HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-03-13, Page 8The .a<ur ch Herald.. ...:.wu..sau;saaectaccual:wt1b.,ren.. RI,1rox.anvFieal MStEefpRy}"C5}`l�i rd�V,�t' SI? Err 0.) Mr. Mer +er has been away for a week Visiting all the Big Dry Goods Wholesalers in Lon on and Toronto. a e Sefll '{ _':S e p? The Wholesalers are compelled to sell owl g to the tightness of money, therefore the purchaser who p.. ys Spot Cash gets Big Discounts and this is handed to our Customers. New Dress Fabrics. Are ready for inspection. Bigger assortment, prettier colorings and weaves, and lower prices than you will be likely to find eleswhere. Harris Tweeds in stripes, the new goods for suits nothing newer to be had. SILKS Silks are being worn more this spring, than ever before. Chiffon Taffata, being very fashionable, in. brown, navy and black, 14 yds of chif- fon taffata, will make a very dressy and durable dress. •Talneline and Jap silks also fashionable, showing all w shades. Chiffon Taffata We are showing this goods in all the new shades, Tan, Brown and Navy. This goods is a nice weight suitable for waists and skirt, or suits. Panamas and Voiles Are very strong this season. black voile, is being worn very much, and copen-hagan, blue, in the new shade, also a new shade in brown and navy. VENETIANS This goods has a nice satin fin- ish, looks well and is very servieable, we are showing this in all the shades, black, brown, navy, green and red. Ladies Ready To Wear New Spring rackets. tight and loose fitting looks very dressy. Shirts. Made up in grey and brown mixed, tweeds, trimmed of self goods. Waists. Silk waists, white, brown and. navy, Nett waists, white only. Long Gloves to match. Lawn Waists, We have never shown a larger assortment, than wo are show- ing this season, odds New India linens, and Persian laws, embroderies, and laces, spring assortment complete. PRI NTS 200 patterns to choose from, surely we can suit the most particu lar buyer, with as large an asscrt- ment, we have the prints to back up the statement, prices 5cts up to 14. a d'& is Y 1 fIUSLINS White, with ribbon stripes, also showing some nice checked patterns, nice goods for dresses and waists we are showing one special in this line at 5 cts per yard. Dresden muslins, dainty patterns, very pretty for dres- ses. LIN OLEUM Tiine is here, 8 patterns to choose from, 4 yds wide. WALL PAPER We are showing a big range of wall papers, We are selling borders same price as wall and ceiling.,. Headquarters For House Furnishings New shipment of Carpet squares, Jute, Tapestry and Axminster, rang- ing in price from $2.75 to $22.00 Stair pads and Carpet Paper, Lace Curtains. Onr stock is complete and our prices are cut very close. "61n itrrnr sT , ,f1218, fen ) "ry A 1 •. 12 r "2" {�.! 1.Y.l :5 �. f t 1,. t y 1 z i, Y . GtP Advertise in THE HERALD. Read by everybody in the section �+-£. -.E+, +'-t+'-e+ e, 'U. 434- -.+s•+sa43•43+ -+sd- • uric S e�: In :4 sae Store • NF you want Good Shoes for Winter wear, it matters little where you get them so long as you get them right. We always buy the 4 best that's manufactured in Canada; new goods and up-to-date; you can here rely on getting the most serviceable and best in Leather Goods that 4 you can buy:anywhere. P. BENDER Zurich •Ei'+E+, 4e+4h b£+1b ?Ilr 1111fr +3- ,or w+3- r3•' +3-W3-+E+�3s- ..E,,c�� Clubbing rates., F'We have made arrangements to offer the following low clubbing rates with THE HERALD : Daily Globe . . $ 4.25 Mail & Empire 4.25 Weekly Globe . 1.75 „ Mail•& Empire 1.60 Berliner Journal (German) 2.50 Family Herald & Star 1.60 Daily Advertiser Weakly Advertiser Weekly Sun Farmer's Advocate Farming World 2.25 1.50 1.75 2.25 1.25 MARKET REPORT.—The fol- lowing is the report of Zurich, markets corrected up to Thursday Barley.... . 62 to 63 Peas 80 80 Bran 23.00 Shorts •.. 25.00 Oats. 50 50 Wheat. 91 91 Hay .. ..... 12,00 Dried apples 5 5 Cover seed 10.00 11,00 Potatoes .,,... 45 45 Butter • 25 25 Eggs 20 20 Hogs liveweight 4.75 4.75 HENSALL MARKETS Wheat... ........ 91. 94 Oats ...,.. 53 . 53. Barley..'.... 65 66 Peas .... . 84 84 Hogs liveweigh.t...... 4,75 4.75 6.: a;Rka�,�rrq'. it1 ,iy:ur , yt. �, Via, ti� s � �:lk Golden Opportunity For You 1�TEVEI IN THE HISTORY OF ZURICH A Y did your dollars pull such a load. of Furinture than just now. The stock must be sold, as we are going to build. The roof of the present building must be pulled down; then you see we have no room to store up furniture. Besides this the Factories have advanced all prices for 1908. Now is your time to stock up. WELL, Manager. C. HARTLEIB, Zurich