The Herald, 1908-08-28, Page 11"7
The Official Organ of Zurich. and Ray Township.
Vol. I X.
No* 4.
t83 £31 ex=3 ilei �k r3t11:SEer2E1
with leading business house s
await our graduates.
and all modern office methods
which ensure rapid advance-
r. ment.
taught by the only teacher in
Ontario • who attended the 51
Authors School.
1 THREE COUlSES—Stenography,
Commercial, Telegraphy.
Enter any day. Write for particulars
0 Ciilltoli .B ltJiIlg11S Colloe 8= 0
Geo. Seorro*r. Priacipxl.
+0 0313UQ04106)CD®ED6112:0 DCOED MILIDUDC$AD6D=MD
The New
Ice Cream.,
lo Sundaes eg.
Bread and Cakes
�.Dalm CD6�fID�40f®fID�DGD(� CD.Z.4UD OCT
Baker and
D. S. Faust hag some fine; wrap-,
prettes,just arrived.
Mr. Alfred Gillman is home
from Napierville College.
Mr. J .T. Berner returned from
the West on Friday evening.
.Mr. Garnet Steinbach of Berlin
Mr. Curtis Stoneman of Hensall
was in town, on Monday.
A black shawl was found recent-
ly, and ldfrsilty' this office. Owner
call for sail
The interior of Hartleib's Brock
is being covered with metal and
presents a fine appearance.
Mr. Alonzo Foster brought in a
stalk of corn ou Saturday, measur-
ing 13 feet 3 inehaes. That's the
record to date. ,
Kr. Peter Ropp of Michigan
preached in the. Memonite church
here on Tuesday evening, to a large
A dance will be held in Ran's
Ha11 on Monday evening Sept. 7th.
Zurich Orchestra will furnish the
music. Harvey Colosky, manager,
One of the features ofe,,,.second
Fair day this year will be aSplendid
concert in the evening. Full parti-
culars will be given in our next
The friends of Mr. Menne Scli-
wartzentruber of the Bronson Line,
will learn with regret that he is
not improving, in fact his condition
has become quite serious the
past few days.
Mr. Jesse Horner formerly of the
Suable Line, Stanley, but now
living in Michigan, visited his
brother and other friends the past
week. He came over in an automo-
Dr_ Ovens, Surgeon, Oculist,
Specialist will be at Royal Hotel,
ETensall, on Friday Aug 28th. Hours
5 to 9 p. in. Glasses properly fitted
Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye-
sight treated.
The saoreznent of the Lords Sup-
per will be dispensed in the 14th
con., Evangelical church next Sun-
day Preparatory service on Satur-
day at 2 o'clock and at 7.30 p. m.
Rev. A. Y. Heist P. E. will have
charge of the service.
Frost on Saturday morning caus-
ed. damage to the wheat fields in
some portions of the �vegtY and was
Severe in a few sections along the
main Iine of the Canadian Northern
Railway. The frost covered a large
area, but. fortunately; found only
a small proportion of the fields un-
cut. The territory south of the
main line of the Canadian Pacific
Railway is regarded as safe. In the
rest of Manitoba and Saskatchewan
the greater part of the wheat is in
stook, and will not be affected.
The loss will be total, however,
for many farmers, and for others
the grade of grain will be reduced.
Mr, E. M. Brokenehir5 of Dash-
wood, was a visitor in town on
Monday afternoon
D. S. Faust has sale dress bu t-
tons, selling them of at 2 d ozen
for 5 cents.
Quite a number frons here at-
tended the Conservative Conven-
tion at Hensall, on Tuesday.
Found by Roy Appel on street in
town, a sum of raontay. Owner
call for it at Mr. E.'Aplel's.
Hensall baseball team did not
show up on Friday last and a good
many ball cranks were disappoint-
Mr. Rueben Fax, who was for
many years a popular mtisictan and
entertainer in Canada, died very
suddenly at hie hotel in New York
on Friday last. He had just re-
turned from his holidays. Heart
trouble was the cause of death.
The remains were taken to Toronto
for interment.
One hundred and f'ifty.three
townships in Ontario have aband-
oned statute labor and reverted to
the cash system of maintenance of
roads. Sixteen counties in Ontario
have undertaken' a. good, roads pro -
grain by which they plan an outlay
of 53.200,000, of whiele under the
Good Roads Act the province will
bear one-third.
Jos. Davis has a marvel in the
tree -world growing on his land in
the east of elle town, in the shape
of a tree on which are growing
apples, pears and grapes. Other
than this there is nothing particul-
arly odd about the tree and how
this condition came about is a
mystery to Mr. Davis.—Exeter Ad-
That settles it. We have often
heard of brands that make one see
double, but to see three kinds of
fruit on one tree—that • sensation
must surely be produced by some
new line of `Florida Water."
+>rSfwiwMAt1M6 A, t WwWIwEANIeti'AVVEM
Clearing out Baa ce
of Ginghams and Musdins
GINGHAMS, regular price per yard, 15cts.
Now only ......................... ..
MUSLIN'S, regttlar price per yard, 15 cts.
Now clearing out at ...................
WHITE MUSLINS, regular price yard,
10 cts. now for..... ................
MUSLINS, regular price per yard, 25 cts.
. Now for only....
A small number
of blue Overalls
regular price 75cts. Come and get a pair.
It's a cinch ............................
t,,,,„.,,„„,,,,„,„.:oa.o,.oPo0 0.4
GQ� ` °'
D�� Vb0
azti li D��t,lt �,
N -P,
Experiments have recently been . > .. `•+ =,.M ,� . , 'f
made in Berlin to ascertain the Gbh '- . ' . . ' rel ''•`�
height i which a bell•oe emay;:b-e G,of odd sizes in ITP -TO -DATE Shoes,' will hate', ter
considered immune . uI1oothostlle be moved out in the next few weeks to make room rAl-
rife shots. Captive balloon`s,were G '�
sent up, and they were slot at L for our FALL STOOK. e
from angles of from 15 deg. to 45
deg;. Balloons traveling uta eight ��� SOME BARGAINS FOR YOU
of from -000 to 2,000 yards scull be
hit only once out of six hots, QQ�
while they were absolutely sae et - D
a height of 3,000 yards, Even avhen Goy
struok, the damage to the gas; bag ��� FRITZ 1D
was so small that the balloozi was THE SHCDEMAN - ZURICH g.,able to continue its journek for ht,,,
hours before the escaping gas ••••'•'e ^ ��
a lending necessary. ' '
-•��.•44444444444444d`�`q 4444
visited his old home town, the!
#3 ' etcx0 f 13:109 3 's#1 "c £ 1C.001 L .elF r treat'- etare 3=s 3 8 3 3CeaCeee 3 3 3l3 .aaEeL,K alt
past week.
Miss Amelia Koch of Dashwood
was visiting her cousin, Miss Olive
Weseloh over Sunday.
The Ladies' Aid will hold their
meeting on Sept 3rd at 2.30 p. m.
in the Evangelical church.
Keep in mind the raoss in Zurich
on Labor Day. There will be a
good list of horses and good sport.
Strayed on my premises, about
the 20th inst., a ram lamb. Owner
call for same and pay expenses.
Fred. Witwer, Zurich.
The tie for the shoes donated by
Mr. Pain of London, was shot off
on Tuesday evening, and was won
by Hurley Weber with a score of 7.
W. O'Brien broke t' and W. G.
Hess 5.
Mr. John Hey Jr., recently dis-
posed of a nice 3•year-old West.
sidta mare to Mr. Bernhardt of
Preston, for. $160 00. She will
make a fine driver and has the ap-
pearance of developing speed.
There will be n o preaching neith-
er Sunday School in the Evangeli-
cal church next Sunday.. This will
give the members and friends an
opportunity to attend communion
service at the 14th con. church.
Mrs. lise, who for the past few
years made her home at the Coun.
ty House of Refuge, died. there on
Monday. having reached the, great
age of 100 years and about 2
months. The remains were brought
to town Tuesday • morning. the
interment taking place in the
Lutheran Cemetery.
Seven candidates were nominated
at Hensall, on Tuesday, to contest
South Huron at the approaching
general election. Three allowed
their names to go to .ballot, name-
ly Sherritt, Stephen'; J. J.
Merger, Zurich and Thos. (lays,
Seaforth. The former won. on the
first ballot. The convention was
a very large coo and full of en -
thulium ,
Cordially invites the Ladies to look through the Biggest
Fall Dress Goods, Ladies' Coats and Mantles, Silkf; and
wear....Our large turn -over enables us to keep only new
No Shoddy or Shop-worn goods have room in our S
We. are continually adding to our Stock and so keep in
World of Fashion.
Fail Dress Goods
E aro proud of our display in FALL DRESS GOODS.
You cannot afford to miss seeing our Stock. You will be
pleased with the New Goods and Values. Our Stock
will be complete in a few days and we extend a Special In-
vitation to the Ladies of Zurich and vicinity to look over
these Goods.
STRIPED VENETIANS in blue, brown, green and black.
PLAIN VENETIANS in all the leading shades.
These Goods are among the newest cloths for Fall wear and
will make a very Stylish Suit. Many other cloths hi various
colors and qualities at Right Prices to choose Flom.
e have a large assortment of toilet setts at from $1.25 to
$5.00 per sett. These are all new goods and worth much
more than we ask for them. We have just opened up a
lot of odd pieces such as plates, cups and saucers, jugs, ,scallops,
etc., which we imported direct; and are thus enabled to sell below
the regular price.
Stook we have ever carried in
all Goods for Fall and Winter
and fresh Goods.
touch with all the latest in the
inE desire to call special attention to our stock of dinner -
ware, glassware, chamber sets, etc. In dinnerware we have
a full lide, in many pretty designs and patterns at special
prices. Below are a few of the bargains we are giving in this
97 piece Dinner Setts new patterns and decorations—worth
$13.00 for $11.00.
97 piece Dinner Setts new patterns and decorations ---worth
ti0.00 for $6.50.
1 only Dinner Sett worth $10.00 for $8.00.
1 only Dinner Sett worth $14 00 for $0,50.
A line of odd plates, colored, 7 inch, regular $1.9.0 for 75
cents per doz.
e carry a complete line of knives and forks, .odd knives,
table spoons, pariugknives, and also -a good selection of
silver plated knivee and forks, spoons, etc. Get our prices
before buying ei, ewhere.
3 c? 31E tfi"�' i 3 z ia3 7tx # F3 £ 3dc K l 3+ F3 at 4:= 3 3ta43 3a t3 3 3 E3 e