HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-06-12, Page 44. " urich. ;Herald 36 dib 41pON/4p MII*Df>1RIF)K 1bR< KI413 Age and ,Stability, Should., be Considered .. ,, .,. in Forming Your Banking Connections. if 1 TSB: N1OL ON BANK' ss Q 8 Cf We make a specialty of the Savings Bank Department. v IYOUR ACCOUNT IS SOLICITED, ZURICH BRANCH erl v 1 GD611111DCBGIMIDCiD®dD4111111i1biil*D�dlf;•'®b'ili�eempob llilDell has had an uninterrupted existence for 53 years, and. its Reserve Fund is equal to 100% of its Paid. -up Capital. 1 H. ARNOLD, MANAGER. LE'CAL CARDS. S. J. 1). COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- lieitor, Notary Pablic, Hensall, Ontario. Lt Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS 6c BLAIR, BAR- riaters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc., Godcrich, Canada. W. Proltdfoot. K.C. R. 0. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. 13. Ct DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased .back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, 1 stn in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rnu's Hotel. E. ZFrI.,LER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De a i3. e , Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Ofce— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. DR. 1'. A. SELLERY, DENTFST, GRA- •• - • .-duct. -of the,- Royal College of Dental Burgeons Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of I hpartraeat of Dentistry, To- ronto Uiifversity. Painless extraction otl tett* Pate work a speciality. At DCsasinion House, Zurich, every Mon- day. " 7-26 FOR SALE. liptrOUSE AND LOT WITH TWO- JUL more park, lot for sale in the Village of Zurich, the property of the late David St®Ick. For particulars apply to Fredin- and''�Gslel�,. Hillegreen P. 0., or to Albert Heideman, Zurich P. 0. WELLING HOUSE FOR SALE IN the Village of Zurich. Terms on application to Mrs. J. T. Hauch, Zjarich. A UCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD t3 effects, inZurioh, on Saturday, .Tune 20th, at 2 o'clock. E. Bossenberry auctioneer, Mre. J. T. Hauch proprietress. MUSIC riI S S V. MAASS, Prepares Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, Z11r10h. orj < < . Jo e Paper Hanger and Painter. All work ' promptly and neatly clone. Now is the time to bane your home brightened and fixed up for the Spring and Sum- mer months. Charges Moderate N. BOCK, Zurich NOTIOE Public notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife or family or by anyone in their be- half, from and after this date. John i3rennerman, Blake May 26th, 1908, 43-3 A disb of charcoal placed in a larder will keep the articles sweet and wholesome almost as well as ice. Charcoal is a great disinfect- ant. Change it about once in ten days in warns weather. .60 'YEARS• EXPESIENOE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone Sending a sketch and description may quickly aster in otic Opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. mmunira. tlonsetrletlyconfidential. Hettoinew oil Patents Sent free. oldest a envy tq� securing patents. Patents taken through Manu. & Co. receive .epeoiaf nctfce, without charge, in the Scientific ifnierican0 A liandsomeiy illustrated weekly. Largest etr- aiilation OS any setentiiIc journal. Terms for Canada, $3.76 a rear,'posta d prepnld. Sohl b'y all newsdealere. ' 3I IBrosdway THE HELM LE PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY JUNE. 12th 1908e MVV. C. TOTAL ABSTINENCE IN THE JAPANESE SERVICES In reference to the recent move- ment at Washington for the res- toration of the canteen in the United States: military-- ,servioe, attention has been called to some interesting facts regarding the principle adopted by Japan in this regard.'-'''' Thea Jientinese Army is practioally an army of abstain- ers, and i'f is noted that during the late war drastio measures against alcohol were rigidly maintained in force. as the result of which .the percentage of deaths from natural causes was but one per cent., and the health record unsurpassed by- Western nations. General Kuroki is said to have authorized an ordinance imposing the penalty of summary death on any man. found intoxicated while under his command,. and so effectual was this order that there Triataino , drunkent nese in his . division. Total absti- neenoe was oonsidered essential for the highest standard of efficiency in both the Japanese military and illivaieervices, andrthere its increas- ing evidence than many of the highest military and naval authori- ties of other natione are coming to regard intoxicants and the exist aaco of an offioial'service sa a menace to the best good of those of every rank in the service. Weak women should try Dr. Shoop's Night Cure. These sooth- ing, healing, antiseptic suppositor- ies go direct to the seat of these weaknessess.My "Book No, 4 for Women" contains many valuable hints to w$nien, and it is free. Ask Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. to mail it Ask the Doctor in strictest confid- ence, any questions' you wish an- swered. Dr Shoop's Night Cure is sold by All Defilers. Jefferson Davis, who last year was elected to the United States Congress as Senator from Arkansas signalized his arrival on the fiocr of the Senate by a somewhat in- temperate attack on the "money power." This month he delivered another address, which he read from a typewritten manuscript in order, he said, that "no intemper ate languagemight escape his lips" A portion of his address, devoted to . the newspaper press, reads as follows : "Let scavengers of plutooracy howl ; truth. God's living truth— where is its defenders? Miserable travesties upon noble manhood, post -graduates in all arts of slander or defamation, I challenge the sub- sidized press, the people know your designs and .spurn your pretences, whether under the show of argu- ment or more servient hypocrisies. Go, damnable imps of pelf and greed, I defy your taunts ; tear to fragments my political career if it comport with your execrable will. Stifle and distort my every utter- ance. Not satisfied, if such be hour brute frenzy, lash my poor form into insensibility. Then, if it be your further pleasure, gnaw from by stiffening bones every vestige of quivering flesh. Gloat in wret- ohed bestiality through my own innocent blood as it drips from your fiendish visages. Drag then if you want what remains into the filth and the vermin of your foul dens and burn it upon the altar of Baal or scatter it before the friend- ly winds of heaven to your bet- ters—the carrion crows of the field. �o The World does not say that a great boom is at hand : but it does unhesitatingly assert that there are bank managers and business men of the sanest kind who not only think so but say. se. A great change has come over the situation in the oourse of this work. An eminent banking authority in this country who is just back great lot of English money Come into Canada this year. The .bankers and business,; :men' of Torontoand -oi Montreal, Who are in ilireot totioh with the. Cana. - dian weft, have been alinost oar- tied hatheir feet this week byrthe Mop 'reports from the prairies. They promise an •early harvest And the greft,test'one on record. "If that crop comites as it ie now reported," said one bank manager who Mas a great grain business in the west, there will be an unparal- leled demand for money in Canada this year and times will be more than good again . " Nearly every banker and busi- ness Man spoken to, was talking boom. That's the sign that's in the sky. .Toronto World. CANADIAN NEWS Prorogation of Parliament is looked for early in July. Postmasters are ordered to keep lottery circulars from the mails. A Chinese opium firm in .Van- couver made $180,000 in profits last year, St. Thomas Trades and Labor Council is arranging for a big La- bor Day a-bor.Day parade. The steamer Alberta is navigat- ing the Saskatchewan River from Prince Albert to Winnipeg. A well bored by the St. Thomas authorities on the -Locke farm flows 200,000 gallons a day Hamilton has secured a 99 -year lease,of ,the mountain brow„ pro- perty'from the' Provincial Govern- ment. Contracts for poles and line sup- plies have been let by the telephone department of the Manitoba Goveriantent. For•tb.e first time in the history of Wellington Ci unty there are no cases at this sessions of the peace, which fequiro a jury. The home' mission contributions of the Niagara and Hamilton Bap- tist' Association were $3,106,78, and foreign missions, $1,841,60. , Twenty , young'; Scotch gAWAen,. engaged to be married,, arrived in Montreal on,Friday,-'on `their- way west •to meet their ,prospective hash nos, ;x .. , .f . The altario Distributing Comp- any a • iarmission to run an elect. rio in St. David's along the and Grimsby road to n. Central oross- iiham ;Snyder was run o e. .t roller near Brampton rn' 7.,. Co .•' aable- Gnibeault was killed by being thrown from hts horse. Mrs. Armstrong committed suioi- at Galt by throwing herself from the, C. P. R. ,bridge. „ ' John Anderson was sentenced at Renfro* to six years in penitenti- ary for bigamy. The; hill to' extend the Manitoba boundaries will be introduced in the Commons this week. James F. dreigliton was committ- ed for trial at Owen Sound for the murder of his wife and two step- daughters, Piles are easily and :.quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. To prove it I will mail a small trail box as :a convincing test. Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand the test. Remember it is madeexpressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch- ing piles, either external or inters nal. Large jar 50c. Sold by All Dealers. Born. Bitoevaxox--At the Town Line Hay on the 8th, inst. to Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Broderick, a. son. aimless—At the Sauble Line, Hay, on the 5th. inst to Mr. and"Mrs. Joseph Gelinas, a daughter. orthmWest ' Ecrsi�ts Leave on' i uetdays June ?l,, 23 Aug, 4, 18 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 15, 29 Return 2nd ..lass Tickets From all Ontario Stationsto Winnip^g, Calgary,: Edmonton and " principal points. "LI. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta at VERY LOW RATES TIt:I<STS GOOD FOR GO DAYS Berths in Tourist Sleeping Cars at atrial( extra Cost, If Secured, in advance, ,nformatinn ad froo'copy of Home for full Apply to anyC.P.R. Ticket Agent • seekers' Pamphlet,C, 8, FOSTER, Dist hes, Agent, Toronto glen XXxX 8. For the next 3o days will be sold at a reduced price. W a will be ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. Logs...Wanted. 'BALBFLEISCH, ZURICH r************** r, ,a n t International Harvester `.. .Implements.. We keep in stook a full line of the above celebrated. make 'of Farm Im plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e rery- thing in the line -of binders, mowers, ,,,,plows, etc., etc., .and repairs of all kinds. ,.. . When in need of a new.. Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. o Cutter see our lines before yo buy. They will please you , FRED. HESS & SO Rickkbeil�'yyscc��Oyld Standyy- - ZURI iii ***yy****ham ******* * If you stop to figure out where the true economy in paint buying comes, you'll soon see that the best paint is cheapest. Two-thirds the cost of paint- ing is the labor. It costs just as much to put on poor paint as it does good paint—more in fact because the poor paint doesn't work so easily. But the poor paint won't last as long; it makes you repaint sooner. Even the apparent saving in cost per gallon is eaten up by the fact that it takes more' gallons of the low priced paint. The truest economy is good prepared paint. The truest prepared paint is THE $HERWIN-WILL /AMS PAINT. manwinanmaganaisna SOLD ay PREE ER, ZURICH. Call on --••,....-, A. Edighoffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred. Manns For a Quick and Easy Shave, or all Up-to-date Hair -out. Opposite Commercial .Hotel ZURICH If your stomach troubles you do not conclude that there is no cure, for a great many have been per- manently oured by Chatnberlatn 's Stomach and Liver Tablets, Get a free sample at J. S. M.erner,s.' JOS. SMITH'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Soros, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in- jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias Wurm of Zurich Out, says. "1 was bothered for some time with a.m.' ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. I doctored for Some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result Was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. 1 ani thankful indeed for nay cure and gladly give you permission+to Publish my ease." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:— "For six months I suffered acutely front sore breasts and doetorodalt that time. 1 triode, sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured me. X am grateful for the cure, as Ihave never. been troubled with it since. Price 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1.00 Obtained from W. H. Brinext Zurich, Ont