The Herald, 1908-09-11, Page 1H The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. Vol.. IX. FRIDAY MORNING, SEPT. 11, 1908. mmee2cem:xmozzg3,mocoN taught by the only teacher in ix Ontario who attended the Ig Author's School. 1T111JN—_ with leading business house await our graduates. iSti LOOSE-LEAF LEDGER and all modern office methods which ensure rapid advance- •ment. GR EGG SHORTHAND pi THREE COU„SES—Stenography, Commercial., Telegraphy. Enter any day. '7'Irtefor particulars 3g FALL TER14I FROM SEPT. 1st Clllltoll BllSillBSS Calle e. tiGEO. SPOTToN. Principal. S63QF3eale£3tneaMM £3 i 3F3CartE;tS 4,1)(1=0)4D®GDaMDCDC®CDQ7NDC1)0112OCDCZCO.D®d i* ..00NFECTIO'.ERY.. STORE Is THE PLACE TO t;ET The New Ice Cream, Sundaes & Sodas. ORANGES and ' BANANAS Bread and Cakes C. SUMAC,— Baker and Confectioner ZURICH 1 tv DC,{19CD0111CDCDiN11)CDQ11111DCDQIND4DGIIIMP /IDCDC®C1. FLOCAL NEWS. tteraa•atratk .1D4'41e;D4'94'!4"3* Miss Ada Koehler left for Toron- to, on Tuesday morning. Mr. A. Eclighoffer, barber has been laid up with a sore finger, the past week. Miss Nora Schnell has returned home from a visit with friends in Michigan. D, S. Faust has Timothy seed, for sale. Stephen Council minutes will ap- pear in our next issue. Messrs. Alfred and Eddie Peine of .Oovdon were visitors here over Labor Day. There' was a good crowd at the dance in Rau's Hall, or. Monday evening. Mr. Harold Appel left for Sea - forth, where he is apprenticed with Mr. Daly, Jeweler. Messrs. T. Bechold and E. Schif- fer of Detroit, were guests at the Dominion House the past week. Mr. E. O. Weber of Berlin broth- er of Mrs. Rev. Gischler, spent Sunday, at the Evangelical parson- age. The Jubilee Band will likely be one of the five bands to attend the Laurier Demonstration at Clinton, on the 23rd. Mr Wright of the Point Farm Goderich was a visitor this week, with his old friend Mr. R. R. John- ston, of the Dominion House. If you want a first-class stove, see how cheap you can buy one during our 30 days removal sale $35 00 for. $27.00, ai Hartleib's. Dr. George Schoellig, wife and young daughter Mildred, left on Monday for their home in Detroit, after a short visit with relatives in this vicinity. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Sept 25th, Hours 5 to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. Mr. Alfred Peine, sang a solo in the Lutheran church, on Sunday, which greatly pleased the large congregation. Mr. Peine has a rich bass voice. with splendid con- trol and his singing has received very favorable comments from the London papers. The Ladies Aid. of the Evangeli- cal, church, held their regular meeting Sept. 3. Rev, Mrs. Gisch- ler opened the meeting by singing, Mrs. E. Bossenberry read a passage of scripture in German and Miss Morris of Colborne, read the fol- lowing in English. Rev. Mrs. Uisohler gave an interesting talk on the chapter read. The members of the Ladies Aid, then voted a nice sum of money to bit distribut- ed among, the needy in the mission fields of Parry Sound, in charge of Rev. Mr, D. Brandt. Miss Melinda Ortwein of liensa.11 visited here on Labor Day. Miss Tillie Dumart, of Berlin visited friends, here this week. D. S. Faust has some fine dinner setts, and other fancy dishes, Large shipment of best Portland cement arrived, good and fresh, at Har Ilei b's. Miss Bertha Wurm of Detroit is visiting relatives, here for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz of Preston were the guests of Rev, and Mrs. Maass, the past week. During our big 30 days sale, we sell rawhide whips, reg. 50ets for 35cts, at Hartleib's. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Stung of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ortwein, on Wednesday. Rev. A. D. Gischier attended the funeral of Mrs. Rev. Grenzenhach nf Listo*ell, last Monday after- noon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gies of St. Jacobs, Waterloo County, formerly residents of this Township, visited over the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Gies. Notice—Mr. J. J. Merner wishes to notify the public that his cider mill and jam factory will run every Wednesday and Saturday until further notice. Miss Eva Williams nnderwent an operation last week. for appendici- tis, at the hands of Dr. Gunn of Clinton, assisted by the local medi- cal men. The patient is doing fairly well. We believe that Mr. Cantin's scheme to connect Stratford and St. Joseph by an electric railway will become a reality. There is no man in Canada that can put more' energy into a project than this same Cantin. Death The Judgment Sept 13th Sept. loth Rev. A. D. Gisohler will preach on the four last things Sunday evening, at the Evangelical cllpch, Heaven tt t Hell Sept. 27th Oct. 4th Mr. Joseph W. Wild of Nokomis, Illinois, and sister, from Bayfield, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. George Campbe]I, on Saturday. Mr. Wild is a native of Canada but has been at Nokomis nearly 30 years, where be and a. partner are publishing two weekly papers, one English and one German. We thank Mi.. Wild for a call at THE HERALD office. No. `► u ¢ L'9 MAIMM TWA M t il4 1d fS 51 t1i 7k! Clearing out Baia ce Of Gingham's and nd Mfl..flS l fl 1'9S GIN GRAMS, regular price per yard, nets, Now only ........................ • 1tlUSLINS, regular price per yard, 15 cts. Now clearing out at • WHITE MUSLINS, regular price yard, 10 cts. now for MUSLINS, regular price per yard, 25 ots Now for only ............... .. . A. small number Of blue Overalls regular price 75cts. Coyne and get a pair. It's a cinch ... . ....................... . ALL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE D. a FAUST LMAMMANWWW���ppW���pp. ZURICH -�Or—'>OOdGdO C7GCOC','O.GO.OO'•O•lJ".O.O.Ot4.4.O.00•G• : 0�qO r ere QD 40 ID1�0 Q�r! L100 of odd sizes in. UP-TO-DATE Shoes, will have. to he moved acct in the, next few ..Weeks to make ropm t I, • for out. PALL` STOOK. . . - D 4D 100 40D SOME BARGAINS FOR YOU Q I T Z THE S O ryAN - ZURICH Al �• O•G•�• C" -•; ',.P. 4°O.O•'O•�• ^v b C�• C�,•4 O 4 O "u�° 4 0 Miss Mary Hagan of Ingersoll is Iaa$Z 3s 3: '.zl 3 5rR� 3 3 r3 + Fi "moi l ; :4 - 3 s F asv spending her holidays under the .parental roof, at the Parr Line. Mr. E. O. Weber of Berlin, gave an inspiring aeldress in the Evange- lical church on Sunday evening. Miss Minnie Ehlers of Dashwood sang a beautiful solo in the Evan- gelical church., on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, Abram Bean of Bright visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schoellig, the fore part of the week. Great removal sale for 30 clays. Everything at reduced prices, call and see now cheap you can buy for cash, at Hartleib's. Mr. N, M. Vantin of St. Joseph, is entertaining a number of dis. tinguished visitors from Ottawa, Boston and New York. Miss Colvin of Brussels has re- turned to town to take charge of Mr. Preeter's millinery department for the fall and winter season. The Hewers of London, seven in number, will give a concert in the Town Hall on Fair night Sept 24th, under the auspices of the Agricul- tural society. Secure reserved seats, from S. E, Faust or at the HERALD office. Mr. Reddinger of Detroit and Miss Louisa Wurm were married on Saturday morning, and arrived in town in the evening. They spent the week with the latter's mother, Mrs. Henry Wurm. THE HERALD extends congratulations and best wishes to the young couple. Mr. James Johnston of the Town Line near Blake, and one of the early settlers of this section died on Saturday evening. having reach- ed the age of eighty years, He leaves two sons, Ross onthe old homestead, John on the next farm and a son Robert, who was last re- ported to be in the States but has not been heard from. for many ;gears. The funeral was held on Tuesday to Bayfield cemetery, and Was very largely attended. 1 0 0 0 Cordially invites the Ladies to look through the Biggest Fall Dress Goods, Ladies' Coats and Mantles, Silk: and wear....Our large turn -over enables us to keep only new No Shoddy or Shop=worn goods have room in our .S We are continually adding to our Stock and so keep in World of Fashion. Stock we have ever r arried hi all Goods for Fall and Winter and fresti Goods. tore. touch with all the latest: in the ress Goods E are proud of our display in FALL DRESS GOODS. You cannot afford to miss seeing our Stock. You will be pleased with the New Goods and Values. Our Stock will be complete in a few days and we extend a Special In- vitation to the Ladies of Zurich and vicinity to look over these Goods. STRIPED VENETIANS in blue, brown; green and black. PLAIN VENETIANS in all the leading shades. These Goods are among the newest cloths for Fall wear and will make a very Stylish Suit. , Many other cloths in various colors and gnalitres at Right Prices to choose nom. TOILET SETTS e have a large assortment of toilet setts at from :1.25 to $5.00 per sett. These are all new goods and 'worth much more than we ask for them. We have just opened up a lot of odd pieces such as plates, caps and saucers, ;jugs, scallops, etc., which we imported direct, and are thus enabled to sell below the regular price. N\Ek1 . AfE [ desire to call special attention to our stock of dinner- ware, glassware, chamber sets, etc. In dinnerware we have a full lide, in many pretty designs and patterns at special Below are a few of the bargains we are giving in this prices. line. 07 piece Dinner Setts new patterns and decorations—worth $13.00 for $11.00. 97 piece Dinner Setts X5.00 for X0.50. 1 only Dinner Sett worth $10.00 for •*8.00. 1 only Dinner Sett worth ,$14.00 for 19,50. A line of odci plates, colored, 7 inch, regular :1.20'for 75 cents per doz. new patterns and decorations ---worth TitiLE C TLE*SIT I�ye carry a complete line of knives and forks, odd knives, �'�r�® table spoons, paring knives, and also a good selection of silver plated knives and forks, spoons, etc. Get our prices before buying elsewhere. FARM PRODUCE TAKEN ALL THE TIME J. PREETER, 3 80=11EK3KOM 3+1;3 X3C:38 3 E 3$3£3 'X4.X. 0=ar.: g:3 'd#' T ZU !Cl -1 VeZav3 £3> #3 3>ir. :3 '3> 3+ 3 , Mrs 0: 0