HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-08-21, Page 1The Official Organ of Zurich d Hay Township.] Vol. IX. FRIDAY MORNING, f JG. 21, 1908. Book-lteopers Stenographers and 0v ' Telegraphers trained by our man- �� agement last year.. Experience counts. Graduates most successful. Spee !al Course - for Teachers. Mail Courses. Send postal for particulars. FALL TEM OHMS SEPT, I Xil il CLINTON Busing ss COEEEDEO GEO. SPOTTON. Principal. The New STORE Is THE I'LA.CE TO iii:T Ice Cream, Sundaes & Sodas. e BRAKES and BANANAS Bread and Cakes D®CD6=01)=MD MID CDC=11) D® GDer“MCDC=OEI C�Y� O SUMAC raker and Confectioner ZURICH LOCAL NEWS. 1 A good range of Dress Goods, at De S. Faust. Mr. Ea. Moritz left Saturday for Walhalla, North Dakota. Mr. Edrnued Sipple of North Lensing, Mich., is visiting friends in town. Muslins which sold at 25 cents. 35 cents and 45 cents reduced to 1,4 cents a yard at Procter's. Mr. Wan. H. Durnart of Berlin. purchased. a horse from Mr. Chas. Greb, Zurich. D. S. Faust, has some of his fall stock in, come and seg, Its worth coming. Mr. P. Capling of Blake received word that his aunt, Mrs. Weicker had died at Tavistock. The funeral will take place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Merner of Dashwood mourn the death of their eldest child, a boy of about nine years of age. The sad event took place on Thursday last. Mr. Menne Wambold of Goshen, Ind., a former resident of this section and his brother Mr Joseph Wambold of Dashwood. called on friends in town on Tuesday. Miss Jerommette committed sui- cide on Wednesday last week, by jumping into the Sauble river, several miles East of Grand Bend. She was i11 for some time and com- mitted the rash act while in a des• pendent mood, The Dashes&od Planning Comp any's mill was burnt on Thursday evening last, causing a loss of about $3000,00 with no insurance. Mr. Henry Brenner formerly of this town is a shareholder and loses considerable by the fire. The fire was supposed to have been started from the furnace under the >,boilers BOWLING. Two rinks of Crediton bowlers visited the locals on Tuesday after- noon for a friendly game and to show our boys how the game is played. 'net game consisted of 15 ends and resulted in a victory for the visitors, by 9 shots. Score : FIRST RINE Crediton Zurich T Manns Dr Wilson Con. Kuhn John Deichert H'Eilber M.P.P. P. Sipple T Bluett s1.-15 J P Rau skk-10 SECOND Rusk Crediton Zurich W James J Preeter Sam Brown Dr. Campbell H Eilber II Arnold Dr. McUtxe 6k-13 P Lamont sk-9 Miss Freda Sehilbe of Exeter spent Sunday in town. . Wanted by D.,S. Faust plums and Pears. Bring them along. . Mrs. J. Preeter and family are visiting friends in Berlin for a few weeks. Mr. anti Mrs. Wm. Wenzel of Crediton visited relktives liere, on Sunday, M. Y. McLean M. P. of South Huron, was a visitor here on Wed- nesday afternoon. Mrs. (Rev.) Anthes of Waterloo visited at the home of Miss Lydia Faust, recently. Rev. A. D. Gischler and family are expected home this (Friday) evening, from their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brenner of Grand Bend, and a number of friends, visited in town, on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stiekles of De. troit are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. H. Greb and other friends in --town. Messrs. William Koehler, Her- man Bender Jr., and John Geiger were among those who left for the Vilest, on . Tuesday. Until further notice I will run the Blake cider and chopping mill on Tuesday and Friday, of each week. Chris. Bechler. Miss Clara Welker, graduate nurse, of Buffalo, is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. -Sender, and her brother Mr. 0. Welker, for a short vacation. Rev. C. C. J. Maass, pastor of the Lutheran congregation, was nimble to conduct service en Sun- day evening owing to a sudden at- tack of illness. Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Aug 28th. Hours 5 to 9 p. m. Glasses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. Miss Olive Weseloh returned home on Saturday, from a few weeks' visit with relatives and friends' in, Berlin and Waterloo. She also.visited Rev. E. Schuelke, at Heidelberg. The Liberal government, of Saskatchewan was sustained in the elections, on Friday, althona;h several cabinet ministers were de• Mated. The new legislature will be made up of 26 Liberals and 14 Conservatives. Mr. Sam ,T. Lsttta, who ran as a Liberal in Last Mountain was defeated by about 100 votes. sr— No. 3. D. S. Faust, has a god supply of Men's Tweed pants.. Mrs. J. D. Merner of Elmira arrived in town on Saturday even- ing, to visit friends. Mr. Jacob Smith and family, left with their auto for Detroit, on Tuesday, Apple payers, apple drying wire, apple driers. etc., at right prices at Preeter's. Mr.-Ephrani Holtzman left for Berlin Saturday, afterspending a week at his home beret( The evening service ia;!St Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday, the 23rd inst., will be cencl:neted fn English. A hearty w,elooine is ex- tended to all. Mr. Elmore Klapp hat. a yield of 210 bushels of wheat from 4i acres. This is an average of over 46 bush- els to the acre and is the biggest yield we have heard of this season. Miss Ella Link of. Crediton, Miss Edna Eilber of Ubly, Mich,. and Miss Madeline Scott of Philadelphia, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Eilber, over Sunday. Mr. A. Kellerman, student • of Napierville College, preached in the Evangelical church cm. Sunday evening. Rev. Gischler the pastor, will take the services on Sunday morning and evening. Mr. W. W. Ferran, of: Clinton, who was clerk of the division court there for over 40 years died on Monday. Mr. Ferran was also interested in several Manufactur- ing concerns. We have several hundred sub- scribers owing us from ane to three dollars and more each. Now you all know that it costs money .to publish a newspaper and we would earnestly request that all in arrears would pay up at once. Fifty-eight lots containing one- fifth of an acre each.,1,one block containing 27 acres, antono block of 8: acres are adver iced to be sold for taxes be tlais..Township. .Fi11 this property forms a part of St- Joseph. Detectives acting cinder the lic- ense department at Hamilton have gathered in quite a lot of evidence, and as a result twelve hotelmen in that city have been summoned, In the city of Kingston recently, the same plan of operation resulted in about ;';1,575 being= gathered in. in the forni of fines. Owners of sev- eral boats 'v ere included in the list of those found guilty. AMMAN VA-WAVAWAMMMAMAAN Clearing out alance of Oinghams and. Musllns6,4 GINGHAMS, regular price per yard, 15ets. Now only. . MUSLINS, regular price per yard, 15 cts. Now clearing out at ................... . WHITE MUSLINS, regular price yard, 10 cts. now for ....................... . MUSLINS, regular price per yard, 25 cts. Now for only ................... . A small number of bll.e Overalls regular price 75cts. Cowie and get a pair. It's a cinch ............................ .5Q S. FAUST— ALL 1 %x_ ALL PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE ZURICH? ` V 1 i J iWf 1f ilRMWMVPIM1NYi MM.RAM A r urn 'c�0i7 VD 4D OQO sig ,'nV VP of odd sizes in UP-TO-DATE Shoes, will have to +41,) be moved oat in the next few weeke .;..make roone,., Q, es for our FALL STOCK. ' SOME BARGAINS FOR YOU On FRITZ OP 6b THE SHOEMAp m ZURICH P 3 .3 #' :'m`:3& 3+ce3:"" £: es;see ze ssess.a.."^� :=ie'k so.•s 534`3 r 13X'"°'k' 1 sews Emese .arc - et eszes'�c6:3i It will pay you. Just now we are reduci g prices on nearly all Summer Lines to clear, and a look through our imrne= se stock will convince you. Waists and Waistings See our line of Point -de -Esprit, very pretty goods for waists. Waist lengths in fine lawn, also waist fronts. Silk waists in white, black, and pink. Still a few flowered muslins left, also a few Delarnes in clots and flowers. A few pieces of light colored Voiles in blue, red, black, white and green, and light checks in blue anis brown. HOSIERY "'a""""' Plain black cotton hose, 2 pair for 25 tante, Roek-ribbed hose for boys, best wearers. Princess hose for ladies, also a full line in white and tan in plain or lace fronts. MEN'S SOCKS Men's every clay socks, ] 0 cents a pair or 3 pair for 25 A full supply in tans and blacks, and fancy: socks. UNDERSKIRTS ets. A few black underskirts to clear at greatly reduced prices. We handle the celebrated D & A Corsets. None -better. IG 31W .:SIllsatZlisareSSCA, ICES . AI E E • e u 0 prices. e e e e 00 e0 e e 0 e STRAW HATS We still have a good selection of straw 'Bats, at right FURNISHINGS Sal;, men, do not forget that we have en up-to-date gene furnishing:department nt in our store. Everythiai,.r good in top shirt collars, tics, underwear, etc. HARDWARE Screen Doors, Sereen Windows, Paris Green, Sprayers, Hay Fork r'1'e, Pulleys, Pitch Forks,, Hammocks., etc,, etc. R OPI NU Let us figure on your roofing job. We handle the very best roofing made. laara.M000301120000.000000.000040000(02/211.010,01nationa .0.10080101 FA PRO MTV .p . i :ZO i GISV es. : rn v. .,.- w .• ,3n; Y Se �k .^mr.i` 3 • itis aSsi ..� t "•' } 3u�.;.�£3wo:�a Y:"" 3��r�;.s^� .,� a^x�i�."^�4s�'•�f,L. "'� �,.�� p�l��..,��'�.':��"`,�T.,.si*,.:w' . st9��3�".:%. �'t:,:;.v� yc��;�:�.:.�,'"�•,,.,...rryb:,"3c:3 .�x"'F: