HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-08-21, Page 4The. 'Zurich Herald. 1.7 NOM QDGOND QDG QD niOOD OHO QD atIEDQD4:31212D QDMiIMlt T L ON AN I Incorporated. 1855 CAPITAL $3,374,000 v REST FUND - - 53,374,000 1 Has 65 Branches in Canada, and Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World, v A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ra ca SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. Zurich Branch - - 11. ARNOLD, Manager DERE ...'Qt? QDQ ?QD Q,1 CiD ODGESSWIDelliESOCD01504311 LEGAL. CARDS. Ia. J. 1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND S0- licitc+r,Notary Public, Hensel', Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDPOOT, RAYS & BLAIR, BAR- ristors, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc„ Goderieh, Canada. W. Proudfoot, K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. I3. Ci DOAN. V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. DR. P. A. 5ELLERY, DENTIST, GRA - dilate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. 7-3G E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e ds, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. MUSIC ' ISS V. MAASS, Prepares a pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : LUTFIEA.A:a PAndoNAZnrieh, MORTGAGE SALE South half and .south part of the North half of Lot 2, L. R. W. play, containing 81 acres, more or less, will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Dominion Hotel, Zurich on Aug. 22nd, 1908 :t 2 p. m., by E. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. For terms and conditions of sale see posters, or apply to either of the undersigned. Dated August 3rd, 1908. 13, J. 1). CuoKE, Vendor's Solicitor, Hensall Ont. E. HOssENBER1%Y, Auctioneer, Zurich. Ont. MIR DIEHTom; PUBLISi ED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY AUG. 21st 1908 w. C. 1'. U. OUR LIQUOR ADVERTISE- MENTS. Oliver Grimes, aged 65, an Indian and Mary Noel, aged 40, a squaw, died Monday at Moncton, N. B , from the e1I•eete of drinking wood alcohol. They were drinking Sat. urday night, and reached the In- dian camp near the Intereolonial Railway shops there with an empty bottle labelled bay mini. On Sun- day they were ill, hut were around all dray. Today they were seized with violent pains and Grimes died soon after noon and the wo- man a little later. The woman's husband is away fishing. While coming house from Pnslin- ch late at night through a dark- ness as bluck as Egypt touring the plague of darkness it eonple of disciples of Isaac Walton from the nay were surprised on top of the Dundas Hill, when their faithful steed suddenly shied out into the side of the road, alanoet capsizing the baggy, Looking out of the bnggy the fishermen could see that there was someone lving on the road and, thinking an aooident lied occurred, they got out. They found that the roan on the road was merely suffer- ing from an overdose of stimulant ind that be wee comfortably asleep in the Mud. It was a very dangerous position in which be wee; found,. right in the regular route of vehicles, and he might easily have been run over and killed, Thomas Burke, the second of the two new rot n appointed to the police force some months ago, has been suspended for being drunk. It is only a few weeks since the Police Board removed the first of the pair, Mr. Thorhurn, and now kir Burke is likely to be asked to hand in his uniform and other in• ignia of office. The why in his ase arises from hie being picked np in a helpless state of intoxica- ion eaarly on Sunday morning near be corner of Acederny and St Paul 'streets. He had succumbed o the affects of his potations not air from his home. to which he s c t Sale, of Lands for Tapes 'lb( 7i 01ICE is hereby given that the -I List, of lands for sale for taxes has been prepared and that copies thereof own be had at this oEiee, and that the list i' being published in the Ontario Oasette of August 8th, t.ith, 2lnd and 29th 1003, and that in default in the payment of said taxes and costs, the land will be sold on Tuesday the 10th day of November 191x? zit one o'nioult in the afternoon at the Court Rouse in the Town of. Godorioh. County Treasurer's Office Goderieh, Aug. ust 1 lth 1:10;3. s1 War. Matas, 3-4pd County Treasurer GOVERNMENT Standard Seeds ALL I1INDS AT RANAHE'S FLOUR d, FEED D STORE Farmers should avail themselves of this opportunity of getting GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. it pays. Our stock of. Flour is complete. 4 Brands to choose from, Stock food and all kinds of Feed con- stantly on hand. Our groceries are Olean and well assr`irted,our sugars are the sweetest and vinegars the strongest, was carried by Chief Parnell and )fficer Lanergan• F..lis only ex• An -nation is that he had met, and ecome convivial with, a captain 1 a boat. One 'hundred and five deaths roan alcoholism were reported for be State of New York for the nonth of September, 1907. Allow - ng each life to be worth *3,000— n amount said by State Commis• ioner of Public Health Dr. Eugene , Porter. to be a low estimate— rink was the direct cause of a eounittry loss to this one state in ne month of 8315,000, or, at the ame rate, $3,780,000 annually, his leaves entirely out of consid- ration 2.287 deaths fioan suicide nd diseases like apoplexy, liver /Thesis, heart disease, tend 1.1neu- t nix, iu whioh alcohol is ttdmit• dly a large causative or eontribu- ry factor. A serious racket took place on uron street hist 'Tuesday night at e house of Mr. George Graham bout 11 o'clock his step son, Jack can, a. young mun about twenty airs of age wbo had been more or se troublesome ever since be was small boy, canto home the worse Liquor: When he tried the ont aoor he found it locked and at made him angry. Re went to e side door and on entering the rise began to abuse his mother r looking him out, Mr. Graham ade some remark, and one word d to another, when young Bean ow a razor from his pocket and empted to out his father•in-law's rout. Mr. Graham warded the action of the razor, but it made ash in his right breast 5;1 incises g. A struggle ensued Bean be• thrown to the floor and the or wrenched from his hand. e racket aroused his neighbor, o ran over to Cone's factory for e assistance of the nightwatch- 0 f t a s d 0 a T e a ci m to to k7 th A 13 yt le a of fr th th ho fo rn le dr act th dir rtg Ion ing raz � PM Th man, and .telephoned for a doctor, Bean's brother was also sent for and quietness was restored, In- formation was laid against young Bean,' and a warrant issued for his arrest, but he evidently anticipated somethin of this kind and skipped out of tov}n, NADIAN NEWS Cobalt shipped thirteen oars of ore last ek, The sur, ey of the Hudson's BayRailway cute will take six months. Three weed farriers were lined $10 each for selling watered milk. The thermometer nearly went down to freezing on the prairies Thursday night last. Earl Grey will go up the St. Law- rence to the great lakes, and on to Port Arthur. Three-year-old Edna Wilscroft was burned to death at Gladstone, Man,, while playing with matches. The new West Neebish channel in the St. Marys River must be used by southbound vessels after Sept 1. • • WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. The progranirn of attractions for this year s Exhibition is one that will furnish instruction and amuse- ment for everybody. Kelnp's Wild West Show and Hippodrome per• formance is the largest company of people ever presented to West. ern Fairvisitors-118 people, 35 In- dians, Cowboy Band, G;i horses, bronchos, mules. etc. Chariot races stage coach capture, eto. Samfoa, "Zing of he Air", the Bickett Family, White & Lemart, Krona - man Bros, the funny people ; Pana- tiscu Sisters, Deike Sisters, and many others Fireworks each evening, concluding witli the "Railway Disaster" and the "De• struction of Mount Pelee." Every- one should come to London for at least one day this year. Programes and all information given on ap- plication to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London. PROVINCIAL APPOINTJi1ENTS, The following appointments have been gazetted by the provincial government. Douglas Gordon Mcllwraith, M. D., of the Village of Binhrooke, as sociate Coroner in and for the County of Wentworth. .Alexander Fraser. Niagara Faint, barrister•.at-]aw, police magistrate in and -Nr the City of Niagara Falls. and also: for the Village of Fort Erie. Joseph Adelard Menard of the Village of the Brook, County of Russell, notury public for the Pro- vince of Ontario. Subject, however to the condition that he shall be limited in the exercise of the office to the electoral district of Russell and the Townships of :Torth and South Plantagenet. Joseph Wright of Boston P. 0., clerk of the third division court of the County of Sirnooe, instead of George Chrvatal, deceased. Churles Hetherington Peebles. clerk of,the ninth division court of the County of Wentworth, instead of R. L Gunn, resigned. William N. Simons Bancroft P. O . clerk of the twelfth division court of the County of Hastings, instead of George L. Jarman, re- moved. Nathaniel Ryan of Luoan P. 0 , hailiti of• the third division Court of the county of Middlesex, instead of Jeremiah Lewis, resigned. WESTERN CALL FOR MEN 25,000 Harvesters are needed and good Wages Offered Preparations have commenced in earnest for the handling . of the Northwest's big wheat crop, the only difficulty experienced by far niers being the scarcity of labor in the harvest .fields, It is to induce inen to go to tale West that the 0 P. R. has made the remarkably Tow rete of ten dollars from Ontar- io, This fare carries the ticket holder to any point on the comp. any's lines east of Moose ,Taw; trains are run direct to Winnipeg, and the men are re -ticketed there for the points where they wish to work. After at least one month's work in the field, laborers are is. sued tickets back to Ontario start. ing point at 518.00. Leaving dates of Canadian Pacific excursions are Aug. 14,18, Sept. 1, 8, from stations northwest of Toronto, Aug, 38, 19, Sept. 1, 9, from stations southwest of Termite, and Aug. 20, 22, 27, Sept. 2, 11, 14 from stations east of Toronto. The most important ex- cursions are Aug. 14, .18 and 20, one from each district, and on these dates special trains will be run from all 0, P; R. stations, times of which agents will furnish. The C. P. R. is the only Canadian route to the West, and the only line carry- ing Farm Laborers through with- out change, Apply to ticket agents. or C. B. Foster, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, for full irforma. tion , x For the next 3o days will be sold at a reduced ,price. We will bo ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on -Short Notice. e. F. C. KALB LEISC , ZURICH *,** ** *.;C7C '**'o*'***** °*.o•* , 0 } 0 0 O O O 0 International Harvester .Irnplernents.. We keep in stock a full line of the -above celebrated make of farm. Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Bay no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer than wooden ones, in fact we handle e rer,y- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc,, etc., and repairs of all kinds. \Vil'a in need. of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FR to HESS SOW, Ricicbeil's old Stand - - ZURICH. ******************A***** L � N •`q,{ .�,+�h t..1.VX, _' AVe masmaromm We want you to see the atzeI-Ribbed Firepot in the 1 111 The Firepot of a furnace being in direct contact with the fire, contains its most effect- ive heating surface. Any increase in this surface therefore, greatly increases the efficiency of the furnace. That is why STEEL RIBBED 1, IREPo'rs, which have three tinges as much radiating surface as any other style of fire - pot, enable the "HItC,A" Furnace to save from •xoy to I,5$ of your fuel bill. This is only one of the many exclusive features of the "I•lecla" Furnace. We want to explain them all to you—and prove, by actual tests, that the "Hecht" is the best and most economical furnace you can buy. Stop in any time fora "Ilecla" talk and demonstration. IVA OHN PR ETO 64 Zurich or 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly done. Now is the , time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the bpring and Suln- neer months. Charges Moderate 'N. BOCK, Zurich TRADE MARK DESIGNS (COPH Anyone sending a elcetolz andYRIGdoecrlptionTS&Cma.y quickly ascertain o ,r opinion free whether an invention is probnb y ppatentable• Communica- tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK onPatenta sent tree. Oldest agoncy fopr scouring ypatents. Patents taken throilgh Munn & Co. receive special notice, without Charge, in the Scientific � arlineoC 1Io A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest air• culetton of any.scientido journal, Terme for Canada, $a.75 a year, postage prepaid. ;fold U- all news eaters. MONN & Ce 38l8roeiway, New Yet Drench °aloe. 6;.'t it at„ Washington, n.. C.