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The Herald, 1908-08-14, Page 1
Rook -keepers Stenographers and Telegraphers trained liy our man - O agement_ last year.0 Experience counts. §Graduates most successful. Speo!al fol Course for Teachers. Mail Courses. Send postal for particulars. FALLTEB11 QPEMS SEPT, l0 The Official Organ of Zurich. and Hay Township. Vol. lx FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 14, 1908. No. 2. OCLINTOli Biithle ss CO11E E GEo. SPOTTo\. Principal. The New il ! . FECTWQ EFV 1 i .. STORE i i i5 IS TUE Pr 4CU TO Orr 1 lee Cream, 9 i Sundaes & i i Sodas. i i ORANGES aril BARBS 1 Bread and Cakes i SCHEil1A 9 i Baker and Confectioner ZUi;1C11 IV COSMO .3032D 00 MID D .221:0) 0 C4239 MOO 0 NEMO (=DA' e LOCAL NEWS. il ***;="11krt,..:gliai4.Wo eslker is visiting friends in Waterloo County. Mrs. (Dr ) J. L. Wilson will be '` at home after the 19th inst. Mr. Alex. McLeod of Bayfield sa visitor in town, on Sunday. Miss Mabel Wenzel of Crediton visited at Mr. 0. Eilber's, over Sunday. Mr. Ed. (3reb of ,,Kalamazoo Mich.. arrived here on Thursday evening, for a visit. The town band -stand was treat- ed to a coat of paint. • Miss Jennie Hardy is visiiing at the home of Mr. and Mrs . J. F. Rickbeil . Mr. Chri:i. Schoch left Tuesday morning to visit friends in Pigeon, Mich; Found -A light duster, in front of Hartleib's store. Owner call for same at his store. Mr. Wes. Schoellig, - dentist, of Detroit visited his parents, Goshen Line, the past week. • Horse races, bicycle races and baseba,ll'at Zurich on Labor Day, Monday Sept 7th. Mr, ;bead Mrs. Harry Deichert and son, of New Haven, Mich., are visiting relatives in town. Mr. Bernhardt of Preston, who is camping at Grand Bond spent Sunday at the Lutheran parsonage. Mr. and i'[rs. Jacob Ort and Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Smith, took an auto trip to Blenheim Tp. this week to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yungblut and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deichert, Were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames Dick, at Seaforth, on Mon- day. The cement walks are about com- pleted•ancr the work is a credit both,to the contractor Mr.. J. H. Sehtie tier arid the overseer, Mr. W. G ; Eoss., Mr.•T Levis Thomas, C. E., of Londnn a'' �,d' Reeve Lamont were engaged tin • Tnesday- to locating the new road which is to be opened to bake Huron. Mr, Harvey Weber of Edmonton, Alberta, arrived home on Thursday evening last, after an abseiioe-- of, about five years. He says times are slack in the West. Mr Mono Sehwartzentrnher of the Bronson Line, tools ill quite suddenly last week and at present he is in rather serious condition, one of his legs being parelized. Mrs. Haas, who wap visiting her •parents, Mr. and'''. 14'x Oswald Fisher left for her home at Preston, on Thursday morning. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Idella. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith and son Earl, who arrived here in their auto, were accompanied from De- troit by Mrs. Koeh1•row and Baugh- Liberals to represent; Clio Riding of tor Lily, who are visiting Crediton • Last Mountain in the Province of -Friends. They will return to Detroit by way of Rodney, where•, they will visit friends before returning to Mr. Wellington Smith of Milver- the City- of the Straite. ton visited his aunt. Mrs. Charles Grob, the fore part of the week. Messrs. Fred Witwer, Daniel Koehler and Ezra Koehler attended the excursion to Detroit, over Sun- day. Mr. Norman Holtzman of the Chronicle-Telogra.Dh staff of 'Water- loo, spent the week with his par. ents, in town. Zurich expects a ' big,•tirne on. Labor Day. Lome with the crowd, Mr. -Ha' rry Weber coat-ixfaker, of Galt is calling on . old friends in town. Rev. anct Mrs. Maass and daugh- ter, spent part • of tl:e week at Grand Bend. - Mr. S. Rannie recently • disposed of a house anti lot in Efensall, to Mr. James Priest. . Mr. 'Emanuel Holtzman "'of Galt is a visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Holtzman. The Hensail Observer says that good water and' onions make§ that town one of the healthiest places in Canada. • 'L'he total number nf.. names in the Hay Voters' List for 1905 is 981, distributed as follows —Part 1, 795 ; part 2, 121 ; part i;, .44 ; jttrors, 190. Mi sses Ella and Lizzie ntannie left this week to camp at (grand Bend, They expect to entertain 8 number of relatives frons ..erlin at their summer cottage. 1 A number from here visited Mr.! Moses Kestle at Crediton On Sun- da;-, His many friends will regret ` to learn that he is not . irrrRovin+g l from his -prolonged illness. The new oil and gas fields, near Tilbury, in Kent county, are pro l clueing more oil from about 250 wells than the old Petrolea fields' did from 8,500 wells. Photo gallery—A studio 'will he i opened by me in Merner's Bleck, commencing, Saturday the 27ttr.! inst. You will find oar wort: satisfactory. Give us a call. A. Schlender. Mr. Thomas Jarrott, editor of the Carlisle (Sask.) Herald gave TIM HERALD a friendly Gall on Sat- nrday. Mr. Jarrett was ateaeher': here about l5 years ago. hat has been out West for some years. ars Lost—On road between Ze rich and Crediton; 2 autonto y ie pain bers,.-1. on. rubber "4.5.1(( i;04..1 on galvanized iron "(1881 le* t°c t." Pin - der ],lease return to Henaae off ce or address J. A. Smith, Zurich, Ont. 14 Ir, Sam J. Latta. formerly principal of Zurich Public Se,.hool, now editor of the Govan Prairie News has been nominated by the A number from here attended the Seaforth athletic games on Wednesday while the threatening weather kept others from vontur• ing out. Dr. Gunn of Clinton performed an operation for appendicitis, on a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Laporte, last week. The patient is reported_to be very weak. A stalk of corn was 'brought to our office this week, which Was grown on the faun of Mr, C. Sehwartzentrniier, Bronson Line, which measures 12 feet 3 inches. Who can beat this? Dr. Ovens, Surgeon, ()enlist, Speoialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Friday Aug 28th.. Hours ti to 9 p. ni. Glasses properly fitted Catarrh, deafness, and failing eye- sight treated. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte's home at the Sauble Line, has for the second time inside of two weeks, been visited by the angel of death, this time their slaughter Theresa, a bright girl of nearly sixteen years being called away, after an illness of three weeks, and following an operation for appen• dicitis. The deceased was a student at a college in Chatham for some time and was exoel)tionaily .apt in her studies, and her death will be very keenly felt by her school mates, as well as by her parents, brothers and sisters. Sincere sym- pathy is expressed for the parents and family in their double bereave- ment. The funeral; took place on Wednesday rynor~,ning, Father Stroe- der officiating, in the absence of t1&e pa,wter,of the ohilrob, Fat her Loisello, Saskatchewan. the election taking.• place today (Friday) . Mr. Latta.; has splendid ability and would make a worthy M. 1?. P. ri\MAMMMAMAMAUNMAY VSLES 1 .....-0 .,_,..,..0.00... n00041 nat. ...a, .� - u 2000ftsancomeanksznasusxmcrmum yards Muslins in colors, regular price 15 cents per yard, for ............... 300 yards striped t4inghams, in • colors, reg- .alar price was 15 ets per yd, %or. . 4. ALL FAST COLORS. -WILL STAND *WASIII? G A BIG SN P 21.0010. pr. men's bik 'over= aHHs, were 75C, for r© yds white _Muslin, regular aatt as as 12 price 10 cents, for . . i yds black Muslin, roomier price 15 cents, for .. 10 cls colored Muslin, regul- ar price 10 ets, for . . 5 z GO Men's handkerchiefs in white, regular price 10 cents each, now G for 25 120 La.lies' baudkereheit's white, regularprice 5 cents is h, now 10 for 25 Produce taken in ex= change for Goods o s o o..�•....i.r_�. �,......��.... .yaw. -.n... .r».....�..rw.d.,a.,+•mF- General Merchant, = = rr,�a Zurich —n+ n e r'.'*9.M?'‘a.91127:4. 'r.*YK3 ML5:1M " G,:.S*ti.•1:,.n iS �Y"a{%Y'nw1CO.e.1..i+1]S'a=Cr .5•L..i•: ti ;' r'' J1(jiet PN"m i V" , ri .jie FNyi,a...a ri,� r{IL,irr{�: "Ct,i;'--��> a "y'm".�+��Y•:3%• . w 7 r•,nr N �F73 F., �- W w Ie -A tY,i't? k�'�' L Gi fYl 4'NV`+. �C� f. al .�'ap.. 1' D'.�''�.i �_Y'0401.,, ,@ w ...,��e,�,.,�.�.�,.,.�M1..�.moo.:d,�,..,�,�,v._.,.,�.no.�..� .�.��..,, •--" _ m — ,...,,�,.�.�� nearly all our immense 0. OO it will pay you. Just now we re reducing prices Summer Lines to dear, and a look through stock will convince you. Waists and. `r�, aistiingS See our line of Point -de -Esprit, very pretty goods ft,r waists.- Waist lengths in. fine lawn, al,so -waist • fronts. Silk waists in white, black, and pink. Still a few flowered niuslin5 left, also a few Delautes in dots and flowers. A few: pieces of Light colored Voiles in bine, red, black, white and green, and light checks in blue and brown. HOSIERY '77—Plain black cotton hose, 2 hair for 25 cents. Rook -ribbed hose for boys, best wearers. Princess hose for ladies, also a full line iii white and tan in Blain or lace fronts. MEN'S SOCKS Men's every day Socks, 10 cents a pair or A full supply in tans and blacks, and fancy socks. UNDERSKIRTS A few black underskirts to clear at greatly ietluced prices. We handle the celebrated D & A Corsets. None better. ,H¢e.mVI.NM:L'F,Ya#N.A1Van.ctkL.hFJ9•.V V:nsAbly.b=•Arl.n hair for 215cts. ?LEST F T P I C P llll10=02 tat. O O Y D O O STRAW HATS \Ve still have a good Selection of straw hats, at right FURNLSHINUS Say, miell, do not forget that we have an up-to-date gents \.furnishinWg department in our st.ore. Everything good in•top shirts collars, tics, underwear, etc. HARDWARE Screen Doors, Screen Windotws, Paris Green, Sprayers, Hay Fork rope, Pulleys, Pitch Forks, hammocks, etc;, etc. A7 A O Let us figure on your roofing job. 'We kindle the very best roofing made. 13L I it i '+ FOR FARM- PRO 113 'i s a ' 7F.1 M7 ? r.:i l 4s` 's ;017. ^K:u . 3 ;=1Cr='.s` r cr,