The Herald, 1908-05-29, Page 5DO'T`"'u. IT till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS :: : Xy Showcases are Brim. Full of all kinds of ' WATCHES, J EWELLEY RINGS, Etc,, Etc. Only the Best in Each Line t NO Plated Rings in stock "°Prices the Lowest" "Goods the Best" F. W. HESS, JEWELLER; P. S. A pair of Gold Spex snake a ea nice present for your mother. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By bnying your PRINTS, MUSLINS, DRESSGOODS, GROCERIES, HARD- WARE, WALL PAPERS and SHOES from us. A Large a n d Up-to-date Stock to select from. HIGIEST PRICES Paid For Farm Produce R. N. Douglas, BLAKE JOiM11111111R2s11111r11% That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new inter Suit, do not forget to e us a call. We have a fine of Tweeds, Worsteds, ., to Choose from. Our ices ape as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large nnmber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFFMAN .IUZURICH ..a MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is t0 keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. Y UNf1BLUT & BBICHERT. Heart Strength Mart Strength, or Heart weakness, means Nerve IStrength, or Nerve Weaknoss—nothing more. Pos. ltivoly, not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it. self, actually. diseased. It is almost always a bidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault, This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Naive —simply needs. and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling more governing strength. Without that the Heart must continuo to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat- ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this popular prescription—is alone directed to these weak and Wasting nerve centers. It builds; i stren hens • it offers real genuine heart help. If you would have stronHeartsstronepol- festion, strengthen these ;nerves — re•establish them as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" The Zurich ST, JOSEPH. Messrs. Josiah Sararas and Hy. Walper, attended. the sale near Clinton, on Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs, , Daviel Sararas, drove down to Baden, and New• Dundee, on 'Wednesday, where they intend to stay a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. McDungough are visiting their daughter, Mrs. M. Maloney. Mr. Irwin Smith, and Susana Wilhelm, returned home on Tues- day, after a visit down East. The 24th was spent quite lively along the lake shore. Perch fish- ing being the order of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Kaercher, spent last Sunday with Mr; and Mrs. Jos. Sararas. Mr. Herb Uttley, spent Sunday with friends in smoky Hollow. SORE NIPPLE S A cure may be effected by apply- ing Chamberlain's Salveab soon as the child is done nursing. sWipe it off with a soft cloth before allow- ing the child to nurse. Many train- ed nurses use this salve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by J. J, Merner. ,DASHWOOD The many friends here of Mr. Joseph Eidt will be sorry to learn of the loss he sustained last week . the grist mill which he rerentiy purchased having been destroyed by fire, one night last week. We have not heard of any of the par- ticulars. Several of our people attended the sperts. in other places on Mon- day. Onr teachers attended the teach- ers Convention, at Goderich on Thursday and Friday, last. Mr• Elmore Krueger of Zurich, wti's a pleasant caller in the viliage on Monday. Rev. A. Y. Heist of Berlin will preach here on Friday night in the German language. Rev. Hoist is the Presiding Elder over this dis- trict and comers here for the first time in this capacity. Ho at one time was stationed in Zurich, and during his pastorate there, he preached here on several occas- sions. Next Sunday evening the Y. P. A. will render a Rally day pro- gramme. There will be a collect- ion lifted, to aid the mission cause, Mr. Ernst Dearing of Hensall, visited his Aunt Mr. Rhode on Sunday. Mr. Charles Willert Sr., passed away on Monday on Monday, morning after an illness of several weeks' duration. He leaves a grown np family of eight sons to mourn his demise, his aged part- ner, and one son proceeded him in death. He has been a life long member of the Lutheran church, under whose rites he was buried in their burial plot, on the Bronson Line. The sincere sym- pathy is felt for the bereaved friends, in this their sad loss. Tired nerves, with that "no am- biti on" feeling that is commonly felt in spring or early snnmmer, can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to drug- gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the Restorative. The bowels get sluggish in the winter -time, the circulation often slows np, the Kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grows de- cidedly weaker. Dr. Shoop's Res- torative is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to rhese vital organs. It builds up and strength- ens the worn -out -weakened nerves ; it sharpens the failing appetite, and universally aids digestion. It always quickly brings renewed strength, life, vigor and ambition. Try it and bo convinced. Sold by All Dealers. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The warm weather of the past week has made considerable change to nature, and if June weather is favorable the crops will be good. A number of boys from our Township, spent Victoria Day in Clinton. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Sarnia, and Mr. Walter of Grand Bend, recently were drilling a rook well, for Westlake Bros. Mr. Thomas Stive Sr., ie at pre- snt very i11 owing to old age; we. hope to soon see Mr. Stive up and around again. Miss Sadie Watson who is at. tending high school at Seaforth, spent Sunday at home. Mr. George Sill intends to go sailing in Tune, George is a first class hand at sailing. r1 GOVERNMENT Standard Seeds ALL KINDS AT RANNIE'S FLOUR c1'e FEED STORE. Farmers should avail themselves of this opportunity of getting GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. It pays. Our stock of Flour is complete. 4 Brands to choose from. Stock food and all kinds of Feed con- stantly on hand. OtirIgroceries are clean and well assorted,our sugars are the sweetest and vinegars the sttrongest. COME AND SEE STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the Township of Stephen, met in the' Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday, the 26th of May, 1908 at 10 a. m. All members were present with the exception of Mr. Kellerman. After each mem- ber had subscribed to the 'neces- sary oath for the Township Court of Revision, a number of appeals were dealt with. The regular business meeting opened at 1 p. m, The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted. Gravel Contracts to the amount of $916.25 were let. Wuerth-Yearley "That this Council pay Frank Triebner the sum of $15, for attending to the gravel pit and tile yard, during the present year." Carried. The following orders were paid : Dan Morrison, Tp Drain Award, $14.40 ; Thos Klumpp grading N B, 815.00 ; Thomas Klumpp. grading, $11,50 ; John Wein rep culvert $1.50 N Baker and others, shoveling snow 0 Rd, $9.00 ; Frank Taylor, rep bridge, $1 00 ; Young Bros nails $1.26 ; Frank Triebner ; bridge, $2.00 ; John Sherrit * across road, $1.10 ; A Latta i'dgo on G R, $1.00 ; John F:' 1 swing lumber, 75 cts ; Ji� em - lock lumber,, work seaere Bea; $4 12 ; ohn C Rd, 50 cts ; lumber, $22.60 ; ',t & Co, drawing plant 'idge, $1.50; Newton Clark r drain 14-15 Con. 75 cts. The Council adjourn to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday. the 7th of July A. D. 1908 at 1 o'clock p. mn. Henry Eilber, Tp. Clerk. One night, as a dootor who lives in Eastern Ontario was driving into a village, he saw a chap, a little the worse of liquor, amusing a crowd of spectators with the antics of his trick dog. The doc- tdr watched him a while and said : "Sandy, how do you manage to train your dog? I can't teach mine to do anything." Sandy, with the simple look in his eyes so common in some rustics, said : "Well, you see, Doc. you have to know more.n the dog or you can't learn him nothing."—Exchange. STOMACH TROUBLES Mrs. Sue Martin, an old and highly respected resident of Fuiso- nia, Miss , was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says : "I can now eat nnything I want and am the proudest woman in the world to find such a good medicine" For sale by J, J, Merner, HOMESEEKERS' an ( CAN ACIAN! PACIFIC;: 2ND CLASS firma -Trip Excursions TO p MANITOBA SAS14A CHE r! A1\ ALBERTA. GOING DATES AprII 14, 20 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 16 May 12, 20 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 16, 29 Tickets food to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES frominOntario. alt points RangingWinnipeg and return 532.00 between {Edmonton and return $42.50 Ticket*issued to West all North - points. TOURIST SLEEPJCRS A limited number of Tourist Sleeping Care will be run on each excursion, fully equipped. with bedding, eto. Bertha should be secured and paid for through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves, Rater and full tnforreation contained In free Hotaceeektre pamphlet, Ask near - 4184 O.P.$, speer for n Copy, or *rile to C. a. M'l111. DlegielPrre.410„ C.Rit,, heart. ' The proposed increase of the rat- es of insurance on all old members of the I, O. Foresters, those who joined prior to 1899, charging them with the difference between the rates they have paid and what they would have paid at age of entry under present assessment rates, with interest added at four per cent, compounded for all the years that have elapsed since they came into the order, has raised a storm of protests. One of the Maritime Provinces High Courts has voted against the proposal, and the ob- jections urged at a local Court meeting in Clinton recently are re. echoed from many other sections. It is claimed that the general feel- ing prevails that the plan, as a whole, is uncalled for in view of the rapidly increasing surplus of the order ; that there would be little or no objection to the pay- ment of future increased rates, but that the compelling the payment of alleged back dues with interest compounded will leave the order with but few members in many localities. It is further argued that as the members have at all times paid all that was required of them, or that the consimtution stipu- lated they should pay, Canadian law cannot compel them to pay now what the authorities of the past considered unnecessary. A meeting of the Supreme Court has been called for June 16, before the regular ,meetings of the various High Courts, and this, itis claimned will forestall what would other. wise be a very complete expression of opinion throughout the order. Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 For Women". It was written expressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's "Night Cure" and just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The night Night Cure is sold by All Dealers. In the Provincial elections now on, the character of the individual candidate is of more importance than the party under the auspices of which he is appealing to the electors. Party names in this Province have lost their meaning. There were Tories, in the sense in which this term was originally used, on the Liberal side of the late Legis- lature, and there were Radicals on the Government side. If there had -been behind Mr. MacKay a few cut. ire en ofdndependent charac- o their own thinking, he ould have . been Ied to enter a protest in the House against the Canadian Northern guarantee quite as vigorous as that which .he is now making in the country. If there had been a dozen men on the Government side constantly after the Hon. Mr. Matheson in the mat- ter of railway taxation, as Mr. Bowyer was after him, we would have had a real measure of tax equalization instead of the pitiful excuse which has been placed on the statute book. It is important not only to see that men with ideas and the cour- age to express the same, irrespec- tive of party leanings, are elected ; it is also of importance that these men be impressed during the cam- paign with a sense of the strength of popular opinion upon certain questions. Especially should it be borne in on all candidates that the country is determined that the subsidies in land, money, and gua- rantees, granted by the late Legis- lature to certain railway interests, shall be the last in the history of the Province, and that the new Legislature is expected in its first session,to grapple in earnest with the question of equalization of taxation as between railway and farm property.—Weekly Sun, MEETING OF THE HURON COUNTY COUNCIL. The council of the Corporation of the County of Huron, will meet in the council chamber, in the Town of Goderich, on June the 2nd, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. m. Accounts against the county, re. quiring settlement, must bo placed with the Clerk previous to the above date. W. Lane, Clerk. Dated at Goderich, May 18, 1908, 60 YEARS° EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DesIONs COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinioninion free whether an "mention n to probably pat entablo C oCommunion. OK on Patentahiy confidential.seatiron. Olden agency 'Or securing parosin* taken through Munn & CO. reooi00 Waal no ke. without barge, in the Scientific Jlnnertcan. A handsomely illustrated weekly largest air. isolation or any scientific ioarnai. Terror for Canada, $3.75 a year. portage prepaid. AMA by nanrudealore. IUIVN & Co.' ' z'w h°lNew Y ork C:��®m DeDODeDOD ioa meas 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 8 1 1 8 8 1 1 1 1 1 GDe1111DOM OODQ1111Dar■pi O 1 1 1 1 S 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 9 1 1 8 1 I 1 1 1 1 What can I Do For You? flow often have you watch- ed the road for some of the neighbors going by that they might save you a trip to town! How often you have lost half a day or a day doing an errand in town, when you could ill -afford to spare the time! How often have you plan- ned planting, harvesting, marketing, etc., only to find, when you drive 'round to your friends, that they can't come at just that time! A Telephone saves these delays and disappointments With an Telephone connect- ing your home with • the neighbors' -you eau save yourself no end of unnec- cessary walking and driv- ing -and keep in close touch with friends in case of dc- cidets and emergencies. Youneed a telephone. You need it's assistance, its con- venienee, it's time and money saving possibilities. Consult E. ZELLER, Zurich ODO®ODC61111gD ®OD®peDO®OD®UD aROD6 W DOC: Fruit Trees The Benmiller Nurseries are noted for the excellence and quali- ity of the fruit trees. quali- ity Trees Shrubs and Evergreens A good collection suitable for planting in parks and lawns. Roses and Climbers The best varieties. Plant in a good rich clay soil, and they will give the best of satisfaction to the buyer. Any orders sent by mail before the 22nd April, will be in time for our usual delivery at Johnston' Hotel, Zurich. All ress: John Stewart Estate BENMILLER, ONT, LightllillgRods A sure protection from lightning, when honestly put up. In my 18 years experience as insurance agent, not one fire has (sc- oured through lightning that were protected with rods. And dont pay 2 or 3 prices for rods when I can put them up for you at an honest price, G. Holtzman, ZURICH m00Ri giniR707sv03wmWlR63enm170m0601N lOMPTIS6SI Coughs,Co1ds ,CRO 'P.00p,jgCough This remedy an slwbe depended upon and is pleasant to take. It cantatas no opium or 'other harmful drsf'and may be given as confi- dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, lute du SA cents.