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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Herald, 1908-03-13, Page 5The Zurich DON'T WAIT till the last minute to select your HOLIDAY GIFTS My Showcases are Brim Full of all kinds of WATCHES, JEW ELLEY RINGS, Etc., Etc. Only the Best in Each Line NO Plated Rings in stock "Prices the Lowest" "Goods the Best" E. W. Ii ESS, JEWELLER P. S. A pair of Gold Spex make a slice present for your mother. Big Clearing Up Sale In order to reduce our Stock before opening up our Spring Goods, we have decided to have a 'BIG CLEARING G SALE to commence TUESDAY, FEB. 4th continuing to Feb. 25th, and will give our cnstomess an op- portunity of securing bargains, in Dress Goods, Wrapperetts, Prints, Shirtings, Underwear, Hats, t;apss Raincoats, Shoes, Crockery, Graniteware, etc. A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL. EXETER. Messrs. Snell & Rowe have mov- ed their stock into the Johns Blook. Fred Kerr of Crediton, was high man with 20 straight at the blue - rock match held here on Thursday last A public meeting of the fruit growers, will be held in the Town Hall, on Saturday. Rev. W, H, Hannan, secretary of the Lord's Day Alliance, a,ddres- sed a large audience in Trivitt Memorial Church, on Wednesday. R. N. Doug! s, BLAKE Tickling or dry Coughs will quickly loosen when using Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. And it is so thoroughly harmless, that Dr Shoop tells mothers to use nothing else, even for very young babies. The wholesome green leaves and tender steins of a lung healing mountainous shrub give the cura- tive properties to Dr Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sensitive bronchial mem- branes. No opium, no chloroform, nothing harsh used to injure or suppress. Demand Dr Shoop's, Take no other. Sold by All Dealers. rosezzsmammoseuagsfma That New Winter Suit. When looking for your new Winter Suit, do not forget, to give us a call, We have aa, fine range of Tweeds, Worsteds, etc., to choose from. Our prices are as cheap as any. Suits made at short notice. We also have a large number of Samples to select from. Laundry in connection. W. H. HOFF AN trsy:o ., •„ tyt ■ .. ZURICH ■ ■ ■ MEAT MARKET WE keep in stock a I1 full line o fresh heats, hams, etc. etc Our cuts are noted for their tenderness and wholesomeness. Our aim is to keep nothing but the best. We make our own sausages. Give us a call. YUN BLUT BEICHERT. eart Strer?. , t Herald. STANLEY TQWNSHI P The rain storm of Friday again spoiled the sleighing heavy loads. A sleigh load of people .from utile Lino spent a very at the home o£ Mr. Whale of the Bronson pine Friday evening, Mr, Robert Pen - hale and some friends from d were present. Mx. Carl Huston had a very narrow escape last week. working in the bush he was sir the falling of a limb and. laid off work for a few daps, A very .pleasant evening spent at the home of Mr. W. last B'riday evening by a sleigh load from the Sauble bine, Mr. Robert Snowden and Alfred Westlake took some cattle to (3; oderich last Sat y• Mr. Robert Snowden has gad four men to cat wood week in the home bush, Mr. Thomas Turner was laid with La Grippe last week. The new bridge at Bayfield about half completed the weather compelled the rnon work on Sunday for fear of going away. We are sorry the county council did not see err way clear to put up a bridge wide enough for two rigs to only being fourteen feet the old ono was sixteen feet was too narrow. Mr. Robert Turner left for O Sound Thursday, to work on R. boat. Mr. Alex Masse hired the Westlake Bros. for summer. Remember .that.when the Stom- ach nerves fail or weaken Dyspep- sia or Indigestion must follow. Bnt, strengthen weak inside nerves with Shoop's Restorative, and quickly heialth will again re- turn. Weak Heart and eau also be strengthened the restorative, where palpitation, or Kidney � ess is found . Dont drug .Stomach nor stimulate the . Kidneys That is wrong. he cause of these ailments. these weak with Dr. Slihops Restora- tive and get well. �. sini.ple, will surely t,� ti`• ' r sal All Doalci�«a;� .has for the Sa pleasant evening1 R P© FriBay. fief While struck bywas was Madge igh Mr. nice fat ur- da em. plc this up is soft to the ice that the their idge pass it wide and it HENSALL Cooper Forrest is able to be out again after a severe illness. Simon Stahl founder of the Observer is manager of a Hailey - bury weekly. Another Bachelor's Ball was held in the Opera House on Mon- day evening. Tony Vita's orches- tra of London supplied the music. Rev. Mr. Herman, Seeretaey for the Lord's Day Alliance addressed a meeting of the Hensall branch in the Methodist Church on Tues- day last. He very eloquently presented the needs and triumphs of the association. The following officers were elected for Hensall branch:—Pres, Dr. Ferguson, Vice. Presidents, all the resident minis- ters, Secretary W. McKay, Trea- surer, J. 0. Stoneman. Representa- tives of the three Churches on Executive, Methodist G. F. Yun;- blur,, Enghsh G. C. Petty, Carmel, T. Cameron. DASHWOOD The Y. P. A. gave a most splen- did programme at their business meeting on Monday evening. The program throughout was of a high order but we feel to give special mention to the exercises rendered by the children which shows that the work of the Su- perintendent is well above average. We hope at the end of each month a similar entertainment may be given, Mr, Ed. Seibert who has been at- tending a business college has completed his course and is now clerking in his father's store. Heart Strength, or Heart weakness. means Nerve 'Strength, or Nerve weakness—nothing more. P08. ,itively, not ono weak heart in a hundred is, in it. ,self, actually diseased. It is almost always a ,hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. ,This obscure nerve—the Cardiac, or heart Ne, vo --simply needs, and must have, more power, snore `stability, more controlling, more governing !strength. Without that the Heart must continue ,to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also have 'these same controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine, Dr. iShoop's Restorative has In the past done so much •i for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought !the cause of all this pain ful, palpitating, suflocat.- ling heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative—this popular prescription—is alone directed to these Tweak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; it"strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di- pgestion, strengthen these ,nerves — re•estabiish them as needed. with Dar. Shoop 98 Re #orativ "ALL DEALERS" CANADIAN NEWS A new public school to cost $14,000 will be erected at Niagara Falls. Philip A. Small, of Hamilton, for 27 years with the Bell Tele- phone Company, is dead, Three miles below Welland 350 feet of the east bank of the canal has slid into the water. The Dominion Government will bo asked to cut a Canadian channel in the Detroit River. Hamilton board of works asks $52,000 for general purposes, and $42,500 for lighting, Rheumatism lessons the tendency of the sufferer to take consump- tion, says Sir Dyee Duckworth. TwoInen at Moncton are charged by the Purity League with dis- tributing liquor to the electors. A map showing the land grants to railways has been issued by the Department of the Interior. Girard, M. P. P., of Compton, will move to prohibit the sale of liquor in the legislative buildings. St. Thomas will have a mail de livery shortly. There will be both morning and afternoon deliveries. Mr. J. I, Moore, of Stratford, was severly inured at Goderich the other day by falling into the turntable. Mayor Payette, of Montreal, will endeavor to get the Prince of Wales to visit that city while he is in Canada. Owen a C. P. again withthe toni- ac always fo these same Dr. then see howre- ttKidney nervesiened withHeart pains,reek- n the .b Heart or((3 o to t lents. Strengtheninside nervessingle teste by. Mr. Ira Brown of Crediton ac- companied by his sister spent Sunday at the home of his Uncle, Mr. Wm. Seibert. Mr. Ash of Unionville is at pre- sent looking after the interest of the Farmer's Bank in this place. Mr. Ja'iob Kellerman who has '.ten a General Merchant in this place for the past twenty years, last week disposed of his business to Messrs Ezra Tiernan and George Edighoffer who are well and favor- ably known in this place. We speak for the new firm the same liberal patronage as was accorded to Mr. Kellerman. The membership of the Alliance was increased by six at the busi nese meeting on Monday night. Rev. L. K. Eidt received mem- bers into the Evangelical Church on Sunday evening. Five names were enlisted. Mr. Henry Guenther has dispos- ed of his farm to Messrs Felix Wild and Henry L. Kraft res- pectively Mr. Henry Kraft has since disposed of half of his por- tion to Mr. Jacob Zeller. Mr Guenther will hold an Auction sale of his stock and implements on Saturday afternoon. Mr. Daniel Schroeder Auction Sale of his stock plenients on Wednesday. Mr. Ezra Tiernan has leased Mr. Peter Kraft's dwelling for a term. On Sunday next Rev. L. H. Wag- ner of Berlin, P. E. for the West district will conduct sacrament service in the Evangelical Church, held- an and ini- 6 - WE WANT A Reliable Local Salesman for Zurich. and adjoining country to represent Canada's Greatest NURSERIES Largest list of commerical and domestic fruits—large and small; ornamentals and shade trees ; flow- ering shrubs. vines, roses ; fine seed potatoes one of our specialties. Stock that is hardy comes from us A permanent situatiou for right man, for whom territory will be reserved. Pay Weekly ; Free Equipment. Write for Particulars. Stone & Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES' ( 850 ACRES. ) TORONTO ONTARIO Thomas Demsy, a lunatic of Rob- lin Man., committed suicide by cutting his throat on a train on the way to an asylum. A deficit of $800 in the accounts of the municipal telephone system of Fort William may mean an in- crease in the rates. William Fletcher., a 70 -year-old farther, living near Port Credit. was burned in his dwelling Sat- urday night- His daughter had a very narrow escape. Mr. E. A. Alldis, a real estate dealer of utratford, was convicted of obtaining money under false pretences. Tho action was the result of a real estate transfer. Tho bill extending the time of construction of the St. Clair and Erie shipbuilding canal, was given its third reading in the House of Jommons on Monday. WEST SHORE ELECTRIC. The promoters of this scheme claim the action of the Town Council in opposing their applica- tion to the Legislature for an ex- tension of time is unreasonable and based on a misapprehension of the situation. They quote the foliowing section from the act passed May 14, 1906: "And if the construction of the railway is not commenced and fifteen per cent, of the amount of the capital stock is not expended there on within two years after the passing of this act, or if the railway is not completed and put in operation within four years from the passing of this act, then the powers granted to the said col': parry by the said act of in- corporation, and by this act, shall cease. and be null and void. as re- spects so much of the railway as then remains uncompleted." This the promoters desire to have amended thus: "The time for the completion of the whole undertaking referred to in the said act of incorporation and in this act is hereby extended until the 14th day of May, 1912' and the time for tilt payment of fifteen per cent, of the amount of the capital stock of the said comp- any is hereby extended to the 14th day of May, 1900." They point out that it is absolute• ly impossible to expend 15 per cent of the capital stock by May 14th next, and that' the completion of the road, for which an extension to 1912 is asked, means the entire line from Owen Sound to Sarnia, and not merely the Goderich•Kin• merlin() line, and they claim these amendments or extensions in no way invalidate or contravene the bylaws passed in the several muni- cipalities.—Goderich Star. Pain can be quickly stopped. A 25 cent box of Dr, Shoop's head- ache Tablets will kill any pain, everywhere, in 20 minutes ! Besides they are thoroughly safe. Painful periods with women, neuralgia, etc., quickly cease after one tablet. Mr. Joseph Eidt has purchased a grist mill in Linwood. He is now offering his properly in the village for sale, Mr. Eidt has long lived here and he and the family will be much missed here, but our loss will be Linwood's gain. Miss Minnie Finkbeiner, is on the sick list, with an affection of the throat. We hope she may soon be alright again. A meeting of the Directors and Officers of the Huron Weather In- suranoe'Go.. was held here on Sat- urday afternoon. Dr. Routledge had a call fi cm near Crediton, on Monday, THE MARCH ROD AND GUN, Hunting takes the pride of plane in the March number of "Rod and Gun and Motor Sports in Canada" published by W. J. Taylor, at Woodstock, Ont, From the fasci- nating sport of caribou hunting in Newfoundland we are taken to deer stalking in the Gatineau Valley, hunting on a Quebec preserve, a successful hunt in Muskoka ; while an unsuccessful one in New Bruns- wick, proves that hunters are sometimes prepared to tell of their failures as well as to boast of their successes. The C. P. R. Wolf Hunt is told about, while a bear hunt is also described. These papers are varied by an excel lent one on the Bloodhound, and the thoughtful and poetical address before the Cana- dian Club at Toronto entitled "The Protection of the Wild and the Things of the Wild" by Cy War- man is given in full. Some rough backwoods experiences show ' the reality as compared with the glit- ter of the life on the frontiers of civilization, though the latter must retain its attractions for many men. Good illustrations are a fea- of this number and the de- partments are all abreast of the other contents of the magazine, making it creditable alike to the publisher and the Dominion, the attractions of which from a sport loving point of view it presents to the world. Sereula Bornais, a 13 -year-old boy living near Tilbury, on Sun- day drove into the creek and was drowned. The ice jam was dyna- mited. but the boy's body has not been found. Hector McBean, of Berlin, was arrested on Monday charged with receiving stolen goods, in connec- tion with the thievings of Henry Shafter, recently arrested in that town. M. Edward Brown, leader of the Liberal party in Manitoba, during the last general election, predicts that local option will carry in every municipality in Manitoba except Winnipeg, Bran- don and Portage la Prairie. Of the 355 returns brought down in the house of Commons since San. 1, 1906, A. E. Lefurgey kept one for 201 days and returned it in a mutilated condition, and Mr. H. B Ames took one which he never returned at all. The motion to quash the Colling- wood bylaw raising the liquor license fee to $2,500, came up at Osgoode Hall Monday, but was enlarged until Wednesday. The claim is made that the bylaw prohibits the sale of liquor, which the council has not the power. A charge of cruelty to animals will be preferred against a farmer living near Chatham, who is said to have starved several cattle be- longing to a Chatham man. The farmer was to get so much per head for wintering them, but failed to feed them. BLAKE DEATH OF J. BLATCHFORD. Sincere regret was felt and ex- pressed throughout this entire community when it was learned on Thursday that John Blatchford had been called away. In his death each individual felt that a good man had been called to his reward. The deceased was born in Devonshire, England and carne to this country, when quite young in 1852. He first settled with his parents in Darlington, but the next year mov- ed to Usborne tp., where he resided till about 18 years ago when he moved to Hensall. He was a de- voted Methodist, being choir lead- er, class leader anti filling various important positions with credit. He had a clear and intelligent con- ception of scriptural truth. The funeral took plane on Saturday and was attended by a large number. An appropriate service was held in the Methodist Church, after which the interment took place in Hensall Union Cemetery. Besides his widow who survive him, he leaves a num- ber of brothers and sisters to mourn his loss, Frank of Usborne, Rev. Thomas of Ripley, Dr. Blatohford, Clinton, Mich ; Archibald of Hen- sall, William of St. Mary, Richard, of Usborne, Joseph of North Dako- ta, Mrs. Geo, Brown, Mrs. W. Welsh of Hensall, and Mrs. Thomp- son of Toronto--Hensall Observer. The regular meeting of the Wo- man's Missionary Society, was held in the church on Tuesday last. Mr. Geo. Douglas of Seaforth paid our village a visit this week. Rev. Mr. Gould, missionary of Fornlesa, who is home on furlough will preach here on Sunday after- noon, Sugar -makers have already be- gun the season's operations, and so far the run is good, The roads in this neighborhood, are not in very good shape there being neither sleighing nor wheel- ing. 'Mr. Holtz sold a valuable two- year-old driver, to Mr. Capling. Sold by All Dealers. The swampers have about wound up another seasons operation in Married. 'aflTH—BLOHI.Iix•—At the residence of the bride's parents, Mi•. and Mrs, Joel Bechler, Babylon Line, Hay, by Rev. C. O, J. Maass, Miss Sarah Beclller, to Mr. Henry Smith, of Howell, Sask., former- ly of the 14th Con. Hay, the wood line. Mr. Robt. P. Douglas, accompan- ied by his niece Miss Edith Sparks, left on Wednesday for the West. Blake's good wishes follow then.. Robt. Douglas Sr . is confined to the house. David Beattie sold a horse this week to a buyer from Clinton. pitsweranusaccamcaseiatantcuasermuccoramtam CVRiS son This remedy can always be depended upon and is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or ether harmful drug and may be given as confi- dently to a baby as to an adult. Price 25 cents, large size 50 cents. mrfithemunmelt