HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-05-08, Page 5FT WAIT till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS ;; : My Showcases are Brim' Tull of all kinds of L; Lodi .,-.tWA A CIl ES, 1.9 J W3LLEY RING, Etc., Etc. Only the Best in Each Line ITO Plated Rings in stook "Prices then. Lowest�} ,."Goods the Best" F. ?Y �Y . �11g tE&S y JEWELLER P. S. A pair. of Cold Spex make a nice present for your mother. YOU CAN c7 A yip 1T g kviOthi By buying your PRINTS, MUSL1NS, DRESSGOODS, GROCERIES, II A R I) - 1YARE, WALL PAPERS and SHOES from us. A Large a n d Up-to-date Stock to select from. HIGHEST PRICES Paid For Farm R.N.;IIO Produce r i gl}j asg L 3L KEIi The Zurich PerAlch Another lot of long handled. shovels, ;Past arrived at 25 cents each, We do what we advertise. J. Preeter. Have you read this :—A man who was too economical to subscribe sent his little boy to borrow a pap- er taken by his neighbor , In his haste the boy ran over a 14 stand of bees and in ten minutes looked like a warty summer squash, His cries reached his father, who ran to his assistance and, failing to notice a barb -wire fence, ran into it breaking it down, cutting a hand- ful of flesh from his anatomy and ruining a $5 pair of pants. The old cow took advantage of the gap in the fence and got into the cornfield and ;killed herself eating green corn. Hearing the racket the wife ran, upset a fonts gallon churn of rich cream into a basket of kittens, drowning the whole hock. In her hurry she dropped a $2:7 set of false: teeth. Tho baby left alone, crawled through the spilled °ream and into the parlor, ruining a ;120 carpet. During the exitement the oldest daughter ran away with tbeyhireci man, the clog broke up eleven setting hens, and calves gest mit and chewed the tails off` four flee shirts,—Kansas City Journrl. SORE NIPPLES ' A core may be effected. by apply- ing Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nursing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth before allow- ing the child to nurse. Many train- ed nurses use this salve with the best results. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by J. J, Merner. (lowering the present Provincial electron campaign. The Globe, daily may be had at the remnrk- ahly low rate of 25e. Everywhere The Globe is reeognieedas Canada's National Newspaper. Always clean, fair and accnate, Tlie Globe s pre-eminently the paper for the hone. As a news gatherer and e x- 1)rinent of public opinion The Globe stands unrivalled.. The best nterests of the people has been its guide for sixty-four years. The Brurefield rovers have again organized for the season with the following officers :—Ilonrary Presi- dent, Bruce Bossenberry ; Pre si- dent, A. T. Scott ; Vice. President, J. T. Reid ; Sect. Treas.. N. B, Laird ; Field Captain, W. Layton ; Managing committee, D. Swan: D. Poppel ; J, Murclocle ; J. Mur- dock ; J. Thompson ; W. McIntosh ; Local teams please correspond with the Secretary. ;J' Piles are easily and. gniekly checked with Dr. Shoo»'s Magic Gintment. To prove it I will rail a smell trial box • as a convincing test Simply address Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. I surely would not send it free unless I was certain that Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment would stand the test. Remember it is made expressly and alone for swollen, painful, bleeding or itch- ing piles, either external, or inter- nal. Large jar 50c, Sold by All Dealers. That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget to give us a call. We have a 'fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc.; to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large mmnber of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. ti6mamitan. FFIIA *s, . : Va a, F • �Itl s ea a Q a m » a0 O MEAT MARK, WE keep in stock a full line o fresh meats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own Saubages. Give us a call. MGR', T & BEICHE T. eys r Weak Kidneys, surely point to weak kidney Nerves. The Kidneys, like the:Heart, and the !Stomach, find their weakness, not in the organ ;itself, but in the nerves that control and guide lAnd strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a medicine specifically prepared to reach these !controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneya alone, ;7s futile. It is a wasto of time, and of money as ,'Ml'Yll. If your back "aches or is weak,•. if the urine !scalds, or is dark and strong, if you have symptoms lof Bris:hts or other distressing or dangerous kid. iney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Restorative a month— Tablets or Liquid --and see what it can and will :do for you. Druggist recommend and sell Dr. Shoop's Hes-torative "A�I.1 fIF I -FRS" A manifesto has been issued by the Ontario Branch of the Domin- ion Alliance dealing with what is considered the duty of electors in the campaign now on. The mani- festo declares that the legislation which the situation demands is the abolition not only of the bar, but of the treating system, and drink- ing in clubs. It is recognized in the manifesto that some amend- ments passed by the present Legis- lature, particularly in regard to making more effective the enforce- ment of the License Act, aro of value; there has also, it is said, been a tightening up of law en forcement generally, but at the same time the Legislature has tak- en from the people the right long enjoyed of abolishing the bar by a majority vote of electors. The tem- perance men are called upon to at- tend the preliminary meetings and conventions of both parties, and to do their utmost there to secure the nomination of those who will fairly represent the people on what rs said to be the supreme question in the campaign. They are urged to work for the nomination and elec. tion of such candidates as will hold themselves absolutely free from party dictation in the matter of temperance legislation. See our horse collars at $2,00 each.. At Sartleib's. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C. Anyone sending a stet* and desert»tion may quickly ascertain our opinion free F1vhetber en Invention is probablyppatent bio. communists none strictly oonedontial. HANDBOOK enPatenta seat free. Oldoet agency for securing patets.Patenoonuein ia e. receive epeeist notice, withatmrge,, nth 1 Scientific American. A handsomely Illuetrat.d weekly. Largest ciao colonist' .of any eeientlee scarves. Tetras for paned. 761a year. postage prepaid, Mold by w .rs. M1 wN Cvolate ;ilrNew jjrk NEW MOTHER GOOSE, JacX Spr,tt Could fz'y no fat 'Which they were'quick to note ; And therefor when He ran reaps He didn't 011 a vete, 11 Tom, Tom, the magnate's son, f3tole a pig but didn't run ; His legal talent took the tack 1 -le was a kleptomaniac. III Young Mrs, Hubbard Plaintiavely blubbered, Her bat is a 'beautiful thing ; She had a gown anacle, And now she's afraid We aren't going to have any sprin —Louisville Courier -Journal. g STOMACH TROUBLES Mrs Silo Martin, an old and highly respected resident of Faiso- nia, Miss , was sick with stomach trouble for more than six months, Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets cured her. She says : can now at nnything I event and am the proudest woman hi the world to findl such agood medicine" For sale by 3, J, Merger. STARTING TO SURVEY Goderich, April 28 —V. M. Roberts has been appointed chief engineer, and with' a staff of dranghtnian, rodmen and chairman. starts to -day the preliminary surveys of the West Shore Electric read, which is John be built from Goderich to Kin- cardine, a distance of 2o miles, It is expected this line will take two years in construction. It is the in- tention of the Company to extend their line when built to Goderich south along the lake shore to Sarnia, a distance of 50 miles, oue of. the most fertile districts or Ontario. It is said this line is to be operated by the 0. P. R. STEPHEN COUNCIL The ootlncil of the Township of Stephen, convened in the Town Hall, Creditors, on Monday, the 4th of May; 1908 at 10 a m. All members Were present, The minu- tes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. Yearley. -Sanders "That the' As- sessment Roll, as filed with the Clerk for the year 1008, bo accepted and that the Assessor be paid $80, for his services," Carried. Wnertb-Yearly "That the Court of Revision for the Assessment Roll of 1908, bo hold in the Town Hall, -Crediton, on Tuesday, May 26th 1908 at 10 a. m." Carried. ICel lerman--Sunders "That By - Law No. 0 of 1008, to appoint the Patlnnasters, Pound -keepers and Fence -"skewer,", having been react the third time, be passed and sign- ed by the Reeve and Clerk and the Seal of the Corporation attachedthereto." Carried. The following orders were paid - 0 '4v Christie, elm plena $20 63; G- T Railway, freight, $3 , 78 ; Joseph Guinan Assessor's salary, $80.o0 ; Frank Taylor drawing brick -bats, C tact, $12.25 ; Climax Road Machine Co part payment of :moulds, $60.0o ; Iohilip Baker, rep cul. and plank N 13 $3.00 ; 0Rie�nzie and others., s+� grading, $81.70 ; William Walker, lmnber, $14.25 ; 0 Beaver, bal of exp re -Indian's burial, $:7.00 ; A 'Aad„ ins Co Ltd, Meter and gas, $12 20; M Finkbeiner, lumber, $15 35 `dilliam White, shoveling 1st S R and 4th, $10.Ou ; F McKeev- er, putting in concrete cul, $3.00 ; Gower, ditch on Crediton Rd, 0.00 ; John Barry rep culvert, $2 00 Chester Prouty, gratuity, $25.00. Council adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday, the 26th of May 1008, at 10 a m. Henry Eilber, Clerk. There is a Pink Pain Tablet made by Dr. Shoop, that will positively stop any pain, any- where, in 20 minutes. Druggists everywhere sell them as Dr. Shoop': Headache Tablets, but they stop other pains as easily as headache. Dr.Slioop's Pink Pain Tablets simply coax blood pressure away from pain centers—that is all. Pain comes from blood pres- sure—congestion. Stop that pres- sure with Dr, Shoop's Headache Tablets and pain is instantly gone. 20 Tablets 25e. Sold. by All Dealers. Magistrates Kay and Farmer, heard a case in the Town Hall, on. Thursday last. arising out of the Dominion Fruits Act. Three in- spectors were present from Mon. areal, for the purpose prosecuting Mr. R, S. Lang, for allowing his apple packers to pack inferior goods. It appeared b3 the evidence that some sixteen bar's of apples on which was Mr. Ineesee "stencil mark were esav,':::', . ru P;lontreal by the in ;Lace as )les Of ons, eP inspec ori; siaial`C in_ size, Theta, 11 rs zpped on with the rest tl 1t:,;land, Mr. Lang having no ebt.nce to see them. Very reliable n'!)rt ad packed those apples, but a Y,'eek or two ago were fined on the word of the inspectors that the apples were not of good quality. The inspectors then pro- ceeded against the shipper, Mr Lang, but the magistrates held that justice had been satisfied and the case against Mr. bang was dismis- sed, as it was impossible for hien to examine every barrel of apples be- ing shipped by his packers. While it is necessary for the export trade of Canada that nothing but first- elass goods be shipped as such, there is something wrong about the regulation that allows an in- spector to report adversely on a barrel apples and immediately send those apples on to their destination thousands of miles away, without giving the shipper a. :chance to see them, and then allows that inspeo- tor to tour the country prosecuting all shippers and packers, on the strength of nothing -but the in- spector's word, If inferior goods were held over for examination the object arrived at by the Fruits Act would he easier reached.—Exeter Advocate, A new York theatre is featuring a man who plays the piano upside down, Nothing wonderful about that. Almost any summer night sounds float through the open windows which indicate that somebody must be, going through the music backwards. EXETE.R. - Mrs. A. Q. Bobier has sold her residence to William Outlmor° of Kippen. Mrs. Bobier will spend the summer in the SVest. Mr. L. C. Fleming, principal of the public school will likely he ap- pointed County Secretary of the Huron Y. M. O. A. The North-erid fire alarm hell has been put in position by Con- stable Bisset and James Weekes, Joseph Snell still continues in very poor health. with very littie sign of improvement. Nasi. Knight passed his first year course at the London Medical College with a very high standing. Fred. Kerr and., John Triebner are representing the Exeter Gun Club at the Blenheim tournament, this week. DRYS DA LE Miss Ethel and Mr. G. Jacob° visited at the home of Mr. John Horner's, on Sunday last. The farmers of this vicinity, are about through seeding, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Talbot, visited at the home of J. Horner's, last Sunday. Miss Ethel Snider returned home from Toronto last week, where she spent a few weeks. Mr. James Howard of Clinton, is home renewing old acquaintance. 2ND CLASS Pound•TOp E11Cu'SioHS TO MANITOBA SASRA.TCIIEWAN ALBERTA GOING DATES AprII 14, 28 June 9, 23 Aug. 4, 13 May 12, 26 July 7, 21 Sept. 1, 16, 29 Tleketa dood to return within 60 days 6r)GRY LOW RATES m ,fromOntaallreopo,ints Ranging' Winnipeg and return $32.00 between 1Ddmonton, and return $12.50 Tickets issued to all North-West points. TOURIST SLEEPERS A hmitod number of Tourist Sleeping Cars will be run on each excursion, fully equipped with bedding, etc. Berths should be secured and Said for through loom agent at least sax days before avulsion leaves. Rates and full information contained in free Iiomeseekers' pamphlet. Ask nearr• est d.P.R, agent far to .opy, or Write to C.1. POSTER, Dhlrkt Miss. Atl„ CAL, Torsi. F1F;^�t1rr^�tus�racmrseumro�¢cbszt3uara¢�aDxro�xttaon�ra�ri OtraS Till3 i TMs remedy can alwe depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other harmful drug and may begins' as conk• dentiy 10 a baby as to an adult. Price 2,5 cents, Targe size 50 cents. ConmemenomensnesenmeemeneamaMeemansomme IWhat can I g J o Por You? Flow often have you watch- ed the road for some of the 6 neighbors going y 'bat they might save yuo a trip o to town! 7I'ow often you have lost half a day or a day doing an errand in town, when you could ill -afford to spare the time! - How often have you plan - 8 ned plauting, harvesting, marketing, etc., only to an find, when yon drive 'round to your friends, that they ft can't come at just that tune! I. A Telephone saves these o delays and disappointments ith an Telephone connect- s ing onnectsing your home with the neighbors' -you can save O yourself no end of unnec- 8 pessary walking and driv- ing -and keep pin close touch with friends in case of ae- cide ts and emergencies. Youneed a telephone. You e need it's assistance, its con- venienee, it's time and money saving possibilities. Consult c :L1. urich a ESD '4_'M)<IDGMIXISMEMIDC UeD2sZ, eD®eD eD ROG Sze .OVER IVIEi4T s ALL �KINDS AT +. aa' MY LVY Y9Y Emma '5 PLOD & FEED STORE 0 ,h e it 11 t •h Farmers should avail themselves „o of this ars pportirnity of getting . vs GOOD CLEAN SEEDS. It pays. 5 Our stock of Flour is complete. 4 Brands to choose from. Stook i. food and all kinds of Feed con- an stantly on hand. Ouragrooeries are- .•:''" clean and well assorted,our sugars m11 are the sweetest and vinegars the strongest. COME An ME Fruit Trees The I3enniiller Nurseries are noted for the excellence and quali- ity of the fruit trees. On amental Trees Shrubs artd Evergreens A good collection suitable for planting in parks and lawns. Roses and Climbers The best varieties. Plant in a good rich clay soil, and they will give the best of satisfaetion to the buyer. Any orders sent by mail before the 22nd April, will be in time for our usnal delivery at Johnston.' Rotel, Zurich. Address: John Stewart Estate BENMILLER, ONT. i«: killing sure protection from lightning, when honestly put up. In my 18 years experience as insurance agent, not one fire has oo- cured through lightning that were protected with rods, And dont pay 2 or 3 prices for rods when T Can put them up for you at an honest price, 0. Holtzman, nt 4c, es to h. e- s - rd 3, r rr 5. r, D