HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-08-14, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. 4is flD GD 143**D GEM) (3 Migiitoq Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL, $3,374,000 . REST FUND e - $3,374,000 Has 66 Branches in Canada, sod Agents and Correspondents in all the Principal Cities in the World, A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ANk.1 SAVINGS SANK DEPARTMENT ontx rtt¢r sr _ter at all Branches. Interest allowed at highest current rate. H. ARNOLD, Manager 1 - de, 43D GEM' ta*D QDGEPOCIDCDEIDNIDOREDQU 1 ra O Zurich Branch ea f�D ODGEMsCID LEGAL CARDS. IL 3.1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO - Reiter, NoteryPublic, Hensail, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. Mon - WR :41 i't 13LISHEll BI E. ZELLER. FRIDAY AUG. 14th 19o8 PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, .BAR- W. C. T. U. risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., ' Goderich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. K.C. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF THE R. G. Hays. G. F. Blair. • DRINK HABIT. BUSINESS CARDS. H. CI DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a. position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. The drink habit lessens physical efficiency. Physical manhood and brains have an economic value. Man as a productive agent can not work at his best without the free use of all his powers and faculties. The work of today requires not only a sustained power of endnran- ee. but a quick, keen and alert OR. F. A. S$ELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- jndgmont. These qualities are a duate of the Royal College of Dental prerequisite of the highest produo- S.urgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- tive efficiency as well as of com- Ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ; menial success. Hence, they have ronto.University. ]'airless extraction ; F•market value. The drink habit of teMr. Plate work a speciality. At i tends to limit a man's power of Dominion House, Zurich, every bion- ; day. .ehl l endurance, and to rob him of his capacity as a craftsman, Canse- quently, he cannot secure the posi- E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER ANDtion nor command the wages which Notary Public, De edMortgages, I otherwise would be his privilege. Wills and other Legal Documents care The young man who acquires the fully and promptly prepared. Office— drink habit is discounted in the Zeller block, Zurich, Out. business world. Employers of labor 1 have found out that the man who undermines his health, deadens his sensibilities and dulls his brain by even small doses of alcohol will turn out less work than the non - drinking man, and the work will he inferior in quality. To do exact find precise work and to win the highest standard of business suc- cess, a man must have the free ex- ercise of all his powers. Sir l3iram Maxim once said "The English workman spends a great part of his earnings in beer, tobacco and betting, he has no ambition.— The American workman wishes to got on; he accomplishes a great deal more work in a day than any other workman in the world." More recently the Mosely Commis - i sign from Great Britain, in aCcoun- ting for the industrial supremacy of the United States, gives promin- ence to the superiority of its artis- M USIC nn1 S S V. MAASS, Prepares pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : Lt;'AERAN PARSONAGE, Zurich. A RELIABLE LOCAL SALESMAN Wanted for ZURICH and adjoin- ing country to represent "Canada's Greatest - > ursrn los" While Business in some lines may be dull, farmers were never more encouraged as regards trait growing than at the present sea- son. High prices for all classes of fruit have -been obtained the past season, and there is as a con- secluenee, an increased demand for nursery stock. Our stock is complete in evert - department including a new list of specialties which we alone handle. The right man will obtain a permanent ,-ituation with territory reserved for him. Pay weekly. Free sample outfit, etc., write for particulare. Stone & Wellington 17 -anthill Nurseries (850 Acres) TORONTO, - - ONTARIO L1OE E T IRDS. The great corporations, railroads banks, and employers of labor gen- : erally, dare not trust their business to men who drink. The United Stater Department of Labor' found that ninety per cent of railways, seventy-nine per cent of manufac- tories, eighty.eight per cent of trades and seventy-two per cent of :agriculturists discriminate ugainst employees addicted to the nee of intoxicants as a beverage, The American Railway Association has adopted standard rules, one of 1 w hich is. "The use of intoxicants I by employees when on duty is pro. hibited." The habitual use pf in- t toxicants or the fregnenting of t places where they are sold is suffi- eient cause for the discharge of an employee. Nearly all the railroads forbid the use of liquor under any circumstances, and make it a suffi- I tient cause for discipline or dis. I charge from service. In • recent years large business en erprises are o owing the wino. and t f 11 {1 a rTule rule as expressed by Marshall u j ! Field & Co. in these words : "We will not, to our knowledge, place a young Winn who drinks in our ALL KINDS AT .1 business, and, even though a man I should apply for a position whose RANNIE°S ability and other all-round qualifi cations would seem to fit him for the position, if we knew or discov- LOUR c D ered that he was It drinking pian, we should decline to consider his TOR E application. Any man in our em - Farmers should avail themselves of this opportunity of getting GOOD CLEAN SEEDS, It pays. Our stook of Flptir is complete. 4 Brands to choose from. Stock food and all kinds of Feed con- stantly an hand. Ourfgroceries are' clean and well assorted,our sugars are the sweetest and vinegars the strongest. COME AND SEE Died LAPORTE —At the Sauble Line, Hay, .n the 10th inst, Theresa Laporte, ploy who acquired the habit of drink, even though moderately, is to acertain extent marked clown in our estimation, and unless we can remove from him this serious fault, and show his error, we feel compelled to do without his ser- vice" This statement is not based on sentiment, but on sound busi- ness principles. The employer who disregards these principles cannot hope for the largest measures of success. Business men who desire honest service do not select for im- portant places of trust those who use strong drink. The strenuous demands of economy and good service help to enforce the rule of total abstinence. The foregoing facts teach the important lesson elevation of young men in business is the drink habit. Furthermore, the drink habit de- stroys the spirit of enterprise. In the light of scientific inquiry we have seen that the drink habit tends to undermine health, dissip- ate energy and shorten life. Reason and experience, following certain psychological laws enable us t� go further. and affirm That the drink 'habit tends to weaken self-restraint as well as to the surrender of self- respeot,high trims and worthy am- bition in the race of life. These facts alone show that the drink habit unfits a plan in this day of keen rivalry' for the responsibilities of progressive business enterprises. Industrial success and social bet- terment demand total abstinence. The economic consideration as to the effect of the drink habit .in the way of impairing physical efficiency shortening life, lessening the spirit. of enterprise, and encouraging thriftlessness should lead young men to decide once for all that they will abstain rigidly from the use of intoxicants and thereby enhance their chances of success in the world's movement for industrial' and social betterment. CANADIAN NE WS Men with rifles are on guard at the 0, P. R. shops in North Bay. Fall wheat in Alberta is averag- ing as high as 45 bushels to the acre. 4 Canada's revenue for the first four months of the current fiscal year decreased $6,789,589. Earl Dudley, Majoe-General Tal- bot and General Pole.Carew, with their wives, are at Winnipeg. The inquiry of Mackenzie King into the cotton troubles in Montreal concluded Saturday. A human skeleton was found in a sand pit on WilliamReid's farm, nine utiles from. Prescott. .Tames Richards, a British army veteran at Brantford, tried to end his life by cutting his throat. Five of the seventeen veterans of the Guelph company of 66 veterans visited the old city Friday. Three Chinamen were smuggled on the Allan liner Mongolian at St. John, and will get a free ride to England. W, T4. Wagner, of Chioa;o. was chosen president, at Niagara Falls, of the International Apple Ship. pers' Association. Ernest Sutherland, 17 years old, while working on Robert Dickie's barn, in West Oxford, fell 20 feet ,and was seriously injured. Hon: Mr. Weir, Provincial treas- urer, will represent the Provincial government at the I3alifax cele- rn'ation of the 150th anniversary of the city's first election to the House of Assembly in 1758, to be held on Aug. 19. WESTERN FAIR, LONDON. The programm of attractions for this year s Exhibition is one that will furnish instruction and amuse- ment for everybody. Kemp's Wild West Show and Hippodrome per. forntance is the largest company Of people ever presented to 'West- ern Fair visitors -118 people, 35 In- dians, Cowboy Band, 65 horses, bronchos, mules, etc. Chariot races stage coach capture, etc. Samfoa, "Zing of the Air", the Bickett Family, White ee Lerart, I sono• man Bros, the funny people ; Pana- tisen Sisters, Deike Sisters, and many others , Fireworks each evening, concluding with the "Railway Disaster" and the "De. struction of.Mount Pelee." Every- one should come to London for at least one day this year, Programer and all information given on ap- plication to the Secretary, A. M. Hunt, London. ( .-iil „,,,v ••••11.0 �.� `" ' r • • I-eavo on Tuesdays •r7.r a 9, :23 And. 4, 18 7, `.'.11 Sept. 1, 15, 29 f, ;'; si 2i d Class Tickets From nil Ontario Stationsto W innipeg, aa' -dry, Edmonton and principal points In a dnitoha, Saskatchewan VERY L y, W -RATES TIUK!TS ceeo FOR 60 DAYS Berths in Tourist Sleeping, Cars at small extra cost, if socured (n advance. Apply to any C.P.R. Ticket Agent for full information and free copy of HOmeeeekers' Pamphlet, or write C. L'. FOSTER, ?Dist. Pas. Agent, Toronto For the next 30 days will be sold at a reduced price. We will be 'heady early in the Spring to do. - all kinds of Custom Sawing' on Short Notice. a t CL K LBFLII C , ZURICH * k**** *******.°'***°'" ******* International Harvester ... I mmplenents. . . * * k 7`=C' We keep in stock a frill line of the above 'celebrated make of Farm Imp- plenzents. They are used in every civilized country in the world and • are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e r ery- thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. -When in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. y*,. :` C' 0 0 0 0 0 * * ESS SON, Rickbdil's 3 °'ham °'******** °r*. * ** **.5c**"are** OId Stand - - ZURICH. A:104.0.1t riht 1))7110711,117 0.-4.41k 22121161. Let us show you how easy fill its ao shake the 99 Oa) Is dbpY4. ��--,e• ms :rr—- CL" ri.F P te The "Hecla" has four grate bars. Each one can be shaken separ- ately. This means that- you can shake rAIME � y e dawn just the part of nsethe fire where the ashes are, without disturbing the rest ofthe coals. With "Hecla" Triangular Grate Bars, you can get rid of all the ashes—save coal—keep the fire bright and clean—and do away with sifting ashes,, because no fresh coal or half -burnt clinkers come down in the ashpan. \Ve would he pleased to talk over the furnace question with you and show you, part by part, just why the "Heels" Furnace is the best for you to buy. Come in any time. Made by the nzaiters os "Peeriiess Peninsular" Ranges. 63 • N Aim, ETO eaa M O IST Gi A Cif lE SV -IE South half and south part of the North half of Lot 2, L. R. W. Hay; containing 81 acres, more or less, will be offered for sale by Public, Auction at Dominion Hotel, Zurich on Aug. 22nd, 1908 at 2 p. m., by E, Bossepberry, Auctioneer. For terms and conditions of sale see posters, or apply to either of the undersigned. Dated August 3rd., 1908. H, 3, D. COOKE, Vendor's Solicitor, Hensall Ont. E. BossiatTDnlzux, Auctioneer, Zurich., Ont. A seven -and -a half -foot vein of gold at, BelmoreBay, Surgeon Lake, is reported. A school girl was required to write an' essay of. 250 words about automobile. She submitted the following : "My uncle bought an automobile. He was riding in the country when it busted going up -hill. I guess this is about fifty words. The other two hundred are what niy uncle said when he was walking back to town, but they are not fit for publication. Cigarettes to the nui fiber of 55,- 402,336,113 were ,consumed in the United States in the last year. °bunting the number of men and boys of smoking age as 25,000,000 each consumed 2,216 cigarettes last year,