The Herald, 1908-09-25, Page 8le's
will be held
and following days, when
we we will. show you the
the finest stock of Millinery
our Show Boom yet con=
twined. Come and inspect.
For Fall and Winter, in all
the leading shades of Navy,
Green, Brown, and Black.
This Store has for years
been the leader in this Hine
and we expect a bigger
business than ever.
You will make no mistake
if you buy your Furs at
this Store. The prices arid
qualities are R,1UUT®
,.0 fr , %1 vim.. um... ,.., ,
General Merchant,
maps ;2.,
The Zurich : Herald.
Dr Oven's Surgeon , Oculist,
Speoialist Will be at Royal Hotel,
Hensen, on Friday Sept 25th, Hours
5 to 9 p, m. Glasses properly fitted
Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye-
sight treited.
Mr. j. Willis Powell nearly had
the conductor of the north -bound
train Monday evening, scared stiff
for a time. Mr. Powell had gotten
on the train and was talking with
iL friend, and as the train usually
stops at the tank, he thought he
would ride that far. The train,
however; didn't stop, and Willis
not caring to take the trip to Hen -
sail, made a flying leap for terra
firma and landed in a heap, The
conductor saw the jump and-
ndwatched as long as he eould to see
if Mr. P. arose, but not being able
to see him telegraphed to the oper-
ator here to commence a search.
Willis, however, managed to get
away before his would be rescuers
arrived. He received several brui-
ses on the face and other parts of
the body during his acrobatic stunt.
—Exeter Times.
Displays of strength,. physical
courage, and readiness of resource
are not confined to the field of bat-
tle. 'Such finalities are not infre-
quently called for in the course of
the ordinary occupations of life. A
splendid demonstration of the pos-
session of such qualities was given
a few days ago by John Martin,
near Avening, in North Simcoe.
Thrown to the ground by an en-
raged bull, Mr. Martin seized the
animal by the nose and held on
until help came. A horrible death
by goring was avoided by the abili-
ty to play the man in a sudden
emergency. A parallel case occur-
red in Manitoba a few years ago,
when a farmer, under somewhat
similar conditions, stunned a mad-
dened animal by a blow of his fist.
There are thousands of men in
this country, going quietly about
their everyday work, who, under
like circumstances, would give an
equally good account of themselves.
And their nerve and strength have
been developed, not by training for
war, but by temperate Jiving, and
the quiet performance of the dut-
ies coming daily to hand.
The Annual Fair of the Hay ag-
ricultural society improves with
age and this year's show will go
down in history as the best of a
long list, of successes. Tho gate re-
ceiute;.;:,, were considerably over
$300,00 and all the departments
were Well filled. • The ladies' work
was by far the best of any year,
and critics frankly stated that the
London Fair did not show a finer
collection. Looking at the apple
display, one would hardly think
there could be a short crop in this
section, while roots and vegetables.
although the past two months were
very dry, aid not seem to stiffer in
size. There was a splendid show-
ing of horses and cattle, some of
the classes being represented by a
dozen or more good animals, The
concert in the evening was well at-
tended, and will net the Society
over `30.00. The spend events were
the only poor features of the day
whioh no doubt was owing to the
small prizes offered. There were
only two entries in each, the 2.50
class being won by T. Murdock's
Young Roa.dmaster, with Harvey
Bossenberry's Hettie Green a good
second, while in the farmer's race
George Broderick's pacer, Maggie
B beat John Hey's Wes. H., for
first money. A full list of prize
winners will appear in our next
Clubbing rates.
et -nova!
3 ay Sale!
Everything at Reduced
Prices. Call and see
how cheap you can buy
Hardware, Harness, Furniture. 7,'E
TOW IS THE TIME to buy your Spring and
Summer shoes. It would be hard to find a bigger
or better assortment of Boots and Shoes, than we are
showing this season.
We have a nice lot of Spring goods. in all sizes
and colors, and still more coming.
Come and examine our goods before you buy
elsewhere. We ,rive big discounts. It means money
to you.
Igr Wo have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with Tri, HERALD :
Daily Globe c. • $ 4.25
Mail & Empire 4.25
Weekly Globe . 1.75
„ Mali & Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2,50
Family Herald & Star 77..60
Daily Advertiser 2.25
Weekly Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Fernier's Advocate 2.25
lowing is the report of Zurich,
markets Corrected up to Thursday
Barley 55 to 55
Peas ..... .. 85
Bran..... ....
Shorts ...•.. ..-
Dried app'es
Clover seed,
39 39
85 56
5 5
.... • 1.0.00 11,00
EN IrEL , Zurich
Potatoes .....,. 45 50
Butter...•••.... 19 19
Eggs•.•, • 1.8 18
Hogs liveyveight 6.25 6,25
Whcat,..,.. 851 881
OtLts.�................ 39 40
Barley 53 55.
Peas.,.., • ....,. 90 90
Hns li•veweight. • .,., 0.25 0,25
to new subscribers in Canada, to
the end of the year for 25 cents.
Haven't you a son )r daughter —
uncle, aunt or cousin—or some
friend at a distance, that would
like to read the home paper?
The benefit will be mutual if you
will act once.
To The Electors of South Huron
Gentlemen,—On the 22nd of. Jan.
last you did me the honor of elect-
ing me as your representative to
the Dominion Parliament, for
which I return you my sincere and
heart -felt thanks. As Parliament
has been dissolved and another
election will be held on Monday,
Oct. 26th, I ani again a candidate
for your suffrages, As I have only
been permitted to have part of one
session I think in justice to the'
constituency as well as to myself,
it is only fair to ask a renewal of
your confidence for at least a full
term. This I now ask at your
hands, and should you see fit to
thus favor me, I promise you that
no effort will be spared on my part
to advance the best interests of my
constituents and the welfare of our
growing and prosperous country.
Before the close of the campaign
I hope to have the privilege of
meeting with many of you person-
ally and. of discussing with you the
great public issues which are now
so earnestly engaging the atten-
tion of the people of this country.
Again soliciting your suffrages
and support. 1 am,
Your Obedient Servant,
lei Y, McLEAN,
Liberal Candidate for South Iin-
The eve of the big game hunting
season brings the ever welcome
Fall Hunting Number of Rod And
Gun And Motor Sports In Canada,
Published by W. J. Taylor, Wood-
stock Ont. This year the budget•
of stories is more varied than ever
and include, not only moose and
deer hunting, but also fox, bear,
wolves etc. A paper by John A.
Hope on "The Red Deer or Wapiti
and the Virginian or Common Red
Deer of North. America," will bo
react with interest by every sports-
man, whether he is a big game
hunter or a, nature student simply.
Fishermen, canoeists, campers,
mountaineers and others will find
that they are not forgotten, for al-
though hunting has. the pride of
plane, which is quite in keeping
with the period of the year, the
many sportsmen who are not big -
game hunters, May depend upon a
variety which takes not of the fact
that sportsmen have ninny tastes
and are not all absorbed in one
Pursuit. Those however, who aro
not big game hunters, may on,`loy
the many excellent stories dealing
with. this fine sport which appear
in this Capital number.