The Herald, 1908-09-25, Page 5The Zurich.
for the balance of
this month.
Every ang
Solid Gold.
Watch and Clock
My Specialty
YOU 't f' -'i, N
$y bnying your PRINTS,
and SHOES from us.
A Large an d Up-to-dd'te
Mock to select from.
Paid For Farm Produce
R. N. Douglas,
That New
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget to
give us a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large, number of
Samples to select from. ,
Laundry in connection.
1 It . Z JR I CH ! .
Ekeep in stock a
full line o fresh
meats, hales, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesomeness.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
Give us. a call.
HE maxim of many housewives is,
5 "When in doubt blame the flour."
This is unfair,
If your baking goes wrong, investigate
—find the cause. Look to your stove, your
yeast, your,'baking methods.
If you succeed in pinning the trouble
down to the flour -if you clear yourself—
then take up the flour question in dead
Consider that flour, to be successful from
a baking standpoint, must be fuze to produce
light bread or pastry, pure to, make that bread
or pastry wholesome, and rich in nutriment
to snake it nourishing.
The good housewives allover the.
cor retry are learning that
has thesethree qualities in the greatest
Ogilvie's Royal Household is milled by
the most modern methods, purified by the only
process that snakes for absolute purity and
made only irom Manitoba Hard Wheat which
contains the highest percentage of nutriment.
Royal Household Flour, in competent
hands, never disappoints. Your grocer will
guarantee this and gladly furnish the flour.
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Limited
London, Sept. 22nd, 1909,
To the Editor of the Zurich HERALD
Sir—Certain information having
reached me that reports are being
very freely riirculated in your
Township detrimental to niy pro-
fessional abilities, I am compelled
to ask a small space in the nest is-
sue of your paper. Sometime ago
I was, as Township Engineer, in-
structed to set out a road at St.
Joseph and did so. It now appears
that a report is being cast about ad
lib that I set the road out wrongly,
and further the persons who are
busying themselves so much with
this report are, one would imagine.
fully qualified engineers themselves
Now to enlighten those "wiseacr-
es'. I will just explain what actual-
ly did take place.
The road I set out I set out ac-
curately and I am prepared to hand aaoP .
over to the Goderich Hospital $25 Mr. Fleming reported on his visit
if either of the gentlemen who to Silver Bay, New York, where he
seem to know so much about it
(and who give Reeve Lamont as
their authority) if they can prove
otherwise. Where a mistake did
happen, if it can be called a mis-
take, was that The Wrong Road
Was Set Out. This is no reflection
on my ability, what was done was
done right
o n —afaxa--.
A. Edighoffer
Successor to
Fred. Manus
For ,a Qluic; and Easy
'Shave, or an Up-to-date
Hair -cut.
Oppoei to
Commercial Hcte1
The County Committee of the
Young Men's/ J /est an Associa-
tions of Huron' 'ounty inet at the
office of the County Secretary,
Clinton, on Tuesday, Sept. 15th.
The members present were
Messrs. Blair and Hodgens, (Gode-
rich) ; Stoneman of Hensall ; Ches-
ney, of Seaforth ; Spotton of Wing -
ham ; Scott and Hill, of Clinton ;
together with the Connty Secretary
Mr. Fleming, and the Provincial
Secretary of County work, Mr. A.
Cullens, of London.
Reports of Standing Committees
were made, and it was found that
good substantial progress of e basic
character had been made. A form
of constitution was presented and
spent over two weelrs at the Y ki
C A..A Training Institute, taking
some 69 lectnres from 'leading As-
sociation workers and Institute
nen. He also laid before the
County Committee plans in detail
for the year's work.
Organization in several places
will .now follow as speedily as pos•
However I wish it very clearly Bible, and it is expected that about
understood that 1 am not going to eight places will be organized dtu-
have my status pulled to pieces in in the ;year. Each place will have
my absence by men who know
about as much engineering as a
cow knows about diamonds and
therefore any repetition of this
coming to my ears will unhesitat-
ingly be placed in my Solicitor's
hands to seek me such redress as
he may advise. Yours etc.,
J. L Thomas, C. E. M. A. I C.
The Misses Trasa and Tillie Mil-
ler, are attending the Y. P. A.
convention, at Ohesley.
The town fathers have had a
large piece of cement walk laid on
the south side of Main Street, lead.
ing to the Evangelical church.
Miss Lydia Haugh, of London, is
at present visiting among her re-
latives, in this community.
Several from this village attend-
ed the exhibition at London, last,
The school trustees have engag-
ed. the same staff of teachers as we
had last year, This .is a move in
the right direction, as they gave
good general satisfaction .
Mr, Arthur Kellerman left last
week to pursue his studies at North
Western College, Napierville.
Hon. A. B. Ay*leswort h has re-
turned from Vienna with his hear -
ins; greatly improved, and will itn4
mediately take part in the campat.
gn in Ontario.
at the outset a class for Bible study
and later some literary : and social
work, and possibly some physical
The August bank statement
shows an increase of $15.673,178 in
deposits in Canada. In August last
year they declined $3,286,006.
Br..a.cKws r..L—At the Parr Line,
Hay, Tp. ozu the 16th inst„ to
Mr. and Sirs, 0, Blackwell, a
DuR.ivD—At the SaubleLine, Stan-
ley, on the 23rd inst., to Mr. and
Mrs. L. Durand, a daughter.
RbADER—At the 14th Con, flay, on
the 21st inst, to Mr. and Mrs, W.
f lRader, a daughter.
Will You HeIp It?
For it Cares for Every Sick Chiid
in Ontario whose Parents
Cannot Afford to Pay
For Treatment.
fr sr
The Hospital for Sick Children, College
street, Toronto, appeals to the fathers and
mothers of Ontario for funds to maintain
the thousand sick children that it nurses
within its walls every year.
The Hospital is not
e. local institution
but Provincial. The
sick child from any
pl».ce in Ontario who
can't afford to pay
has the same privi-
leges as the chili
living in Toronto and
is treated free.
The Hospital bad
last year in its bed
and cots 761 patients,
267 of these were
from 196 places out-
side of Toronto.
The cost is 98 cents
per patient per day,
and there were 129
sick little ones a day
" 000D DAY, DOCTOR," in the Hospital.
Since its founda-
tion the Hospital
has treated 10,371
children —about
7,500 of these were
unable to pay and j'
were treated free.
Every dollar may
be the translator of
your kind thoughts
into the Hospital
-kind deeds.
Everybody's dol-
lar may be t h s
Friend in Need to MASSAGE. a
Somebody's child.
Let the money of the strong be mercy to
the weak. The Hospital pays out divi-
" '— – dends of heath and
happiness to suffer-
ing childhood on
every dollar that is
paid by the friends
of little children.
If you know of
any sick child in
your neighborhood
who is sick or crip-
pled or has club
feet send the par-
ent's name to the
. J Hospital.
"sag's xxirrim " See the example
of what can bo done for club -foot children.
There were 14 like cases last year and hun-
dreds in nS years.
A light shower last Friday even-
ing settled the dust, which has
been so bad for the last five or six
The fall wheat is making slow
progress on the account of the dry
Tho Rev. Mr. Wamsley preached
in the Union church of the Sauble
Line, last Sunday morning and
night. Mr. Watnsley is a very
clear and interesting preacher of
the gospel. He intends speaking
in the Methodist church Bayfield,
next Sunday morning,
Cuts; Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped infant of two weeks. Her remains
Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, were taken to her former place of
Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned residence, where they were inter -
Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- red in the family plot in McTag-
len Knees, inflammed anis all diseased, in- o•art's cemetery. Mr. Hall and
jured and irritated conditions of the skin. children, have the symyathy of the
The majority of Stanley. are
wishing for a nice day on the 23rd
of Sept., to hear Premier Laurier
at Clinton.
Do not miss the World's Fair at
Bayfield, the first and second of
Oct. Preparations are being made
for an exciting time.
Mr. John Campbell of the Bron-
son Line, took seriously ill last
Saturday morning. We hope to
soon bear of his recovery.
It is our duty this week to re-
port the death of Mrs. Wm. Hall,
which sad affair took place on
Tuesday. The deceased had been
a resident cf our village for two
years, only having moved from
Chiselhurst, when her husband
took over the blacksmith shop
here, and during'that time she won
the esteem of a large circle of
friends. She had reached the age
of thirty-four. She leaves to
mourn her loss a husband and six
small children, the oldest being
ten sears old, and the youngest an
Mr. Matthias Warm of Zurich Out, says.
"I was bothered for some time with a run-
ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how Miss Agnes Douglas, who has
painful it liras. I doctored for some time a short vacation with her
till I tried a sample of Joseph Sinith'sspent
Salve, and the result was so pleasing that parents here, returned. to Detroit.
I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Messrs. Frank and Harold Cress -
Salve eased the pain for the first thee. 1 my welter of Duluth, Mich., are visit
cured. I am thankful indeed for
their grand parents, kir. and
cure and gladly give you permissioninn e
.to ling a Douglas. .
publish my case.
Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:—
Mr. J. Johr.. ston is this week
"For six months I suffered anutely from serving, as juryman, in Goderich
sore breasts and doctored all that time. I The airy spell still continues. It
tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It is some six weeks since it began.
was different to everything else I had
tried and it cured mc. I am grateful for Miss A. Fee visited. Mr. and Mrg.
the cure, as I have never been troubled Keys this week.with it since." .
Zurich show was %veil represent-
ed from this neighborhood.
community in this their time of
Price 50 cents per box, 8 boxes for $1.50
Obtained from Ye. til Buena Zurich, Ont
WORE Arrrca
Please send contributions to J. goons
Robertson, Chairman, or to Douglas David-
son, See.-Treas., of The Hospital for Sick
Children, College Street. Toronto.
e Prepared I
iFor Emergencies 8
1.If you live in small vil-
lage 8
aor country district, you.
8 will appreciate the value of i
a telephone. 8
Haven't there been times
when you wonld have given
a good deal to communicate
kith a friend.
I Or, perhaps you needed 1
1 the services of a doctor, in
a hurry but had no way of o
1 ( ommuuicating with him, i
at once.
The minutes seemed like 5
hours, didn't they, when e.
iyou've had to suffer. While n
the doctor was being sent
Ifor? I'
Have one of our telephon- a
es placed in your house and
8 so be prepared to summon doc,or at a moment's e
A sh mgt delay in getting
1 a doctor may mean life or Q
2. death, S) ,
why take chances,
why not be prepared for
iany emergency?
s Suppose a fire should
occurr and your wife and
Is children were alone, what
protection would the y have
if there wa l'no teles hone in
1p the house?
E, ZELLER, Zuc'ich
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