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The Herald, 1908-05-15, Page 5
1 romaimmemtr.,==mme,msga% That New Winter Suit. DON'T WAIT till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS My Showcases are Brise Full of all kinds of WATCHES, .I EWELLEY RINGS, Etc., Etc, Only, the Best in Each Line NO Plated Rings in stock "Prices the Lowest" "Goods the Best" R W. HESS, JEWELLER P. S. A pair of Gold Spex snake a nice present for your mother. YOU CAN SAV M N 411 By bnying your PRINTS, MUSLINS, DRESSGOODS, GROCERIES, •HARD - WARE, WALL PAPERS and SHOES from us. A Large a n cl Up-to-date Stock to select from. IIIGIiEST PRICES Paid For Farm produce R. N. Douglas, BLAKE 1 1 When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. !. HOFF N A ...ZURICH... MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a ed' full line o fresh heats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our open sausages. Give us a call. YUN iBL.UT DEiCHERT. tis EXETER. Division Court was held here on Tuesday, Judge Holt presiding. The many friends of Mr. Joseph Snell formerly of Dashwood will regret to learn of his death which took plaoe on Saturday evening. The funeral took place on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Emma Hdidennan left for Ingersoll on Monday last. Mr. A B.Jtmeson manager of the Union. Bank at Crystal City, Manitoba, and Miss Cora Manning, formerly of this town were united in marriage on April 20th. The license of the Metropolitan hotel has been transferred. to John Morley, on Tuesday last. Preparations are being made for the big celebration here, on the 25th, (Victoria Day.) Five men of the Gun Club are going to form a team to go to Stratford tournament on the 25th . SORE NIPPLES A cure may be effected by apply- ing Chamberlain's Salveab soon as the child is done nursing. sWipe it off with a soft cloth before allow- ing the child to nurse.;Many train- ed nurses use this salve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by J. J, Merner. f the people, above e traitor, above t Rev. and airs, lrinkbeiner and dangiaterla ia ¶!Sh, T. Maunders' arMaple Streetoesat BrussMrsels Mrs. ,'inkbeiner isa daughter of the hostose... The -reverend gentle- man has beenappointed by the recent Conference of the Evan- gelioal church to Pidabury, Alber- ta, not for from Regina. He has shipped a car of household effects, 8eQ., which. was accompanied by his son and he and the remainder of, the family will follow in a few weeks. Rev, Mr, 1!'inkbeiner has been stationed at Campden, Ont., during the pact term. While sorry to see hire remove from Ontario we hope he will bo pros, pered in the Great West .—Brus- sels Post. Mr. John Johnston, left on Tues- day for New Ontario, where he in- tends to make things ego" for a while. We wish him success. ' Miss Lizzie Allan, resident nurse of the Hospital for Sick Children Detroit, is home for a short visit. Saturday afternoon last, broke all previous records for telephon- I ing. Every minute almost mes- I sages were flying. The line is to be extended to Drysclalo. The continued wet weather of late, delayed farmers in their seed- ' ing. The grader as been along the Townline, trying to repair the damage done by the storm. Mr. Douglas and Mr. Swayze, aro not improving as we would wish to see, Mrs. R. N. Douglas and Miss Gladys, spent a few day's visit wiih friends in Hensall. Miss Lizzie Johnston, who has been off duty spending a few holi- days in H.ensall, returned to our village to resume her duties, as clerk. Several farmers delivered cattte to Hensall, on Tuesd ay, of this week. 1 have found a tried and tested et ro for Rheu. �7natism 1 Not a remedy that will straighten the distorted limbs of chronic cripples, nor turn bony grrbwths back to flesh again. That is impossible. 53ut I can now surely kill the panes and pangs of this deplorable disease. In Gormany—with a Chemist in the City of Darmstadt—I found the last ingredient with which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remody'was made gt pErfected, dependable prescription. Without that last ingredient, I successfully treated many, =any cases of Rheumatism; but now, at]ast, ituni- rormly cures all curable cases of this heretofore lnnch dreaded disease. Those sand.liko granular Wastes, found in Rheumatic Blood. seem to dissolve ,land pass away under the action of this remedy as ,tree]y as does sugar when added to puro water. ,And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes Nreely pass from the system, and the cause of Rheumatism is gong forever. There is now no teal need—no actual excuse to suffer longer with. tent help. We sell, and in confidence recommend Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy ,„-... "ALL DEALERS" DASHWOOD A great many people tended the funeral of the Joseph Snell, at Exeter, day afternoon, Mrs. W. J'. Sims of East, visited friends here day. Piles are easily and quickly checked with Dr. Shoop's Magic Gintment. To prove it I will mail a small trial bolt as a convincing test Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Isurely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr, Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch- ing piles, either external, or inter- nal. Large jar 500. Sold by All Dealers. here at. late Mr. on Tues - Crediton on Stun Althougha good deal has been said about the enormous irrigation works which are being carried through by the United States Government in the arid. country of the Middle West, comparatively few people yet realize how far- reaching are the results which have been achieved, and the extelnt of the still greater attainments promised for the future. The total expenditure to date is thirty-three million dollars, and in return 1,815 milee of irrigation canals have been completed, and homes for 10,000 families created in land that, before grater -was ar• tifieially supplied, was an utter waste. The productive capacity of these irrigated lands is much greater than that of ordinary farms because the sell is not only n for a con- oisture makes the maximum ne tract in Ports fifteen bty persons lancl pro - leaches. ies!' iia s for ,.)er fix. Mrs. George Kellerman was on the sick list, a few days last week, but is now som a what improved. A load of young people attended the entertainment given at Hensel' on Friday night. They report a real good time. Miss Emma Callas left on. Mon- day afternoon for London, where she has secured a situation. • A meeting of the Village rate- payers is called for, this Thursday evening, to discuss the meter of securing better fire protection for the village. We hope it may be carried to a successful issue- ,c�, ine majesty. "lf rich, but the provi tinuous supply of it possible to seour yield in crops. Colorado 160 ac families, numb and in one se durecl $48,00 Anothee qt1t fruit and" several y a'num ADDITIONAL LOCALS Try Schrags cakes, they are fine. Mr. J. Preeter, has purchased the stook of the late Charles Troyer Estate Hillsgreen, and has shoved the some to his store, here. My stook is all fresh and well assorted. Call in and see, C. Sohrag. Mr. Pain of London donated a $5.00 pair of shoes to be competed for a 100 rocks. This should prove interesting and will put some vigor the club for the next few weeks. For a good 5 cent cigar ask foe the humber, For sale by C. Schrag, An important change in the legal fraternity of Goderioh has taken place in the dissolution of the firm of Cameron and Killoran Mr. Cameron will continue in the present office and Mr. Killoran in it few days will open a new office and will carry on practice by himself. The Liberals of the northrising of Grey, in convention unani nous- ly nominated Hon. A. G. Mackay, to contest the riding for the Legis- lature. No other name was placed before the convention, Mr. Mac - Kay's reception was most en - t husiastic. The Zurich Baseball Club was organized, on Tuesday evening, for the year 1908. A large number of the boys were present and it looks as if Zurich will have a good team, this year. The following officers were eleoted :—President, C. Fritz ; Sec-Treas., Andrew F. Hess ; Man- ager and Captain, M. R. Rennie ; Field Committee, S. E. Faust, Geo. Hess, Hurley Weber, Erwin Greb and Robt. Williams. We keep a full line of tobacco, and cigars . C. Schrag. A sitting of the Tenth Division Court, was held here on Monday. Judge Holt of Goderich presided. The principal case on the list was Ortwein vs. Walper, and this was tried by a jury. The action arose out of the sale of onion. seed, which the defendant purchased from the plaintiff, and which the defendant claimed was poor seed, A counter claim for $100 was entered by the defendant for work performed and use of the land.. The jury brought in a verdict of $54.28 for the plain- tiff, being value of half of seed and a contra account, and $70 damages for the defendant, both parties to pay hosts according to actions en- tered. Three uninteresting cases and' two judgment summonses also disposed of. &-n h on. Mrs. Peter Rceitol f the Blind Line, on Sittnrda.y ellerliing, removed one of the early residents of this section, a lady who had the respect of everyone, and was loved by all who knew her She had reached the age of nearly 68 years. Her family consists of four children—Mr. Peter Deichert, Mrs. Jaoob Haberer, Mrs. John Neuschwanger and Mrs. Edward. Deters, all living in this section. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Peter Wooley, and two brothers, Mr. Henry Bauer of Zurich, and Mr, Edward Bauer of Tavistock. Her remains were laid to rest in the Lutheran Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, the services being con- ducted by the pastor of the Luther- an church, Rev. C. C. J. Maass. Opea rasrrrrry ►orarnroevergreen 1 4 4 I 4 4 4 B. G. Sberri:ff of Hamilton has been transferred to the locnd branch of the Molsons Bank. R. Higgins has returned from the' West and reports business at a standstill and lots of sale men. J. Stoney who had a contr act at London is home again, having completed the woi;k. Dr. Sellery and Station agent King visited relatives in Kincard- ine over Sunday. Mr. I3. Arnold has moved into the residence on King St. recently vacated by Miss jenxi le Murray. A number of Masonic brethren drove to Seafortit on Monday last. and spent tho evening with the Seaforth Lodge. The brass band is agai n organiz- ed and much enthusiasm has been aroused among the boys. w/ex everyw Shoop's they stop headache. Tablets simp away from pa all. Pain conte sure— congestio sure with Dr. Tablets and pain i 20 Tablets 2501 Dealers. Weak women should read my "Book No. 4 For Women". It was written expressly for women who are not well. The Book No. 4 tells of Dr. Shoop's "might Cure" and just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully applied. The book, and strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. The night Night Cure is sold by All Dealors. but y as Pain pressure is --that is 'blood pres- fp that pres- s Headache nstantly gone. Sold by Ail CRED[TON• Thos. Klumpp i nd Clarence Kel- lerman, of Dashwood, spent Sun- day in town. Geo. Eilber and Harry Beaver, are fixing up the bowling ground. 1To doubt some of the boys will be experts by the end of the season. Mr. Herb Eilber is becoming an expert photographer. He has taken several fine views of the country and village. Mr. Chris. Silber,and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday in town with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Geiger, Mr. C. Fritz and Miss - Pearl Wertz of Zurich, were guests at Mr. John Fiukhieiners 11th, Concession on Sunday. Mr. John Bauch has been very ill the past week but is on the mend. Mr. Herb 1(aeeeher and two sisters of Zur icb, visited friends in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Woodhall of Detroit who oxine bere from De- troit havo moved into the house they purcilasc(l from Mr. (h orge Bedford. We welcome them to our village. r'1,; GO YC"rt'ati;G" EXPERitiNCS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COP�Y1RIGHTs &C. Anyon0 sending a kketeh and SceartptiOn map quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is prbbably pattlutakle. COmmnnten. Mons strietlyconfidential. HANDBOOK on Patents Gent free. Oldest iReriey for eocurhtg atents. Patoate talcoo through Jewelseco.'recelve special atoticd, without charge, Mthe CiefiC�i�� 1, handsomoly'filuatrate'd vreekly. Largoat cir- eula on of iPY' acltlnitdo journal. '.Corms for nfinatla, E8.75 a year. postage propald. Bold by an netdadoalors. MANN Co 3015Itondwa1, Newyork Anon nine, 8 8 14t.. Waebinston. D. 4 4 What can I Do Por You? How often have you watch- ed the road for some of the neighbors • going by that they might save you a trip to town! How often you have lost . half a day or a day doing an errand in town, when you could ill -afford to spare the time! How often have you plan- ned planting, harvesting, marketing, etc., only to find, when you drive 'round to your friends, that they can't come at just that time! A Telephone saves these delays and disappointments W ith an Telephone connect- ing your home with the neighbors'–you can save yourself no end of unnea- cessary walking and driv- ing–and keep in close touch with friends in case of a0- cideis and emergencies. Youneed a telephone . You need it's assistance, its con- venience, it's time and money saving possibilities. Consult E. ZELLER, Zurich t 6[493DUDE®9DGICCIDUD®aDGMIRO©mODUGTOD®0 GOVERNMENT Stadar ' Seeds Died SSuL —At Exeter, on the Oth iust, Joseph Snell, in his 54th year. RANSOM—At Exeter, on Saturday, May 9th, 1902, Sarah Bagshaw, relict of the late Daniel Ransom, aged 62 years. BRowN—In Crediton, on Wednes- day, May 6th. 1908, Geo. Brown, aged 86 years 8 months and 1 day. Born. Jaconu—At Exeter, on the 10th inst., to Mr. and Mts. William Jacobe, a daughter. ALL KINDS AT RANNIE'S FLOUR al FEED STORE Farmers should avail themselves of this opportunity of getting GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. 1t pays. Our stock of Flour is complete. 4 Brands, to choose from. Stock food ad all kinds of Feed con- stantly- on hand. Ouri,groceries are clean and well assorted,our sugars are the sweetest and vinegars the strongest. COME.AND SEE Fruit Trees The Benmiller Nurseries ai•e noted for the excellence and quail-. ity of the fruit trees. On amental Trees Shrubs and Evergreens' A good collection suitable for planting in parks and lawns. Roses and Climbers The best varieties. Plant in a good rich clay soil, and they will give the best of satisfaction to the buyer. Any orders sent by mail before the 22nc1 April, will be in time for our usnal delivery at Johnston' Hotel, Zurich. ' Address: John tewart Estate BENMILLER, ONT. SprOUlarZUMPODITZSc3431=4:96,1MCOVAMue*MlaMilca C wEl 1 s,C This remedy can slut {' lie depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may be given as coon - dandy to a baby as to an' adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. ods • A sure protection from lightning, when honestly put up, In my 18 years ' experience as insurance agent, not ono fire has oc- cured through lightning that were protected with rods. And dont pay 2 or 3 prices for rods when I oan put them up for you at an b.onest price. 0, Holtzman, ZURICi;