HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-08-14, Page 2-
Branch of the Dairy and Cold Stor-
age Commissioner, ]Dominion De-
partment of Agriculture.
At .Ste. Emelie, Que., in June, 142 cows
gave an average yield of 546 pounds of
milk, 3,8 test, 20.8 pounds fat. The
best herd average was 631 pounds milk,
3.8 test, 24.3 pounds fat. The highest
yield of any one cow was 1,030 pounds
of milk testing 3.50. The poorest herd
was one of 13 cows that averaged only
392 pounds of milk and 16 pounds of
fat. If the 13 cows in this herd had
given only enough milk extra to bring
them up to the average yield of all the
142 cows in the association, they would
have given enough milk in the month to
make an extra 182 pounds of cheese
worth 320. That would not be much
improvement to ask just to bring thein
up to the average, not the best herd;
and if the cows are such that they can-
not be made to yield an average quanti-
ty, should they be kept?
At Warsaw, Ont., in June, 118 cows
gave an average yield of 929 pounds of
milk, 3.2 test, 29.0 pounds of fat. The
best herd average was 1,042 pounds of
milk, 32.3 pounds of fat from a herd. of
26 cows. This association record is in
rather sharp contrast to the one above,
and indicates the great differences that
exist between the resnite obtained in
different sections of the country. Stated
in another form, if the Ste. Emelie cows
were as good milkers as those at War-
saw, they would have given an . extra
weight of 54,340 pounds during the
month. C. F. W.
1111•inard's Liniment Cures Garget in Cows.
Lifting the Hat.
In reply to the question, "Please
tell when and where are, or is, the
correct time for a gentleman to lift
or remove his hat," we reply: With-
out consulting authorities of etiquette;
in fact, giving it to yot off -hand, so
to speak, we should say at the follow-
ing times and on the following occa-
sions, respectively, the hat should be
lifted or removed as circumstances
indicate: When mopping the brow;
when taking a bath; when eating;
when going to bed; when taking up a
collection; when having the hair trim-
med; when being shampooed; when
standing on the head.—Wichita (Kas.)
Good at His Trade.
ReadThisCureby Zarn-
• "Now," said the warden to the forger;
who had just arrived at the prison,
"we'll set you to work. What can you
do best?"
"Well, if you'll give me a week's prac-
tice on your signature, I'll sign your of-
ficial 'papers for you," said the prisoner.
—Tit -Bits.
Why continue to suffer from Eczema when
nature hoe provided a certain cure? Zam-
Buk is a combination of 'vegetable essences
and juices so refined, so purified and yet ao
powerful that the disease or injured skin ab-
sorbs it greedily and rebuilds from it new
healthy tissue.
Mise Susan Peake, Edward Street, Toronto,
says: "My arm and face broke out with
Eczema, which was 'both very painful, and
very unsightly. I used various kinds of
salves and ointments, but received no benefit
until I began with Zant-Duk, The first ap-
Olicatlon proved it different to other oint-
ments us -ad; it relieved the terrible itching,
and also soothed the pain. In a very short
time atter commencing with Zam-Buk I was
cured entirely of Eczema, and my face and
arms are now as smooth and clear from pim-
pies and sores as they ever were."
Zam-Buk also cures Ulcers, Abrasions,
Itch, Insect Stings, Blood Poisoning, Scal-
ing Scores and. all Skin diseases and In-
juries. For Piles also it is fine! All drug -
'gists and stores at 600. box or post free from
Zam-Bull Co., Toronto, for price. 3 boxes
for $1.60.
Introducing a New Peril.
The man at the telephone in the sum-
mer resort hotel was observed to turn
"What!" he exclaimed; "you don't
mean it!"
Apparen.'ily the person at the other
end of the wire did mean it, for the pian
turned to the proprietor of the hotel
and gasped:
"Landlord, I have just learned that
my house in the city was burned to the
ground last night by long distance tele-
Will develope your bust in a very short
Price $1.00, express prepaid.
The dward's Medicine Company,
611 Bathurst Street,
Toronto, Ont.
A Specimen Already Completed Out
in Illinois.
"A house of cement, a house: without 1
a chimney; a house with plenty of artifi-
cial light and heat and yet without a .1
bit of fire, a house without coal, with-
out ashes, without dangerous gases."
The pleasing picture is the way Frank
N. Bauskett describes in the Technical
World hie idea of the house of to -mor-
row, But it cis not altogether a, house
of to -morrow, for the reality already ex-
ists at Carrollton, I11.
This model twentieth century home at
Carrolltonis thirty-four by thirty feet,
two storeys high, with attic and base-
ment, and has eight rooms on the two
main floors,
The foundation and walls are of con-
crete blocks. These blocks were Mould-
ed right on the ground as they were re-
quired, so there was no waste of mater-
The floors are of hardwood and the
interior is finished in plaster and oak.
Such a house requires but little wood in
its coast -motion. The style of architec-
ture is of plain, substantial mission
type. :his idea being carried out
throughout the interior.
The house is fronted with a large
porch, and the whole construction, or
rather the entire cost, was less than $3,-
Queer Swiss Marriage Market—Pecu-
liar Ways Men and Women Seek Mat
The marriage market (or fair) which
was held recently at Ecaussines in Bel-
gium has many counterparts elsewhere.
In several of the more remote Swiss
cantons, fur example, there is held what
is known as the feast of the garlands.
The marriageable maidens assemble at
sunset, sing, dance and make merry.
Each wears a chaplet of filowers on her
forehead and carries a nosegay tied with
bright colored ribbon in her hands.
If a lad is attracted by a maid he
plucks a flower from her bunch. She
pretends not to notice, but when the
merrymaking breaks up at dn.wn she will
if she reciprocates his feelings, tie the
entire bouquet by the ribbon to the Lan-
': (Ile of the door of the cabin wherein he
resides or alternatively fling it through
the open casement of his bedchamber.
The famous Tunis marriage mart, of
which so much has been written, is held
twice a. year, in the spring and the au-
tumn. The Tunisian girls attend in their
jewelry disposed about her person. The
"golden girdle of maidenhood" encircles
her waist, and in. it is an unsheathed
dagger. When this is gently removed by
a passing ,gallant and presently return-
ed it mesas that a proposal has been
A prettier custom prevails among the
Ooraon maidens, who at stated inter-
vals assemble in the market place. In
front of each is a lighted lamp, emblem
of conjugal fidelity. A young roan feels
attracted. He gently blows upon the
flame, extinguishing it. The girl relights
it; it is a rejection. If he leaves it
alone the offer is acceptable.
Even in England these curious mar-
kets are not unknown, although they are
not openly ackeowledged as such. One
has been held on St. Martha's Hill, Sur-
rey, on each recurring Good Friday dur-
ing some centuries. And the statute and
mop fairs that are still celebrated in
various rural localities are marriage
mart* in all but name.—Pearson's Week-
Sufferers from Fite, Epilepsy, St.
Titus' Dance, Nervous Troubles or
Fallingg Slokn'ss should write the
EMBRYO CO.. 179 Ring street,Toronto
for a trial bottle of their Fit Cure ani.
Treatise. Enclose 100 for postage and
You can painlessly remove aiy2:0 r ,y t113
bard, soft or bleeding, ay applying Pawn's
Corn ,Extractor. It never burns, leaves no sear,
contains no acids; is harmless beoause cpmposed
only of healing gums and babas. Fifty years in
use, Cure guaranteed Sold by all druggists
260. bottles. Refuse substitutes.
By Way of Comparison.
"You were having a quarrel with the
prosecuting witness, were you not?" said
the judge, in an effort to straighten oat
a complicated ease.
"Oi wor," was the reply.
"And it was a very severe quarrel?"
"It wor. , And itc kept gettin' worser
an? worser."
"Can you give me some idea of how
bad it was?"
"Well, yer honor, at wan toinie Oi
t'ink It wor 'most as bad as what's been
goin' on bechune the lawyers in this
oase."—Ha.spea"s Weekly.
The Mouse Bicycle Record.
Just fancy a mouse with a bicycle
face! Yes. really! About the time the
wheeling fad was on the wane a certain
lady entheisiaet had her wheel slung
from the ceiling in the cellar. One
night a mouse ran down the ropes on an
exploring expedition, and presently land-
ed on the front wheel. His weight
caused it to revolve, and the harder he
tried to clamber up to the top of the
wheel the faster it went round.
In the morning, when the servant en-
tered the cellar, a gaunt, gray animal,
with haggard eyes, and despair eugrav-
edi on every feature, was found stall
maldng strenuous efforts to attain its
object. The wheel was still spinuurg,
ad the cyclometer marker 28 miles. It
was probably very little comfort to the
little beast that it had made a record
for mice.
Directions for Making Iced Tea
Warm the teapot. Put in a heaping
teaspoonful of "Salado" Tea for every
two cups. Pour on freshly boiled water
and allow tnfuse from 6 to 8 min-
utes. Pour. thio liquor off' the leaves and
let cool. "Saluda" Tea iced is a most
delirious and refreshing beverage. A
small piece of lemon will add to its
Why the Parrot Was Sol.:.
How many American women in
lonely homes to -day long for this
blessing to come into their lives, and
to be able to utter these words, but
because of some organic derange-
ment this happiness is denied them.
Every woman interested in this
subject should know that prepara-
tion for healthy maternity is
accomplished by the use of
Mrs. Maggie Gilmer, of West
Union, S. C,,writes to Mrs. Pinkham:
"I was greatly run-down in health
from a weakness• peculiar to my sex,
when Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable
Compound was recommended to me. It
not only restored me to perfect health,
but to my delight I am a mother."
Mrs. Josephine Hall, of Bardstown,
"I was a very great sufferer from
female troubles, and my physician failed
to help me. Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege-
table Compound nob only restored me
to perfect health, but am now aproud
For thirty years Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound, made
from roots and herbs, has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera-
tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities,
erlodio pains, backache, that bear-
ing -down feeling, flatulency, indiges-
tion, dizziness or nervous prostration.
Why don't you try it ?
Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick
Sheer hasc write
ed, thousandss to
health. Address, Lyman) Mass.
Sentence Sermons.
Faith in God. is best
lowship with men.
Too many measure
their meanness.
Trouble that might break
made to make us.
The hardest seats in
those on Easy street.
Nagging people are
for peace in glory.
Worms of the dust slake poor lead-
ers of men to the divine.
Social sympathy is the solvent
many theological barriers.
The world rs not lifted to virtue by
picturing it as wholly vicious.
You cannot have harmony 'within
yourself without conflict without.
No preacher ever caught men who
was fishing for compliments,
Formalities are the substitutes with
which the empty heart tries to make up
for faith.
Prayer is measured by its aspiration
rather than by the information it sends
to heaven.—henry F. Cope,
evidenced by fel-
Your dining room and kitchen can be
kept free from flies by using Wilson's
Fly Pads as directed on each package.
Get the genuine Wilson's; no other fly
,killers compare with them.
National Dish of Brazil., •
`After existing in South American
countries for the last eight months it's
good to get back 'to town where one can
get something to eat," said Mr. R. G.
Breeden, a San Francisco mining engin-
"Most of the time I've been in the
south was scent in Brazil. In that coun-
try the national dish is jerked beef and
black beans, and one sees nothing else.
Nowhere in South America, except in
Buenos Ayres, can a stranger from the
United States get a meal that will tickle
his palate. The South Americans surely
don't know the rudiments of cooking.
Every dish they bring you is something
in grease and garlic and so dosed with
pepper as to nearly strangle you." Froin
the Bal aimore American.
He—Oh, Annabel, when we are seated
thus, with my arms around you, I am
the happiest of mortals!
The Parrot -0h, there are others!—
No Difference.
"It was not a' divided household,
though it may seers so"
"The mother brought the children up,
while the father had to take them down
occasionally" -Philadelphia Times.
Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria.
means by
us may be
the world
always praying
ISSUE NO. 33. 1'908
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.:
Gentlemen,—In June, '98, I had my
hand and wristbitten and badly mangled
by a vicious horce. I suffered greatly
for several days, and the tooth outs re-
fused to heal until your agent gave me a
bottle of MINARD'S LINIMENT, which
I began using. The effect was magical;
in five hours the pain had ceased and in
two weeks the wounds had completely
healed and my hand and arm were as
well as ever.
Yours truly,
"Now, Arthur," said the housekeeper,
"Pm going upsairs for a moment; but
while I'm away I want you to look well
after these nice white aprons I've put
before the fire to air, because the Duch-
ess of Blankton is coming to call to-
day, and I want the girls to look parti-
cularly smart"
Little Arthur nodded wisely, and the
housekepeer, satisfied, departed on her
higher mission.
A few minutes later, however, she
beard the young boy's voice calling to
her from below.
"Well?" she answered. "What is it?"
"Please," called up the embryo chef—
"please are they done when they're
House flies spread contagious diseases
such as typhoid • fever, scarlet fever,
smallpox and consumption. Wilson's Fly
Pads kill the flies and the disease germs
He Didn't Didn't Try.
Haekenschmidt, the Russian wrestler,
praised in Chicago the beauty of the
American girL
"Nowhere, not even in Russia, are the
girls so pretty," he said. "It seems
wrong and stingy that a man can only
marry one of them. Every American,
.surrouneled. by all this beauty, must
envy the snap 'that a friend of mine in
Russia had.
"'So you aro engaged,' a man said to
my friend, 'to one of the beautiful .Vron-
sky triplets, ell?' '
" `Yes,' my friend replied.
"'But how can you tell them apart?'
the man asked.
"'I don't try,' said my friend."
A. E. ROY,
Carriage Maker.
St. Antoine, P. Q.
F01? SALE.
...,,„ ..�,, r..,,.,,..,....... -
T. Ford, Lindsay.
Cheating the People.
When the rates charged by municipal
plants are too low to cover the cost of
operation, maintenance and inve a tment
the deficiency must be spade up by tax-
ation, a part (and frequently a large.
part) of which falls on those who derive
no benefit from the plant. Their money
is taken from them arbitrarily to en-
able some of their fellow -citizens to get
their electricity, gas or water below
Bost. This is manifestly unfair; but it
is no more • unfair than the reverse pro-
cess, which is more common in England
than in this .country. There they rob
the depreciation and' reserve funds of
the municipal plants to "relieve the
rates'," that is, decrease the tax levy,
or accomplish the same result by rais-
ing the price of gas or electricity, thus
compelling the users of these commodi-
ties to bear more than their share of
the city's expenses.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum-
mers, Box W. 8, Windsor„ Ont., will send
free to any mother her su.ccessfuI home
treatment, with full instrutions. Send
no money, but write her to -day if your..
children trouble you in this way. Don't
blame the child, the chances are it can't
help it. This treatment also cures adults
and aged people troubled with urine dif-
ficulties by day or night.
Dog's Company.
In the north of England, where rabbit
coursing is a great sport, swift, well-
trained dogs often win large sums in
prizes; consequently the owners of these
animals bestow much attention on then'.
An old Yorkshire collier, well known
for his success in the coursing field, re-
cently surprised all his friends by mar-
rying a very unprepossessing woman.
"Why hast thou got spliced, lad, at thy
age?" one of his friends asked him.
"Oh, that's not much of a tale," an-
swered the old man. "I agree wi' ye 'a
Betsy yonder is no beauty; if she had
been, I shouldn't have wed her. But
that there dog o' mine, he was simply
pining for some one to look after him
while I was away at the pit. I couldn't
bear to leave him in the house by hissen,
so I hit on the idea of marrying Betsy.
She's not 'andsome, but she's mighty
good company for t' dog."Pearson's
Freak of a Kansas Storm.
A curious freak of the tornado took
place on the Tucker farm. Mr. Tucker,
who was lying in bed with a broken leg,
could not run to a place of safety when
the storm was seen coming. His wife
gathered the three little children and
they all piled on the bed with Mr. Tuck-
er, the wife saying that if all were killed
they would die together.
After the storm Mrs. Tucker found
herself about fifty yards away, two lit-
tle girls down in the bed of the creek,
the little boy sitting on a pile of straw,
all unhurt. Looking toward the house
Mrs. Tucker saw all of it swept away
except the floor. But the bed still stood
where it did before the storm and her
husband was still lying upon it, without
a scratch.—Smit h County Pioneer.
Three packets of Wilson's Fly Pads
cost twenty-five cents, 'and will kill
more flies than twenty-five dollars'
worth of sticky paper.
Always Something to Hope For.
The Pessimist:
There's no use talkin', things are bad,
And gittin' worse from day to day;
Think of the April that we had,
And now see what we get in Mayl
Didn't Want to Hurry.
"I saw G. Whizz in his automobile
yesterday and it was actually creeping
along at a snail's paCe" Whizz is one
"Good gracious! Why,
of the most notorious speed maniacs in
town. What do you suppose was the
"He was going to see a dentist;'-•-
rmingham Ago -Herald.
The Optimist:
Why think of April, which is dead?
Why contemplate May with a sigh?
Think of the June that lies ahead,
And if it turns out to be a disappoint-
ment, you can still look forward
to July.
—Chicago Record -Herald.
Minard'a Liniment Cures Colds, etc.
Up to Date.
Tinicker—It is a completely equip-
ped house?
Bocker Yes; it has a cyclone eel -
lax, flood roof and a campaign porch.
Ella—Bella told me that you told her
that secret that I told you not to tell
Stella—She's a mean thing—I told her
not to tell you I told her.
Ella—Well, I told her I wouldn't
tell you she told me— so don't tell her
I did.
able fit •
�, and
flavor. The big black
plug chewing tobacco.
' 2287
,VJA.a fgral:t.
Time, the Wonder Worker.
"Yes," said Dubley, sentimentally,
"this is a lock of Mabel Browne's hair.
Although she rejected me I still trea-
sure it"
"Rally?" remarked Newitt. "By the
way, you haven't seen Mabel latelyy
have yout"
"No. Why?"
"Well, you'd better have °that look
bleached."—Philadelphia Inquirer.
Diphtheria is spread by the common
house fly. Wilson's Fly; Pads are the
,best fly killers known. Refuse unsatis-
factory substitutes.
"1 can call spirits from the vasty
deepl" exclaimed the mystic.
"But can you find a policeman when
you want him?" I demanded; with a ges-
ture of impatience,
The fellow hung his head. I was sor-
ry to have wounded him, but I was thor-
oughly tired of this cultivation of the
esoteric to no effect upon practical af-
fairs.—Detroit Free Press.
Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper.
"I read in a book of statistics that
the average woman carries from 30
to 35 miles of hair on her head.
"And then she raises the deuce if
her husband happens to carry a yard
or two of it on his coat sleeve."
1+7hkNlb;eM7wNv -04g,tdt:"G_r5;
"The Cr
nd the
Is the title of a Mighty Inter-
ing Little Booklet on Wash-
boards, that has Just Been
4j It tells the value of the Crimp in
Washboards; the features of the
Ordinary Crimp, and the Features
of the Better Crimp. pp
d it Tells the Kind of Crim
is the Betfdr'Crlmp—AND WILY.
4111 You are Interested, a (Post_
Card ' 'milli bring this Bright Little
" e Opener" to you At Once.
SAsk Yourself -- Why not let us
end You a Copy To -day ?
The E. B. Eddy. Co.,
Dull; Canada.
Here Since 1851.