HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-06-12, Page 6-QUEBEC /t w44t TENT. Magiiifice»"t' Spectacle to 'B'e 'iresentlasl,.;'With a Goligeous , Historical' Program's. e. ` . . •a roananee of dena,dian.:1dister' is begiuning to dawn on the average :dean citizen. The preparatiiins for` ;great tercentenary celebration, set' 'tee, whieh , commences on eelfer 20 ., have resulted in sit ' amazing nt of historical information.• being minated throughout'the length and dth of the country, The preperee of the costumes for several thous - performers, all of whom• m let•:jie, ed accurately from an ,his6grieseL b of view, has entailed an immense ant of original research. Probab•ly:. r since the beginnings of: Ca1.dian • >ry hasn<there' been such a rausac1,s- of the archives,libraries and , mu•. trs of the country fer histdriette drat le used in the plauaring of,; the> et sant tableaux and, lir,lcessioxi 'tvhidh ;e in ehaige'state"�4i11 be unli ie iii history of the etnitinen'C, • ln'ti, be - 4, iii the history of the' w•urldt e ee • ,rom, ell. parts. of 1Canada,•. from Eu - a, from the British eolon'es, itevande• seas,'the cry is coning:What will; ;e he to see at the Quebee;teratnrten, celebration?" " The master, of the `eart, Mr. 1 ascents, wh., cad ebae e ht ,Oxford pageant last yeer,,gnd is in t'harge of the re noon one next ie has outlined a sketeh of: what h'fl1 e place under his direction, 'ids 'pro-' none will surely, fill, every;, Canadian rt with a glow of 'pride end e•ril:iei= ion. here surely will be•teugirtereere•• radian history during the. tifteratmee• the pageant tableaux than fell the, t -books eve/rewritten! :, From t 'fee ed on the Plains -t f Ab erledm,A)iolri.i:nge rill) people, teeing the mighty St. vrence River, the spectators well leek 'n and watch the stirring seermsrof' ly days. 'When the strains of bliitid'r away,' we will see a group ef'ivigt' ns set beneath the trees, and rfewlld- ian dance in progress on the-entrees:- ea he-entrl.scea Jacques Cartier, the great Sic lealo oar comes into view, ele is attendee. Tale hardy meriners' ..n thea; many;; .nee caps and blouse::. On their sLyul- a• they bear a' huge cross teg tidied term golden lilies ant' the canal a erns Frame. This -thee plant in +1L eitett t'he• midst of • the assembled indite/Ise •• ier reals to • the Indians, as ' tier read' Ay Tour -hundred. years ago, t ti ; Dame :r wort: of the • holy gospel of et.; an. Then down he gees to tie_. rued. embark on the ship which is to take, ask to France. the French pioneers and, +h. ; In- �')ass out of view, and we, etre` ;,rted to the court of France, The green sward is under f »:, and same skyres overhead, but thein t-. trains of Music and groups of gay-' tiers show us that the scene is no ;era little village on the river S. (4.• that itis the eourt•at era nets Pre - re at Fontainebleu. Cartier Appi. its, k from, his jom•rieys in the new ;id, "tell; of his wanderings on the :hey river, and presents some Indians the b.L•g. Another a teg, o' i court ne, and We see Champlain verve rn Henri, Quaere at the Louvre the •al commission to set out for teat dige rt land whither Cartier had gone be- te. The scenes flash by, and we ,lo tamplain and his girl -wife receive d th wwider by • the savages. and now •iamplain an his wife have long since wed away. The little Indian village Stadacona has become Quebec; the >pulation has become e00; the Govern- M'ontmagny,. goes down to the river le with his guard and r:.•r:ves the _ntle ei:other Marie and the ladies 'rem lei France, who Have giv an up tl, a it •roe to bring the name of Christ to the ew.eountry. Then comes lee 'terrible ht of bollard against the fierce Ire iuois Indians, and when the war whoops save died away, and the illumination from-the'final'bnrning of the fort is wer, there' .comes the sound of chant - ,ng, and the great archbishop and pa- triot, the saintly Mgr. de Laval, goes ,town with all the stately eere'mony of the Roman Catholic Church to meet the representatives of the King of France. then we see de Saint Lusson taking possession of the western country with ,etately ceremonial. Then there is final- , ly a gorgeous pageant procession of Can- adian heroes with the soldiers ofthree nations as a background, while the guns of the battleships crash in the river be - tow, The preparations for the pageant are progressing rapidly. Quebec is waking 'yap to the fact that an immense throng will be present, and the housing come anittee is arranging for the accommoda- tion of many thousands. A tented city is to •be built, in which several thousand eau comfortably and inexpensively live tender canvas—ladies as well as gentle- men• --and the transportation companies are making ready to handle the great arolume of traffic that is sure to flow d, uebeeward in July. 1 lHst DA.0 IC�'d. • �, .blit. ��%'� AND. ECZEMA 'CURED Miss Wilhelmina nieCharles+of Pow.. assan, One write ; ",l hare; proved Zs rn Eele,.a healing • babe,, for eczema: •My,fathet: had.i5 very.eed on.his hands and, they' -were swolleti very. much One night be'deeidred'to try'Zam-Bek, ''Phar: previa ons:? used It for itingworm 'which I could •sot remove until 1 tried tZan1• i3uk. Thji ,rettloveli the Ringworm' in a very short time. In the morning fathers happris ,were very •mpeli improsed., , He theeeEore continued using Zatn-13uk, and the eczerrne is now all gone. I hold Zam=Duk in high esteem es whealing beim." is Heating, Soothing} • {t� Afntiteptiit Qfalldrh� . .._ im t gists.and,§tots son. or Y3UU postpaid from the Zam- a nH irlFs-ir7nris`P' RAt ;'.,ttc'Cn.rT•wort„• The Slippeey ,Pro,rteun., • . . Many are the‘ eiiteumlacutions' whieh have been -devised by eivilized races in order, to ; peroid the bluntness < of direct „address, In ,fat, et.- may ,be.. said that et the {uoment when it. nation standard- izesits ,language it beguis to -have trou- t e }s i li its pronouns `' Thou" 'has; 'of couesee.beeame obso- •Tete, except '111'pgayer;'although it flour- fishes • coliogiriully-+im the:North of Bng- land, The second , person plural is, stlb- •$tiituted..In' parts. ef• elre south "yioleale' is, •Ikee,X`d, a fuutiller step toward, refined t.>leste eeees xn ] lemic and Geainany `�tliot'�, ries been retained. in familiar or semi-con- 'teii f t'uoiie' elieeele T i Spain 'and Italy, on the otherharid, the third person is sub- :sfittiteil Habitually in place 'of it—,Har- •per's iVeei y t:A t N • i .. ..this tvi>;aii sas dist I.yciift E:' "inkltarin's 'Vet etable-Compound 'mired. her after.' • everything else had failed. . , • 3%Irs. VV'. Barrett, 60-2 Moreau 'St., .Moiztreal, 'Writes to •Mrs:Pinkham: "-leor years I was 'a 'great sufferer from female weakness, . and despite every: reined} gives; me by doctors for this trouble„ I grew worse instead of better. I was fast failing in health, and I was completely discouraged. " One day a friend advised me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. I did so, and am thankful to say that it cured the female weakness, malting me strong and well. " Every woman who suffers from fe- male troubles should try Lydia E.• Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound." FACTS FOR SICK WOMEN... For thirty years Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has positively cured thousands of women who have been troubled with displacements; inflammation, ulcera- tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bear- ing -down feeling, flatulency, indi 'es tion,dizzinessor nervous prostration. Why don't you try it ? Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick women to 'write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. The Bible Was Not Burned. Samuel Jackson died yesterday at his home in Independence. He was au old time negro. He was fond of telling stories of the times before the war, and one was of a miracle he • saw with his own eyes. Tho old log house known as the Hudspeth home in Fort Osage Town- ship was: burned by the Federals under the famous order No. 11. Mrs. Hudspeth was a very old and devout lady and she had the record of her family in an old family Bible which, at time of the fire, was in a cupboard in the old house. When the house was smouldering the old lady called Sam, and pointed to a place where the fire had been the hottest, and ordered him to take a long handled rake and dig into the coals. She told him he would find her Bible there unharmed. The negro dug into the coals and got out the Bible, which was scorched around the edges of the heavy leather cover, but unharmed inside. Old Sam always re- ferred to this as a miracle.—Kansas City Star. Miserable All The Time? buil headaches—back aches—low spirited—hate, the sight of food—don't sleep well—all tired out in the morning—no heart for work? GI ILLS will malie you well Your kidneys are affected—either through over work, exposure or disease, It is the Kidneys that are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure sick kidneys—make you well and strong—give you all your old time energy and vitality, Cheer up --and take Gin Pills, sac. a box -6 for $2.50, Sent on receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them. U06t" DRUG CO. • WINNIPEG. MAN. 8 Miniateft`e Ahtiquities, 1);intietere seen •s, er;antique tarnitiure, e*taeit" cbpzesrof plicas of drawers, bur» hetes and highboys tire in gG•eat .demand et a deem, Oeiginelly these' tiny bits'af• •rrtahogahy, deers ''and •tnajale were mads teethe' e$11diele of the family, some-' tittles to keen their doll wardrobes in, and incidentally to teach them soiue- thabout fiiIore "1(.1 nd 'to•'`en couingrage them in urnetureatnesls, The pie mee'Wtl a 'often copies -of rare• articles belonging to the parents, tend often they were pat .together, by :skilled , cabinetmakers. R]leyetre perfect in,ev,ery detail—tiny handles, liliputian insole Ings, 'columns and carved feet. 'rhe drawers epee easily, and not infrequent,- ly nfrequent-ly there is a secret drawer of openings, just .like those found in antique mature. furniture., of these miniature •pieces stand. them on the'top of their chests of drawers, dressing' tables or' bureaus. Though so tiny they are by no means cheap, a good chest ora fine highboy costing fronm $YO to .815. A' Toilet' Luxury Mira Skin Soap is a delight to eeery woman who values a soft, beautiful skin. elira :Skin Soap takes -away •'all skin , • jrritatioirs=cures; skin troubles—and keeps tee skin cleat and smooth. Elegantly perfumed— refreshing• — unsurpassed for toilet and bath. 2sc a caret—eatt g' •iSts or sent on receipt of ! price: 'r•Itd•Cliei sts'.Co. of Canada, emitted, gammen,. • :'TRADE eMhalN••RLGISTERE4Y• , THE• TARDY: GUEST , . ;.. And -Some 'D'elightfiil Dining Cranks of Old.. It, 'ie embarrassing for the hostess 'when 'some nupoitantnguest "at a din- ner party does not arrive at the expect- ed time. But •the -hostesses of bur great - gra elmothers" day lied much worse dif- ficulties to•.contend with in that way tbape we hoe ,nowadays,' when trains, easels, motors and rester efenituseh• make iiunetuality ' cuniparativcr " easy, Yet 'there were hosts even' then who refused to accept arse• eitense for Iatenese. "Bosvillian'•'• ,-puneta;ality.1e. .a forgot- ten term in these times; but a hundred y;eers ego -to, dine a la Bosville, hadea significant meaning, for it implied thin dinnef'Would be served 'at the met time " e heti Mentioned: one the invitation. Colonel' lensvijie^,was z martinet where dining was ,cgnceeeed, 'Hfs dinner -was al- ways ordered 10 ke' 'teed"on the table at exactly ,two admin • to 5, says the St. Jamea Ga:aette., 7"' st was, admit- ted "after Alm dmit-ted"after.,the appo e, his porter :locking the sire .lacing the key at tri• r le on the fire" It was said e day who was of some Im,ty 'e the official world that •in,' are ('' an invitation to dinner he im-aria ded this . ost- script: "Nota Bene. i� conclude you mean what you say and that the dinner will • be on the: table at 5' o'clock,. when I shall arrive at your• door. •If the dinner be on the table I shall come in and par- take of it; if it is not I shall take the liberty of returning home." . �.♦ Things that Went Wrong. Last Wednesday morning an automo- bile, owned by Sylvester MePelt 'and driven by his chauffeur, Jeff Chitwood, while on the. way to Fort Sheridan was seen to slacken its pace and stop, dead still, at the foot of a long and steep hill. Half way up the hill a termer was driving a team of horses harnessed'to an empty wagon, "Hello, uncle!" called out the chauf- feur. "Well, what do you want now?" shout- ed the farmer. "I want to warn you that you'd. bet- ter get those old plugs of yours out of the way as quick as you esu," yelled the chauffeur. "I'm going to .take this hill at a twenty -ani a an hour gait!" CFIILDHOOD DANGERS. No symptom that indicates any of the ailments of childhood should be allowed to pass without prompt attention. The little ailment may soon'beeome a serious one, and perhaps a little life passes out. If Baby's Own Tablets ale kept in the house minor troubles can be promptly cured and serious ailments thus averted. And the Tablets can be given with equal safety to the new born babe or the well - grown child, Mrs. H. Gendron, i\fartie- ville, Que., says: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets and have found them in every way satisfactory. I always feel safe when I have them at hand." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25e. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. The Merry Widow, (Lippincott's.) A man whose wife was extremely jeal- ous planned a pleasant surprise for her in the form of a trip to New 'York to see "Tile Merry Widow,'. and wrote a friend in the city to let him know the earliest date for which he could scoure seats. The next day when he was away. from home the following telegram was opened by his wife: "Nothing doing with the widow until the tenth. Will that snit you?" Explanations were flet Landed Exampfe. Rome was burning, but Nero contin- ued to fiddle. "Why not?" he said, "betty Green is enamelling her face, while Gage Park is drowning." Putting it little more resin on his bow, ,be nhived louder than ever. DANDRUFF ISS EAS my! . the forerunner of 11i11rinee, EVERY WOMAN SHOULD '• WASH HER HEAD ONCE A WEER with 7.Setheriand $inter,, 1.1air and Scalp Cleanrr. IE kilts the dandruff germ, beautifies and strengthens the hair, All druggists.Stxc. or•postpaid from Seven Sutherland Sisters Snmptesent for ion', 199 King St. W., Toronto areidialiallidOrdisitriMasicsresalliDUKIMISSr raaw mmrstu. • Tom' Was Disappointed. "What I can't gat- through my .head is what Tom', Lawson ; expected the peopleto do •asterhe'd made his flash- light exposures," said'' Mr: Sanders, "What haven't they done that' they' could 'a';•done,'an'' what did Toni ex pect 'em to .do? Thar's whar my head gits a little. bit muddled. I'm •like the feller that • stvallered a . spoonful ^f hogse ;reddish—able. tee smile, in a piti- ful way,'. but feelin' :mighty oncort- fortable an ,the inside. ,Did Tom rea- sbii int'' out that the people'would frit together azi build a 00.d t -house in Wall Wastreet?' They've ' got a church thar a'ready, but:nobody ever ketched ODA of the gang 'on the .inside whilst the prei cher was thar. Anyhow, Torn has took t the notion that the System 'mu, don't need as ehe refo,rrn as.. the people, an' vows that' he's so badly disa'pp'inted 'at the' way' they've act- ed' that' he's 'agivine for to splunge back into "speculati:oh,t, jest out n spite:"—Ducie Billy Sanders in Uncle Remus'. Magazine. • e MINABD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked' for at my store and the only one we keep fer epee. ,:All tee people. use •it.. HARLIN FULTON. Pleasant Bay, C. 13. • Got His Sizes Mixed. "Aye, fellow citizens'"•;thundered the fiery orator,. sleeking hie, hairy first at the zenith; "peace aced prosperity will come again to our beloved land when ivi:th a firm purpose ^ -we,- rise in our might• and crush the trust mierobe—" "Mierobel".'interrupted a, spectaeled man with an expansive forehead. "I beg pardon, but did you' not refer to it a few moments ago as a boa constrictor?" A husky bouncer fired the' rude person - bodily but of the hall, and the eloquent orator` resumed his speech. BETTER THAN SPANKING. Spanking does not cure children of bed-wetting, ' There is a constitutional cause for this trouble. Mrs. 1L Sum- mers, Box W.•8, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother her successful home treatment,- with full instrutions. Send no money, but write her to -day if your children •trouble you in. this way. Don't blame the child, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment also cures adults and aged people troubled with urine dif- ficulties by day or night. Those That Were 'Not Buried. "I have not buried a case of pneumonia in the past ten years," remarked a phy- sician noted for not hiding his light un der a bushel, to a fellow practitioner, "I have heard many of your deceased patients ane being cremated," said his friend, who does not 1j a to call a man a liar. Ask for Minard's• and take no other. • A RecklessDuelist. "Did' he accept the challenge?" "He did; and as the challenged party chose the weapons." "Swords or pistols?" "Toothpicks at ten yards."—Birming- ham Age -Herald. Minard's Liniment Lumbermen's Friend. Her Reason. "Mamma" said small Susan, before she began her evening prayer, "may I pray for rain to -morrow?" "If you want to, dear," replied her mother, "But why do you want it to lain?" "Annie ?Jppson is going to have a lawn party and I wasn't invited," ex- claimed Susan. --Chicago News, ' SITE NO. 4, 1 yoS .AGENTS *ANITA fmlADItSIYIEN WI NTE» Ii __�• •• - ee OR " . e G0A ow tipl•air " Bast band sprayer triplet. �;ow- pressed air; automatic. lettere! terns. Cav ere Brea, Galt; '-Ont The tattier Part. Three oldmee. Lavii met' •by chance, it was but natural that they should fall into some comparison of their several achievements; • "In 70'yegrs," said the first, "I have atnassed a hundred million dollars." ,'Bitt',7,;during an equal span," said the second, "have written 100 novels, each of. which sold more than ' 100'000 copies:" . -_ A slight •smile; as o',disdain, curled the lip of the third old man. "During 7b years," said. he, "I have food.:" digestedmy The others were too , overcome to speak. They could only wring his hand, in silent acknowledgment that the palm was his.—Puck: Chewing' Tobacco Rich and satisfying. The'' big black plug. 2268 a2+ltii` .+ta .w, Answers to All Questioners. (Detroit Free Press.) Yes, we 'rem tanned considerably. Yes, we have been' away. .Also, while we were away we did some fishing. Ditto, we had some luck. Ditto, ditto, we caught something. Noebig big ones got away. So far 'as we know the big ones were not biting. At least they didn't bite our hooks. We neither gdt,wet nor went hungry. If anyone'can think "up "any more fool questions to ask about that trip, we shall be glad to answer them, providing they write to this office and enclose a two -cent stamp for reply; Please licit the stamp and put it on an envelope, as we don't Iike the,taste of mucilage. -- Free to Nousclioepers We want every housekeeper tollav r feet Dustheator. Every home need day.. Hundreds or testimonials., To introduce it be wi a Now Household Itecesatty orbgnal Tams and t:•r, e'r Pond 46•ceot,, stamps or money order.. ' THE OXFORD'. SUPPLY CO., Dept. 'Woodstock, Ont. , Pfliff01 OBUI ©Hl Vast City Reservoirs Under Roof.: Two of the largest roofs in the world, ,covering approximately 16 acres, and embodying building methods and mater- ial never before adapted to such a pur- pose are• described by Popular Mechan- ics. The roofs are being built at Los Angeles, Cal, Each is being placed on a city reservoir, one 10 acres in extent and the other 6, and reinforced concrete piers are used as supports. in' the Bellevue, the smaller of the two reservoirs, these piers are 47 feet long, and will be sub- merged over 40 feet, and on the other, the Ivanhoe, 27 feet. The unique work has progressed so far that the finishing tenches , will soon be put on. Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. An Important Line. "She is to most accomplished woman" "Is she?" "Why, you have heard her sing?" "And • seen her paintings?" "Yes." "Then how can you ask?" "I have never tasted her pies." — Nashville American. al e It is the tea grown on the hillsides of the world-famous Nuwara Eliya dis- trict in Ceylon, used in "Salads" Tea that gives it that rich, uniform, delict• ous flavor, Stock? "I presume," said the speculative boarder, "they call that railroad, the Plant system ,because: it takes so much water to make it grow big." ass Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. "Does your father know I love you?" "No. Papa isn't very well, and we've kept it from hi&'—Earper's Weekly. The ehotographer isn't, always liberal with hie views. Edd 1 ) is a New Wrinkle in the way of Crimping the Zinc in Washboards. It makes the Washing Process. very much easier, and it insures Few Destroyed linens when the Washing is over. Like Eddy's Matches—it has been proven the best ever. To be had only in EDD ■ 'S 6"3 in 1 WASHBOARDS A