HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-05-29, Page 1Vol. Cy The Official Organ of Zurich and Hay Township. FRIDAY MORNING, NI AY 29,.19O8, No. 43 ctS SUPERIORITY A 4:1Z thoroughness, progressivenessss utility, enthusiasm, expertne r 1- are our watchwords. Comme •.e�; cial, Stenography. Tolegraphy til Mail Courses in any subject' W iv No vacation. Q aClinton Business Collega ri aGEe. SroTrox. Principal. 3E30C2AAMEI ISCX3CE3f N tai•DaDasyme DeimmeDaii°.DaniaDdiminDEngeDeel The New I ..CONFECTIONERY.. STORE 1 1. Has It Ever Occurred to You 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 that we can suit you in anything you want in the Line of Fruits, and Confectionery, Bread and Cakes? C. SCHRAC Baker and Confectioner 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ZURICH fDa11111DeDO>De Df111ID aDEMMIDeD®eDaMIDeDa111DaDe11111aT �; �a•��'a•e'al"a�ra..�ti s� sem"! �'7r� � LOCAL NEWS. �e :�e�e :���ta.ti spy f►� �� s Mr. Briscoe Humpfrey visited etroit, over Empire Day. ris green sprayers, etc., a full J. Preeter. ose rocking chairs, at 75 Hartleib's. rt Heideman, is visiting otroit, this week. aust, has a fine supply of , and celery plants, every t. ! John Fuss and Marshall ..er spent the holidays with btratford friends. 100 tubs butter, wanted in ex- change for hardware, harness, and furniture, at Hartleib's. Mr. C. L. Moser, we are sorry to say has decided to leave town and is moving to Berlin. this week. Mr. Bernhardt of Preston. visit- ed at the home of Rev. C, C. J. Masse, over the 24th. The'Rev. A. D. Gischler, will take for his Sunday evening suli• Pet. "Foursquare Men." You are heartily invited, "A message from the Lumber Camps" will be delivered at the W. C. T. U. xneeting to be held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Williams, on Wednesday afternoon, Juno 3rd at 2.30, Invitations are out for the wed- ding of Mr. William R. McKewen of Welland. to Miss Gertrude Fran- ces A., daughter of Mr Angus Murray, Drysdale. The marriage will take place on Wednesday, June 10th. KOEHLER—WIT WER, Mrs. A, Mittelholtz visited Credi- ton, on Sunday and Monday. See the Yale safety razor. The very newest and safest to use. Price reasonable. J. Preeter, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yungblut, spent the 24th, with friends in Auburn. A nice line of hammocks just in. See them before you buy. ,J. Pree- ter. See those horse collars, at $2.00 each, they are all O. K. at Hart- leib's. The Ladies Aid, will hold their meeting in the Evangelical church, June 4th, at 2 p. m. While they last, lot of screen windows at 15 cts each, at Hart- leib's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter and family spent Sunday and Monday, with relatives at Crediton. Mrs. McCormick and her two boys. returned on Wednesday even- ing from a visit to Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ott of Berlin, were the guests of Rev. Mr. and, Mrs. Gischler, over the 24th. The service of the Evangelical church, was largely attended on Sunday evening. The ushers were obliged to place benches in the aisles. The Jubilee Band turned out on Wednesday evening, to serenade Mr. and Mrs. 'Daniel Koehler. The music was enjoyed by a very large crowd.'r Dr. Ovens, Surgeon. Oculist, Specialist will be at Royal Hotel, Hensall, on Thursday May 28th. Hours 4.30 to 8 p. in. Glasses pro- perly fitted, Catarrh, deafness, and failing eyesight treated. Mr. C Eilber's pacer. Minnie, E., took first money, at Exeter, win- ning three straight heats. The best heat was made in 1.06. The Exeter track is about 27 feet short, but even so the performance is wonderful considering that the mare had very little -training. A happy event took place in St. Peter's church, on Tuesday morn- ing, when Miss Rachel Mosseau, of Drysdale and Mr. Peter Denomy of St. Joseph, were united in holy bonds of wedlock. Rev. Father Loiselle, performed the ceremony, while Miss Leno Denomy. ably pre- sided at the organ. The happy couple left on the afternoon train, for Detroit, and other points East. Mr, and Mrs. Denomy, will reside in St. Joseph.• A pretty wedding was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Witwer, on Wednesday evening. when their eldest, daughter Miss Addie, was united in marriage to Mr. Daniel Koehler, son of Mr, Henry Koehler. The bridal party entered the room, to the strains of the wedding maroh, played by Miss LauraHartleib, and took their position under an arch of evergreens, where the marriage ceremony was performed, the knot being securely tied by Rev. A. D. Gischler, pastor of the Evangelical church and was witnessed bye about seventy-five invited friends and re- latives of the contracting parties. The brido was dressed in a gown of white taffeta, trimmed with valeneiennes insertion. After the ceremony and' congratulations the guests adjourned to the lawn where a large table was set accommodat- ing about fifty. and all enjoyed a splendid wedding supper. The presents to the bride and groom were numerous, among them being some handsome chairs, couch and rockers besides a large number of other valuable efts. The young couple are poptdar in town and they embark on life's sea with the bast wishes of a host of friends, Miss Ella Rannie spent . the heli days in London, with her sister. Miss Kate ` Campbell, returned from a visit to Berlin, on Tuesday evening. Mr. H. Jiilber discussed the political topics of the clay, in the Town Hall, on Friday evening. Two carloads of 2nd hatfdfurni- ture was shipped to St. JOGeph via Hensall, this week. Another shipment of coiled wire, arrived, Prices now $2.80 per 100 lbs at Hartleib's. The evening service in the Evan- gelical church, commences at 7 :30, during the summer months; Merner's Little Mack, at Mitchell on the 26th took one second heat and only for an uccident';'in the third heat, would have got 2nd money. Mr. Lorne Scott, has seemed the general agency, for Huron County for the Dominion Life Co. which position was formerly heli by Mr. J. Ireland. Miss Ida Sipple, Miss Emma Thiel. Miss Ida Brill, Mr. Oscar Koehler and Mr. Hy. Clausius, spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. Jacob Gellman. Mr. Garnet and Miss Gertrude Murray. Miss Amy Dowson, of Drysdale. and the Misses Elia and Rose Stelk and Mr. Eara Koehler, where Sunday visitors, at the home of Mr, Jacob Brown, Mrs. Joseph Durand, of near Drysdale, died on the 27th, after a short illness, at the age of"LL about 57 years. The funeral took place this (Friday) morning, the interment taking place at St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery, Sauble Line. A report that Mr. 4 driving mare, had give 6 -legged colt, caused excitement- anion g it was found out 1'' " joke designed Frit rrm•N'car three :. : - "freak" and. ala some when they were fooled, would n in print. - . The score of the Gtin . r' for this week is as follows :-, W. Hess, 8 ; W. G. Hess, 8; J. Truein- ner. 8 ; 0. Frits, 7 ; 11, Yungblut, 5 ; E. Zeller. 6 ; J. Deichert, 4 ; S. E. Faust, 6 ; W. O'Brien, 7 ; P. Sip- ple. 6 ; .T. Preeter, 7: Hurley Web- er, 6 ; J, Sohuettler, 7 ; J. P. Rau, 6. '�,sler's „o 'ble 1 mammhimmiwhaimmmmi ight rLin, ring n i (, .� I S New Voiles In Black, Blue and Brown. Prices 60 and 85 cents. VENETIANS Black, Blue, Brown and Red. Price 60 and 85 cents. I'IUSLINS In all colors and prices from lOcts to 18cts. LINOLEUMS 2 yds and 4 yds wide. ��UM -1..mm.'�e Cordoroy Velvets Blue, Brown and Red for 60 cents. Ladies White Waists priees 90 as, 41.00,' $1.50, $1.80 and $2.00. - Men's Dress Shirts etc Men's Ties, Men's Hats and socks. A fresh stock of Grocery al- ways on hand. All faun produce taken in exchange for goods. wC; D. S. FAUST, Zurich. MPARWMWVAMMWAMMAMMWWWWWA oc��r�ooco�'a�Q�aaooc�cgQa'odo'�cq O�•OO'•!7•P l!•lJ•G� O.O.O O.O.O �'!7.OlJ'•4.O'O C!•O�.."1• eakiig ofSrLg ,. 400 4 IDP D d�0 that t\0 A0D''t V 0 400 0 0 Have you picked out ? • your spring Shoes If not, we would like to suggest you do it NOW. ;4, k, :.A,i1,.,, the new shapes i;L ANS &PATENTS 4.0 have just arrived. No matter what style you like, we try and get it for you. D,Oo D.QO 00t° THE SHOEMAN _ ZURICH H �'O•d•�,•C�•4.4.4•'Cv4. O•�•O•�C�.•4•C•4• v'C1'�•�+•� a FRITZ 1 9 x ie... z3t=: 9c3a ucsis suds: atel :?n:: •.ia3 '`,c1"• r 3i's:n:* 3:3 3 ”' ?lszF =8icm 3 3 k�s'":Ee3 Si Our trade this spring has exceeded all previous records, Which shows that our motto to se. l good goods at reasonable prices is pleasing the public. Just now we are ninkili<g a specialty otl goods for surnlner wear and summer use and will be pleased to show you our lines. STRAW HATS We have a complete line of men's and boys' straw from 10 cents up to $1.50. See our lines for Sunday wear. ,UNDERWEAR We invite your inspection of our underwear, for wear. Prices 'right and a big stock to choose from. DRESS 'GOODS hats, summer Special valves in white lawns, organdies, India Linens and fancy muslins. • A large variety in all lines. Everything in Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Extension Rods, Carpets, Floor Rugs, Linoleums, etc. 0 Screen Doors and Windows 'Wo have a large stock of screen door.., and windows. Neatly and strongly built, at all prices. Gasoline and Oil Stoves Gasoline and Oil stoves are growing in favor for summer use. We carry a number of lines in stock or can get you any style, you may desire, HOUSE PAINTS If you intend painting your house this spring, let us give you our figures on doing the job with Sherwin-Williams paint. Yon will get a first-class job at a very reasonable cost. Lawn Mowers, Carpet sweepers, Curtain stretchers, Washing machines, "' ringers, Wire stretchers, Etc. mgetrommareasewrawawneavamommasenemum vs* zoseaciargemploremv.Imen* iiiwoommusammegummemn HIGHEST PRICES PA', R EARN PR LJCE PRE--ETER, nam ZURIOH