. Men's Socks. Alen's Ties and Gloves. A full a Line of Men's ani Boys' Underwear. Alen's Drees Shirts ssh and Working Shirts. i1<'n's Overall-, Smocks a n d qC Tweed Pants. BEAUTIFUL Assortment in Fancy Dishes and Dinner Sets. Potatoes and all Farm Produ•ee ' taken in exchange fez Goads. r7 ��L' rf �w� �.1�'.0-'J�11 11 )i Sr' -ii ,t• AU T ZUiti'ICH NINii`J' i NYNIFE J y HrVAi�uc'� L" till film:"v spacer �a�✓ �•�•�`...acv.'•r••Jc��•a�•oo��-•�.✓•�:,•�:�-•4�'�•��, A id 1 � :u •• preSa' �J' *, aY�^a.'-.h WFJ '•y Sri AI,'.Tt��„ .''',6P O '4 itt id 1 ,, ii A * V , X31 �' Y 1 P, + Of odd ..: `s in' UP -10 -DATE .":teres, Tsill . hose to 't(a)i.) jl C� be moved out in the nest few ��:.ieks t'o nnake roam,VP P for our PALL STOCI . 117 �' y) SOME BARaA FOR Y)t. .'VT1i .nY TO 3 11 .cc Ls ,i. !r w lil! �g . l '' yfx"` El 11,7 ?, 7v F n a" S P T c y r al• 0 H 5I': • a a,Afv �' r.os .r• -e-.--.".�.- ,..-a. 4 y-+^ :rte r.,,��r>r, .:14' ,70.:X y,Ia...ng.:0, ..1M,m• x�'hmP',S.C.. lLan rv..•..rw�..� :.tS P.1.N�,�e^,.r 1ZA:,.V427r ,a :-•'a-C:r .. '..:77Erm"':.aa,,..m•..;. .,a .,,,.,.pr ,e.�e�.. y,, .a.vn•^�e.. z. ea,+;. S'.�e. w. q `. r �C' S�wiOy J+1•.Y`[:�tr✓�'atii.% J���L.+L:v�^1. 41:a.wCFcase."ia- •".4'iLa.uY.'� i�mefh.M._AJ. Mt:. uasr•.rr.va.r d�l:rt J:.eai:Kr•�rv✓4...w«.':.ae.r.Clw.r..': 4..:4a,ioa..'. i4a..w.� h..a J'.. ^% -:�waa.n.. tkt le,e'`'� as 60/ ,tew=..A_a, c m �,as. .ern,. .,SW.� ��a m,•..,; DRESS U00 IS Our stock of Dress Goods is now complete and we aro showing a very extensive line in the newest shades in a animas Taffeta Cloth, Venetians, and Broadcloths. Venetians in 'plain; aucl striped are very popular thin season end our stock is most complete. NEW FALL COATS Our stock of New Fall (;oats is the largest we have ever had and comprises the very latest styles in Mack, blue, green, brown, etc., prettily trimmed with braids. Prices are as low as any. FU .4 , STOLES, OLES, .ii i Tl Ce, If you want a fur R.nf', Stole. Caperinc or• illuif see our range before you buy. niece ar e right. See our line of Fur Coats, Fur -lined Coats, all new goods and first-class quality. 33 9 Our millinery department is td ,e t,: n .t ri ai gr it;t and thiA se a: err pr'otri:'rs to Le ar record break. r „s it sto eked with all the newest in sha p,..s, trimmings and -designs. Call an,i see ' our diselaya You will be pleased. WOOF, VV c' uesire to call special attention to Our Blankets. Special Valu HATSr" P"� [A�,, f T? a`-3 ''` era, HA� r adv p.] � `tw11'� i ,/ See,: r; atr 1:n .: Yate and C and neat. We h ndf e the Famous 0431, 1,e, it r ,u� t �1µ�1." Ott }S� ?,'id Y V None Better Made at An 5 ; )r ?:i'1 1-."•.u. rsaa.ssaynea..x. +sxw tat• 4'.. 0o044nr5 G rk >4 tf of Wool if nE2ge= ne�g3a•' F Sal fs' irC r 11 'Nre,c.r -w nr..2 ei 7'erele: '> r =ei �•,1;'vv��'�+�'3:��,��:au�vt::��ar xla'2.�'°.s�y.�;.�a,•,r��...aA;:.rb:a..K,y:S.zy,•.; •r.�ar.,t:•n3'fs��,.i�'�F ;�c».rree,