HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-05-08, Page 44 T'h'Zurrioh Herald Deli elD ?C3f11029(Tnasa elelseE EDOCi $a4'M4iD Age and Stability Should be Considered in Forming Your Banking Connections. THE MO S NI S BANK has had an uninterrupted existence for 53 years, and its Reserve Fund is equal to 100% of its Paid—up Capital. We make a spoeiaalty of the Savings Bank Department. YOUR ACCOUNT IS SOLICITED. 11, r ZURICH BRANCH ' • Hr RNOL MANAGER. .xwc*.ms.,..n..w^.an..au.+w.a..aiw ....w.'wwa+. E ZEAL CARDS. Li. 3. U. COOIiE, BARRISTER TE.R AND SO- liciter,;.tiotatryPuLlit, Her a•811, Ontario. At Zurit;h (Zeller's office) every Mon- day. PROUAFOOT, HAYS & 73LAIR, BAR- rirters, Solicitors. Notaries Public, etc., Gocserich, anada. W. 1 roudfuut. K.C. R. 0. }ars. G. F. Blair. Si33IN, ! CARDS. Ii C: DOA, Y. S., AS I HAVE P R- cl.ased snack am business from E. W. Stoskopf, I tun in a position to attend to all business as formerly. Calls at Ilau's Hotel. E. ZELLER, CONVEYANCER AND Notary Ptahlio. De eti s, Mortgages, Wills and other Legal •al l)ou umenis cal e filly and promptly prepared. 0iice— ZeYler block, Zurich, Ont. D€6. F. A. SELLEEY, DENTIST, GRA- 4uate of tate Royal College of Dental kirgoons, Toronto, also honor gradu- ate of Department of Dentistry, To- ronto University. Painless extraction of teeth'. Plate work a speciality. At Doan/lion Ilut:ss, atrial, every Isina- daa+. 7-9.6 MUSIC IS 8 V. MAASS, Prepares Pnp la for the Toronto Con- servatory of Music and Centres. Address : LUTHERAN P:Ii1i;3oa*.t.at, Pa7.3LIS1UED EY E. ZELLER. FRIDAY MAY. 8th 1908: The Dominion Government -has apparently decided to act upon the proposal made by Mr. Sifton in the House of Commons a month ergo, and to build a railway from the Pas on the Saskatchewan to Fort Churchill on Hudson Bey, .bout 480 :piles. About thirty million acres of land in the West allotted for the C. P. R. and the C. N. R. will shortly be released for homesteading. The proposal i., to set apart three million caer's of theee land&. and thus to create a Ifund for the cunetruotion of the railway, and of elevators at Fort Oht•;rehill and for improving that harbor. Assuaging that the navigability of the Bey and Straits has been demonstrated, and that the rail- way ought to be built, it does not follow that any particular scheme for building it ought to be accepted without careful consideration, There is no need'ssity for haste The u=ndertaking is a large one, and it will be necessary art the outset to have fuller information than is now available. Such explorations as have been have made been use- ful for the purpose of determining the general question of the feasibi- lity of the route. Further explore - other tiens and surveys will be required in order to 'settle the question of cost and give other information which ought to be laid before Parliament and the tcountr lee. Zarich. f� )ts otearep is rebel=aoX vfnu.,,.•. • be l=ist, and at the same time there will be no danger of hurrying the MUD try into an improvident bar- gain. ar-gain. Paper Hanger and Painter. All work prnmptl y and neatly done. Now is the tit;., to have ,;our home brightened and fixed np for the bprin;r and Suni- mer months. q,'Ax•3arges Moderate Weak women should read. my ,.look No. 4 For Women". It was written expressly for womon who are not we11.•'s The Book No. 4 tolls of Dr. Shoop's "Night Lure" and just how these soothing, healing, antiseptic suppositories can be successfully applied, The book, alnd strictly confidential medical advice is entirely free. Write Dr. !Shoop, Racine, Wis. The alight !Night Cure is gold by All Dealers. How to Make Money—All shrewd u ric h ne ;v:;pu per readers, especially the holies, readily acknowledge that the real news that affects the poc- ket is found in the advertisements of local merchants. The merchant who advestises is a reporter. He reports to the newspapers what' he bas to offer and it is real news. If some merchant is making a run on shoes and selling theta, • that is news to any one who needs shoes. If another is offering special bar- gainhs in overcoats, underwear, corsets, hats, dress goods, carpets, furniture, groceries, coal or wood stoves or anything that the family needs, Why it is news that means money to every family and the people know it. That's why mer- chants advertise in newspapers. Less than one tier cent, of the farm hers of Ontario between the - ages of 15 and 21 are in attendance at the Ontario Agricultural College. One reason for this is lack of knowledge of the ndvaantar;es to be derived from a course at that in- stitution. One duty of the de- nartmentel representatives at the be a.neh e eencice will be tit circul- ate amongst the young farmers and urge them to acquire a better knowledge of the underlying principles of stook raisin„ and crop growing. They may often be pre- vailed upon to take the new . agri- cultural High School course. or better still to go and be trained at Guelph. At the Lindsay and the other High Schools named special emphasis is laid upon the cultivation of sends and roots. Two visitors at Nice, cutting short their stay by dying, were committed to the charge of the same undertaker, One was a lady from London the other a general high in command in the Rusian army, The bodies duly coffined, were dispatched to their destina- tions, one to London, the other to St. Petersburg. On the arrival of the former the bereaved relatives, opening the coffin in order to ob- tain a last view of the lamented aunt, were amazed at the discovery of a general in full uniform. They telegraphed to the undertaker at Nice, who, with many apologies for the mistake, sent then the name and address of the general's friends in St Petersburg, They .communicated full particulars without loss of time, and received the following reply : "Your aunt was buried to -day with full military honors. Dispose of the general as you see fit." assistant; and taut at iattstaie ,sash ucc road' The latest proposal in regard to the carriage of newspapers and other periodicals to and from the United States was outlined in The Sun's Parlimentary report of last week. The proposal is something of an improvement on previous arrangements, but is open to ob- jections still, Weekly Canadian papers sent to the United States States are subject to double the rate charged on dailies forwarded to the same destination, and delivery, owing to delay at the border, will be slower in the case of the former than in that of the latter. There is no good reason why weekly publications should be dis- criminated against in this way. If there is to be discrimination at all, it, should be the other way on, because it is the weekly rather than the daily which forms the bond uniting Canadians living in the Republic with the old home, 11111. Go-carts, express wagons, etc. A new stock just in. J. Preeter. See our new kind of roofing- put an for $8,00 a square, Its a vac rid beater. At Hartleib's ,, 43Ar t� mistake tnorders on the hart of. (,CANADIAN NEWS At Winnipeg on Saturday 10,000 Oddfellows held their annual pa- rade led by 10 bands, The Prohibitionists will ran a candidate in Centre Grey for the coming provincial elections. Tho capital of the Crow's Nest Pass Coal Company has been in- creased from $4,000,000 to $10,000,- 000,0, • Dr.: Chown secretary of moral reform for the Methodist Church, left Toronto for the West. ' The one cent drop rate bill will be introt,uood by Hon. Rudolph Le- mieux in`the House of Commons this week.. On the eve of an investigation into his department, W. P. Flewe-- ling, deputy governor• general of New Brunswick, committed sui- cide. , The Grand Trunk Railway was assessed, ;100 and costs for nor - looting to feed and water cattle on the Way from Palmerston to To- ronto. A boom up the Ottawa River broke Satnrday. Over 40.000 logs are coming down the river, and it is feared that serious damage will result. Hon Prank Cochrane has denied that he offered Mr. John Loughrin, the Liberal candidate in Nipissing, `8,000 to zvithdraW from the con- test. The first wheel of the Goderioh Wheel Rigs Company, ways turned out on . Saatnrd.ay. The company has a large number of men at work. The store of P. D. McCallum, .of Glencoe was entered by burglars on Saturday night and a consider- able amount of goods was stolen, A stranger is suspected. Mr: Egbery Owen, a journalist of Delhi, was found dead in a Hamilton hotel on Friday evening. Heart failure was the cause. Mr Owen was an old-time newspaper- man and had written several books in addition. Sir Wilfred Laurier, Hon. Syd- ney Fisher and Hon. Rudolphe Lemieux, bad a consultation Satur- day with Mr. G. M. Hays, of the Grand. Trunk Railway relative to some changes in the proposed route of the G. T. P. Johnny Howell, a 7 -year-old lad of St. Catharines was.arrested Sat- ttrday oxai' yi^rai charges of theft. I Mon Infone the police meg- ii p 5 f a ev 1' t 12 0 0. b nl R in el a eq le I 0 0 ffiafor steal -"A 'Workman em- loce& on the Grand Trunk oar - bops, vas' binwn off the building aturd :y, falling a distance of Go eat. 'tie alighted on his feet, and side front several painful scalp ounds,.is not seriously injured, he escape was miraculous. The coroner's jury to inquire in-- o the cause of the death of Mrs. Fulmer and her daughter, who were killed near Kingsville, the ther day brought its a verdict of ccidental death, declaring that no latae could be attached to the otorman of the W. E. and L. S. ailway. The jury also reeom.- endecl that level crossings have eotric signals placed on them, nd also that all motor oars be nipped with air brakes and whist- Tired nerves, with that "no am- bition" feeling that is commonly felt in spring or early slimmer, can be easily and quickly altered by taking what is known to drug. gists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Restorative. One will absolutely note a changed feeling within 48 hours after beginning to take the Restorative, The bowels get sluggish in the winter -tinge, the circulation often slows np, the Kidneys are inactive, and even the Heart in many cases grows de- cidedly weaker. ' Dr. Shoop's Res- torative is recognized everywhere as a genuine tonic to these vital organs: It builds up and strength- ens the worn-out weakened nerves ; it sharpens the failing appetite, and universally aids digestion. It always quickly. brings renewed strength, life, vigor and ambition. Try it and he oonvine ed. Sold by All Dealers. Mr. Henry E-ilber, the presen member for South Huron, was th unanimous choice of the Conserve. tive Convention, held at Hensel on Tuesday, to contest the Ridin in the coating elections. The Brussels Post of last week, eons. menting on the political outlook in this Riding says :—"From South Huron comes , disquieting news of Conservative troubles, and there is a well-deflnod rumor that T. J. Carling, of Exeter, will run as an independent against H, Eilber, the present sitting ;Tory member. It would serve Mr. Eilber right if he were defeated in the South as a reward of merit.for the interest he took in the gerrymander of Huron Co. Harry was evidently on the scare after . the, nomination of J, Kellerman, of Dashwood," t e g I+a tin had heap clrittking. 1 XXx :. lash For the next 3o days will be sole .. t a reduced price. We will be ready early in the Spring to clo all kinds of Custom Sawing on Short Notice. tih,rl� o o * Ef' 7i't..' *** *t***.° ***,° ;t,�;'*°. n* *** KALB LETSCH, XL/RPC • ******:**********4.;t-******** International 9 oeoImplements.o, We keep in stock a full line of elle above celebrated make of Farm Im- plements. They are used in. every civilized country in the world and are ivlilg un;versal satisfaction. Buy no other. We handle the Magnet Cream Separa- tor, the best on the market. Metal Pig Troughs, last iilucli longer; than wooden ones, in fact we handle e ; ery-- thing in the line of guilders, showers, plows, etc., etc., and repairs of all kinds. `iV-1i:li in. need of a new Buggy, Carriage, Wagon. or Cutter see our lines before you buy. Theywill please you. ED. HESS SON9 ZURICH.,, Raet&��al's ®Id Stand * * , O, ,.sena, ^. stn:nv. ,acs. "'mom ''X's�4 Tf you stop to figure out •where the true economy in paint buying comes, you'll soon see that the best paint is cheapest. Two-thirds the cost of paint- ing is the labor. It costs just as much to put on poor paint as it does good paint—more in fact because the poor paint doesn't work so easily. But the poor paint won't last as long; it makes you repaint sooner. Even the apparent saving in cost per gallon is eaten up by the fact that it takes more gallons of the low priced paint. The truest economy is good prepared paint. The truest prepared paint is THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PA/NT SOLO EY Jt P EE TER ZURICH. Ca9I oils g„,®..\ A. Ecighoffer TONSORIAL ARTIST Successor to Fred. Manns For a Quick and Easy Shave, or an Up-to-date Hair -cut. Opposite Commercial Hotel ZURICH Born. Darxonnt—At the Sauble Line, Hay, on the 1st inst, to Mr.and Mrs. Philip Denomy, a son, HAudnt--At the 14th, Con., Hay, en the Gth inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Price 50 cents peer box, 3 boxes for $1.02 Chris Haugh, a son. Obtained from W. II. BzwDaa Zurich, Ont bishop and the i'ope, Inca n was nat. entry in Lae vest ox coatis. JOS. M STH sS SALVE IS A SURE CURE FOR Cuts, Bruises, Burns,Scalds, Chapped Hands, Cold/ Sores, Chilblains,. Boils, Ulcers, Pimples, Running Sores, Poisoned Wounds, Sores, Ringworm, Strain, Swol- len Knees, inflamed and all diseased, in- jurod and irritated conditions of the skin. Mr. Mattltia,s Wurm of Zurich Ont, says. "I was bothered for some time with a run- ning sore on my jaw, nobsdy knows how painful it was. I doctored for somo time till I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, and the result was so pleasing that I secured a good supply. Josepk Smith's Salve eased the pain for the first.titne. 1 am cured. I ata thankful indeed for .thy cure and gladly give you permission to publish my ease." Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurioh, says:— "For six months I suffered acutely from sore breasts and doctored all that time. I tried a sample of Joseph Smith's Salve, Ib was different to everything elSe I had tried and it cured me. I aain grateful for the cure, as I have never beers tronblecl with it since."