HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-06-12, Page 1The Official Organ. of Zurich and Ray Township. fRIDAY MOlifsiING. JUNE 12. '1908. No. 45s MIAMP,Miki.,00,11OUZIMM.M4 lociecKmageasciocaocii!cw - "faUSIER101001,... .....................,r....... .. ,. . Our management trains more young • people than any other in Ontario! There must be a reason; wri,e for it. A Special Course for Teachers. V MO 00Urses , A CLINTON BUSINESS COLLEGE V •• Gso. Browder, Principai. 111*30001010EMOCOODOCIPOCIM The New - I I ..CONFECTIONERY.,. 2 • STORE • I i Has It Ever 11 i Occurred to You that we can. suit you in anything you want in the Line of Fruits, and Confectionery, 1 Bread and Cakes? ! C. SCHRAC, Bakerand ! Confectioner 1 ZURICH' vrmr.lrmrwr-mr-,--.4-s.vs4-•Awese. LOCAL NEWS. zurich poll gave nine majority, tCellertnan. on Monday. s Almalarenner of Dashwood, friends here, over Sunday. dames is in Stratford this ending the -wedding of .a Truenaner 'in home .tfor a ViSit with her s. Eliza Truemner. Miss Laura Steinbach is recover- ing from a severe attack of quiz, sey. Owing to Civic Holiday this week. Tn HERALD is = printed a day earlier - Mr. eq. J, D. Cooke, barrister of Hensel{ was a; business visitor in town on WednesdaY., !-Mr. W entzel of the Geo. White a; Sons firm, London, was in town on, Tuesday. Miss Celie Hess who is going to High School in Seaforth, visited her parents here over Sunday. Mrs. August Hill and Miss Hill of Crediton, visited, Mr. and, Mrs. Charles (arch, on Sunday. Mr. Aaron 8ftercher, sent up a sample of flax on Tuesday; Measur- ing 23 inches in length. Flax is going to be a splendid crop. Remember that eviry package of Melagama Tea, contain e a sane of stoney. The tea is of the best quality. L Preeter. No services will be held iii the Lutheran church next Sunday, as the pastor, Rev. C. C. J. MUSS is attending the annual synod, at Hamilton. Ind Mrs. Isaiah Witmer at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gellman on Sunday. • • large gang of masons are en - aged thee week at the brick work of Mr. .L J. Merner s store. Mr. Fred Hess. Sr., is a delegate to the Lutheran Synod, -which is in session at Haraijton, this week. Mr. Jacob Kellerman, the Liberal eandidate. had a majority in this Township, of 152. the largest since the Weiismiller—McLean election. New York is to have an institu- tion where the man who thinks he is going insane may go and have the wheels in his,head looked after. That l a better and more satisfac- tory way than to consult the neighbors when in doubt. The weekly 'match of the Zurich Gun Club, was held. on Tuesday eveninb. Some good. seems were made. The score : JPRe.n 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 4 J Deichert 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 4 W Hess .... 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 8 S hi Faust 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 5 W G Hess . 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 I. 1 8 W O'Brien ................ P Sipple .1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 7 H 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 JTruemner....l011000O 4 HWeber 1101110100 6 C Fritz 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 J Schnettler. 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 5 E Zeller 0 1 1 1 11 1 0 1 8 Miss Freda Siernon ir 11O1° fo a visit from Exeter. Miss Hartleib and Mr. Bastard of Dashwood, were visitors in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. ' John Mittleholte of Heneall, spent Sunda3., with f rends in town. Rev. C. C. J. Manes left this week for Hamilton, to attend the ail- nual Synod,. of the Littlieran church. The Mar standing the pkt, pils of No. ,8 Hay will be publish‘d next week. Copy was received to lato for this issue. A quiet wedding was celebrated at the Lutheran Parsonage on Mon - .day evening, when Miss Melinda Fuss and Mr. Emanuel Reichert, were united in the bond's of znntri mony. We wish them happiness and prosper ty, Mr. Fred Hess Sr., attended the County Council banquet, at Gode- rich, on Thursday evening last. He was accompanied to the County town by Mrs Hess, Rev. and Mrs. C. 0. J. Maass of town, and Mr. C. Taggart, of South Bend. The party drove to Goderioh in the morning and in the afternoon were taken in hand, by Reeve Lamont, who escorted them to the different ••••••-•••.— HAY COUNCIL. points of interest in the prettiest summer town in Ontatio. sent freer). TOronto. The lest was not finishelL.. • .A. question in arthmetic: As a into -Saturday morn, newspaper man is supposed. to know Lt -Col. W. 3. , R. r everything, the editor of THE iIE treaeurer pri1!.,;•:.1 ALD was given a simple question and Navk" for solution. We gave it to a num- Hulled, "Our ber of scholars this week,' and it J. Milne, of Blyth, .0 floored them all. Here is the ques- Canada," and Mr. tion:—A party had a quantity of county olerk, "Our Gu nails, and a quantity of washers ; the nails numbered 250 to the pound and the washers 350 to the pound. Now he wished to divide the two articles by weighing then), and have en equal number of each in each pile, how many pounds of washers should be put with every ten and a half pounds of nails. HieSSI`M. Cyrus and Salmon Colos- liy. have disposed of tlaeir farm on the Zurich Road.! to Mr. Conrad Siemon of Hensall.• Possession wilibe given early in the coming year. A rival of the Sunday theaters, mnsic hallo and saloons Chicago as places of Sunday evening resort hag entered the - field. It is the Chicago Sunday Evening Pub, or- ganized by business and prole- sions.1 men. It will provide a place where strangers .in Chicago and Chicago's downtown hotels can gather Sunday evenings for unde- nominational religious- services. • "OLD BOYS" HURON COUNCIL Goderich, Stine 7—Ons hundred and forty persona .at down to the banquet in the Hotel Bedford, Fri- day night, ha which were gathered many of the ,,OldBo'ys'' of Kuron's County council. Hon. Thos. Green- way had come all. the way from Ottawa, and rasp:Aided-to the toast. "Our Parliament," with a splendid speech, addition, a number of, former 'Oottobt, councilors .7ere pre - ng toast . on .‚eon, knty'i , of Other speakers were Warden t. Mo - Lean, who originated the idea of the gathering ; Reeve Wm. FrLser, of Grey ; Dr. A. J. Irwin, reevb of Wingham ; Reeve McEwan, of f Col borne. and Reeve Lamont, of Hay. Judge Holt, Judge Doyle, Crown Attorney Seager and. Sheriff Rey- nolds were among those present. wwwwvAliviviwwwwwwwwww ight in Line For Spring and Summer New Voiles In Black, Blue and Brown. Prices 60 and 85 cents. VENETIANS Black, Blue, Brown and Red. Price 60 and 85 cents. riusuNS In all colors and prices from lOcts to 18ets. L1NOLEUMS 2 yds and 4 yds wide. Cordoroy Velvets Blue, Brown and Red for 60 cents. Ladies White Waists priees 90 cts, $1.00, $1.50, $1.80 and %2.00. Men's Dress Shirts etc Men's Ties, Mens Hats and socks. A fresh stock ef Grocery al- ways on hand. All farm produce taken in exchange for goods. D. S. FAUST, Zurich. MWMM eleeeeee• •FP"treee--,..reeeeveareee'reeacereeee„ee -4:23"..e7-Geneerreeeeeee' • ti).6 Speaking of Spring ejel.'t Have you. picked out A yotir spring Shoes If. not, *e woUld like to suggest tha you do it NOW'. •- All the new shapes in TANS &PATENTS ot\ .v. The Court of Revision, was held on Monday. the ist of June, The following changes were made on appeal in the assessment. The,Bell Telephone Co., $1200, in- stead. $2175 ; Lot 14, Con. 14. was assessed to Jos. Schwartzentruber, • instead Dr, Buchanan ; Geo. Canap- bell was assessed on lot 9 K. S. Zurich, instead J. Preeter. 'The following dogs were struck off, E. Gies, 0. Fritz, Hy. Weber, L. C. Moser, Maisons Bank, assessed one dog. L. O. Moser, was struck off the A. Roll, as tenant of lot 5 K. S. Zurich, Tobias Gtienther, was as- sessed as tenant on . S. pt. M. Res. Dashwood, After the closing of Court of Revision, the council passed a nuta.- ber of accounts amounting to 8694.40, after which the council adjourned until the 2nd day of July, at 2 o'clock p. m. F. Hess, Sr., (Merit, have just arrived. No matter what style you like, we try and get it for you. OFRITZ THE SHOE'MAN ZPRIOH rir:340Zig0CireiataIDISC:118113101C3tEMC310C3rE3C343E38C3BC:3081111150210E3013E31238:11:3:81C30C3081:391018C3843F-.84:3101=1M:343001 . Our trade this spring has exceeded all pievious records, which shows that our motto to sel good goods at reasonable prices is pleasing the public. Just now we are making .a specialty ofl goods for summer wear and summer use and will be leased to show you our lines. eMSMOMMOINIM• ousgermaNieMeM.M.• •••••.•IMOVIONNEIMOMilieS 1 0 0 STRAW HATS We have a complete line of men's and boys' straw hats, from 10 cents up to $1.50. See our lines for Sunday wear. UNDERWEAR, We invite your inspection of our underwear, for summer wear. Prices right and a hi% stock to. choose from. DRESS GOODS Splcial values in white learns, organdies, India Linens and fancy muslins. A .large variety in alrlines. Everything in Window Shades, Curtain Polo, Extension Rods, Carpets, Floor Rugs, Linolenms, etc. Screen Doors and Windows We have a large stook of screen doors, and windows. Neatly and strongly built, at all. prices. Gasoline and Oil Stoves Gasoline and Oil stoves are growing in favor for summer use. We carry a number of lines in stock or can get 'von any style, you may desire. HOUSE PAINTS c. If you intend painting your house this spring, let us give you our figures on doing the job with Sherwin.Williams paint. You will get a flist-class jobget a very reasonable cost. Lawn Mowers, -Carpet sweepers, Curtain stretchers, Washing machines, Wringers, Wire stretchers, Etc. HIGUEST PRICES P411 F areamartwain*nommesMinamasirmotenff ransn•mmonmommeansamolmemetwasmfticumaerecorlonsorninawerrn III*1011SBOTIM*91.11•1*11.811MSIII.111•0•11.4e11.1•1•416...1 11 FARM PRODUCE rmaIMMOMI•MiolmornanrecomernaMneMmemoseVeramMelexemmarnesamote J• R E ET E R 9 Aso ZU IC20). MIENClisCr8CDOCK=410.0r..0.30e0010749*:21.4110C,,WICX3C.38C-4180=0=e0sMACKOEIKOC3e1Msat:ZsOSMOCRO=Veetedeen