HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-06-12, Page 8The People's
Popular Store
is what you need for this summer weather and we
have the Goods and prices that will suit you.
There is hardly a want we cannot supply, whether
it be for Men, Women or Children.
Made=to=measure Clothing
11 is a specialty with this Stor
Our trade this season has been very large and
by continual sorting up we have been able to
suit every body, and we can please you now,
it the Newest Styles are
Always found -here.
for all kinds of heads and for all kinds of price!.
Christies and stylish Straws for best wear.
Common felts and straws for every day wear.
See if we cant please you in style and price
We have a splendid range of Dress Muslins and
other warm -weather Fabrics and our prices will
compare fav,rably with any store in. the County.
Our large turn -over enables us to have a fresh
stock far our customers all the time, and our close
buying ensures you the lowest prices.
A traveler gaited eat' a Certain
English" itltivivibia1 town in vain
for the much overdue train on the
branch line, Again he approached
the solitary sleepy -looking porter
and inquired' for the • twentieth
time. "Isnt that traindoming
scion? ' At that moment a dog
Came 'trotting up the line, and a
glad smile illuminated the officer'a.
face. "Ah yes, replied the
porter. "It'll be getting near n=W.
Here comes the engine -driver's
dog."—The Argonaut.
The Western Fair of London,
Ontario, willbe held thi a year
Sept.. 11-19. Those who have been
in the habit of attending this ex-
hibition in the past will scarcely
recognize tlie; grounds land build-
ings this year. Over Seven Thou-
sand Dollars have been expended
on new buildings and additions,
and the whole of them have been
painted white, making a very
beautiful, appearance, being a com-
plete "White City." More accom-
modation has been provided for
Horses Grand Stands have been.
hilt, and other buildings extended
and enlarged, so that although it ie
expected this coming Exhibition
will eclipse all others in entries
there will be ample room for all.
AU information egarding the
Exhibition may be obtained from
the Secretary, A. M, Hunt, London
couches were!
7.00 $4.5Q
Hall Steads woe° 5.00
Iron Bedsteads groeo, for $3.50
Common Rockers NS,'1ere.25, for.... •75
Oak Side Boards WOO, for $10.
OW IS THE TIME to buy your Spring and
Sun.mer shoes. It would be hard to find a bigger
r better assortment of Boots and Shoes, than we are
howing this season.
We have a nice lot of Spring g
nd colors, and still more coming.
Come and examine our. goods
lsewhere. We nive big discounts.
o you.
oods, in all sizes
before you buy
It means money
ie good
old.ti' a remem..e
bet o. - e in th
old time. , orget the ill. I
Toronto the day a judge re
minded a pr , 'When passin
sentence up him, that not s
very long ago Lis crime woul
have been punished by death. Th
incident inspires Saturday Nigh
to recall some of the condition:
that English people have left be
hind, but not so very far behind
after all. There are old men still
living, it remarks, who were told
in their boyhood by eye•}witnesses
of the banging at .Tyburn 'of a
whole cartful of young girls who
had been sentenced to death for
having been Concerned in the burn-
ing of houses during the Lord
George Gordon riots. Small boys
were also executed at that time in
batches—their crime having been
that riot and excitement attracted
them, and they "countenanced."
disorder. what an age that was'
to live in ! And it was but yester-
day in our history.
Clubbing rates.
r"We have made arrangements
to offer the following low clubbing
rates with ¶t'nn HL'.R;ALD :
Daily Globe e . $ 4.25
„ Mail & Enipire 4.25
Weekly Globe 1.75
„ Mail &Empire 1.60
Berliner Journal (German) 2:50
Family Herald & Star 1.60
Daily Adyertiser 2.25
Weekly .Advertiser 1.50
Weekly Sun 1.75
Farmer's Advocate 2.25
lowing is the report of Zurich'
markets corrected up to Thursday
Barley ... 63 to 64
Peas .... 85 85
Bran . 24.00
Shorts 25.00
45 46
Dried apples . 5 5
Clover seed .: .. . 10, 0011, 00
Potatoes ,, , 45 45
Butter:..;,':,:.;:... 18 18
Wheat 90
The Western Fair of London
Ontario, will have a ''number o
new features this year. Monday,
Sept. 14th, will be Athletic Day,
when a number ofgood events will
be put on for which handsome
medals and trophies will be given.
The Dog Show will be larger and
better than ever, about One Thou-
sand Dollars being offered in cash
prizes and premiums.
A milking contest will be carried
on in the Dairy Department and
Manufacturers will be busy in the
Math Building.
One of the greatest programs of
Attractions ever presented to the
public will be put on twice daily in
front of the Grand Stand.
The Prize List has been revised
throughout, (especially in the
Ladies" Department) and large ad
ditions made to the same.
For Prize Liss, entry forms and
etc. address the Secretary, A. M.
Hunt, London, Ontario.
To stop any pain, anywhere in 20
minutes, simply take just one df
Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets.
Pain means congestion—blood pres-
sure—that is all. Dr. Shoop's
Headache—or Pink Pain Tablets—
will quickly coax blood pressure
away from pain centers. After
that, pain is gone. Headache,
Neuralgia, painful periods with
women etc., get instant help. 20.
Tablets 25 c s. e • • .
Eggs ... ..... o ..• 16
Bogs liveweght.. .. 5.75
Wheat...,.:. .. .
Oats •
Peas. ; ' ..
Hogs 1iveweigiit
,90 9
45 A(
63 6(
85 8
5,75 5,'7
ea o ,' r. • r. Y . Bender=
The death of Mr Christian M. Ben-
der. of East Zorra, which occured
on Tuesday morning of this week,
removed one of the best known
farmers in this neighborhood. His •
death was rather unexpected, as he
was in town only a few days before
apparentlyin fair 'health. He hada
been ill for several months during
the past winter, but had again re-
covered so far to be able to be a-
bout. Deceased was the second sow
of the late John Bender and a nat-
ive of Wilmot Township, being -
born on the old homestead adjoin-
ing the town on the west. When.
about 24 years of age he settled on,
lot 35, Con, 17. East Zorra, where
he since resided. He was 62 years,
11 months and 2 days of age, and
leaves his wife and six brothers to
mourn his demise. The brothers
are John and Joseph: of Wilmot,
Samuel of this town, Jacob in
South Easthope, and Solomon and
David in East Zorra. The funeral.
took place yesterday forenoon
from his late residence to the siX
teenth line cemetery, East Zorra,
and was followed by a large con-
course of sorrowing relatives and
friends, who had come to pay their -
last tribute of respect to the de-
parted.—New Hamburg Indepen -
If you knew the value of Oham-
erlain,s Salve you would never
wish to be without it. Hero are
ome of the diseases for which it is
specially valuable; sore nipples,
happed hands, burns, frost bites,
hilblains, chronic sore eyes, itch -
ng piles, tatter, salt rheum and.
eczema: Price .25 cents per box..
For sale by J, J. Merner,