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The Herald, 1908-09-11, Page 4
4 x..14, The Zurich ' Herald. a©C® DOMIDala®4101)®aDC®�]t► aDOINIDa� The M BANKI ez es Incorporated 1855 to gCAPITAL - - - $3,374,000 a REST FUND -'- $3,374,000 es n Has 65 Branches in Canada, slid Agents and Correspondents in al. 1 the Principal Cities in the World. © A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. as 1 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 1 an es • a a rantes, t ll B h Interest allowed at highest current rate 1 Zurich Branch - - H. ARNOLD, Manager OD MEM 47 ODCDCtlI:M(6iD'®diad? CD( 3+gD fiDGE DaSt LEGAL CARS. tit. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieiter, Notat'yPnblie, Hensall, Ontario, At Zurich @Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, 'RAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Goderioh, Canada. W. Proudfoot. ICC. R. G. Flays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. 11. CI DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraetion of tenth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-26 E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De ads , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC 1h I 5 5 V. MAASS, Prepares 1 Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : itTEIRQ PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY SEPT. llth 1908 W. C. T. U. THE DEACON'S CIDER. "I called at the deacon's and he, made me stay over San day. Stant.. day evening the deacon's cider was brought out, batt I refused it ; the next day t'was communion and when the deacon passed the cup to me, true as you live, I saw the de- vil—right between us. It was only an instant, but in that time I had taken the cap and swallowed the liquid tire. The fumes, the taste, thrilled me through and through. That night I drank glass after glass of the deacon's cider, without a single remonstrance from him, though I told him I belonged to a reform club. "The next day I staid round and drank cider until I was drunk as a fool. When he cause in to dinner he gave me a good scolding and said he 'never had much confidence in me,' and he bade me gone from his house and not disgrace it: That was three years ago, and you :See lite now. I needn't say any more, Just after I came to Providence I came across the woman who broug- ht yon here, She is the deacon's daughter, and she says her father's cider has ruined her husband and both of her sons They are all LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, Zurich. straight just now, hot she would sooner bury them than see them go !up to—to visit her. folks. It will 1 kill her sometime, for her boys I h the got the real drunkard's cray- I inn for strong drink, and they'll go at ..,,ee,�j udder yet.shShe is interested in me �' N1 unerbecause she She is her father is to blame, and if I could be saved, I'd work to help her, though I no hate her father so awfully. ALL KINDS AT "Who is this man here, dial you i ask—oh, he is most dead, killed by '1•ANIVI "''Srunt. fie pnlied me off the rail. `roars track once when I was drunk ; !osass si Lop C r a, leahederused butto hebe liveda inMeththdio ctonnttcl;y ' and drank older, and it was too I much for .him, religion and all. When he came down here he Wats !all right for whisky, Oh, nay, Farmers bonld avail themselves' ;: can't there be some queer stories of this opportunity of getting.I told. at the jndgment'. Yon know GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. It stay,. ! they say that hairs of our head are supuose Our stock of Flour is complete. ° i numbered—do ire pttt °coni lit of the l Brands to choose from. Stock , rl,ras of cider Deacon—bas food and all •kind, of Feed eon. f-'•a ..tantlr on hand. Our groceries are drunk? Why it afoot be a good clean and well nssortsd.our sugars; ttmnn�r Mural by this; time, for he core the sweetest and vinegars the : (a',11. id take the biggest swallows strongest. -1 and ::wallow gniekest of any man I ever knew. if 1'e is going to Hear- ' enbooked right througla, then the Bible is a lie, and God isn't just. ` You say 'perhaps be doesn't under '' stand.' For God's sake, dont ex c,use tont ; his conscience may be • + it earl' to ci by the long use of eider, teat i. tell you that mala knows bet. ter. and he wouldn't give up his cider to waive his daughter's family and all the ynnng men of the place. (To be continued) COV fit 1T STORE CA.N D N NEW: Sir Wilfrid Laurier opened the election campaign at Sorel and ad- dressed, an immense meeting. It is reported that negotiations for a settlement of the C. P. R, strike are in progress. Henry Cannon; held on a charge of forgery, made his escape from. Barrie jail, but was recaptured in the railway yard. Forrest Ross of Bayfield, ' Ont., was killed at Niagara Falls by an automobile in which he was riding plunging over the gorge. Hants Liberals nominated Dr. J. B. Blank for the Commons, and, West Peterboro' Liberals nominat- ed Hon, J. R. Stratton. Brookville Conservatives nominated Mr, - J. Webster to oppose Hon. G. P. Graham, R. L. Borden opened his nam- paign at Bridgewater. N. 5, Capt. ,lames C. Parsons, a well- known lake mariner, of Goderich, is dead. John Lloyd, a recently arrived Welshman. committed suicide at 'orkton, Sask., by hanging. Daniel McKeever, a London, Ont boy, used a rifle to knock apples off a tree. The rifle discharged, killing him instantly. Big Labor Day celebrations were held at Berlin, Galt, Niagara Falls and other places in Ontario. At Montreal 3,000 striking C. P. R. machinists marched in the proses. sion. Liberals of Wright county nomi. nated Mr. Devlin. the present mem- ber Mr. Caron, one of the mem- bers for Ottawa, was the choice of L'Islet Liberals. Sault Ste. Marie Conservatives nominated Mr. Boy- ce again. COME A SEE DASHW00D The Tlasltwon+l cider mill will he run each Wednesday and Thursday antil further notice. Miss Dunn of London, has taken at position as milliner with Tiernan and Edi ;hofier. Mr, H. A, 'Kellerman • occupied the pulpit in the Evangelical church at Crediton, on Sunday. Davi•i. Reef; has moved away to Arizona, where he has secured more lucrative work. Several of the villagers attended the sports at Zarich, Labor Day. Messrs, G. W. Shore and Wes. Miller aro this week- attending the exhibition all Toronto. Word has been received here of the death of `.i1Srs. Rev. J. I7. Gronzenbach of • Listowell, which sad event occurred at that. place on ;Saturday last. Mr. E. M. Brokenshire visited friends at Orediton East on Sunday lest, The work on the planing mill is being pushed rapidly on and in a . short time it will bo in running order again. Four prisoners broke jail at Ike cora by boring a hole through the Wall, Two were captured, but the other pair are stillat large, Good for Biliousness • "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per cent bet- ter than I have for weeks; says J. J. Firestone of Allegan, Mich. •"They are certainly a fine article for biliousness." Samples free. For sale by J J Merner. Sir Wilfred Laurier AND lion. O. P. Graham BLAKE Mrs, Geo. Howard and Mrs. Mc- Donald are this week visiting friends in the vicinity of Seaforth. Miss Jean Esser, after spending the summer with her parents, re- turned to London, to resume her duties as milliner. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Douglas are taking in Toronto Fair, this week. --(ane ?iy one the pioneer residents of our township are dropping off. This week one of the oldest, in the person of Mr. Jana es Johnston, was called away. The deceased, who had reached Isis eightieth birthday emigrated from Ireland at the age of eighteen and spent the remaind- er of his life a resident of Stanley Tp., which was then an unbroken forest. The task of hewing out a home Itty before him and how well he succeeded in braving the early hardships can more easily be seen than told. He was a man of sterling charac- ter and was held in high esteem by all who knew him. For years he bas suffered from rheumatism which °rippled him more its his years ailvunceu. The immediate'. cause of death was simply a grad- ual wearing away of the vitality of his system. FIe leaves to mourn his less two sons; John and Ross. Elia remains were laid to rest in the family plot, Bayfield cemetery, on Tuesday whither they were fol• lowed by a • serge concourse of fri enols . The pall -bearers were, E Esser, T. Sherritt, .1. Keys, W. Finlay, T. Johnston and P.. Douglas. Born 10 Mr. and Mrs. Hall Sept. 7th, a son. The nhtireh is being brightened in appearance by a coat of paint, N, P3:,ck of Zurich bus the contract, R. Drysdale and Miss Maggie of Hensall called oil friends this week ?Jany from this neighborhood took in the sports in Zurich, Labor Day, 0 rr .',.. XXxX B. e. For the next 30 days will be sold at a reduced price. We will be readyearly in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. Logs Wanted F. C. KALBFLEISCH, ZURICH •°**** 'cc** *7fC**** o' ****** * International Harvester * . °*r * AT CLINTON, Wed. Sep. 23 The Premier and party will arrive on morning train from London, and an in- formal reception will be held at the station. The procession composed of del- egates and bands will leave the station at 1.80 for the Park, where speaking will commence ab $ o'clock sharp. MMI SPECIAL TRAIN'S AT SINGLE FARE A special train will leave for Exeter and intermediate points at 8 o'cloe k. Detailed Program Later. God. Save The King. F. R. Honotixs, DR. J. W. SHAW, Secretary. Chairman. Born G A;Nowent —At the Town Line, Stanley, on the lst inst., to Mr. and Mrs. John Lenoway, a son, Moseran—At the Bronson Line, Hay on the 7th inst, to Mr. and Mrs. A. Mosseau, a daughter. There is no need of anyone suffer- ing long with this disease, for to effect a quick cure it is only neces- sary to take a few doses of Mantheilairds Colic, Cholova and h TThea Remedy In fact, in most cases one dose is sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon in the most severe and dangerous cases. It is equally val- uable for children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success: PRICE THIRTY-FIVE CENTS ...Implements... We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfiLotion. Bay no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer, than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; ery thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. `Vi1311 in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FP 1:1, HESS & SON, Rickbeil's Old Stand - - ZURICH. {�p��yp} {p�� �. � � ��. �{p�� {p��., {pk�,pt�{yp�.{�p� ��p�.,��.�py�.. {meq}.{�p7.,{p�}. �'a'�"ry'•�T-T�l"�* 'TMT )MM* 0 ° 'j`�•*�7�mTT !.• ,1t..a•.. t+ m.14147 4i'••++ t :i%1 G1',@?Ydbiir:k1 •• 3'..041 ./44i 'a - OLA(r•;IVX. 4;1Y Le us show you &low easy it is to shake the qg 99 urii �---���IR "" The "Heol.'.' has four ',.�, 54. ;rate bars. Each one T17-771.., can bti shaken separ- ;-- . rFately_ his means a �J '�tli-i1 that you can shake t down jest the part of the fire where ere the ashes are, without di stur.bing the rest of the coals. With r`.:.l.ecla Triangular Grate .s_>ars, you can get rid of all the ashes—sae coal—keep the lire Tari ht .nd clean—and do away with. sifting ashes, because no fresh .cods or hall -Burnt clinkers cone down in the ashpan. I;ro n:•,,t;l+i 1,0 pl'n-ata ;o tack over the' furnace question with you anis show you, part by part, just svhy the "iitci;a." Furnace is tite l.::st for you to buy. Coxae in any time. raze. i y inse agia:.:i.f r:a e2 " eer:ess P,-st_ntsts'inv ' Ranges. 63 • JOHN ET Zurich -00 Y ARS° EXPERIENCE Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly done. Now is the time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the bpring and Sum- mer months. Charges Moderate N. BOCK Zurich TRADE ?VIARatS /�, DI :Sime VGPVRIGWrS &c. Anyone pending a sketeh and deo:rt»»tion may quickly ascertain Our °Panton free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica- tions Strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive epettaifotice, without Charge, in the Scientific A erican. ...handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cu. Weston or any scientific Journal. 'germs tor Canada,!5.75 a year, postage prepaid. Sold by an newsddealers. VWNN & Co att'sreaaiwaaro' NewYea i limned (Mice. SAG le St. Washington. D. C.