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LESSON VIII. -AUG. 23, xgo8.
Friendship of David and Jonathan. -
x Sam, 20: 1-42.
Commentary. -L David's consultation
with Jonathgu (vs. 1.10). To save his
life David had escaped to the aged pro-
phet Samuel in Ramal. Here David was
placed in 'bhe school of the prophets at
Naioth, a part of Rentele But Saul
learned of his retreat and David was
obliged to leaaea at was then that
David invested to Jonathan for acisist-
tance. On the day following, the festival
sf the new moon was to be eelebrahc,d,
teed David would be expectea to be pres-
ent. But he felt that it we .dd not be
safe for him to go; acxoa-din,gly, he ask-
ed Jonathan to make excuses to Saul for
acs absence and thus learn how Saul felt
toward him. "Though David was the
wnointed king to reign after Saul he had
everything to fear from Soul, and there-
fore concluded it better to secure him-
self than no get into danger. He might
Fane rallied an army to his defence, but
he had not sought the kingdom, or public
aotice, and he chose to trust God to
bring about his :affairs in His own time
and way."
IL The covearant (vs. 11-23). "The pri-
vate dialogue which is here detailed an
Fulllength presents a most beautiful ex-
hibition of these two amiable and noble -
minded friends. Jonathan was led, iu
the circumstances, to 1>e the chief speak-
er. The strength of his attaoluuexa,t, hie
pure disinterestedness, his warm piety -
his invocation 'to God consisting of a
prayer and a solemn oath combined --
the calm and full expleeion he gave to
his conviction that his own family were
by the divine will to be disinherited and
David elevated to 'the possession of the
throne; the oovemant entered into with
David on behalf of his deaceodants, end.
the imprecation (v, 16) denounced on any
of them who should violate this part of
the conditions; the reiteration of this
covenant on both sides (v. 17) to make it
indissoluble; all this indicates such a
power of mutual affeetion; such meg
aetic at'craetiveness in the character of
David; such susceptibility and elevation
of feeling in the heart of Jonathan, that
this interview for dramatic interest and
choral beauty is unrivalled in the records
of lumen friendship." It seems clear
that Jonathan expected David to occupy
the throne of Israel (v. 13), and he ac-
cordingly exacted a promise from him
to show kindness to his posterity after
his death se well as to himself daring
his lifetime: "His words, like Saul's in
chapter 24, 21, are prompted by a fear
lest even David should conform to the
barbarous Oriental custom by wihieb the
first king of a new dynasty often tried
to secure himself on 'the throne by mur-
dering his predeoeesor's family. David
fulfilled his promise by •showing kindness
to adephiboshoth. See IL Sam. 9, 1-13;
Bl, 7."
Saul's murderous design (vs. 24.34.)
Following the interview between Jona-
than and David, David remained hid in
the field while Jonathan returned to
test hie father and find out his purpose.
concerning- Daviel. Jonathan soon dis-
covered that his father was very angry
against David, and had determined upon
his death. 30. Against Jonathan --+Saul
was angry at Jonathan because he saw
that he was pleading for David. Per-
verse rebellious woman -To any Orient-
al, nothing is so grievously insulting as
a reproach, cast upon his mother. The
mother herself is not held to be affront-
ed in such eases, but the son who hears
such words applied to her is insulted,
and meant to be insulted beyond expia-
tion. -Ditto. To thine own confusion.
=-Saul accuses Jonathan of disgracing
himsolf and his mother by choosing Da-
vid as a friend. 31. As long as the son
of Jesse liveth-".Saul had now fully
made up his mind that David was his
rival for the throne; that he was the
man after God's own heart of whom
Samuel had told him; and perhaps the
fact that Samuel had anointed hint was
now' generally known."
32. 'What hath he done -He had slain
Saul's enemies and saved the kingdom;
he had acted wisely. But saul's jealousy
knew no bounds. Ile hated him because
he was good. Seel could see .plainly
that David's growing success, and how
he was rising in the estimation of the
peoaple. He was also convinced of his
own evil conduct in public affairs. But
this did not humble him before God, and
he therfore became filled with envy.
pride, jealousy and cruelty. These ele-
ments within his heart led to every evil
way. When controlled by these he was
:pushed on by Satan into the most terrl-
•ble excesses, without respect even to
character or the most sacred obligations.
He could not tell one moment what he
should do the next. 33. Oast a avelin-
Tt was the custom for a king always to
have his spear with him. The Arabs
still have the same practise. Jonathan
knew -Ise had before been clisposed. to
attribute his father's acts of violence
toward David to his madness and the
demon that at times possessed him;
but now he is convinced that David's
suspieions of his bloody design (v. 3.)
are well founded -Terry. 34. Arose from
the table --It was at the time of the new
moon, or the first of the lunar month.
'The event was celebrated with special
sacrifices and blowing of trunppets. ,Sed
Num. 10, 10; 28, 11-15; Psa. 81,' 3. The
sacrificial feast (v, 24) lasted at least
two clays (v. 27); this was the second
day. Had done kith shame -Saul had
done Davits a great wrong by charging
him with treasonable intentions. "'Phe
generosity of Jonathan's character is
very apparent: He did not resent the in-
jury and. insult offered to himself so
much as the wrong done to his friend."
-,speak. Com.
IV. The parting (vs. 35.42). 35, Iu the
morning -Which would be the third day
since David and Jonathan had made the
covenant. At 'the time appointed -"To
the place appointed." -.R. V., margin.
Arrangements had been made so that
Jonathan could inform David of Sau1's
designs without making a personal inter-
view between ahem necessary (vs. 19-22),
as it might be hazardous to both of
them to attempt to meet again. David
was to hide by the stone Ezel (v. 19), a
place evidently well known to Jonathan
and David but unknown to us. A little
land with him --Jonathan proceeds to car-
ry out the plan which had been prear-
ranged, whereby Dasid was warned to
flee, 40. Artillery -'that is, his bow and
arrows. Go...to the city -The laud was
sent bark to Gibeah. 41. David arose -
Seeing no one near David came from his
hiding place to meet Jonathan. Bowed
himself -When an Oriental meets a sup-
erior down and touches his forehead to
the ground. This net on the part of Dav-
id was a token of reverence and loyalty.
David exceeded ---".Che separation of two
such faithful friends was equally griev-
ous to them both, but David's case was
the more deplorable, for when Jonathan
was returning to his family and friends,
Devitt was leaving all his comforts, even
those of God's sanctuary, and therefore
his grief exceeded Jonathan's."
42. Go in peace -It was kindness in
Jonathan to bid David depart, since
hie life was in such danger. They refer-
red to elm covenant they had made with
each other, to be faithful and kind to
each other from generation to genera-
tion. They found some comfort in this
way in the mournful separation. He
arose and departed -"Nothing can be
conceived more pathetic than this part-
ing; and we do not find that they met
more than once Snore in this world."
Questions. -Where had David fled for
safety! Who was Jonathan? Why did
David go to him for assistance? Whetwas the covenant that Jonathan and
David mace? What were sonic of the evi-
dences of Jonathan's love foe David?
What took place at the time of the new
moon? What did David purpose doing?
What sign was agreed upon? What did
Jonathan, learn as to his father's pur-
pose concerning David ? What did Jon-
athan do? Describe the parting of these
tivo friends.
Teachings -Those who are thoroughly
honest and upright in all their doings
are glad to call God as as witness. True
love is self-denying and self-sacrificing;
it stands by in the midst of adversity
and trial as well as in times of prosper-
ity and blessing. We should always be
ready to assist those in trouble; favors
shown at such times will never be for-
gotten. It is right to protect our lives,
to avoid danger and to guard ourselves
against those who might seek to do us
injury. The Lord is with those who
trust in him to protect and sustain them
in the hour of darkness and danger.
Thoughts -Because Saul did not hum-
ble himself before God, he betaine a
prey to envy, pride, jealousy, cruelty
and every malevolent temper. David
might have raised a powerful party in
Israel, but as God had called him to the
kingdom he chose to let God bring him
to it in his own way. God's way and
time are always best.
The love of David and Jonathan is a
type of the friendship between Christ
and his own.
"I will shew it thee" (v. 13). Friends
tell their secrete to each other. It was
to Abraham "the friend of God" (Jas•
2:23), that "the Lord said, Shall I hide
from Abraham that things which I do?"
(Gen. 18:17). "The secret of the Lord
is with them that fear him; and he will
show them his covenant" (Psa. 25:14).
To Enoch, who walked with him, he 1.e -
waled the prophecy of his coming with
ten thousand of his saints (Gen, 5:22;
Jude 144. To Noah, a just man and up-
right in his generations, lie revealed the
approaching deluge (Gen. Ct:9; 7:1).
Only Joseph, the young man of purity,
could tell of the coming famine (Ge
41:16). To "Moses alone," the man of
God, faithful in all his house, God whis-
pered the seereits of the tabernacle
(Exod. 23:2, 12; Beb. 3:2, 5). Only
Daniel, the "greatly beloved," could
read the handwriting on the wall (Dan.
2:28.30; 9:23).; To John, leaning on his
bosons, he told who should betray him
(John 13:25).
"Jonathan made a covenant with Da-
vid" (v. 16.) Jonathan was true to Da-
vid, though it cost him his life. About
two hundred years ago, during the aw-
ful persecution among the Scotch Coven-
anters, two women were tied fast to a
stake out in the breakers on the sands
of Solway Frith. Groups of weeping
spectators watched them silently and
prayed God to help thexlx. Margaret
Wilson, the younger, near the shore,
looked calmly out to where her compan-
ion stood gasping for breath in the
death struggle. "What see you yon-
der?" her tormentors asked her. With
a faith that was bold and a hope that
was bright, she said, "I see Christ suf-
fering 1n one of his own members.
Think ye that we are the only sufferers?
No, it is Christ in us. He sends none
on a warfare at their own charges,"
Then she .repeated the words, "Who
s hall separate us from the love of
Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or
persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or
peril, or sword?' 4 it a written, k'or
thy sake we are killed all the day long;
we are accounted as sheep for the
slaughter. Nay, in all these things we
are more than conquerors through him
that loved us, Far I am persuaded,
that neither death, nor life, nor angels,
nor principalities, nor powers, nor
things to come, nor height, nor depth,
nor any other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of God, which
is le Christ Jesus our Lord" (Rom. 8;
35-39,) As she finished and began to
pray the waves went over her. Her
persecutors held her ,up and made ono
more effort to get leer to deny her Lord„
But she would not. A voice from the
crowd called out, "Dear Margaret, say,
'God save the king.'" But oho answer-
ed, "I will not. I am one of Christ's
children, Let me go." One of the sol-
diers let her down and held her head un-
der water until life was extinct. The
brave ehampiou was with her Lord.
He loved lam as he loved his own
soul" (v. 17.) Jonathan may love Da-
vid with all his heart, and soul, and
mind, and strength, but David will love
Jonathan better (v, 41.) And Jonathan
may appreciate David's lave intensely,
but David appreciates Jonathan's more.
Our David loved us first l l John 4, 10.)
He loves us most (John 15, 13; Rom. 5,.
8, 10. FIe appreciates our love to him
infinitely more than we can his love 'to
us. If we say to our Beloved, "Thy love
is better than wine" (5, of S. 1; 2), lie
will answer us, "Flow much better is thy
love than wine" (4; IO).
"The Lord be between me and. thee(
(v. 42.) Reciprocity is the joy of love.
In the sweetest friendships the attac:'h-
ment is wholly mutual. On one of the
bridges of Ghent, in Flanders, are two
bronze statues of a father and son; er-
ected in memory of their mutual affec-
tion. They were both condemned to clie
by the headsman's axe for sone politi-
cal offense, but so greatly were they es-
teemed that no man could be found vino
would act as their headsman, A
strange proposition was made that one
should have his life by becoming the
executioner of the other.' The father
urged the son to accept the terms, as
his life must end soon, and the son had
a long life of usefulness before him. The
day came. Calmly the father knelt,
placed his neck on the weed and waited
for the fatal stroke. The on, with pile
face and trembling hand, raised the axe
in the air. Then he fiune the deadly
weapon from his hand anti fell upon
the bared neck of his father and truest
into tears, exclaiming: "No, no, my fa-
ther, we die together." The crowd gave
vent to their admiration in the wildest
applause and demanded their pardon,
which was granted, and an artist mired
a monument of their mutual affection.
A. C. M.
This Season the Ls$Xep; in Niagara
St. Catharines, Aug. 17. ---There seems
to be a feeling of satisfaction among
the local fruit growers -connected with
the St. Catharines Cold Storage and
Forwarding Company that this will be
the best year in the company's history.
Even now the cold storage presents a
very busy sight every afternoon, and
during last week no less than eight car-
loads ea fruit were shipped to Winnipeg
and other western centres. The growers
are rejoicing in the fact that they are
not shipping to commission men.
This year there are several buyers in
this city who represent a number of the
leading fruit men in the larger cities of
western Canada, and they buy the fruit
in this city and it is packed and shipped
direct to the merchants, and does not
have to pass through any other hands
in shipment. It is thought that in this
way the fruit will reach the merchants
in quicker time and in better condition,
and will, as a result, produce even a bet-
ter reputation for Niagara district fruit
among the buyers of the west.
The shipments at present are confined
wholly to tomatoes, apples and pears,
but the storage company expects to be
unusually busy when the oilier fruits
are in a condition for shipment.
Negress Whose Color Has Changed Five
Times Darkening Again.
Indianapolis, Aug. 17. -Mrs. America
Massey, of this city, apparently is uaier-
going a third ex-aage from white to
h]aek. She is a negress by birth, :laving
been born a slave in Bowling Green,
Ky., in 1849, and living there till leen,
when she came to Indiana. In 183.4 the
began to turn white, and in two yea's
the transformation was comet:ea By
1888 she was black again, the return
to her original color being more rapid
than the change from black to white.
Shortly after this she began to change
again, and soon become as whit, as Ito
whites by whom she was serrcunded.
but early in the '90's she agate tureen
When she came here, in 1806, she was
becoming white very rapidly, and the
tra.nsformation has remained till within
the past few days, when two dark spots
appeared on one side of her face and
ono on the other side. She recognized
these as the forerunner of another
change. She says the changes have
brought her no discomfort, whatever,
save slight itching sensations, tivhich
never are of long duration. She Is In
perfect health, and says she is ready for
the coming transformation, whenever it
deems, as she does not care what color
she is.
Mormon Trail Fades -Sunflowers for
Guidance of Saints Disappearing Be-
fore Wheaten Harvest Tide.
Omaha, Aug. 17, -After five years of
hard labor and the spending of a mint
of money the stupendous irrigation
works wiiieh the Government has been
installing in western Nebraska and Wy-
oming have been finished, and the snow
water which the hot August sun 1s
bringing down from the mountains in
torrents is being conserved in the im-
mense reservoirs instead of being allow-
ed to rush down the Platte River and
through the Missouri on into the Lower
Mississippi to inundate that portion of
the country at a tremendous loss to the
people. 'This is the first practical trial
of the Government irrigation works and
the officials of the ltcukixnation Bureau
are watelxing the result with a g> eat
deal of anxiety, as en that result will
hang the future actions of this branch of
the national Government.
The irrigation works on the eastern
slope of the Reeky Mountains are in-
tended for a two -fold purpose. (Inc of
these is to irrigate a semi -arid country;
the other is to so hem up the flood
waters when the summer sun has start-
ed the mountain .naw to melting that
no damage will result to the country
along the lower and more level stretches
of the great rivers, the water being held
in check when in flood and gradually re.
leased when the land is dry and baked
under the prairie sun and wind.
The work which has just been finished
and the reservoir, which are just now
filling up with the straw water, has been
done on the famous Pathfinder system,
the dam tieing located in a deep gorge
of the Reeky :Mountains through which
the North Platte P.iver ',lunges. In this
gorge at dam costing $1,000,000 was built
and the water back, up 25 miles through
the mountains. The great reservoir holds
1,0.00,OG0 acme -feet of water --that is,
enough water to cover 1,00000 acres of
land one foot deep.
Contrary to the general idea, the Gov.
ernment is not constructing this great
work, nor any other of the western ir-
rigation systems, for the free use of the
owners of the lands through which the
mutate flow. The reclamation serviee is
self-supporting, and every cent spent by
the service is repaid to the Government
by the owners of benefited lands. The
original appropriation for the North
Platte project -the project just finished
-was from money received from the
sale of public lands and it will be repaid
to the national treasury by those who
enjoy the frnits of the irrigation it af-
fords. Each acre of land under this
project, whether privately owned or
homesteaded. must pay the Government
$35 for the perpetual irrigation right
in ten equal instalments without inter-
est. Thus the Government will, in the
course of ten years, recover every Dent
it spent 011 the project.
Land which, without irrigation, was
worth next to nothing is converted into
land worth from $90 to $]00 an acre.
The habitable farm area of the country
is increased by hundreds of thousands
of acres, and as fast as the money is
paid bade into the national treasury it
is reappropriatcd for the use of another
irrigation system- and the same fund
is used over avid over again. So the
reclamation service is entirely self-sus-
The North Platte Valley, which the
Pathfinder dam and reservoirs irrigate,
is from 5 to 25 miles wide and already
water is taken from the river in suf-
ficient quantities to irrigate 250;000
acres in the valley. But the Govern-
ment project takes no water from the
river. It utilizes simply the flood water
and does not diminish the regular flow
of -the river,
Along the valley for hundreds of miles
there is a line of sunflowers --the mark-
ing poste of the old Mormon trail. These
sunflowers are said to have been plant-
ed by order of Brigham Young himself,
so that the pilgrims ene route to Salt
Lake City might not go astray. Later
the same trail and the same sign was
used by the "Forty-niners" en route to
California and the land of gold. And in
the days before the Mormons the old
Oregon trail followed the course along
which the saints planted their sunflow-
ers years afterward.
But now that the reclamation service
has turned the water into the ditches,
the sunflowers are disappearing before
the wheat and potatoes and the sugar
heath, and the land which formerly
grew only sage brush, coyotes and rat-
tlesnakes now blossoms like the rose
under the caress of the water and the
d da
Aged Man's Outcry Proved a True
Johnstown, Pa., Aug, 17. -The evener-
able fathee of J'a.cob H. Bears, of Mil-
ford township, had a genuine nightmare
at all early hour this morning, in the
course of which he dreamed that the
Bearl summer house was on fire. His
cries awakened th.' son, and on hearing
the cause of the latter's demonstration
he proceeded) to uaake an investigation.
The sumnor hoarse was found to be all
right, but a short distance away kh4
Bearl sawmill, cider press and apple
butter factory were in flames. The bast
that Bearl and his neighbors could do
was to lend their efforts in saving the
adjoining buildings. The loss is 1'1 the
neighboslleod of $4,000, with no insur-
. •
Farnners' Markets. •
The receipts of grain oantinuc snaaale
Oats st.eedy, with salve of 10(} btieuelxs •
of old nt 52c. Hay firmer, with sales
of 15 loads at $15 to $10 a can for oat
arr.rl at $12 to $13 fee new. btrxaw hese :
ser three loads sellieg at $il tj $1:e .¢a
Dressed hogs are steady.'Melee light-
weights sold- at $9.50 to $9.75, and, hese'
at ;+9.25.
Wheat, old, bush. '... ..$ 0 811 $ 0 83
Do., new, bush .. .. .. 0 84 t) ens
Oats, bush. 0 52 0 00
Barley, bush.... .. .. 0 53 0 55
Peas, bust:,. ... .. .. :. 0 75 0 00
Hay, old; tun .. .. .. •15 01) 10 01)
Do., new; ton . , . 12 00 13 0)0
Straw, per ton ... 11 01) 12 ate
Dressed 'loge .. .. ... 9 25 . 'J Ib.
!Butter, dairy ....... 0 23 0 ate
Do., creamery .. .. 0 26 0 cafe
•Inggs, doz. ... ..... • 0 23 0 r?5;
(luickens, spring, dressed, lb 0 25 1?
Chickens, spring, dee,-used,
lb . .. •. .. .. 0 15 0 17
Fowl, per 1b. . .. .. 0 10 0 la
Ducks, spring, lb. ... 0 12 0 14
Onions, per bag .. .. 1 25 1 40.
Cabbage, per dozen .. 0 25 t) 0
Potatoes, per bush. .. ..0 85 1 10.
Beef, hindquarters .. 9 50 11 In
.Do., forequarters . , 5 50 41 5U
Do., choice, carcase 8 00. I) UO
1)o., medium, carease 0 50 7 50
Mutton, per ewt, .. 7 00 9 UO.
Veal, prime, per cwt. - 7 50 i; UlJ •
Lamb, spring, per cwt. , 0 11 0 12
Sugar Market.
St. Lawrence sugars are quoted as
follows: granulated, $4.00e in barrels,
.and No. 1 golden, 4.50 in barrels. These
prices are tar delivery; ear lusts ea leee.
Live Stock.
Receipts of live stock at the City Mar-
ket to-aa.y, as reported by the railways,
were ti3 carloads, cump>oaed of 1,285 Bat-
tle, 812 huge, 2,017 sheep and lambs and
190 calves.
Uutaide of about three loads of cattle
whic}1 were fairly good quality, the bal-
ance were of inierror, common and med-
ium classes.
:trade was slow, with prices tendieg ,
downward, especially fur butchers' cont -
nlon cu via, of whreh there a ere a, heap
nurnber that ran Little flesh or fat on.
them. This latter class al COWS were
slow fo ewe.
Exporters -There were no loads of ex-
paruss repoeted es being on sale, but
had there even they would no doubt
have sold at about the same prieee LIS
on Monday.
13uteheres-The best. leads o11 the mar-
ket were bought by George Rowntree for -
the Harris .e.oattoir at 04.75 per cwt.;.
medium to good sold ill,, $3.75 to. $4-25e.
cows, $2.50 to $4.
Feeders and Stuckers-There were sev-
eral lots of stocker with xc very few
feeders on sale. Prices were reported at
$2.76 to )hi.25; feeders, $3.40 to *3.75 per
Milkers and Springers -There wan .a.
good market for choice milkers and•.
springers that will come in about i.:
month or six weeks. Prices ranged from,
$30 to. $60 each, but only one was re-
ported at the latter price. The best
mews averaged about $45 to $48 each.
Veal Calves -Prices were fairly stems'
at $3 to $6 per cwt.
Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes sold'.
at $3.75 to. $4.15 per cwt.; rams, 83 tea•
$3.26 per cwt.; yearling ewes and weth-
ere, x$4.25 to $4.50; lambs, $5.50 to $6.25
per cwt., with a few selected lots at
$6.35 to $6.40.
Hogs -Mr. Harris reported selects er
$6.65 and lights at 86.40 per cwt.
Baled Hay and Straw.
The market is strong on a good do-
mestic demand, which is sufficient of It-
self to absorb almost all the hay that
is offering at present, as little is cormre,
Baled straw is dull. No new straw
has been offering yet, but some of it is
expected to be put in bales this week.
Hay Timothy is quoted at $9 to $10,
in ear lots, on track here, with No, 2
at $0.50 to $7.
Straw-l'rices range from $6 to $7 peat.'
ton in car lots here.
Winnipeg Wheat Market.
Following are the closing quotations,-
uotations,on Winnipeg grain futures:
Wheat -August $1.06 3-4 bid, October.
93 3-4c bid, December 29 3 -Sc bid.
Oats -August 43e asked, October,
39 1-4c bid.
Montreal Stock Market.
Montra,el, About 1,000 head of hurt -
there' cattle, 80 milch cows, 150 calve*„
800 sheep and lambs, and 150 fat hon
wore offeaecl for sale at the East End.
Abattoir to -day. 113,e supply of cattle
being more than double the requirement
of trade caused an exceedingly slow
trade, and large numbers were held over
for next week's tuarkct. 'Mone of tixe
sales exceeded 5e per lb., and only a few
brought over 41 1-2c, and from that dawn
to less 'than 2 1-2e for the leaner stock.
Mileh cows cold at from $`25 to $50 earls.
Calves sold at from $3 to $10 each. Ship-
pers paid 45 per lb. for good, Iarge sheep.
Lambs sold at from $3 to $5 each. Goad
lots of fat hogs sold at about 7c per .til,.
New York Sugar Market.
Sugar -Raw, easy; refined, quiet; .oezt-
trifugal, 90 test, 4:O8c; molasses sugar,
3,28 to 3.33e.
British Cattle Markets.
Landon. -London cables for cattle aro
steady at 11 1.2 to 14c per pound, dreased
weight; refrigerator noel is quoted s
101.4 to 101.2c per pound.