HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-05-22, Page 5till the last minute to select
ley Showcases are Brim
Full of all kinds Of
RINGS, Etc., Etc.
Only the Best in Each Line
NO -Plated Rings in stock
`P'riees the Lowest"
"Goods the Best"
F. W. e III ,n •SS,
P. S. A pair of Gold Spex make a
nice present for your mother.
By baying your PRINTS,
and SHOES iron us.
A Large a n cl Up-to-date
Stock to select from.
. Paid For Farm Produce
R. N. Douglas,
That N e w
Winter Suit.
When looking for your new
Winter Suit, do not forget to
-l've ns a call. We have a fine
range of Tweeds, Worsteds,
etc., to choose from. Our
prices•are as cheap as any.
Suits made at short notice.
We also have a large number of
Samples to select from.
Laundry in connection,
■ ■ a ZUR VrY ■ o e
WE keep in stock a
full o fresh
meats, hams, etc. etc
Our cuts are noted
for their tenderness
and wholesolnelless.
Our aim is to keep
nothing but the best.
We make our own
• sausages
Give us a call.
rt irert
Our cigars are trade winners.
Come in and try them, 0, Sohreg, ® I
Tho Bowanville Statesman re-
ports that a proposition is under sr ,dar .i
consideration looking to the or- � e„
ganization of a central plant for
the purpose of printing all the pap-
ers issued in 'Withy, Oshawa,
and 13owmanville.
Praotioai effect has already been
given to a somewhat similar idea
in Oxford and Perth. There can
be no doubt, too, that by this
means certain econona.ies and im
proveunents are rendered Possible.
One efficient typesetting machine
and one fast press can be made to
do the work in a central office for
all the papers interested,and the
expense of maintaining Toter or
five inferior presses and type -set-
ting machines may be thereby
avoided. By co-operation in the
gathering of news again all the
papers can be brought up to a
higher level of efficiency in this re-
spect than is possible under a
system wherein each editor de-
pends on his even exertions.
It will, however, be a grave
misfortune if the developement cif
the idea which is being prsmulgat-
ed eventuates in the loss of the
individuality of the local news-
paper. In cities the day of person-
al ownership of• daily papers is
approaching its termination. In
a few years all such publications
will be owned by companies, and
the interest of stockholders outside.
their journalistic holding will in
many cases be gi eater thau their
interest in the newspaper. Such a
system carries with it the ever-
present danger of a paper being
used to support outside personal in-
terests to the detriment of public
The situation of local papers is
at present wholly different. In
almost all cases these journals are
owned by individuals, and the
owner's financial existence may be
said to depend on the success of
his paper. In order to make the
most of his property he is com-
pelled, even if his inclinations
should happen to lead in another
direction, to ,have full regrrd to
public rights. In his case there is
a constant pressure in the proper
direction ; in the case of papers
owned by corporations the pressure
is too often in the wrong direction.
-The Sun.
Farmers should avail themselves
of this opportunity of getting
Our stock of Flour is Complete. 4
Brands to choose from. Stock
food and all kiects of Feed' con-
stantly on hand. Our groceries are
clean and well-,assorted,our sugars
are the sweetest and vinegars the
There is a Pink Pain Tablet
made by Dr. Shoop, that will
positively stop any pain, any-
where, in 20 minutes. Druggists
everywhere sell thein as Dr.
Shoop's Headache ` Tablets, but
they stop other pains as easily as
headache. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain
Tablets simply coax blood pressure
away from pain centers—that is
all. Pain comes from blood pres-
sure— congestion. Stop that pres-
sure with Dr. Shoop's Headache
Tablets and pain is instantly gone.
20 Tablets 25c. Sold l y All
The corner stone of the Lutheran
church will bo had. on Snndai.y May
3ist. Sermons in (,German and
English will be preached.
Sam Brown of Crediton and J.
Preeter of Zurich visited at Mr.
Siebert on Sunday.
Miss Eidt returned from a visit
to her brother 'at Parkhill.
Miss Adeline Rader of Detroit is
home for a visit.
The local Tennis Club has been
re•organizad for the season.
Mr. Alex MCLeecl of the Zurich
school visited here on Saturday.
Fresh bread and cakes always on
hand, at Scheme's.
Our store will be closed; on Mon-
day, 25th inst, from 11 a. m. till
5 p. ill. Customers will please
govern themselves accordingly.
Our school was closed Thursday
and Friday, as the teacher was at-
tending the Conventionin Goderich
Mr. P. Douglas, has purchased a
pony and now intends to en-
joy lite to the full.
Piles are easily and quickly
checked with Dr. Sheep's Magic
Gintment. To prove it.I will mail
a small trial box as a • convincing
test Simply address Dr. Shoop,
Racine, Wis. I surely would not
send it free unless I was certain
that Dr. Shoop's eiagie Ointment
would stand the test. Remember
it is made expressly and alone for
swollen, painful, bleeding or itch-
ing; piles, either external, or inter-
nal, Large jar 50e. 'Sold by All
heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Nerve
Strength, or VerveWeakness—nothingmore. I'os-
dtivoly, not ono weak heart in a hundred is, in it.
self, actually diseased. It is almost always a
;hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault.
'This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or Heart Ne, vo
.—simply needs, and must have, more Dower, inoro
;'stability, more controlling, more govornicg
aetrength. Without that the Heart must continue
ito fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have
'these saeie controlling nerves.
This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr.
,Ohoop's Restorative has in the past done so much
;for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought
the cause of all this painful. palpitating, suffocat.
ging heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this
,popular ,proscrietion—is alone directed to these
;weak and wasting nerve centers. It
i a 'siren thens: iC'uifars real, genuine hea help.
. g
If You would have strong Hearts, strong di-,
,geation, strengthen these ;nerves- re-establish
•them as needed, with
D, 3floop's
The premium paid for clean se
this year should have its lesson.
No one would believe until they
have had experience how cliicult
it is to get seed. reasonably free
from weed seeds, not to mention
purity as to variety. True there is
a lot of grain in a class called
"good enough for seed" but. the
standards of that class ere being
raised every Year while the aver-
age cleanliness of the general crop
is on the decrease. The average
farmer is becoming more patrteenier
At the resumption of the invest-
igation of the electric lighting
companies representatives of the
New York Edison, the United Elea -
and Power and the Brooklyn Edi-
son companies announced that
they were prepairing to put into
operation immediately a scheme
would. reduce the cost ,nf electric
by 25 to
in -
lighting to the conset
50 per cent. The
pose to -cut dow
troduoi. ^i.
It has as ',+ ethee,
of the .carbon fila,
caudesent lamps nt r
use. It was said aa` a hearing
that the economy in tee new
lamps was in the relined amount
of current.
Weak women should road my
•'Book No. 4For Women". Items
written expressly for women who
are not well. The Book No. 4 tells
of Dr, Shoop's -.Night Cure" and
just how these soothing, healing,
antiseptic suppositories can be
successfully applied. The book,
and strictly confidential medical
advice is entirely free. Write Dr.
Shoop, Racine, Wis. Tho night
Night Cure is sold by All Dealers.
Every citizen is bound by the
very fact of his citizenship to take
an active and intelligent part in
the politics of his country. Politics
is the science and the art of govern-
ment. In Canada Fovernniont is
founded upon than opinions and con-
victions and ideals of the people—
ebroad based upon the people's
will." The opinions of the people
in a democratic country find re-
presentation and expression in
public neon and public institutions.
If. the Parliament of Canada or the
Legislature of any of the Provinces
does not reflect public opinion on
any great issue in public life it is
because the people, and especially
the informed and representative
people, have not done their duty as
citizens in relation to the controv-
ersies and conflicts of the political
There are few things more dis•
oouraging or more threatening to
the public good than the disregard
of their political duties on the part
of a very large number of intelli-
gent and influential citizens. Col-
lege -bred men of power and effecti-
veness in business or the profes-
sions, and many other men who by
fore° have made their merits
known in other walks of life, not
only repudiate their own political
obligations as citizens but scoff at
those of their fellows who sacrifice
time and comfort and persoaaal in-
terest in the seemingly vain en-
deavor of redeeming politics from
the curse of corrnption and graft.
The day is coming when men of
that ilk will be known for the snobs
they are, tend when in the just
estimates of public opinion their
affectation of superiority will be
held as ignorant selfishness and as
treason to the State.
Tho elector in Ontario to -day
who takes no interest in the pre-
sent election campaign, who has
no personal views on the questions
at issue, and who has no care
whether this man or that be sent
to the Legislature, ought to be re-
quired to show cause why he
should not be treated as n traitor
and deprived of the citizenship
which he has despised. Justifica-
tion might be pleaded for the new-
comer and the ignorant, but the
native-born, the educated, and the
prosperous who despises his birth-
right as a Canadian citizen ought
to be branded Esau -like as a "pro-
fane person" whose interest in
Canada is centred and circumscrib-
ed in the mess of pottage.—Globe.
, The council of the Corporation of
�yvSaeral the County of Huron, will meet in
the council chamber, in the Town
of Goderich, on June the 2nd, at
the hour of 3 o'clock p.
Accounts against the county, re-
quiring settlement, must be placed
with the Clerk previous to the
above date. W. Lane, Clerk.
Dated at Goderich, May 18, 1908,
osaaDasuposs ancael saDSreWssesceg0aa OPR Q
What can
1 Do Por You?
Bow often have you wateh-
Ied the road for solve of the
neighbors going by that
they might save you a trip
0 to town!.
How often you have lost
half a day or a day doing
an errand in town, when
yon could ill -afford to spare
the time!
Hew often have you plan-
ned planting, harvesting,
marketing, etc., only to
fincl, when you drive 'round
to your friends, that they
can'me!t come at jest that
A Telephone saves these
delays and disappointments
1V ith an Telephone connect-
ing your home with the
neighbors'—you can save
yourself no end of unnec-
cessary walking and driv-
ing—and keep in nose touch
with friends in case of ao-
eidets and emergencies.
Youneed a telephone. You
need it's assistance, its con-
venienec, it's time and
money saving possibilities.
E. ZELLER, Zurich
Gingerich Bros. of the Goshen
Ltne South disposed of a splendid
horse this week, to Mr.. .Allan of"
Invitations are out for . the
marriage of Mr, Daniel Koehler, to
Miss Addie Witwer, which happy
event will take place on Wednes-
day the 27th, Inst
Messrs. Kerr, Triebner, Fitton,
Carling and Hartleib, members of
the eexeter Gun Club made a very
creditable showing at the Spring-
wood gun shoot in London last
Thursday. In a fiel,l of some of
the best shots in Ontario, Fred
Kerr made the fifth highest aver-
age, with a total of 87 per cent.
Triobner made 85 per cent Fitton
70. Hartleib, 73, and Carling 71.
The 31st annual Institute of the
'West Huron Teacher's Association
will be held in Goderich : Collegiate
Institute, next Thur.da,^y and Fri-
day, May 21 and 22. The officers
in his choice of seed and this
urn are ; President H. R. Long, Dun -
amounts to creating a large do- gannon: vice-president, Miss 'S
mind for grain that is absolutely Gregory, Exeter ; sec. areas. W.
free from weed sends and true to H. .Tohnston Brumfield, councillors
variety. Tho pashas hold; its op -J• W Hogarth, Exeter ; J. M.
portunities for the general grain Field, B. .A , Miss I, Sharman,
grower, but, the future already Goclerieh ; A. 11]^,Leod, Znrich ;
Miss B. M. Anderson, ,St. Helens.
quIME00 CI= GDa®Da D@:ID ®
Fruit Trees
A cure may be effected by apply-
ing Chamberlain's Salveab soon as
the child W
is done nursing. slpe it
off with a soft cloth before allow-
ing the child to nurse. Many train-
ed nurses use this salve with the
best results. Price 25 cents per
box. Sold by J. J, Mernor.
offers its inducements to the specia-
lists in seed growing. A few years
ago the last enquiry that was made
about a farm was with regard to
its freedom from vweeds, but today
nine farms out of ten depreciated
in value on account of weeds. This
condition of affairs implies that in
the future there will have to be
better farming done or allot Of
land will become valueless. Here
is a problem, for each individual
farmer. It is poor policy to depend
upon others to.produce the bulk of
clean seed that each farm requires
and there is no time like the pro.
sent to prepare the seed crop of
the future,
A couple were on their way
to market. The man was
carrying as, large tub on his head
and a live pig in a sack over his
shoulder. "Pin fr'eclitened, Jamie."
said the girl. "What are you fear•
ell for?" asked James. "I'm fear -
.ed ye,re game tae kiss ine, she
"Hoo can I kiss ye, ye
fele, when I have a tub on me head
an' a pig an me back, an hauldin
on wi' baith• hands?'' said angry
James. "Oh ye 'turn the
put the
pig on the ;run, an the tub
on the tap of it, an' sit doors on it
an' put mo doon beside ye, That's
what makes ine feast, Jamie..
The Benmiller Nurseries are
noted for the excellence and quali-
ity of the fruit trees.
Onamental Trees
Shrubs and Evergreens
A good collection suitable
planting in parks and lawns.
Roses and Climbers
The best varieties. Plant in a
good rich clay soil, and they will
glee the best of satisfaction to the
Any orders sent by mail before
the 22nd April, will be in time for
our usnal delivery at Johnston'
Hotel, Zurich.
A 1 l ress:
John Stewart Estate
Though he has far more delegat
es pledged to his support than any •
other candidate for the Republican
nomination for President, Secre•
tary Taft has not enough to go into
the convention, absolutely sure of
his selection on the first ballot.
The last of the delegates has been
chosen, and though both Taft and
anti -Taft forces slain a vieto•'v,
the result remains uncertain.
Two Irishmen were ono day
working on a farm. Just about
dinner gime they were called to
cline off n large basin of broth.
The farmer's wife only had one
spoon, so she gave Pat a fork.
Poor Pat was getting nothing
white Mike nearly got it all. When
it was about a third empty Pat
said : "Arrau now, Mike, sou dig a
bit and 1'11 shovel.
A grant of $25 wets denoted by
the Council to the Seasortll Anna
tiler Athletic Association to enable
them to lease the recreation
grounds for the season, and it the
association provost a u'7ing concern
an additional grant of 3,22 will be
made at the end of the season.
eo YEAEtG°
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention ntlon 10
. C
hone straotcemsntial. HANDBOOK Patento
seat �)ethroefor scouring patents. Patents taken through Dunn & COreceive
specialnatkce, without charge, lathe
Aulhandsomoly illustrated weekly, Largest oir-
panaada, �go,di i5 n year, postage prrepaid.gl. rpr�Solgdybyy
KINNall`uoNsdealere. N�99 �A3it6
& Co Selatoadway,
Omnoh olte, ebb F 8t., 'Washington, D. 0..
L T,
g= ods
A sure protection from
lightning, when honestly
put up. Ira my 18 years
experience as insurance
agent, not one fire has ea -
cured through lightning
that were protected with
rods. And dont pay 2 or 3
prices for rods when I can
put then up for you at an
honest price.
G. Holtzman,
f#dl.``a'e11�,a5cS�ia'. y+' Leif. Skz2:t s,, a. xa\
a G.drraiss ire' Vs.Vrx67.isyrrrseicsiSsafiiiS+IUnfrAi"iU57USAVI
oopgfUOE0 .
This remedy can atwayt be depended upon and
is pleasant to take, it contains no opium or
other harmful drug and may be given as confi-
dently to a baby as to an Ault.
Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents.