HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-05-15, Page 6This womat siT is she vas saved
from an operation by Lydia 1.
Phi ikham's Vegetable Compound.
Mrs. Frank Emsley, Lindsay,
Ontario, writes to Mrs. Pinkham :
"When I wrote to you some time
.ado, F was a very sick woman suffering
mon female troubles. I bad inftamma-
ige n of the feminine organs and could
not stand or walk any distance. At
east 1 was confined to my bed and the
.doctor said I would have to go through
.ate operations.,, but this I refused to do.
"A friend advised Lydia E. Pinleharn's
'Vegetable Compound- After using
three bottles of it, I feel litre a new
" Z most heartily recommend Lydia E.
Ifltvitham's Vegetable Compound to all.
women who sailer with female
ACTS F *'ilk S9C{t'Yi WOMEN.
jit''or thirty years Lydia E. Pink-
lhamms Vegetable Compound, made
-1i:om. roots and herbs, has been the
,,.standard remedy for female ills
.d.has positively cured thousands of
women who have been troubled with
displacements, inflammation, ulcera -
dot, fibroid tumors, irregularities, forcing 3 1-2 inches thick.
,.odic pains, backache, that bear- The lfikadn has a corps of GO doctors'
ag-down feeling, fiatulency,indiges- and no priests.
ion, dizziness or nervous prostration. England consumes x0' ounces of to-:
hay don't you try it? haven per an^um per Head.
Science Jottings.
The hoe ran out fly the pigeon,
The mole Will starve to death in a
hashish, wilisjh in its effes'te is much
the seine a opium, is prepared from
the gum taken from hemp.
The Salvation iLrni.y has a factory in
Europe :rhea> musical instruments are
made for its warriors, •
In China the property of the parent it, although 1 bathed it god- every night
x -
The .tittle girl ttf ills, Lest b •Bast, of
(;arlisle P. 0„ recently fell against the
stove ird turned' her forehead very bad -
[lest says 'Thd burn was
about the size of n of ty-eent piece, . and
wee near 'the bone, It made my little
*Ira's eye swell till it almost shut, and
then she got, cold in it, It began to run
matter V017 badly; and 1 could not stoI.
must be equally shared by the children
upon the death of the' former.
Despite -lower tolls, the reeipte of,
the Suez Canal were greater last year
than over before,
The F,uesh n Government has dis-
patcied a party to investigate the dis-
covery of mammoth remains which was
repel:tett .from the province of Yakutat:
in Northeast Siberia. A remarkable fea-
ture of the diseovery is the existence
in the intestines of this extinct animal
of perfectly conserved food, relies of
a vegetation until now unknown to
science. The expedition is expected to
be absent for a year or more. The
framework of this mammoth is to he de-
posited in the Se. Petersburg Museum
of the Academy of Arts, where there is
already one other speeitnen.
Although electro -deposition is one of
the oldest arts in which electricity is
Practically employed. some remarkable
imprnvenleirt' have been made in it
daring the past few year& One of the
most novel of these is a mechanical de-
vice for plating small articles, such • as
screws or pins, which formerly had to
be strung by hand on wires or plated in
baskets. These are now domned into a
l>orons barrel placed into the plating
solation and revolved by ar„nhinerp.
In the erection of a railroad bridge
over the Susquehanna Riven a.t Ffayre
de Grace. the American Bridge Cnm-
pany will make use of what is probably
the Iargest wood block ever ninde. It
has been made especially for the work
and weighs 1.35n pounds. measures 30
inches across the shell and is rated at
60 tuns capacity. The shackle is a solid
and morning. .4t ,leg 1 sent for saint
Zam-Buk, which goon stopped the inti.t-
teration and very quickly healed the
wound. I have xlevseen a burn[real
so quickly, acid I siorn sure taut lief. has
no equal for curing' cuts, or burns, and 1
![tail always [reap a box on hand in ease
of emergency:' . ,,
Every home needs Zam-Buk! All dis-
eases of the skin quickly yields to it. It
is also sari eteellent remedy for piles.
(blind or bleedingp, rheumatism, etc. Alt
druggists and stores,.50 cents a box, or
post paid from tie Zaln-Buie Co, To-
: 5. Pi;tlrltent invites all[ sick risli-hooks have been made on pre -1
"iiiroxnen to write her for advice. circle tho game design for 2.000 yen, s, i
She bas guided thousands to Antwerp and Amsterdam have thea
rea.th. Address, Lynn, Mass. hest health' records of all European ei-
F Deep -water diving ewrr be carried on
Stood Their Ground. with safety to a depth of 210 feet prn-
'e "Bello, Throggins! The last time 1 vided proper precautions• are taken and
suitable appliances used; accordingto a
w you, I think, you were in a peck of report of the British Admiralty Corn -
trouble. ;some fellow had bought a sub- mittee appointed to investigate the sub-
. urban lot. alongside of yours and put up jest.
yn livery stable on it. Is he there yetie A WINDSOR LADY'S APPEAL.
moo; he's gone away, and taken the To All Women: 1 will send. free wit
e .-�-- --"Then he worked his little scheme all fuel instructions, my home treatment,which positively cures. Leueorrineea, Uleright did he? Made the -property holders ceration, Displaeements, Falling of thebs the block pay him a big price to get Womb, Painful or Irregular. Periods,
stable with him."
crnstY„Uterine or Ovarian Tumors or Growths,
"Net at all. We bought the 1lot from also Hot Flushes, Nervousness, /et. el.
hint for .a)rnut half what he paid for it, 1 Pains in the Head, Back o'
gladtet away." s t3e or Bladdei'"Trou'bi 'a,
'� bias o g ,
-"How did he manage it?"
"I bought a dozen hives of bees and
-put them along the edge of my lot, next
to his stable. The plan on the other side
of him did the same. The fellow stood.
$t till about the middle of June, and then
fie biked. There's more than one way
to skin a cat, old chap." --Chicago Tri-
girom October to ,Tay Colds are the most
caused by weakness peculiar so o
You can continue treatment at ho nt'
a cost of only about 12 cents a Week.
My book, "Woman's Own leledical Ad-
viser," also sent free on request- Write
to -day. Address Mrs. M. Summers, Box
11, 8, Windsor, Ont.
e -oma^'----
Sure to Sell Stock.
Conner—Why in the world does
Brainwood roll in his sleep and blow like
John Burgas'and the Kiddies.
A characteristie.,etory of John Burns
is told by a eo.respondent, the corre-
spondent having h'ad it from the master
of a Loudon secor,rlary school.
A colleague on the staff of the school
was accustomed to•,teke his boys to Bat-
tersea Park for games of football and
cricket. A small tip to the policeman,
it is said, was found to secure the ;best
pitches, and the smell children of the
neighborhood were turned off to allow
the boys to play. One day the police-
man saw' the master and hie class ap-
preaching and began to clear the ground.
Js stentorian voice from a neighboring
tree cried, "Leave . those kiddies alone.
The park is for them and they shall not
be turned. off.” And deem clambered
the president of the Looai: Government
Board --British Con+ �regationalist.
A Toilet Luxury
Nara Skin Soap is a delight to • every
woman who values a soft, beautify skin.
Mira Skin Soap takes away ale skin
irritations—cures skin troubles—anti
keeps the skin clear and' smooth.
Elegantly perfumed — refreshing —
unsurpassed fortoilet and. bath.
2505 cake—at ruggisrs or s.-nt on receipt of
price— The Chemists' Co. of Canada., T.,«¢eaited,
. trey tin, ler» P•seeree
OAa.,.. �. 22
ISSUE NO. 2Q, 1906
Historic Houses of I..ondctn--Somerset
In1549 the space 110" col F'ed by Sourer -
set liouse wass ciearod. by the Protector Som-
erset for the erection. of a palace: To obtain
the necessary cache at least two religious
buildings were detiiolished. But before the
building was completed too Protector' was be-
headed and the property reverted, to the
Henceforth Somerset House because' s royal
residence, bath the Charles assigning the
house to their respective wives. In later
years it seems to have been converted, into
a sort of Hauupton Court, where favorites
were gtven apartments.
nut tie Somerset House, here spoken et is
not the same building as, stands to -day.. The
original palate of the Proteeto was pulled
dawn about tho year 1776;, and the present
house erected in its peace.. The architect
was Sir William Chambers- One the grand-
est features of the building is the terraoe to-
Awarddelp,hl. the river, which is a copy of Lila
built by the brothers Adam in 1788 for the
Pew houses have entertatteed. a greater
famousnumber of famous people, mere Walpole,
Hallam, and Watt, all spent many hours:
Wiliea wear
ndltImre Sir o�shuaFlaxman tiedReynoldsydlcitr a ed souse
of his finest di�seourses to the students of
the Royal Academy; and lest, but; not least,
Nelson himself hos many a time, trod the
cobbled court yard, for in bis dad the Ad-
miralty offices went+ et Somerset House,
Wit !le. Help:.
"Willie,": other, "-who is
that bo' •, out playing
w,. what's
eeee,Aeeaxe.ee le t feeee' iaee; et ,li;fit l kq 7s
10C. The latest
a'' ._ _ T$ big
chewing tobacco.
elet 4.r
a steam eirg
trespuent cause of� Headache. L w 1 (;,oyer Why, he is dreaming of hilt
great scheme.
(runner—What scheme?
Guyer—Why, a scheme to form a
stock company and drop the north pole
Ramo QUININE removes cause. E, .
Grove on boa, 25c• o ro
Joke on the Judge.
The app oi f lg , into Vesuvius and supply the world with
,zalis that his father, when on the bench,
Wfond of allowing ladies to sit with, steam.
4 • m
:him. This was particularly the ease in ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT re -
.the famous baccarat case. Shortly af- moves all hard, soft and calloused lumps,o
.e gds Sir Henry Hawkins (Lord and blemishes from horses, blood spavin,
curbs,. splints, ringbone, sweeney, stifles,
sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs,
etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.
Warranted the most wonderful blemish
Cure ever known, Sold by druggists.
Ltr d C
utnrent o r o1
eric a re
Brampton) was trying a ease in which
ieoute marionettes played a prominent
pari. Two male dolls and a female fig-
ibrare were produced in court.
'Ehere shall we put these figures?"
ra,wked a lawyer.
el suppose,' replied Sir Henry, mall-
.elenely, "the lady ought to be accommo-
dated with a seat on the bench."—Daily
FAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any
eae,erPriestlo 8 toB1.4 daylindsoordmeneyrrefunded.
fee,. ------
It Can be Done.
"'So you tried to drive a sharp bar-
. gain and got cheated again," said llrs.
Fred Joy
Wiriest or
-e• ce
Leap -Year Worries.
Jack—What's the matter, old man?
You look worried.
Tom --Oh, Miss Faintheart keeps me
guessing. She hasn't proposed yet.
Jack ---But you told me you didn't in-
tend to marry her.
Tom ---I don't, But, after all the time
I've wasted on her. I think she might
at least give me a chance to refuse her.
The person who has once experienced the
Pleasure of a cup of delicious "Salads" Tea
—that feeling of satisfaction that its pur-
i „ orntossel. f ay and flavor guarantee, is not easily per -
"That's what happened," answered -1:11e suaded to accept a substitute.
"Maybe you will learn after awhile "My clerk over there at the liquor
that you can't get something for noth- counter," said the proprietor of the large
beg" ,
other 'fellows can. "---\\'a.hington Star. i phenomena" "So 1 see," replied the eus-
No I can't. But it seems like the t establishment, "is a believer ill occult
as playin' with
1., -7
AUTO 1. spray," Best heed eprayar xss)de, Com-„'
nresscd air; eutomat1s. Liberal terms, Cav-
ers Bros, 'Galt. Ont.
nee-Tilden Co„ Limited, lhinilton,
Contizi of Milk supply.
Since mii6r is so extremely variable in
quality, and, JIa eo easily adulterated; sines,
often considerable variations are not readily;
detected; above: an, bemuse the, amount of
milk used by away given person• for family is
comparatively small, the consumer of mills
1s almost' wholly, at the mercy of the pro-
ducer and dealer+„ and must rely,. ter a good
product very largely upon their meow. The
State baa recognized this, and t0 prevent
imposition by unucrupulous peoples, hes 111
va,.suchproducts. sior hregulate
of milk andhit means
used has been to: establisib arbitrary stand-
ards of quality, and to subject to fine those
dealers whose goods should be found to be
below the required, standard. The standards
established by varsees states ad miiu t paai-
ities have varied widely. From
per cent. of fat, and form 11.5 to 13 pat' cent.
el total solids have been the minimus,. re-
quirements. These standards, while efficient
in securing honest dealing where they are
rigidly enforced, nevertheless may work inn
justice. so far as honesty of the dearer is
caucerned, under various circumstances, and
mcomparatively therevent w production
product at a of
price. It would seem, therefore;,that
the best means of regulating tho traffic in
milk would be, not to sot up an artificial
standard to which all must Doane, but to
require each individual dealer to guarmnree
111 mt standard,
were foun�dhold bellow.min8 h this -way
it wonkl be possible to sell milk of various
qusrnties, from strictly skimmed to i4eave
on a grading scale of prices, with
exact tustice to a erysne.—Prod. H. 1H. Wing,
Coiaahi UniversitY-
V indleafed.
"Our readers will remember," wrote
the editor of the Spiietown Blizzard,
"that when President Roosevelt sent
that message to Congress asking for
four battleships we printed a double
leaded editorial in big type, protesing
the name of the people• against such a
reckless expenditure of their money. We
said, respectfully, but fii•nrly, that it was
time to' call a halt. We insisted that
Congress should refuse • to let him have
four battleships and give Bien two in-
stead. Some of our readers didn't like•
it, but we stood firm. Two big battle-
ships, we said, was enough. Let hinr
have two. And Congress done it. We
have nothing more to stsy. The Blizzard
is vindieated"
things you
ii for SVVfEET AND
. ippest to
Not Particular.
"I'd like to get some nice shirts for
my husband. To -morrow's his birthday,
and I want to surprise him."
"Yes, ma'am. What size?"
"Does that make any difference? 0,
assorted sizes, 1 suppose, George can
wear almost anything. But there must-
n't be any sow teeth on the collar. He's
got some of that kind, and he doesn't
like them."
I cured a horse of° the Mange witli,
I cured a horse, badly torn by ar
p tch fork, with MffNARD'S LINIl
St. Peter's. 0. B:. EDW. LINLIEF.
• I cure a horse of a bad swelling with
Bathurst, N.B. THOS. W. PAY[ E:-
• , ® tench,., as he noted the clerk deftly
Ile -- I came within an nee of winning making a bottle up into a package "A
$255 this afternoon. She ---What pre- this very moment, I observe, he is en
vented you? Re—The other fellow had geed lin spirit-wrapping"---Babtimo're
the ace.—Chips. American.
Miserable All The Time?
Dull headaches—hack aches --low spirited—hate
the sight of food—don't sleep well—all tired out in
the morning—no heart for work?
will mane You well
Your kidneys are affected—either through over-
work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that
are making you feel so wretched, Gin ]?ills cure sick
kidneys—make you well and strong—give you all
your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up—and
take Gin Pills. goo. a box -6 for $2.50. Sent on
receipt of price if your dealer does not handle then.
We have for sale the Canadian patent
for Smith's Fruit Gathering Apparattim,
which has proven oxt test to be a valu-
able acquisition to emy fruit faun. With
it two men can do:the work of twenty,
do it better and with less injury teethe
fruit. Can be used in gathering various
kinds of fruits and nuts. Will pay' for
itself- in one day in saving wages.
Peovineial rights for sale, which• can
be ve-sold in counasiee at good. profits.
For particulars apply to
J.. B. Rittenhouse,
70 Pearl st., Toronto..
First Englishman in Japan:,
Mr. Wilson Qk'ewdson, chairman of
'the council of the Japan Society,
points out that the grave near- Yoko-
suka, in Japan, of Will Adams, fam-
ous in history' .as the first English-
man to act foot in that country, in
the reign oY 'Queen Elizabeth, has fal-
len into decay and needs oonaider-
able repair. NMI Adams was so• high-
ly respected that he was ennobled by
the founder of: the 1s,st family.- of Shoe
guns, and his memory is still so
highly revered in that country that
a movement has been set on foot and
a considerable sum subscribed by
the leading Japanese statesmen, Gen-
erals, Adm+hair and others to• restore
the imposing but fast perishing tomb
which marks the place of his burial
among the beautiful hill's that over•
look the great naval station of Yoko.
suka: Ftem the London Evening
A Star Part.
City Visitor—Almost every spoil in
this town seems to.have had its share in
making history. Now that old house
over there—I dare say it played a part
in the revolution?
Native—Oh, shorely! That—eg—why,
that house•—er—why—that's where
Washington became the father: of his
country. Puek.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the• house.
Lighter Than Aluminum.
Take LAXATIVE 'BROM° Quintile Tablets,
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, E.
W. GROVE'S signature is :on eaoh box, 25c.
No Occasion for It.
"My dear," said the old man to his
only daughter'on. the morning of her
wedding day, 'I dou't lee how I am
going to get along without you."
"Now don't let that worry you, papa,"
replied the fair maid, as she adjusted
her bridal veil, "George confessed to
me last night that he hadn't money
enough even to buy a second-hand stove
so instead of losing, me it looks as if we
were going to to stay with you."
Minard's Liniment Lumbeznlen's Friend.
Under the name of "magnalium," Dr.
L, Mach has produced alloys of alum-
inum and magnesium which, while con-
siderably lighter than pure aluminum,
are harder than that metal and better
suited, it is asserted, for working. With
15 per cent. of magnesium, the alloy is
said to resemble brass in the readiness
with which it submits to the operations
of turning, boring and cutting. By in-
creasing theamagnesium 25 per cent. an
alloy t+eseiia oduced, but
the color ,..
Wireless on the Great Lakes.
Wireless telegraphy . proved of inesti-
mable value during the past season in
the movement of vessels of the great
lakes. By its use the captains of ves-
sels were kept in almost constant touch
with the offices of their companies and
in many instances orders were given
them, changing plans by which thou -
stools of dollars were saved to the ship-
owners, under circumstances which
could not have been accomplished in
any other manner. In some oases, it
is said, that rush messages were deliv-
ered in three minutes' time. The value
of the service in this capacity is demon-
strated by the fact that although it was
not fully in operation until the latter
part of the season, no less than 70,000
were exchanged. At the opening of the
season there were but two stations in
operation and three were put into ser-
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
No Exceptuees.
"Canvassers must go to
"But I am not a canvasser, miss. I
am sent here by the agent of the build-
ing to take measurements. for putting
awnings over the windows on the sunny
side, and--
"If putting up window awnings isn't
canvasing I'd like to know what it is."
(Slams front door in his face.)
Prayer is the key of the day and
th r lock of the night,—Hebrew.
®'iii" =1-4
Scratches form
contagious h on hinan or animals cured
in 90 minutes by Wolford'e Sanitary Lotion..
It never fails. Sold be druggists.
Dimly Remembered Her.
"How do you do, Dr. Fourthly!" she
said, extending her hand.
"Your face is familiar, my dear young
lady, but I oam't quite—er—"
"Why, I sing in your choir, you
"Oh—ah—yes, to be sure!" said the
Rev. Dr. Fourthly, shaking her hand
warmly. "I knew I had seen you same -
q -O
Minard's.7Liniment used by Physicians.
- 411, + —•--•
A Valued Possession.
When Commander Peary made hie
first trip in Beachof the pole, Inc gave
a' Prince Albert coat and a weather•
beaten sombrero to an Eskimo.
Years afterward, when again in the
north, the explorer received a ceremonial
visit from et native, and, to his surprise,
says the Youth's Uompanion, set eyes
once more on the discarded vestments.
On the occasion of the commander's
latest dash for the dole his former native
friends took him aside and showed him a
rude mausoleum. By it stood a disused
sledge. Its six dogs had been strangled
to make an appropriate funeral offering,
and on the piles of stones lay what was
left of the Prince Albert coat and the
Why do you use WOODEN Pails and Tubs, when
those made of FIB=' EWARE are away ahead?
They have no hoops—no seams. They will not
leak, water -soak, ,.,r rust, and they LAST LONGER
BUT—you must ask for
All Good Grocers ; sell it—and Eddy's Matches