HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-10-02, Page 5The Zurich Herald.
for the balance
this month.
Every Ring
Solid Gold.
Watch and Clock
My Specialty
By buying your PRINTS,
and SHOES from us.
A Large a n d Up-to-date
,Stock to select from.
Paid For Farm Produce
R. N. Douglas,
Laundry in connection.
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices aro as cheap as any.
• Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large nnmber of
Samples to select from.
...ZURICH rrr
WE keep in stock a
full line o fresh
meats, hams, etc. hetc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us a call.
{Cas. U l oil
A. Edighoffer
Successor to
Fred. Manns
Fora Quick and Easy
•Shave, or an Up-to-date
Hair -cut.
Commercial Hotel
Heavy Draught:—Brood mare, J
Campbell, Foal, W Drover, 2 -yr -old
W Drover, 3 yr -old, Elliott Bros„
R McArthur, 0 McAllister, Span,
John Sagan.
Agricultural—Brood mare, W
Pepper, Farmer Bros, A Moussean,
Foal, W Pepper, Farmer Bros, A
Mousseau, 1 yr -old, 3 Campbell,
Farmer Bros, R Love, 2 yr -old, L
H Willert, D Schnell, P Deichert,
3 yr -old, F Willert, C McAllister,
Span, J Decher Sr.
General Purpose—Brood mare, Iii
Gould, W Smith, C McAllister,
Foal. L Wurm, M Gould, 5 Jambe,
1 yr -old, S Sararas, S Jacobe, 11
Krueger, 2 yr -old, F Willert, J
Decher Jr, G Eisenbaoh, 3 yr -old, J
Decher Jr, A Foster, Span, H Neeb,
J Dietrich, J Bloch.
Roadster—Brood mare, J Deoher
Jr, T Sherritt, B Pale, Foal, John
Decher Jr, W McAllister, Elliott
Bros, 1 yr -old, A Ronnie, 2 yr -old,
E Nadiger, .T Hey Sr, Tinney Bros,
3 yr -old, W McLean, 3 Hey Sr,
Wellington Fee, Span, W T Truem.
ner, H Deters, W Smith, Buggy
horse in harness and buggy, P
Fassold, 0 Koehler, J Brown.
Carriage—Brood mare, L Warm,
D Schnell, R McArthur, Foal, R
McArthur, D Schnell, J Chambers,
1 yr -old. D Schnell, G Clausius, 2
yr -old, D Schnell, J Decher Sr, 3
yr -old, E Etherington, D Schnell,
Span. 0 Welker„ E Rader, Buggy
horse. 0 Either, B Bossenberry, W
Ruby, Lady driver, W A Robbins,
E A McIntosh, J Brown.
Durham—Cow, E Rader 1st, 2nd
3rd, 2 yr -old heifer. H Rader, E
Klopp, H Rader, Yearling heifer, J
England, E Rader, 11 Rader, Bull
calf 1908, E Klopp, Heifer calf 1908,
H Rader, E Rader, J Chambers.
Thorobred—Cow, T Soberer, E
Gies, 1' Willert, 2 yr -old heifer, J
Haberer, B Rader, Yearling heifer,
S Bechler, J C Chambers, 3 Haber-
er, Heifer calf, E Klopp, A Ronnie,
E Itader, Fat cow or heifer, E Klopp
W Lamont, 2nd and 3rd, 2 yr -old
steer, H Rader, E Klopp. E Rader,
Yearling steer, H Rader, D Haug,
H Rader, Steer calf, D Haug, F
Willert, H Rader, Cat steer, Wm
Lamont, 1st and 2nd, Jersey cow,
W Hoffninn, F Rummel.—H Smith,
Long Wool, C B Middleton took
all the prizes. 5 firsts and 2 seconds
Fine wool, A Dunkin, took all
the prizes, 5 firsts and 2 seconds.
Berkshire—Aged boar, H Krueg-
er, Aged sow Snowden Bros, Spring
sow, Snowden -Bros, 1st and 2nd, 1
yr -old sbw, Snowden Bros.
Tamworth—Aged sow, Snowden
Bros, 0 Klopp, Spring sow, Snow-
den Bros, 1st and 2nd, Spring boar,
Snowden Bros, 1st and 2nd.
Yorkshire—Aged boar, J Eng-
Iand. Aged sow, 0 Klopp, Spring
hoar, 0 Klopp, ist and 2nd, Spring
sow, .f England, 1 yr -old boar, S
Bechler, 0 Klopp.—Gilbert Dick,
Plymouth Rocks, Snowden Bros,
W Battler, Wyandottes, R Love, S
Bechler, Black Spanish, W Battler,
Dorkins, W Battler, Black Minor
cas, W Battler, White Minorcas, W
Battler, lst and 2nd. Red Caps, W
Smith, W Battler, White. Leghorns
W Battler, 1st and 2nd, Brown Leg -
horns, 0 Clausius, 1st and 2nd, Col-
lection pigeons, G Clausius, C
Trnemner, Pekin China •ducks,
Snowden Bros, G Clausius, Rouen
ducks, G Clausius, W Battler,
Geese, 0 Clausius, W Battler, Tur-
keys, W Battler, Toulouse geese,
Snowden Bros.—Peter Becker and
W H Wenzel, Judges.
Fall wheat, J Geiger, W Rader,
W Battler, red fall wheat, G Claus-
ius, 5 Bechler, D Taylor, spring
wheat, any variety, IJ Rader, J
Brown. 6 -rowed barley, Leo Foster,
2 rowed barley, W Rader, white
oats, J England, J Geiger, W Bat-
tier, small peas, 0 Truemner, Geo
Clausius, D Taylor, rye, E Klopp,
black barley, W Dignan, best, col-
leotion of grain in beads (any kind)
G Clausius, G Schroeder, W Bat-
tler, clover seed, P Schwalm, tim-
othy seed, B 5 Philips, W Battler,
Leo Foster.—A G Ehnes, Judge.
Colleetion of any kind of apples,
P Schwalm, J Haberer, D Haug,
Plate of fall apples, D Hang. J
Pfaff, A Kaercher. Plate of winter
apples, D Haug, J Pfaff, J Haberer,
King Tompkins. E Klopp, A Kaer-
cher, Snow apples, P Deichert, J
Brown, Northern. Spies, J Hey jr,
W Dignan, Baldwins, P Schwalm,
W Smith, R I Greenings, J Haber-
er, J Hey jr, Spitzenberg E Rader,
H Rader, Canada Reds, Ji Haberer,
C Truemner, Ribson Pipped. 0
Klopp, A Kaeroher, Golden Rnssott
0 Truemner, U Klopp, Ben Davis,
Snowden Bros, P Schwalm, Swears
Snowden Bros, Wagilers, 0 Truern-
ner, L Rader, Maiden's Blush, E
Rader, W Smith, Blenheim Pippen,
J J Smith, G Clausius, . Pewaukee,,
L Rader, Colverts, U '1'ruemrer, J'
J Smith, Gloria Muria, 0 Schroed-
er, 20 oz Pippen, P Schwalm, A
Foster, Tolman Sweet, 0 Kiopp, E
Kaeroher, Collection Russett, E
Klopp, collection of fall pears, 3
Haberer, pears fall and winter, J
Haberer, W Battler, Bartlett pears
Mrs, Wickwire, Snowden Bros,
Flemish Beauty, 0 Schroeder, J
Deoher Jr, Plate of 6 peaches. W
Battler, 0 Schroeder, Prunes, G
Clausius, J Brown, crab apples red,
F Willert. P Schwalm,- crab apples
yellow, Snowden, 0 Eisenbaoh,
plate grapes, 3 Haberer, W Battler,
collection of grapes, J Haberer, G
Schroeder, plate of plunis. A Geig•
er, J Brown, collection of plums.
J Brown, most valuable collection
of canned fruit, R R Johnston, 3
Decher Sr.—D A Cantelon, Judge.
Elephant potatoes, 0 Schroeder,
H Krueger, J Decher Sr. Uolarado
red, J Deoher Sr, rural New York,
E Gies, A Foster, A Geiger, any
variety early, G Clausius, C Greb,
H Neeb, any variety late, 0 Greb,
W Smith, W Battler, collection of
potatoes, A Foster, empirepotatoes
H Krueger, E Gies, W Battler,
small white beans, G Chemins. W
Battler, beans any variety, 0 Clau-
sius, J Geiger, yellow corn, Snow-
den, A Kaeroher, sweet corn,
Snowden, A Geiger, blank sweet
corn, W Battler, T Brown, red
onions, — A Foster, yellow, 3
Brown, P Schwalm, dutch setts, J
Pfaff, E Klopp, white field carrots,
E Rader, J Haberer, red garden
carrots, W Battler, S Bechler,
swedish turnips, D Haug, A Foster,
yellow globe mangolds, Snowden
E Klopp, long red mangolds, T
Deoher Sr, Snowden, long yellow
mangolds, 0 Kiopp. L Rader, Ox-
ford oabbage, R R Johnston, W
Battler, Flat dutch oabbage, A
Foster, H Well. black Spanish rad.
ish, W Battler, W Smith, pumpkin
any variety, F Willert, W Battler,
Mammoth pumpkin. R R Johnston.
o Clausius, Celery, R R Johnston,
tar Battler, squash, J o Wein. R R
Johnston, blood beets, H Neeb, E
Klopp, rooted beets, W Battler L
Rader, watermelons. C O loaky, S
Bechler, muskmelons, D Haug, red
tomatoes, H Neeb, W Smith, yel-
low tomatoes, RR Johnston, Snow-
den.—J 3 Merner. R Drysdale Jud-
ges. . '
Horse shoes, L Prang,; colleotion
shoes, C Fritz.
Butter in tub not less than 25
lbs, G Elliott, G Clausius, 3 Decher
Jr, 5 pounds butter for table. use,
G Elliott, B Pfile, .1 Decher Sr, but-
ter in pound print not less than 3,
A Kaeroher, W Battler, G Elliott,
homemade cheese not less than 10
pounds, J Geiger, Loaf homemade
bread, G Clausius, 3 Geiger, 5 lbs
extracted honey, 3 Haberer, W
Smith, best collection honey, J
Haberer, quart maple sprup, .T
Decher Sr, W Battler.
Embroidered 5 o'clock tea cloth,
Mrs Fitton. Mrs Wickwire, tray
cloth, Snowden, Mrs Nott, centre
piece, T Johnson, G Innes, doylies
T Johnson, o Innes, side board
scarf, Mrs Nott, H. Rader, Embroi-
dery Roman, Mrs Wickwire,
embroidery Jewel, Mrs Wickwire,
best sample feather stitching, Miss
K Campbell, Ladies' Aid, work bag
Mrs Nott, embroidery on flannel.
Mrs Nott, collection of embroidery
work, Mrs Wickwire, H Rader
handkerchief, Mrs Wickwire. T
Johnson, lace collar, T Johnson,
Batten burg centre piece. E Appel,
H Rader, doylies, Mrs Fitton, E
Kaercher, tray cloth, Dr Campbell.
E Appel, sideboard scarf, Mrs Fit•
ton, Mrs Nott, tea cosy, Mrs Fit-
ton, Dr. Campbell, shams, Mrs
Fitton, battenburg work, Mrs
Wickwire, Dr Campbell, lace centre
piece, T Johnson. J Geiger, centre
piece or doylie, T Johnson, E Stos-
kopf, drawn work, H Well, bliss A
Carlisle, collection of drawn work,
Mrs Wickwire, E Kaeroher, etch-
ing, Mrs Nott, E Stoskopf, bulgar-
ian embroidery, Mrs Nott, shams,
E Kaercher, 13 Pfile, sofa cushion,
T Johnson. S Bechler, apron, B
Pfile. Mrs Wickwireembroidered
cushion, Mrs Nott, Mount Meliok
cloth, E Appel, T Johnson, centre
piece, Mrs Wickwire, H Rader,
laundry bag, E Stoskopf, A Kaer-
cher, crochet lace cotton, T John-
son, Mrs Nott, crochet lace silk,
Mrs. Fitton, toilet mats, W Battler
H Koehler, table mats, Dr Camp-
bell, Mrs. Fitton, sofa cushion, T
Johnson, oollection of tatting, Mrs
Nott, centre piece or cloth, John
Geiger, Mrs Wickwire, knitted lice
curtains in cotton, H Neeb, Mrs
Useful—Quilt woollen coarse,
Snowden, Mrs Nott, quilt woollen
fine, E Stoekopf, Mrs Lott, cover.
let woven wool, T Johnson, John
eeiger, Log cabin quilt silk, Mfrs
When the bread or cake or pastry
comes from the oven light, crisp
and appetising, you are wont to
say you have had good luck with
your baking.
The Q(good luck" idea is a relic
of the time when housekeepers pitted
their competency against poor flour.
To -day good baking isn't a matter
of good luck in 'any home where
Royal Household Flour
is intelligently used.
In the hands of competent house-
wives it never fails because it is the
whitest, lightest, purest and best
baking flour to be had.
If the goodness of your baking is
due to chance, your grocer is giving
you the wrong kind of flour. Ask
for Ogilvie's Royal Household.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Lid.
151 MontreaL
Nott, J Decher Sr, quilt cotton, 13
Rader, W Hoffman, patchwork
quilt cotton. Mrs Nott, J Preeter,
quilt silk, W Hoffman, T Johnson,
crazywork quilt silk, E Stoskopf,
T Johnson, quilt cotton, W Battler
T Sherritt, quilt wool, A Kaeroher,
T Johnson, counterpane tnffled, W
Battler, 11 Well, do knitted, H
Rader, J Geiger; do crochet, J
Decher Sr ; Miss K Campbell ; do
etching work, Ladies' Aid ; A Kaer-
cher ; do drawn, J Decher Sr ; cape
crochet Miss A Carlisle ; E Appel ;
do knitted Mrs Fitton ; T Johnson ;
homemade carpet wool Mrs Nott ;
do carpet rags A Kaeroher ; W Bat-
tler ; do hearthrug wool Mrs Nott ;
A Kaeroher ; flannel all wool Mrs
Nott ; do cotton warp Mrs Nott ;
yarn homespun H Neeb ; Mrs Nott ;
tidy crochet cotton Mrs Nott ; T
Johnson ; do knitted cotton H V ell
H Neeb ; slumber rug in silk T
Johnson ; Mrs Nott ; cotton stock-
ings Mrs Nott ; .3 Brown ; hand
sewing Mrs Fitton ; E Appel ; wool-
len stockings knitted fine Mrs Nott
Dr Campbell ; do coarse H Neeb ;
W Battler ; woollen mitts knitted
fine Mrs Fitton ; Miss A Carlisle ;
do coarse W Rader ; W Battler ;
farmers blankets homemade wool.
Mrs Nott ; quilt sewed. on ground
work J Pfaff ; B Pfile.
Specials—Applique work, Mrs
Wickwire ; Eyelet Em Parsol, Miss
A Carlisle ; Eyelet 0 Piece, H Koeh-
ler ; Eyelet pillow sham, T Johnson
—Mrs W Fritz, Miss Lydia Faust,
Oil painting (portrait) Mrs Wick-
wire ; do (landscape) E Stoskopf ;
pencil drawing, T Johnson ; pen and
ink sketch, 1' Johnson ; E Stoskopf ;
painting on felt, Mrs Nott ; painting
on silk, H Well, Mrs Wickwire ;
oil painting, Mrs Wickwire; panel,
Dr Campbell.
Collection of flowers, R R John-
ston ; maple leaf. T Johnson ; E
Stoskopf ; bouquet of flowers, Miss
K Campbell ; T Johnson ; collection
of geraniums, W Battler ; Cacti, T
Johnson ; Calla Lilies. T Johnson ;
R R Johnston.—J Weekes, Judge.
F. G. Arnold of Buffalo, former-
ly in business here, visited town
last week.
Quito a number fro m here at-
tended the Borden moot ing at Lon-
don, on Tuesday eve ning of last
Murcia) McPherson, of Idaho spent
the week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. McPlierso n.
Eighty loads of grain wore sold
here in one day. recently. r
S T. Hopper druggist, of Toron-
to called on his friends in town,
last week.
T. Kelly is back from a short
visit with his parents, at Stouff-
More Than Enough is Too Much,
To maintain health, a mature
man or woman needs just enough
food to repair the waste and sup-
ple! energy and body heat. The
habitual consumption of more food
than is necessary for these purpos-
es is the prime cause of stomach
troubles, rheumatism and disorders
of the kidneys. If troubled with
indigestion, revise your diet, let
reason and not appetite control and
take a few (lodes of Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets and you
will soon be all right again, For
sole by J J Merrier,
Be Prepared g
1 For Emergencies
1 If you Jive: in small vile g
lege or country district, you A
Iwill appreoiate the value of
a telephone. s
Haven't there been times
when you would have given a
1 a good deal to communicate 1
9 with a friend.
S Or; perhaps you needed 8
the services of a doctor, in
a hurry but had no way of
ommunieating with him,
at once.
1 hours, didn't they, when
The minutes seerned like
Syou've had to suffer while
the doctor was being sent
1 for?
gHave one of our telephon-
es placed in your house and
8 so be prepared to summon
the doctor at a moment's
1 notice.
A short delay in getting
1 a doctor may mean life or
death, so why take chances,
why not be prepared for
any emergency?
Suppose a fire should
8 occurr and your wife and 1
children were alone, what a
1 protection would they have i the house?i f there was no telephone in
1 E, ZELLER, Zurich 1
Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils,
Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned
Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol-
len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in-
jured and irritated conditions of the skin.
Mr. Matthias Wurm of Zurich Ont, says.
"I was bothered for some time with a run-
ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how
painful it was. I doctored for some time
till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's
Salve, and the result was so pleasing that
I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's
Salve eased the pain for the first time. I
am cured. I am thankful indeed for my
cure and gladly give you permission to
publish my case."
Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:—
"For six months I suffered acutely from
sore breasts and doctored all that time. I
tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It
was different to everything else I had
tried and it cured me. I am grateful for
the cure, as I have never been troubled
with it since."
Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.50
Obtained from W. H. BENDER Zurich, Ont
W. C. T. U.
I once asked a young man how
he escaped the drink temptation
when some of his companions and
college chums were drown down
into its depths.
"I was afraid of it," said he ; "1
saw what it had done for the
drunkards who frequented saloons,
and for tramps and loafers who
were once far better men. The
honest truth is that 1 was and am
afraid of it."
In this very willingness to ac.
knowledge that he was afraid of
drink lay the resistance of tempta-
tion. When asked to drink by
companions he had the strength
of will to refuse, fearing the con-
sequences. If they taunted him
with being "afraid," a simple
"yes" in acknowledgment of his
fear took away from them to ac-
cept the drink.
If more of our young people had
the strength of will and character
to acknowledge, even to themsel-
ves, that they are afraid of a cer-
tain evil or sin, they could more
easily overcome the temptation. It
is often the mere bravado which
says to one's self or one's compan-
ions, "0, I am not afraid to drink ;
I am not afraid to do that," and
the consequent doing of the thing
to prove the assertion, which re-
sults finally in the sin and downfall
May we always have the strength
of character to acknowledge a fear
that is righteous !—Young People.
Mrs. James" Willis has moved.
into town, into the house purchas-
ed from J. Brown.
Mr. Harrison of the Bank of
Commerce is back fron.i a trip to
New York,
Mrs. S. Handford returned on
Tuesday evening from a visit to
Miss Tillie White attended the
funeral of Mrs, Boon, at Toronto*
last week.