The Herald, 1908-09-18, Page 4D <x,:,y ti-.Ciptl Ci?C DCiDOSIFA'> s D42=9,tD ca The MOLSONS Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL p - - VS3,374,OOO REST FUND n e $3,374,0OO las C5 Branches in Canada, snd Agents and Carrespoudents in al, the Principal Cities in the World. A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, a a•� { 11.1.,., , , .. CDf Qb43 (1d CANADIAN' NEWS' ANK SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT acasca-a sea tact== ===arrow: a x rx x r sr at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich- Branch -' - H. ARNOLD, Manager w i)0.4 03f.^CCLIICi) CD Sit a"s CDCahtdrt3tDCUE CDC/r,2PCP 'rial3 4 LEGAL AL CA DS. TRH l'11 1LELE '^ E '. ki. J: D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Reiter, Notary Public, :Iensail, Ontario. • At Zurich (Zeller's otiiee) every Moo- dily. PROU'DFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR., B AR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goilerich, Canada W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. C. Hays. BUSINESS CARDS'._ H. Ct DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE Pti1- chased back my business from Este W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to all busiuess as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental j Surgeons, Toronto, also Donor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction - of tenth. Plate work s speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, everytMon- day. PUBLISHED BY E. ZELL1,.It. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER c AND Notary Public, De e d s, o b Wills and other Legal. eau en is care fully and promptly pE' 1 Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC FRIDAY SEPT, 18th 1008 W. C. T. U. THE DEACON'S CIDER. Andrew Kiley' died ab klamiltou from the effects of poison ivy. Tlie stettn)et''l�.iug Edward, which ran on a reel at .Southampton, has been i old.: The now lrwez..dean of Orillia's elect . -41, plant: at Ragged Rapids, hash,eii eet«,laloted. k3ev is voutig men were arrested in iL l+.a.rn :At !It:tmilton playing cards at 13,4-75 1; d.1 ratty morning. The.,western wheat crop will total 104,0P,000 bushels the agri- cultural +.lelaartnient estimates. iJ, t yet+ s western wheat crop total+'iu fl a ,+3 4i. bushels, leaving tL 0 e:ca \Yii,ui: of 05•0a3,44 -k. 0, or ono million acres have been tate J up in Alberta anti. StL,•katche.- war last month by homesteaders. Xa -lip Westmore died near Chat- ham #r,rr1 a fall clow nstairs. lie gra:, lot scars old. l ^met Tires are still very bucl, awl, ma -tiers helve difficulty in n.avtiatl!:; on account of the heavy pall that hangs over the lakes. Huniilton street, cars are now operated at 8 o'clock Sunday morn. iags; instead of 10 o'clock as form- erly, Harry Barnett, who said he came from Toronto, was sentenced at Owen Sound to one year for btrglary. 1. £he south shore of Lake Superi)r is clouded with the smoke of foreit fires and navigation is impeded. W. George Elliott, of Brantford, manager of the Ontario Portland. Cement Company, is dead of paraly- sis. The cornerstone of the new Ryerson Methodist Church, _Hamil- ton, will be laid next Saturday by Cyrus A. Birge. The infant child of Mrs. Lascelles of Winnipeg, was accidentally smothered while sleeping with its mother. 'That man's influence and ex. ample will send more than a dozen souls to Keil. ,Don't speak SO ;' well its the truth. If I could be a cbrist- inn again, a thousand times better than I ever was before, I could never forgive that man." I have given his words, some of there, for I could not seem to put the story in words of my own choosing. How I wish Iliad some- thing good to tell at the close. On the last day of the old year the poor man who had been class lead, t ter breathed his last. He never rallied` enough to pray or to know he was prayed for. The other has had no really sober day since, and the only chance .of saving frim would seem to be that if he should be arrested and sentenced, he might be kept sober long enough to "come to himself." The poor woman who still cares for him as laadin 17 "Oh best she can, says p g Y don't give him up my father will have enough to answer for witho'at his blood." As we talked in her i S S V.• MAASS, Prepares own pour borne one day, she told of Pupils for the Toronto Con- her physical suffering. and I oonld of Mhe d other see that the shadow of heath seem- servatory aned before her. Looking into my Centres• face, with her great wistful eyes, Address : 1 she said : "When I die 1 don't want L1yrrnSRAN PARSON ,Glx. Zurich. 1 to be carried up to the old home • I S CO E E T (don't want my children linked in I any way to it. How I hate it, and ull because of the cider " (The .End) (;food for Biliousness i`I took two of UilambPrlain taildar .,'; Stonlaoll and Liver Tablets lust night, and. I feel fifty per cent bet- ter than I have for weeks, sans J. T. Firestone of Allegan, Mich, .'They are certainly a fine article Ifor biliousness." Samples free For sale by J .1 Merner. 11 you have mad& fill your mind i to live in town, then stand up for I it, and if you know positively no I good then silence is golden. Do ALL KINDS AT A /E' FLOUR 111' SYOR FEED For the next 30 days will be sold at a. reduced price. We will be r'e'ady early in they Spring to do all kinds of CustomSawing en Short Notice. s ant d 4 F. 0. AL FLEISC , ZURICH **)k.*'*:***************** * hk.rC'*:* * �o*, *,**** * -.yC a io 7tC**° ** o 0 o 0 0 John Begg, of Hamilton, aged 35, died atter eating heartily of plums, the fruit fermenting, causing pres- sure on the heart. i1r. Joseph Blayborough, the second victim of the 13rautford ex• plosion, died in the hospital. The ethers injured will probaoly recov- er. A stria investigation is to be made by the Coroner. ,;.:Ake charge against the St. Catha- rineiGolf Clue of sel,ling liquor was dismissed by the Magistrate on a technicality, He intimated, ltowoter, that the club had no right to keep liquor on its premises. ullision between the steam - in Head and the Corinthian, all you can to help along every man who is engaged in legitimate bus-. Farmers s=hould avail themselves' news. Do not send awe.?for every- -of this opportunity of getting ithing nice yon want and still ex - GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. It posy. I pest the Home merchant to keep a Our stock of Floor is complete. 4 ; stock to suit the whirr of one or Brandy, --tai choose from. Stack ; two customers. The success of 'food and all kinds of Fsecl em)- ; Your fellow townsmen will he your 'stoutly on hand. Our groceries are !success. No man lived to himself clean and 1ve11 assorted.our sugars and no roan does business indepen- are the sweetest and vinegars the dently of his fellow business men. .strongest. Tale your home paper. Do not -1 imagine the big dailies fill up :all this space. There are many little crevices of a good cheer, social sun - 1 shine, personal mention, in the I home paper that the big .dailies do not print. Then do not abuse your. � neighbor. The main difference in ! the number of his faults and your own is that you see through a magnifying glass as a critic. The iilomened, the croaker, can do a 'CLINTON, Wed. Sep. 23 town more harm in a minute than COME AM SEE SriWililfred Laurier AND Hon. 0, P. Graham AT In atlas err \la near (fosse isle quarantine station the Malin Head was damaged so that she had to be benched, and the Corinthian returned to Quebec for repairs. The Premier and party will arrive on morning train 'from London, and an in- formal rotmp;ion will be held at 1 -he station, The procession composed of del• egates n.nd bands will leave the station lit 1.30 far the Park, where speaking will commence at 2 o'clock sharp. SPECIAL TRAINS AT SINGLE FARE A special train will leave for Exeter and intermediate points at 8 o'clock. Detailed Program Later. God Savo The King. F. R, Iioncnn;Es, 1)a. J W. Secretary. Chairnian. It is this year illegal to either shoot or scall partridge any place within Ontario. Last year Ameri- cans could eome to Ontario pay a 525 fee, and from Sept. 1 to Dec'. 35th, sboot, but not sell partridge. These birds have been getting thin- ned out, and the Ontario govern- ment has so legislated that this year no'one can shoot thorn .within the province. The measure is one :approved of generally on this side of the line but will probably keep fL•may a number of Americana who have been accustomed to cross the border for some fall sport. two good citizens can repair in a month. :r.,. r.-uow..-.R,: J aro au e frn 1.. °y .ran.» • Lo k ve d. 1 ••''? 1 .1, .11 ,win ` ,I , pp ^a . t.;.• a t J A19. Ca.d. t;, d.01 a.- iinfti .y ,,•,,:w,, •, r •:,, v+ o,.,..r 5 CAr� nt sera'' .,Yi 1 J5t if A'..N, CJ •11 ....Y.1„ ii ' A ,rl ,n ' , w r.e-' I A.•ent f fn.{ ir, ,,• , q.Q .,n�J fr.,., ra'l ' , / r+..illtiyv.P:corn• +,,np d+t, n,• wr,t, „ l.'n s . tt:Y, i' tis ,i,{,.,,a Miss Henrietta Galloway of St. John's, N. B,, while dressing her hair on Saturday night last, threw a burning match on the floor, with the result that it set fire to her night dress, burning her 50 badly as to cause death in a few minutes. Sir. 0. 'H. Tupper, a barrister of Vancouver, B. C., and son of Sir Charles Tupper, was bitten by a spider recently, Lwhile at Banff, and so serious is it that he is confined to his house .from the effects. They are, however, only of a local nature, A boiler explosion in an apple jelly factory at Huber's Corners, near Lynwood, caused the death of Gamien Haber of Hrtber'i Corners, 'and 4Vnr. Hetig- of Newton. The building was blown to pieces. The cause of the explosion is not known. Chas. Judge, a young English. main, while suffering delirium caused by typhoid fever, crawled front his cot in the London llospi tut and jumped to the ground, alighting on his head. Death was instantaneous. 0 0 Tic 0 0 0 International Harvester .I mpkernen s. We keep in stock a fall line of the above celebrated make of Farre Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal 'satisfitction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last mach longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. `Vihm in nes.l of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or • Cutter see our lines before you buy, They will please you. FRED. HESS & SOH el s o **7 t: *** rccr° ********** 3*****o 4 Ris kb il' OId Stand - ZURICH. # There is no need of anyone suffer- ing long ,with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only neces- sary to take a few doses of Chamberlakes Celle, Cholera an Diarrhea In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally val- uable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. PRICE THIRTY-FIVE CENTS. pTM3YSiR�iw'r; ,;lit +ry •"'F .s'*w/ 1iP14'u'3_:5' -..1 ''''t' SN ,•,• xrg4we.i:::.4, We want you to see the Steell -Ribbed Firepot in the 99 "0.93, L 1.1 The Firepot of a furnace being in direct contact with. the fire, contains its most effect- ive heating surface. ' Any increase in this surface therefore, greatly increases the efficiency of the furnace. That is why . STEEL RIBBED IkIR1POTS, which have three tines as much radiating surface as any other stye of fire - pot, enable the "HI,CI,A" furnace to save from io% to 15% of your fuel bill. This is only one of the ninny exclusive features of the "Ilecla" furnace. We want to explain them all to you—and prove, by actual tests, that the "Hecla" is the best and most economical furnace you can buy. Stop in any time for a "Keele" talk and demonstration. 64 9 a°Zurich. JOHN P `.. '. LET 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE, Paper Manger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly done. Now is the time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the Spring; and Sum- mer months, Charges Moderate N. BOCK Zurich TRADE MARKS DgsiGNS t9,,'OPYRIGHTS SGC. Anyone sending a sketch anddescriptionmiry ilnvention ie probably opinion stable free omunion tronsstrtetlyeontldeuttal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency f tgpencs Patents taken tirouah Mutin�Cb e special notion, 'without charge, in the �eie�BiC lneriCano • A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lnrgost cir- culation of any scientific+ journal. Terms for Canada, $3, 5 a year, postage prepaid. Sold l+y all nOrsdealers. MUNN &.3618roadway. New York Branch o5•3oe. 515 33' St.. Washington, D. C.