The Herald, 1908-05-29, Page 44 The Zurich Herald. t? j►(lD t1D ;, .. 6 d T� N n has had an uninterrupted existence for 53 years, .and its Reserve Fund is equal to 100% of its Paid—up Capital. ▪ We make a specialty of the Savings Bank Department. YOUR ACCOUNT IS SOLICITED. 43E) MED (MOD c., ,, ) (1D41 D(3DGOND(1 D 9 Age and Stability Should be Considered in Forming Your Banking Connections. ZURICH BRANCH H. ARNOLD, MANAGER. QDc CDCMODCD a:OD QD' tfti:,"„`j'QD®(1D r tt} LEGAL CARDS, J, D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- licitc•r, Notary Public, Heusall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, etc,, Goderich, Canada, W. Proudfoot. K.C. R. G. Hays. G. F. Blair. BUSINESS CARDS. H. Cl DOAN, V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chased back my business from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Hotel. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Public. De e d s, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Ze]ler block, Zurich, Ont. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- ivate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth. Plate work a speciality. At Dominion House, Zurich, every -Mon- day. 7-26 FOR SALE. 11OUSE AND LOT WITH TWO - acre park, lot for sale in the Village of Zurich, the property of the late David Stelck. For particulars apply to Fredin- and Stelck, Hillsgreen P. 0., or to Albert Heideman, Zurich P. 0. MUSIC ri Is S V. MAASS, Prepares 1. Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and other Centres. Address : LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, Zurich. Municipality of Hay COURT OF REVISION 1% OTICE is hereby given that a Court 11 of Revision for the Assessment Roll, of the Township of Hay' for the year 1908, will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday the 1st day of June 1008, at 10 o'clock a. m. All persons having business at said Court guide themselves accordingly, FRED HESS, SR., Clerk. Zurich May 14th, 1908. WARNING Notice is hereby given, that if any more stones are thrown on my house roof, or more talk about putting me in the ditch if I follow them, the boyo will be procecuted according to lbw. Wm, Beaver. UCTION SALE OF LIVERY OUT - fit at Heusall, on Saturday, May 30, 1908, of ono o'clock p. in, sharp, the fol. lowing: -10 horses, livery; 7 top buggies; 1 open buggy, 1 Mikado; 1 two.seated car- riage, 1 three -seated carriage; 1 carry -all; 2 trunk wagons; 1 truck wagon; 7 cutter; 1 Gladstone critter; 1 three -seated sleigh; 2 sets of light sleighs; 2 drays; 8 sets of single harness; 3 sets of single harness; 3 sets of double harness; 8 robes; 8 strings of bells; 1 clipping machine. Also a num- ber of blankets, spreads, rugs and a quantity of household furniture. All will positively be sold as the proprietor is geing West. TERMS—All articles of $5 and under, cash; over that amount six months credit will be given on furnishing approvod joint notes. A discount of 8 per cent per annum will be allowed on all credit amounts" Robb, Jarrett, Proprietor, Thomas Brown, Auctioneer. Noim.Boe Paper Hanger and Painter,, All work promptly and neatly done. Now is the time to have your home brightened and fixed up for the bpring and Sum- mer Inontha. Charges Moderate N. BOCK, Zurich R B! EN PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY MAY. 29th 1908 W. C. T. U. TEMPERANCE WORK 4,000 YEARS AGO. According to the general idea the warnings in the Old Testament against the drinking of much wine was the very beginning of temper- ance work altogether. But this idea is quite wrong, for long before the birth of Solomon aro to be found repeated warnings against the drinking of strong drink in the laws and writings of China. In 2285 B. C. a man who invented an alcoholic drink made from rice was banished from the Chinese empire by the Emperor's orders. The old Emperor Yu, whose mem- ory is still highly reverenced in Mid China, gave his subjects a splendid example of abstinence by banishing wine from off his own table. He reigned 2200 B. 0., and expressed his opinion of the harm - full nature of alcohol in these words : "In Iater years there will be men who will lose their king- dom through wine." This prophecy was fulfilled in China by the down fall of the dynasty descending from Emperor Yu, about which a prince of that house wrote : "The house of Yu is not strong enough to govern the empire. The noble deeds of our forefathers won great glory and lire famous still, but w descendants have degenerate have thrown away drunkenness." This though the successor Of -'Em Ytt had made a law punishin, drunkenness with death, and in 1270 B. C. all manufacturers of spirits were expelled from China. Later this sin was thought not so great, for in 206 B. C. this punish- ment was changed to a fine. The Jews were the second people who found it necessary to make laws to hinder excessive drinking, and then the Hindus. The old law in Ceylon, Burmah, and other lands forbid the mann- facture, the selling and the use of brandy. In 606 B. C., four years after Hedsohra Mohammed forbade his soldiers wine in order to strengthen the power of his army. This order was carried out general- ly, and afterwards became a, relig- ions command for all. Even today the wonderful bravery of the Turk- ish soldiers. and their speedy re` covert' from wounds, is ascribed to their abstinence from alcohol. The military powers of today also share their views, and are also agreed that alcohol is generally unnecessary and often harmful to the soldiers, and the generals seem to consider tea the best drink for troops on the march.—"Clinical Notes and Comments." CANADIAN NEWS Win; Lumley, of Petrolea, was arrested, charged with perjury. He swore that Mary Ayrheart, the girl he was about to marry, was 18 years of age, while it is claimed she is only 14. The .Tury of Hamilton brought in a verdict of guilty of" murder against Giiiseppe Greco, charged with the killing of a fellow -country man. ,; in Dundas this spring. Sentence was deferre% and a appeal will probably be taken. Henri i3ourassa will probably be Premier Gouin's opponent in St. James division, Montreal, in the coming Quebec elections. The weather is still quite cool in the west, but no damage is report- ed from the frost of Wednesday night, Samples of winter wheat have been shown 22 inches in height. Jeremiah Dee, aged 6, .of Wolfe Island died from eating wild car- rots. Hon,' G W. Ross has given not- ice of a'resolution :looking to Sen- ate reform. The graves of the war heroes of Woodstock were decorated on Sun- day last. - The police force participated in the garrison church parade at Brantford on Sunday. Mrs. Susana Corse Fisher, of Montreal, mother of Hon. Synney Fisher,is dead, aged 86. The body of Wm. Corbett, of Smith's Falls, who disappeared on Saturday last, was found in the river, His •money and jewelry were still in his clothes, There was a bad gash in his head. The police are investigating - The decomposed meat of a calf offered for sale in Hamilton, was seized by the inspector. The Stratford brewery, owned by Felix Devlen. was scorched by fire on Sunday morning. Armand Lavergne will leave Do- minion politics and run for the Leg- islature in Montmagny. Forrester, the ex -agent of the C. N. R., who robbed the station at Atikokan, was arrested at Kam - sack. Th die w infficc department contra - dry that registered mail 10 was stolen at Winni- ear-old lad of dentally e 'While at There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any pain, any- where, in 20 minutes. Druggists everywhere sell them as Dr: Shoop's Headache Tablets, but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr, Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pain centers—that is all. Pain comes from blood pres- sure— congestion. Stop that pres- sure with Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 2n Tablets 25c. Sold by All Dealers. CIVIC HOLIDAY The annual Civic Holiday and School Picnic will be held at Grand Bend on Thursday June lith. The Committee " will meet at C. Fritz's store on Tuesday evening next to arrange for races etc. NOTICE Public notice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wtfe or family or by anyone in their be. half, from and after this date. Jbhn Brennerman, Blake May 26th, 1908, 43-3 m wr, M011 t eraa,m, a Wabash brake- 3.'bomas ended his life tike acid after being a led. PECULIARITIES OF BATS. In one respect at least bats are the most remarkable of the kerea- tures possessing the power of true flight, mals—they belong to the great class of "higher animals" which comprises man himself. Moreover, it is not a little remark- able that among the host of extinct animals with which, thanks to the labors of geologists, we are now acquainted not one has been dis- covered in any way connecting bats with other mammals. Thus bats stand alone, while how and why they became vested with the power of flight are -questions sh- rouded in• mystery. The frame- work of the bat's wing is furnish- ed by the fore wing. Indeed, the bones corresponding in those of our own hand constitute its most important parts; hence bats are known as chisoptera, , or hand winged animals. The thumb of the bat is free and terminates In a hooked claw, but the "fingers" are enormeusly lengthened. while bo- tween them stretches a skin or membrane, to which in certain species the bones of the tail give additianal support. All things considered, bats appear to be better models than birds for those who attempt to attain flight by mechanical means. —Scientific A- merican, Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic ointment:" To prove it I will mail a small trial box . as a convincing test Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr, Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand .the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch- ing piles, either external, or inter- nal. Large jar 50c. Sold by All Dealers. Owing to the holiday this week, THE HERALD is half a day later, than usual. Mrs. harry Platzer of Blyth, visited at Mr. John Pfaff's, Blind Line, over Sunday. Mrs. Jack Hillier and Mrs, dark, of Crediton. visited at Mr.'Chris. E ilber's on Thursday. N B. . For the next 30 days will be sold at a reduced price. Ye will be ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. 1d'OLIS `•i '4Y t.J t F. V ■ KAL- : FLEISO } .. ZURICH *** ********* ********** 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 International Harvester .Implements. • • • • We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e r ery thing in the line of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. When in need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FRED. HESS & SO Rickkbeil's OIdStand-- ZURI ****************W** r 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 \,, \\``.1C� ee 3' If you stop to figure out where the true economy in paint buying comes, you'll soon see that the best paint is cheapest. Two-thirds the cost of paint- ing is the labor. It costs just as much to put on poor paint as it does good paint—more in fact because the poor paint doesn't work so easily. But the poor paint won't last as long; it makes you repaint sooner. Even the apparent saving in cost per gallon is eaten up by the fact that it takes more gallons of the low priced paint. The truest economy is good prepared paint. The truest prepared paint is TIIE SIERWIN-WILL MMS PAINT. lz=ww=n-Fan.1 SOLD 13Y :... , .5'.t.Y h..,,'4 t1 11, fln•Y%,e,r.-.ory:.::,ur•;• V r ( RKe E ! ERs ZURICH. Call A. Edighoffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred. Manns For a Quick and Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date Hair -cut. Opposite Commercial Hotel ZURICH Married. Kol nLER--WrrwER—At the residence of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waiver, Zurich, by Rev. A, D. (.iechler, Mr. Daniel Price 60 cents per box, 3 boxes for $1"00 Koehler, to Miss Addie Witwer. 0 btain ed from W. H. Barman Zurich, Ont JOS. SMITH'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts; Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold Sores, Chilblains, Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in- jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Matthias Wurm of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for some time -with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. 1 doctored for some tirne till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. ,Toseph Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first time. I am cured. I am thankful indeed for my cure and gladly give you permission to publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says:-- "For six months I suffered acutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. Ib was different to everything else I had. tried and it cured me. I am grateful for the cure, as I have never been troubled with it since."