HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-05-22, Page 4ctmm� ti f r• raltZE9iGiDa d31Di? 3P3D OW) t° <F;,: r Cd. DMEINIMIEID ii x „. Age and, Stability Should be Considered in Forming Your Banking Connections. CV i TN . USONIS Arkili 7 e existence for 8hits had an uninterrupted d 1 33 years, and its Reserve Fund is equal to 100;'a of its Paid—up Capital. ss va We make a specialty of the Savings Bank Department. YOUR ACCOUNT IS SOLICITED, G9 �a ZURICH BRANCH H. ARNOLD,_ D 411)=BODO QDGEMDCOV3ti3 IDGDGM9D.Gs1 Gl3CctMCD.Il LEGAL CARDS. .3' ;; . ,� , .9.L a. J. D. COOKE, BARRISTER AND SO- PUBLISHED BY E. ZELLER. lieiter, Notary Public, Hensall, Ontario. At Zurich (Zelier's office) every Mon- ' day. FRIDAY MAY. 23th 1008 PRODUFOOT, HAYS & BLAIR, BAR. ristors, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Goclerich, Canada. W. Proudfoot. JLC. R. O. Hays. G. F. Blair. BOUGHT THE WRONG HAT. W. C. d . U. BUSINESS CARDS. H. 01 DOAN. V. S., AS I HAVE PUR- chasecl back my busiaess from E. W. Stoskopf, I am in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Rau's Eotel. E. ZELLER. CONVEYANCER ANI) Notary Public. De e d s ;Giortga;es, Wills and other Legal Documents care fully and promptly prepared. Office— Zeller block, Zurich, Ont. DR. F. A. SELLERY, DENTIST, GRA- duate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Dt3partment of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of tee*. Plate work a speciality. At D'bmiiliou House, Zurich, every Mon- day. i -20 FOR SALE. IlIgifOUSE AND LOT WITH TWO- " acre park, lot for sale in tlee Village of Zurich, the property of the late Da'alel Stelck. For particulars apply to Fredin• and Stelek, Eillsnreen P. 0., or to Albert Heideman, Zurich P. 0. MUS in .1 S 5 V. MAASS, Prepares Pupils for the Toronto Con- servatory of Maisie and other Centres. Address LUTHERAN PARSONAGE, ZuriCh. Municipality of Hay • COURT OF REVISION ".TOTICE is hereby given that a Court I of Revision for the Assessment Roth of the Township of Hay' for the veer '.108, will be held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on -Monday the ht day of June 1008, at 10 o'clock a. nt. All petsons Lavin:,; 1FnsinPs.- at ud:l Court guide themselves aerordinrly. FRED GESS, Zurich :r3a:y 14th, lees. ara NdL I. t * iper Mile. - "Papa, will you please give me fifty cents for miry spring hat? 'Most all the academy girls have theirs." "No, Mary ; I can't spare the inoney• The request was persuasively made by a sixteen•year-old maiden as she was preparing for school one fine spring morning. The re- fesai carne from the parent in a curt, indifferent tone. The disap- pointed girl went to school. The father started for his place of busi- ness. On his way thither he met a friend, and, being a hale fellow well met, he invited him into Mac's for a drink. As usual, there were others there and the man that could not spare• his daughter fifty cents for a hat treated tlae crowd. When about to leave he laid a half -dollar on the counter, which just paid •for the drinks. Just then tee saloon -keep • er's daughter entered and going behind the bar said : "Papa, 1 want fifty cents for thy spring hat" "All right," said the dealer, •and, taking the half -dollar from. the counter, he handed it to the girl, who departed smiling Mary's father -.seemed dazed. walked out alone, and said to bi l self ; "1 had to )bring my fifty here for•the stei to buy a hat with, • after' refu. it to my own dsa;hter. I'll never drink another drop." This is a speeimeu of the whole- sale robbery of the home which the saloon is praotioing everywhere —California Voice. C.A.e"hDIAN NEWS Thee 'Iai Il,storehouse at North Lay Was destroyed by fire. North.Waterloo Conservatives noivatecl Dr. Leekner for the Legislmt tuie Preston has signed .the Hydro- electric power contract for 600 horsepower at the rate of $23. Robert McPhail of Guelph died at Smith's Falls from, injuries re. ceiva, rawent, Mred, Gin•eorgeil}Lay Pcroivaooidal, one of tale oldest' residents of Watford is dead. The prospects for a great fruit crop in the Niagara dtstriots are reported"exceedingly good. A. horse -Collar factory will be opened imi the old (ounpf brewery in F_Itttmilton. Over 15,000 immigrants have ar- rived at Quebeo since the opening of navigation, Three eirloads of Cobalt ore were shipped by the C. P. R. liner Mon- mouth fel, Wares. Canada year tots Fielding'. Test .a nomninate,� Commons; revenue for the fiscal 5105,907,070, and Mr'. stimnate was $06,000,000. irthumberland Liberals Mr. J. B. McColl for them lnd Mr. Sauel Clarke for the Leisla.ture. Chester 3?. i-aniblo, a reporter on the Ottawa Citizen, and Aubrey Monk were drowned by their canoe being 'swept over the falls at Black Rapids. Rev. Donald C. Hossack, pastor of the Deer Park Presbyterian Church, Toronto, hrs resigned to contest North Toronto as an In- dependent Liberal. The Galt Council last night received a copy of the Niagara Power contract, but took no action desiring time to consider it. A dentition from the six Nation Indians is in Ottawa interviewing the Minister of the Interior to ask that the present treaty with them be renewed. The Foreign Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church has a deficit of $12,0e0. An effort will be Made to raise the money, to- gether with $12,000 more to send more missionaries to the east The Berlin and Waterloo Electric Company has appealed against the award of arbitration committee nliowin - mnany $75,000 for the • erlin is seeking he •• company STO7IAL'H TROt BLES Mrs Sue Martin. an olcl and highly respected resident of Faiso- nia. Miss , was sink with stomach trouble for more than six months. Chamberlain's Stomach and. Liver Tablets cured her. She says : "I ' can now eat nnything I want and am the proudest W0111 11 in the ' world to find such to good medicine"" For sale by J, J, Merner. ) The combined municipal and Provincial tax on railway property . . )_ in Ontario figures out at about 100 Paper Hanger and Painter. All work promptly and neatly clone. Now is the tune to have your hone bris btened and fixed.rip for the boring and -SUM- flier menthe. Charges Moderate N. BOCK, Zurich HOESEEKEBSi 2ND CLAS i?cit:ad-trip EltsursioSa TO rAANITOBA S ASHATCH ''WA ALBERTA GOING DATES April 14, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 18 thy 12, 28 July 7, 21 Sepal, 18, 2a Tickets 'good to return within 60 days VERY LOW RATES fn Onaartouints Banging j Winnipeg and return $132.00 between lEdmonton and return 242.r.0 Tickets issued to all North-West point;:. TOURIST SLEEPERS A limited ------- ---- number of Tourist Steeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured a dvAidfor through local agent at least six days before excursion leaves. States and full information contained in freellomeseekors' pamphlet. Ask near- est C.P.A. agent for n copy, or write to 0. b. FOSTER, 6isirielPrihs.A t., C.P,R„ Toronio ' The State tax on railways across the lines, in sections of the Union wlhuh earnings are abort on a par with those in Ontario, is over $400 per mile. A thous !rid dollars' worth of farm property in Ontrrio lays more than turec times the tax paid by n ti n end dollars' worth of railway property. An incre.ase in railway taxation in the United States has not caused an increase in freight rates. The average rate per mile of taxation in °hi O. Indiana, and Michigan in 1504 was $31.1• The average rate in 1:106 was $508. Part of this in• crease was clue to payments of l2estoratiwe, The bowels {;et airsa's in Mielingan ; but even after Glu{tura in the winter -time, bowels flat still ismade for this, there eiroulation ,often slows up, the will still be found a material nd vance in the average rateKidneys aro inactive, and even the of taxa - tion in these States in the two I I3ear't in mnany cases grows de- cidedly weakera Dr. Shoop's Res- torative is recognized everywhere as a germine tonic to These vital organs. It bullets tip and strength- ens the worn-out weakened nerves ; it sharpens 'the failing appetite, and universally, aids digestion. It always 'quickly brings renewed strength, life. vigor and ambition• Try it a,nd be convinced. Sold by Ali Dealers Th :.'Preston p mpany have been turnl'bey will be run' on the ,Sou jveatern Trac tion Com- pany's lin ;out of .St. Thomas. A yonne , lad named Galloway was struck by a, hatted ball at a baseball game in Guelph the other day, and is in serious condition. His skull is fractured. While aattending a funeral on Monday Mr. Robert McGregor, a well-knnown. resident- of Gait, was thrown out by a runaway horst,:, aligbtine against a tree. His skull is fractured and he is in a critical condition. The railway commission has issued an Order by which there will be tin interchange of tiekets on the Wabash and Grand Trunk rail- roads. This will be of great im- portanen ten Western Ontario especially, William l3irse, a young mkiclain• ist of Stratford;• Was sentenced to four months in the Central for sending t►crossly ind.enent inatter throu.gh''the ,jails. He sent the article to a young lady in a factor.* land it was cryitn.edi in the presence several of her girl friends Tired, nerves, With. that •'no am - hitt en" fooling that is commonly felt in spring or early summer, tai n be easily and' quickly altered by taking what is known to drug. gists ave rywbere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative, One will absnlntely note a changed feeling within 48 hours afterbe;rinning tp take the years. In the same time the ave rage 4hargo for hauling a ton of freight one mile in the same terri• tsry has been reduced from 6 1.5 mills to less than 6 mills. The aveyage charge for, hauling a ton of freight one mile in these three States in 1006, taking in all the railways therein, was more than a mill less than the rate charged for the same service by the five princi- pal lines in Canada. The present rate of taxation on railways in Ontario is gTrossly un- equal as Compared with the tax on farm property ; it' does not begin to compare with the taxation imposed on American lines under similar conditions; and increasing that rate would not, taking the experi. enee of the United States as con - elusive, ,ease an advance . in the coet of transportation. x For the next 30 days will be sold at a reduced price. We will be ready early in the Spring to do all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. F. C. AL e EISCH'j,p Z5.i'i�IC * ` °k k ° *:*'k'f* **** ° ******** At the dinner table, amtiong a large number of guests, Charles Lanab's white cravat caused a mis- take to be made, being taken for a elergytrian, and he wits called on "to say grace." `' Looking up and down the table, he asked, in his in- imitable lisping manner. "Is there . no clergyman present?" ,'No, sir," answered a guest. "Th then." said. Lamb, b, bowing his head "let us thank God." International Harvester . I;r elements. _ . . We keep in stock a full line of the above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in every civilized country in the world and are giving universal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last much longer] than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; ery- thing in the line 'of binders, mowers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. When in need. of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. They will please you. FRE a •t ESS 1'`„S N. 4 9 * Rickbe's Old Stand - - ZURICH. ° il �'o� �.?.� y�.� �,� y.� y� yam. y�•�.� y� y.� �s.� y� �?.� ''" -o o •�°."7 c ° 0 ' Oy' ° '°''kc%r��'i��'[ * h•c* *or **�F** iie ROM iO•sty,„1=s +-^ Ct. � .r. \lii If you stop to figure out where the true economy in paint buying comes, you'll soon see that the best paint is cheapest. Two-thirds the cost of paint- ing is the labor. It costs just .as much to put on poor paint as it does good paint—more in fact k because the poor paint doesn't work so easily. But the poor paint won't last as long; it makes you repaint sooner. Even the apparent saving in cost per gallon is eaten up by the fact that it takes more gallons of of the low priced paint. The truest economy is good prepared paint. The truest prepared paint iss4.: "�11I LO 11Srh'EER1t /,V -W1 ° 114 PAINT. r• Fimws ~ wnialud. �i i:kuLt:Y.'r rizzrY-'�ngl•' r J. PREF T "R, ZURICH. all t . Ed gho fer JOSS 810I1 I'S SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR TONSORIAL U B sal a al11 "BPS a le l T()NSU.l'„IAL A,.�TISl. , , s, 5a s, C pp Hands, Colli Sores, Chilblains; Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores; Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworms, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in- jured and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. I,Iatt hias Wurm of Zurich Out, says. "I was bothered for some time with a run- 'ning sore nn my jaw, nobody knows how painful it was. 1 doctored for some time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Joseph Smith's Salvo eased the pain for the first time. I am eared, I am thankful indeed for my. cure and gladly give you permission t2 publish my case." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich, says, "For six months I suffered anutely from sore breasts and dootoredall that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve. It was different to everything else I had tried and it cured me. 1 am grateful for the cure, as. I have never beer troubled with it since." Prioe 50 cents per box, 3 boxes for $LOG Obtained fratu W. H. Bennett Zurich, Oat Successor t0 Frecl. Manns For a Quick .and Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date • hair. -cut. Opposite Commercial lintel URICH Boris. TAYLOR—At Zurich on the the 20th inst to Mr, and Mrs. John Ta'l®r a daughter. GxNaahlari--At the Bronson Line, Stanley on the 10th, Inst, to Mr, and Mrs. Chris Gingerich, a son.