HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-04-24, Page 2Ya OMAN
Stranger Found In House ith
Throat Cut Open.
Husband Attacked Also But Is
Held by the Police.
OA le exi 11'lel,tt•o, in the Santa
Fe yards, at a place called I)endrig.
She was lying face clowneard in a
sirnall- ditch, acid ire Itlultae was forted
upon' her person, A small battle of
laudanum was found near her, but
it is claimed there could lie notiliiig
to the suicide theory, as she had been
His accused of taking the cling in
small (JU8I1tltle:t.
The murder theory it held by her
friends, as •a man w ho was seen leav-
ing the train with her the night before
Now is Inisiz1g. The last news friends
here had of the ease was that an in-
quest was being held at Dealing, N. ,
1 M.
Neve York, April 2.0. --;in a dingy
tittle four -room flat in the Tende
yesterday afternoon there occurred
a three cornered tragedy tangled as
the police of New York have not
to deal with in a long thne.
The ziet results of the mystery
a little Swedish' woman, dead f
strangulation, a stranger with
throat cut and a second man vt
three big gashes in his side.
For two years Charles Berger
young tunnel worker has lived un
first floor at No. 126 West 28th st
with his common-law wife, Kate
ter. Three weeks ago he got smash
up in an accident in the 111c.1doo
nel and since has been laying off.
That was why he came back to 1
flat in the middle of the afternoon
stead of staying away until dark
A tall ratan was standing at
dresser. in the front room, with
back to the door, working at & draw
According to his story, the intru
leaped about p an
d then 'm
made t
e s late,
at him and brandishing a big bre
knife, which has subsequently be
identified as one of the kitchen i
nishings of Berger's own apartniet
had Woman's Hair Catches Fire Frtsnn
are Gasoline.
his Erie, Pa., April 20. ---\1113. William
rith Rollins, an equestrienne in t
e etaplay
of Cole Brothers' client, died at St.
a i cent's hospital at 11 hem )1 a'rloek yes -
the terday morning, followir:g fearful horn,
reet i retaiv+'(l yesterday.
Pal- t .ill's, Rollins and 8 sister, t r, trhu is also
e.1 mimeo ed with the riretts. were hoard-
tun- ; ers at the home of Peter .Burnett in
Herb°r ('reek, where tlu' winter quer- 1
tern ml"'the short are located. The tro- { 1
Great Spectacular Event at the
Plains of Abraham.
(. 11'1 ce; April 20 --,Nearly four •tiwu-
sniict perforntere will'he required for th
grand lnlgetant uta the Plains of Abraha
next. Jule to represent the leading heroi
in Italy, At least, they do 'not et`ist
11s ergarlized bodies with rules, a hie -
meetly, eetly, and defined objects, as the ima-
gination .of novelists -o1' tradition de-
picts there. Likewise, supposing the
Black Hand to- be tau emanation from
the (�amorra or Mafia is absurd. The
:Black land is' tuerely to gang of detached
ulalefeetors , whioh 'happens to form
timong J.talians es it has in the past
atnon ,ithel• nationalities, Such 'eccur-
m, t•wices are as highly regretted here as
e they are in America, ;is tliey east dis-
el•ents in ('auadiail history. The gran
stand, from which the pageant, with it
background of river met battleships an
distant hills, will. be viewed, will aeea1it
d credit on a huge body of respectable
and hard-working• emigrants,,;
cl 4•e?
modate 15,000 people,,;,k'1'o enable all wh
desire. to see the pafxiasitt to do so, sev
eral perfortnauces will be given,
_\.t the state repeeeerst.ation before the Late Secretary of Toronto Club
Prince of Wales, the tickets will prob
ably rue from $1 to til: each, for it is Found In Havana.
intended to secure es large a, return a
possible of the cost for the benefit of
the battlefields prpjeet. '1"I i public; wi11
bt able• to see other performances for
10 to 50 rents each.
• Mr. l ascelles, master of the pageant,.
ha.s - given mut the list of sccn('s to be
produced. It includes .\scouts Cattier
planting the cross bear the banks of the
Si., Charles; his osnyint; away of t he
Indian chief, Donn(icona.; the court of
Francis 1, when 'Cartier. by comnancl
rf' the Bing, relates his discovers' of the
western i'tlturtt y; ('itsunpla.in receiving
tis commission at the court of Ifenry
.V.; other scenes in the life of Chant-
ilain at Quelx'et 3lother Marie Inearna-
ion teaching the Indian children; Mgr.
.aval receiving the Marquis 'Crary and
lis brilliant • mite;' 'Dauntnt de tit.
Lnsson taking possession of the western
country foe the King. of France; Fran-
tenn.c receiving the messenger of Sir
William renal P i s
h at
the Chateau S
Phipps . t.
ours; Domani and hu Sixteen followers
efending themselves against the Iro-
uois, and, finally. a gland tableau of
11 the historical personages. troops, etc.,
ith warships of different nations in the
iekgl'ound saluting the. whole. and mak-
e what 4tr, Laseelles .leelares will be
such. an assetublage;as neither the old
world nor the neje liar ever seen.
his man waehecl her hair the previous even- t J
ing, and then to dry it the more quick- t t
. 7 ly, applied gasoline. There was an open 1
the { fire in the room and a short time later 1
his this ignited elm polling' hair. Altnost
instantly the room was n MUSS of flames
er. and the sister leaped out of tate window
der ,to the ground. injuring herself quite se -
ht verve). in so doing. When. finally. mem- L
let. •
� theBurnett household lm
irushed Ile
d to'
ent Mrs, Rollins' aid, she had been burned q
ur-to foot, a
1t.I from head
Berger tried to back away but t.
attack came too suddenly. Before
could break free from his murder()
assailant and tumble backward o
into the hall he had been cut thr
times in the left side. Yelling
every step Berger raze and notified
Peliceman Houston who went back to
the apartment.
Houston, pulled his gun and pushed
into the darkened first floor flat.
Looking through the vista of half
opened doors he saw a dark shape
sprawled on the floor across the thres-
hold of the kitchen.
It. was the mysterious stranger.
gasping and unconscious with his
throat moped wide open, A little bit
of a' bedroom, opening off to one side
of a front room, half on and half off
the bed was Kate Paulter half dress-
ed and dead.
A dampened towel was twisted so
tightly about her throat that it hadbecome a hand rope that bit through
into the swollen flesh. Her eyes were
staring, ,wide open, her face was dis-
•:rted and ,purple. She had been
strangled slowly.
The interior of the flat was a mixed
up mess of confusion. Two of the
beds had been pulled to pieces and
the mattresses had been torn apart
as if hurried, eager fingers had search-
ed between them for hidden wealth.
Every corner had been ransacked.
Berger claimed he had never seen
the man with the slit throat before.
Thesupposed murderer was a dark
man of medium height, apparently
about fifty yea- old and fairly well
same Berg- who t' , bulance tonthave ng hie
wounds dres :rad, was put under arrest
there by order n i Captain Farrell.
he ry
I L,.QYr1Fy' GOVie, '.. 'NOR. : in
e j And the Ruthiniaus Rejoice and '
Say It Is a Necessity.
Vienna, -April ht,- 'l'he whole of Gal
aria is in a state of ft'verish cxcitemen
over the assassination at Lemberg o
April 12, of Count Andreas l'olocki, th
governor of that province, by a [Tuthill
ran student named t(ier:stap Sjzynski
while the count was dying an audience
to a delegation of students. The "Young
Rutdtinialis" in the Austrian Parliament
declare that such crimes are of nation-
al necessity in order to put a stop to
Polish oppression, while the Ruthenian
students of Vienna openly rejoice over
the assatseieation.
Last night thousands of Poles partici-
pated in anti-ituthinitau demonstrations,
Two Men Attempt to Rob Alphonse
Detroit Police Blame Canada for
City Outcasts.
Detroit, Mich., April 20.---7'he police,
acting for the local Immigration Office,
last eight arrested four women of the
Tenderloin district an the ground that
they were aliens, brought into this coun-
try for inn -florae purposes. Warrants are
out for eight more of the sante 'class,
and the police are looking for the wom-
en(. The twelve are known to have
come from Canada within the past three
years. Following en investigation of
Detroit maternity hospitals two months
ago by the local immigration gfficers,
amid the deporting of the alien inmates,
and the warning of the proprietors that
no more alien patients must be admit-
ted, the department turned its attezitton
to the underworld, with the result that
in has been learned that nearly ten per
.oent. of the female outcasts of the city
are aliens. A crusade has been begue
to deport all of tree women, the new
law making it possible to deport any
person found to be undesirable within
three years of his er her arrival in the
count) -r.,
A - a
Mrs. Robert Redding Found Dead in
New Mexico.
St. Thomas, April 20.--A strange
story has reached here of the finding
dead in New Mexico of a woman who
left Aylmer, near here, a few weeks
ago after visiting with friends and rel-
atives. The victim of the apparent
murder is Mrs. Robert Redding, 64
years old, sister of Mrs. Willison, of
this city, and of Mrs. H. L. I3alcomb,
of Aylmer. She was also an aunt of
Mrs: Chas. Breakenbury, of this city,
ta»ei, was the widow of a New Mexico
miner. She was reputed to be well
Off. ,
When here she deposited $6100 in
the Traders l3ank at Aylmer, and en
returning south withdrew a balance
of about $506.
Her dead body was faunal soon after
t British Expert Says U. S. Will Soon
be Prosperous.
Montreal despatch: Another shooting
affair teak pleee to -night at 31 St. An-
toine street. when Mr. Alphonse Mar-
tineau was held up in his store. Mr.
Martineau, who keeps a tobacco and
barber shop, was closing up for the night
when two men came in and asked for
a packet of cigarettes. He was counting
his cash at the time, and was alone in
the shop. \Ir, Martineau gave the man
the cigarettes, but he refused to pay for
them, and while a dispute was going on
the other ratan went behind the counter
and tried to rob the till,
Mr. :Martineau picked up a hammer
and threw to strike the robber. The
other roan then drew a revolver and
fired, the bullet Moine Mr. Martineau
in the right breast. Both men escaped,
leaving the eontents of the t.il1 behind.
:int•, Martineau, who will recover, was
taken to the General Ilospitai, He
states that one of the men is known to
Sealing Steamer Grand Lake Sent to
the Bottom.
St. John's, Nfld., April 20.---13ringing
tiding of the sinking of the steamer
Grand Lake of the sealing fleet and
the serious injury to several others by
ice floes, the steam sealer Newfound-
land limped into port to -day. leaking
badly. The Newfoundlander's bows
and stern were crusleed be ice, and
her crew of two hundred men were
forced to stand by for many hours,
pumping and bailing. ,
The Grand Lake met with disaster
last Sunday. She was shut up be-
tween two great ice floes until her
sides caved in and even her engines
crushed. She floated only three
hours, but her crew of 214 escaped to
the steamer Vanguard, which was
close by.
A catch of 20,000 seals went down
with the Grand Lake. This cargo
was valued at $130,000 and was In-
i•f Belgium Fails by June Brittain
Will Take Action.
Liverpool, April 20. --If by ,June next
Belgium has not annexed the Congo In-
dependent State on acceptable terms,
the :ilritish Government is determined,
with the co-operation of the American
Government, to take measures which will
rmtnpel the Congo C;overnment to ob-
oervc' its treaty rights, which have been
openly and persistently violated, was
the announcement made this afternoon
by E. D. Morel, secretary of the Congo
Reform Association, at a meeting of
that body.
Mr, Morel has been in dose tottelt
with the British Government, and has
had recent confel•enees on this subect.
London, April,20.�--Seytnonr Bell, can -
menial British a.geete in the United
States, in a report, for •I00,', which has
been issued by the Boa
a hopeful view of the
that the farmers, w
bone of American
been affected by t
the country is
emitted at ilea
lilt 1
in 1908, and th
normal condition o
upon the crops.
of •:I'ritde, takes
He says
the back -
have not
risis, and
to the
i11 depend
Asquith Announces Several 1 mportant
Appointments -
London, April 20.—Premier Asquith
to -day completed the reorganization of
the Ministry as follows:
C. F. K liobltouse, at present Parlia-
mentary Secretary of the Indian Of-
fice, becomes Finaneial Secretary of the
C. F. G. :Vaster/nail, Liberal member
of Parliament for West Haan, becomes
Parliamentary ,Secretary of the Local
Government, and Thomas McKinnon
'Wood, Liberal member of Parliament
for Glasgow, becomes Parliamentary
Secretary of the Board of:Trade.
The Marquis of Ripon 'remains Lord
Privy Seal, but at his request the Earl
of Crewe, Lord President of the Coun-
cil, will be the . leader in ..the House of
T. J. McNamara, now T'arliamentery
Secretary of the Local Government
Board, becornes Parliamentary Secretary
of the Admiralty. •
$20,000,000 WILL.
How Young Wanartnaker's Estate
Is to be Apportioned.
Philadelphia, Aphil 20.•h -The will of
Thomas B. Wrenanxaker, who died in
Paris several weeks, ago, has been ad-
mitted to probate. With the exeeption
of a few bequests to household. employ-
ees, the est(ite is bequeathed to his'
widow, Mrs. Lowber Walsh Wanam.aker,
his mother, Mrs, Mary 13, Wanannalter,
and his two sistersellirs. Mary B. War-
burton and Mrs, E,11zabeth McLeod, and
his i router, Rodman.
The statement filed by the executors
apprises the value of the personal pro-
perty as $100,000 and upwards, with no
appraisentent of the real estate. It ie
understood that the total value of the
a,tate may reach $20,000,000, •
Make Up the Black Hand, Says
Italy's King,'
Rome, April 20.—Kuig Victor Ewan-
eel to -day received Messrs, 'Watchorn
and Howland, immigration eomrnission-
ors from. New York, and Chatted plea-
santly with them for some time , Al-
luding to the Black Hand and similar
alleged organizations, the 'King' frank-
ly declared his belief that they were
mostly mythical,
`l wish you would cenvinee the people
of America," he said, "that short things
as the Cantorra and Mafia do not exist
Toronto despaIch;Capt. Harbet
tale absron lmg sert•etary of the Toro
('lub, was arrested on Sunday at 1
vana, tuba. Shire it was reported so
weeks ago that the etiptain had b
seen at New Orleans playing the ra
and generally enjoying himeelf, the pal
ttlltltoritiee of Tmt(iuto hose. been bu
tracking hunt. The services of- the Pi
erten agency were lel okrdeand the the
has been a etern'un1'. Photographs a
descriptions of the defeat Ire free
dietrihuted, and' it w s•t'hat lit ht,o
time that he heel headed fpr h' City
Jlcxico. ae(trch t he r(e, +rthu(ver; reveal
no trace of ]rim. and 'the detectives lit
to take up the trail -again at New O
leets. The ease -tin has revered a go
deal of 'ground since he left Toronto, but
filially lie was located in Havana. and
his arrest, as st Med, took place on
Sunday. The Toronto authorities yt•ere
immediately notified, and Attorney -
General Foy was .asked to secure the
necessary ('xtradition papers.
Masked Men Hold Police of Dalto,:T
Ga., Prisoner.
Dalton, Ga., April 20, --Between laid -
night and 3 o'clock this morning Dalton
was in control of a baud of night riders,.
numbering over 100 men. The night rid -
err,, masked and wearing long robes, en-
tered the town at a gallop. They pro-
ceeded first to the power house of the
electric light plant and forced the su-
perintendeet to turn off all the lights.
They then found tate policemen on duty
and marched them to the public square,.
where they were left under guard.
The riders then searched many houses,.
saying they were looking for wrong-
doers, but it seems they did not injure
Ile, anyone, Finally the band called at the
nee home of the Rev. Mr. trims, of the Pres-
byterian Church, and told him that they
i 1 ere eh h lrim in his efforts to etop
aired me, wrong-,' ,:ng and him to continue
'011 i iris c'ru;,trle, .1ft(t the talk with the
(ee preacher the band disappeared.
leej There has been much lawlessness here
sy l recently, and several attempts at arson.
Ile It is supposed that the night riders in -
se t ended the town as a warning to wrong-
nd 1 dome.
of t
dt --
r-1 Shoots Paramour In Fit of Jealous
"Scotty" Fatally Hurt at a Humane
Throwing Contest.
Philadelphia, April 20, - William Ron
wick, popularly keott n as "Scotty," th
ground keeper at the ''uivcisity of
I erlsylvania, was struck on the head
by a sixteen -pound hammer at k'ra.nklin
field yesterdit,,, and probably fatally
Daniel F. Lube-, of Peabody, Mass.,
threw the htunttier down the field to-
ward "Scotty," who either did not see
the throw or lost sight of the weight in
the sun. The heavy iron struck him on
the side of the head, knocking hIui sev-
eral feet. He was picked up tulcotilcious
and removed to the hospital, where it
.was found lie was suffering from ase-
vere fracture. Renwick was operated
on last night, and it' i$ stated that his
yessirg.. 4n;it —^
Boy Shoots Stepfather in Defence of
New York,. April 20. -William Fee, a
boy 15 years ole, shot his stepfather,
John Stalky. 31 years old, a lougshore-
Albany. April 20. --William Robin, -on,
of Old Norge, I'a., aged about 27, this
:afternoon shot and probably fatally
wounded Ellen Moore, aged 26, a native
of ,Scranton, Pa. The woman was re-
moved to a local hospital, where it is
reported she cannot recover. Robinson
r was plaecd under arrest. Jealousy is
given as the cause for the shooting.
It is said by the police that the couple
have lived together here for some time.
Last night they quarreled and this after-
noon when Robinson met her in thn
south end of the city he is alleged to
have fired two shots, both of which
struck the woman in the stomach.
Kaiser's Favorite Place of Worship
in Berlin Destroyed.
Berlin, April 20.—The historic Garri-
son Chureh, which was built in 1703, and
which was the Kaiser's favorite place of
worship, was completely burned this
7.'he Crown Prince hastened to the
scene and co-operated with the chief of
the fire brigade in attempting to
rescue numerous military trophies, in-
cluding many regimental flags, from the
time of Frederick the Great onward, but
all except one were destroyed. An ad-
jacent warehouse was also burned.
The firemen saved the other buildings
whose proximity endangered them, and
through them the Royal Castle, the new
cathedral, the Stook Exgchange and the
City Hall. Immense crowds witnessed
the fire.
It is rumored that it was of incen-
diary origin. There have been numerous
cases of incendiary fires in Berlin lately.
The culprits have, always escaped.
man, under the right eye at their home
in Brooklyn this morning. Stulky was
taken to the Long Island cottage hos-
pital. He is not believed to be serious-
ly hurt. The boy disappeared and has
not been located.
According to the story told the
police, Stalky arrived horn yesterday
afternoon in a quarrelsome mood and
had some words with his wife. He
grew excited and his wife hid his re-
volver. Things quieted down a little
during the night, but Stalky arose and
went out. Returning he resumed the
quarrel. Faring for his mother, it
was alleged, the boy found the revolver
and shot ,Stulky,
Screams Follow Appearance of Man
at Home at Unusual Hour.
New York, April 20. ---Mrs, I. Liber-
man, the wile of a shirt waist Aetna
lecturer who has a small factory in
the Bronx Borough, was found mue.
dered in her a,pa.t'tments at 706 Caurt-
landt avenue to -day. Her husband was
taken into custody pending an investi-
gation by the coroner.
Mrs. Liberman's throat was cut and
there was a great wound in her left
side. Liberman left his home this
morning to go to his factory, but soon
returned, telling the janitress of the
apartment ]rouse that he had forgotten
the keys to his factory. A few minutes
after he went to his apartment the jani-
tress heard screams and found Liber -
mann in the hall with a blood-stained
knife in his hand,
Saturday Liberman applied to a law-
for him wife
aaec isingshcer ofainfiidelity,sbut the sum-
mons was refused.
Commission of Nine to Investigate
Albany, N. Y., April 20.---.A. bill pro-
viding for the appointment of a com-
mission of nine to investigate Waal
street speculation, as recommended last
week by Governor llughes, was intro-
duced in the Sensate to -night by Sen-
ator Davis, of Buffalo. It provides for
the appointment of three members by
the Governor, three by the President
pro tem. of the Senate, and three by
the Speaker of the Assembly. The ap-
pointments must he inade within
twenty days after the passage of the
bill. The commission • must report to
the next Legislature, and $20,000 is ap-
propriated to carry on the words. The
bill was referred to the Finance Cont.
For Man Who Attempted to Assas-
sinate Alfonso.
Barcelona. April 20. --Jule Rull and
three of his accomplices, who had been
on trial here for eomplicity in the recent
series of bomb explosions and anarchist
outrages, were yesterday found guilt
The evidence adduced showed that Rail.
and his associates were authors of the
attempt to assassinate Ring Alfonso at
Madrid and Paris, and of various out-
rages in different parts of Spain. null
was sentenced to death, a,nd the othere
to imprisonment. _
Everything Looks Well at Swift Cur-
rent, Sask.—Seed Grain a Benefit,
Swift Current, 9=oak., April 20.—Eigh-
ty-five ears of s, tiers' effects hove
been unloaded here :ince March I. About
50 per rent. of the crop is in this dis-
trict, and the weather for the farmers
is ideal. One prominent pian who has
been in the district for a number of
years and who has taken a great inter-
est in farming says he has never seen
the land in bettor condition n.t this time
of year than it is at present.
The farmers say there is nothing hut
praise coming to the flovernment for
furnishing seed grain, and the C. P. R.
for the way in which the grain has been
handled, The furnishing of seed grain
has certainly been a great help to many
in this district.
Over Hundred Thousand Miners Will
Return to Work.
A Wheeling, \tT, V.^., despatch; All
contracts between the United Mine
Workers and Operators1 with the pos-
sible exception of Illinois, will be
signed by tho 1i c,f May, said Pres-
ident Lewis of . the Miners' Union,
who was in the city today, "Mat-
ters will have progressed to such: an
extent," said Mr. Lewis, "by Thurs-
day of this week that 105,000 miners
in Ohio. Indiana incl Pennsylvania
will return to work pending district
enitlonents ietm'."