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The Herald, 1908-08-07, Page 1
Book-keepers o ;'Stenographers and Telegraphers. trained by our man- agement lash Year. Experience counts. Graduates most successful. Spec !al Course for Teachers; Mail Courses; Send postalfor particulars. FALL TERM OPEMS SEPT. I0 ;LINTON Business COI LEGEG GEO. SroTTbrr. Principal:, b The New IJ ..CONFECTIONERY.. �QQQ i STORE ii i �j , xs Tlx i',LACE TO GET • Ice Cream, 1 d .5141 -Wats & 3 b Sodas. 8 ORANGES and BANANAS i Bread and Cakes 1 0 O "SOHRAC9 7} Baker and c Confectioner 1 1 s.iRiCti b o tj •fit :�i�.+R as'a1ti^�a^:ati7b�'s�e�7P�.� a� LOCALNEWS. irri aeiaamm ,3r :s 4-s4s4sa° Miss Polly Geiger is visiting at 'her Janine beet: • Mr R. A. Williams of the Mol - son's Bank, staff is taking his holi- days. Bowling is becoming quite a pass time evenings and the ground is in very fair condition. ° Mr. and. Mrs. Innes of Moorefield are'visitteg their son Mr. George Innes, this week. A team of Dashwood bowlers weree'entertained by the local club on Tuesday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Tacob Smith of Detroit are visiting in town. They made the trip in an automobile. Threshers' goggles, harvest mitts, lace leather, etc,, at right prices, S. Preeter. • Next Sunday evening service of • the Evangelical church will be in charge of Mr. Story of Hansall. Miss Agnes J.Caercher returned from Michigan on Friday last, after an absence of some months. Miss Maass returned home on Saturday evening: from a pleasant month's visit, with friends in .Preston. The Children's Day celebration of the Evangelical Sunday School, will take place the first Sunday in September. Mr.. Arthur, Kellerman of Dash- wood will occupy the pulpit of the Zurich and 14th Con., Evangelical churches on Aug. 16. Mr. William Becker left on Mon. day with is ear of horses for the West. Among then a was the big stallion Nateby Grant, owned by Fritz and Lamont, Mr. JohnGellmanof the 14th Con., attended the funeral of his brother•in-jaw Mr. Adam Wett- laufer. at Blyth, on Monday. Also Mrs, G. Holtzman and Mrs. Nancy Sararas. The relatives of Mr, Adam Faust gave him quite a surprise on Tues- day evening of last week; when a number gathered at :his home, to help him celebrate his 59th birth- day.. He was presented with a handsome rocker by his brother D. S. Faust and fancily, and a fine watch chain, from Ms own family. After the presentation and the usual congratulations, a splendid' supper was served to the guests, by Mrs, Faust, and besides the re. latives, Rev. and Mrs. Gischler were present. It was, a pleasant gathering for all and is is not likely that 1NTr. Faust 'Will let b.is succeed,- ing birthdays slip by unnoticed.. The Official Organ ' of Zurich Wail Ray Townshjp. FRIDAY MORN I NG, AUG. 7, d90p„ Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Greb visited glatives at Stratford over Sunday; at grew la,wn.mowers left, to clear eatly educed prices. 3. Pree. ter. Mr. David Witmer bad a, very successful flax bee, one night last week. Mrs. C. Fritz and family, are spending the week with friends at Guelph,. Messrs, A. P. Hess and T. L. Williams were London visitors, on T•h'ursday. Mr. Ed. Morenz of Detroit is visiting relatives and friends her e, at present. Mr.. and Mrs, Henry Ortwein, have returned from a visit with relatives in Colborne. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Lehman of _Caledonia, Mich., spent a few days recently with the former's parents in town. Mr. 3.:7F korner left on Tuesday toQlook afterthhhe isClandiame ests there. Ms.viler La.,, and Miss Susie •of and and Mr. Richard Schultz, of South Bend, Ind., ars visiting relatives and friexids' here this week: The town of Fernie, B, C., waswi, y- and ea Iy 17000 peop a renderedd oirt bfire l home- less. About 30 lives were lost and over $5,000,000. worth of property destroyed. The North and South sides play- ed a game of ball on Tuesday even- ing, and at the end of the 2nd in- nings, when the game was called oti account of rain, the score stood 8.4 in favor of the North side. A meeting of the Turf Club 'will be held in Town Hall, this even- ing at 8.30, to arrange for Labor`. Day races and, other business; The committee of, the Bowling Club will also meet: at the same time and place. The 'death of Mr, Adtr.nt Wett- Ia ufer of Bl; -tin' which' to ck • place on Friday last came as a great shock to his relatives here, as it was only a few weeks before that lie visited here. He took sick on Tuesday previous from the effects of the heat, and never regained Cbnsoiousness. He was 06 years of age and leaves a widow, a. daughter of Mr. Michael Kaerelier of this town, and 5 children to mourn his early death. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon, the inter- itr ment taking place at Blytiz, J. Preeter inane a business trip to London on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hess. and son, George, left for the Pinery on Tuesday for a short yaoation. Rev. and Mrs. Gisehler and fami- ly, left on Ttiesda,yfox- afew weeks' holidays at Berlin and vicinity. Mr. and Mrs, J. 13'. iiickbeil left on Saturday for Blyth, to attend the funeral of the late Mr. Adam Wettlaufer. Mrs. Alex Denoniy returned to her home at Windsor this week, after a mouth's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mr, ,;;Toho Bris- son, Drysdale The bowling green' was opened on Tuesday erening, when a rink from Dashwood learned the Zurich club how to bowl; sc;Qring 21 points to the locals 11: Mr. and Mrs. Q. Burgess; who have been the guests of Mr. and ion .Hone, foR. r s6 some weeks. leftf the lefor their home in Toronto on Monday. Photo gaileryA studio will be opened lock commencing me Saturday in ethe r's B27th, inst. You will find our work satisfactory. Give us a call. • A. Schiender. The Young People's alliance of the Evangelical allure'', were the guests of the pastor Rev. A, D. Gisehler on Friday *evening. A dainty supper and a short program has been prepared .and a most en- joyable time was spent by W. Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte of Drysdale, mourn the death of their youngest child, a boy of 10 months old, which sad; event 'oconrred on Tuesday, Mr. Laporte has a family of fourteen children, • and this is the first death. We venture to say that the littIe fellow's "death is as keenly felt by the parents as if it had been an only child. The American Society for the Prevention of Crae!tte,41. reels Will shortly begin experiments with a new method for killing animals. Henry Bergh, the treasurer and former president of the society, has. invented an air gun of Iarge size, working like 's pneuinatic hammer. The society some time ago offered a reward of $500 for an improved and humane method for slaughtering.purposes, Mr. Bergh thinks his invention fulfills the re- quirements of the society for an pro red device for slaughtering aaitnals. 510 AMAN (L,E MLJSLh3 }� 200 yards Muslim in colors, regular price 15 cents per yard, for N o YivdrYtld[Y4 RING SALE of s �0A1 �e¢ yards striped Ginghams, in colors, reg- alar price was 15 ots per yd, for , . • , , , . .11 o ALL FAST COLORS. WILL STAND WASIdING aat A BIG SNAP 611 pr. men's hlk over- t; were 75c, for 50 yds white lefuslin, regular price 10 cents, for . ? 30 yds black Muslin, regular price 15 cents, for .. 10 12 yds colored Muslin, regul- ar price 10 cts, for . . 5 5 60 Men's handkerchiefs in white, regular price 10 cents each, now 6 for 25 120 Ladies' handkereheifs in white, regular price 5 cents each, now 10 for 25 • Produce taken in ex- change x=change for Goods • rt F 5 General Merchant, = = Zurich IIAAMAMMWRNWWWWWwfwwWM‘MWA 3f3.3©f3 #3E8f3�F;fx3t f3 3 1#,..,. a..t ._.s._.-_ — - 1 et OF DEALING AT P EETE DS 1. he Hail1 '.. It will pay ...... Just will you. now we are reducingrices on near Summer Lines to clear, and a look throughour immensely all stock will convince you. Waists and Waistings. See our line of Point -de -Esprit, very pretty , goods for waists. Waist lengths in fine lawn, also waist fronts. Silk waists in white, black, and pink. Still a few flowered muslins left, also a few Delatnes in dots and flowers. A few pieces of light colored Voiles in blue, red, black, white and green, and light checks in blue and brown. HOSIERY Plain black cotton hose, 2 pair for 25 cents. Eoek-ribbed hose for boys, best wearers. Princess hose for ladies, also a full line in white and tan in plain or lace fronts. MEN'S SOCKS Men's every day socks, 10 cents_a pair or 3 pair for 25 its,. A full supply in tans and blacks, and fancy socks. UNDERSKIRTS .A few black underskirts to clear at greatly reduced prices. We handle the celebrated D & A Corsets. None better., HIG r7, ` rJ o P r 1.0 ;Ay fF ICE'S P E moo= .*{w..'Wu:h�,.,,r,;n . -" * a"�"F! tW, :.,,w�.yk.�dw'�h:1�i�w,.�J�4.�R�.4 r7+�r.�Y.r.�?• •• •• prices. •• •'tl STRAW HATS We still have a good selection of straw hats, at right FURNISHINGS Say, men, do not forget that we have an up-to-dato gents - furnishing department in our store. Everything good in top shirts collars, ties, underwear, etc. HARDWARE Screen Doors, Screen Windows, Paris Green, Sprayers, Hay Fork rope, Pulleys, Pitch Forks, Iiam►nocks, etc,, ete. ROOFING Let us figure on your roofinifob. We handle the very best roofing made. FOR 11. J� .d R/OH as 0 a 0 0 0 0 1 a